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Post Graduate Diploma in Food Safety &

Quality Management




Name: Nidhi Chitlangia

Enrollment No.: 159660010

Study Centre: Interfield Laboratories, Kochi

Centre Code: Kochi / 14114 P

Regional Centre: Kaloor, Kochi, Kerala


1. Project Title

2. Introduction

3. Objectives

4. Hypothesis

5. Proposed methodology

6. Conclusion


1. Approved proforma of project proposal

2. Bio data of the Supervisor

MVPP – 001








Quality, though familiar to everyone, is one of the most important issues that all sectors have

focused on in the last 20 – 30 years. As markets have become much more competitive, quality

has become a key ingredient for success in today’s business. Quality has become a prime focus

of business attention because of the impact it has had on sustained performance and customer

satisfaction. The quality movement has been growing throughout the world for many years now.

In a lay mans words, quality refers to a parameter which decides the superiority or inferiority of a

product or service. Over the years the various parameters of quality have been monitored by the

departments of Quality Control (QC) and Quality Assurance (QA) at various organizations. The

concept of quality management however, is relatively new. In a sense, it is a "first cause"

approach to quality assurance, as it approaches the issue of quality from many different angles. It

has four main components: quality planning, quality control, quality assurance and quality

improvement. Quality management focuses not only on product and service quality, but also on

the means to achieve it. It could be defined as the act of overseeing all activities and tasks needed

to maintain a desired level of excellence.

“To me, quality is a state of mind… The relentless pursuit of excellence, of never being
satisfied with what you do, how you do it and how quickly you do it. There is always room for
improvement. Everything can always be done better. Quality should be a part of our soul.”

Jan D. Timmer, Former President of Philips Electronics

Total Quality Management (TQM) is a continuous effort by the management as well as each

employee of a particular organization to ensure long term customer loyalty and customer

satisfaction. TQM is a people focused management system approach, not a separate area or

programme, and an integral part of high level strategy. It works horizontally across functions and

departments, involving all employees, top to bottom, and exceeds backwards and forwards to

include the supply chain and the customer chain.

A TQM effort is unique in that it requires a high level of commitment to an established

philosophy, with every member of the organization not only familiar with the end goal but also

committed to it – a dedication many attribute to the self-motivation of employees through

reward-based incentives. Time and again, it has been proved that the culture of total quality

management has had a positive impact on nearly every process within an organization.

Organizations across the globe that have implemented TQM have seen increased output and

customer satisfaction.

Today, with the rising customer needs and demands, it would be safe to say that Quality and

Total Quality Management is the need of the hour; crux of time; and the present Dharma of all.

“Total Quality Management is a philosophy for managing an organization in a way which

enables it to meet stakeholder needs and expectations efficiently and effectively, without
compromising ethical values”

The Chartered Quality Institute


The primary objectives of the project work are:

1. Understanding the basic concepts of quality and quality management systems

2. Understanding Total Quality Management

∑ Definitions, elements and basic concepts

∑ Principles of TQM

∑ Potential benefits of TQM

∑ Fundamental requirements to establish TQM

∑ Strategic planning

∑ TQM models

∑ Strategies to develop the TQM process

∑ Steps to creating a TQM system

3. Case study: Symega Flavours India [P] Ltd.

∑ Understanding the day to day activities of the establishment

∑ Assessing and understanding the performance indicators and department


∑ Conducting a gap analysis using various tools and techniques

∑ Establishing whether or not TQM is required to be implemented in the



Total Quality Management (TQM) has captured the worldwide attention in recent years. TQM

has become a buzzword for all the successful business organizations world over. All

organizations have realized the potential benefits of TQM approach.

The importance of TQM has been further uplifted by the following:

1. It has become a question of survival in the intense competitive environment

2. Increasing customer consciousness all over the world

3. Need for earning profit instead of making profit

4. Crucial role played by organizational issues, such as leadership, human resource,

revolution in information technology, etc., in quality management.


The proposed methodology to carry forward this project work has been described below:
4. Literature study based on basic concepts of quality and quality management systems

5. Literature study on total quality management (TQM)

6. Interaction with relevant individuals to develop a deeper understanding of TQM, its

practical importance and approach in the industry

7. Visit to the food establishment for primary study on day to day activities

8. Interaction with HODs and top management to understand the desired department

objectives and performance indicators.

9. Identifying and establishing critical success factors of the organization

10. Studying of TQM approach models through the following strategies:

∑ TQM element approach

∑ Guru approach

∑ Organization model approach

11. Conducting a gap analysis using various tools such as checklists / spreadsheets, cause and

effect diagrams, 5 why analysis, Mc Kinsey 7S etc.

12. Conclusion: Establishing whether or not TQM is required to be implemented at Symega

Flavours India [P] Ltd.


The project work focuses on understanding the concepts of quality, quality management systems

and a detailed study of the process and implementation of total quality management in a food

establishment. This is further continued with a case study on a food establishment that shall

consider implementing TQM if it is proved to be relevant in filling any gaps in the existing

processes and feasible to the organization.

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