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WIND ENERGY Wind Energ. 2009; 12:375390 Published online 29 October 2008 in Wiley Interscience ( DOI: 10.1002/we.


Research Article

Incorporation of a New Wind Turbine Generating System Model into Distribution Systems Load Flow Analysis
Ulas Eminoglu*, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Nigde University, Nigde, Turkey Bahtiyar Dursun*, Department of Energy Systems, Gebze Institute of Technology, Kocaeli, Turkey M. Hakan Hocaoglu*, Department of Electronics Engineering, Gebze Institute of Technology, Kocaeli, Turkey

Key words: distributed generation; wind turbine generating systems; radial distribution systems; forward/backward sweep algorithms, load ow analyses

This paper describes a new model for wind turbine generating systems (WTGSs) that is widely used as distributed generation sources. The model is developed by using the bi-quadratic equation, which is generally used for the calculation of the line voltages in distribution systems load flow analysis, and facilitates computation of real and reactive power outputs of the WTGSs for a specified wind speed and terminal voltage. The developed model is validated with an experimental setup composed by an induction generator coupled with an induction motor as a prime mover. In addition to that, measured values are also compared with the calculated values, obtained by using the turbine models found in the literature. The incorporation of the developed model into some well-known distribution systems load flow algorithms is detailed. The effect of WTGSs on the power losses, voltage profile of radial distribution systems are evaluated for the sample test systems. Additionally, the performance of the load flow algorithms with the new model are examined and found to be robust and reliable. Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Received 14 January 2008; Revised 28 May 2008; Accepted 13 September 2008

Load ow analysis is an important issue in power system planning and operational studies. In the last few decades, efcient and reliable load ow solution techniques, such as Gauss-Seidel and Newton-Raphson,1,2 have been developed and widely used for power system operation, control and planning in the transmission level. Although there was no need for the load ow analysis in the distribution level historically, development in the distribution automation such as using real-time application programs, i.e. SCADA systems, and installation of distributed generators (DGs) necessitate the power ow analysis in the distribution level as well. However, it has repeatedly been shown that the conventional Newton-Raphson and Gauss-Seidel algorithms may become inefcient in the analysis of distribution systems, because of the special features of such networks, i.e. radial structure, high R/X ratio and unbalanced loads. These characteristic features make the

* Correspondence to: M. Hakan Hocaoglu, Department of Electronics Engineering, Gebze Institute of Technology, Kocaeli 41400, Turkey. E-mail:

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U. Eminoglu, B. Dursun and M. H. Hocaoglu

distribution systems power ow computation different and somewhat difcult to analyse as compared with the transmission systems when the conventional power ow algorithms are used.3 As a result, a robust and efcient power ow solution method that must be able to contain the special features of distribution systems is required. Recently, many researchers have paid attention to obtain the load ow solution of distribution networks, and accordingly, various methods are available in the literature to carry out the analysis of balanced and unbalanced radial distribution systems.413 Methods developed for the solution of radial distribution systems may be divided into two categories. The rst type of methods, i.e. developed in Zhang and Cheng, as well as Teng,4,5 is utilized by proper modication of existing methods such as Newton-Raphson and Gauss-Seidel. On the other hand, the second group of methods613 is based on forward and/or backward sweep processes using Kirchoffs Laws or making use of the well-known bi-quadratic equation. Because of its low memory requirements, computational efciency and robust convergence characteristics, forward/backward sweep-based algorithms have gained the most popularity for distribution systems load ow analysis. These sweep-based algorithms generally take advantage of the radial network topology and consist of forward and/or backward sweep processes. The forward sweep mainly consists of node voltage calculations by using Kirchoffs Laws6,7 or the bi-quadratic equation813 from the sending end to the far end of a feeder and laterals, and the backward sweep is primarily branch current and/or power summation from the far end to the sending end of the feeder and/or laterals. Distributed generations are dened as the generation that is dispersed throughout a utilitys service territory and either connected to the utilitys distribution system or grid isolated. DG technologies include photovoltaics, wind turbines, fuel cells, small- and micro-sized turbine packages and so on. These technologies are entering a period of rapid expansion and commercialization. During the last decade, many electric power systems around the world have been deregulated and DG is predicted to play an increasing role in the electric power system in the near future. The introduction of DG sources on distribution systems can signicantly impact the ow of power and voltage condition at customers and utility equipment.14 These impacts include: Voltage support and improved power quality; Loss reduction; Transmission and distribution capacity release; and Improved utility system reliability.

In fact, power system operation may be adversely impacted by the introduction of DGs if certain minimum standards for control, installation and placement are not maintained. For proper installation and placement, realistic load ow analysis has to be performed. Hence, DGs must be included to the power ow analysis with their representative features. One of the most favoured energy sources for DGs is the wind-driven energy production systems, i.e. wind turbine generating systems (WTGSs).15 The use of WTGSs has been gaining popularity worldwide for electricity generation since it is clean, environmentally friendly and a free source. Its most important feature is that it removes dependency to other countries in the energy sector since it is locally available. It is also acknowledged that they are competitive with the conventional bulk electricity generation systems on cost account. Because of its importance and advantages among various distributed generation sources, the effects of the wind farms on the grid should be properly investigated. Accordingly, these types of DG sources must be modelled with adequate details but without causing any computational burden for the analysis. Recently, several models have been developed for WTGSs in the literature,1619 the effect of these models on the system characteristics, i.e. power ow convergence and voltage stability limits are also rigorously analysed.20 Feijoo and Cidras16 were the rst to attempt to model the WTGSs. Their models are based on the steadystate model of the induction machine that is widely used in WTGSs in electricity generations. They proposed two different models for load ow analysis. Their rst model is called PQ model, whose reactive power is
Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Wind Energ 2009; 12:375390 DOI: 10.1002/we

Distribution Systems Load Flow Analysis


expressed as a function of the WTGSs mechanical power input, i.e. wind speed. The other model is called RX, whose active and reactive power are calculated by using induction machines equivalent circuit parameters. Divya and Rao17 also developed models of various types of WTGSs based on a steady-state model of the induction machine using classical slip formulation that relates the terminal powers with the speed of the machine. In the model, active power is obtained from the manufacturer-supplied power curve of the WTGS. In this model, the slip equation of the induction machine is written in a quadratic form and solved numerically. Cutsem and Vournas18 expressed induction machine powers using the slip of the machine. As a result, a closed form of expression for the machines output active and required reactive powers are provided as a function of terminal voltage and the rotor slip. In the study of Hatziargyriou et al.,19 the authors have developed a probabilistic model for the wind turbines. In the model, induction generator is considered as a special load type that absorbs reactive power from the network, so reactive power is expressed as a positive sign and an active power negative sign. Coath and AlDabbagh20 investigated the effect of steady-state wind turbine generator models such as squirrel-cage induction generator, doubly fed induction generator and direct-drive synchronous generator on power ow convergence characteristics and voltage stability limit. In addition to these, various modelling approaches of wind-driven power generating systems are compared by giving particular emphasis to the power systems stability problems. It has also been pointed that the wind turbine modelling is far from mature and needs to be validated particularly for stability studies.21 Although the most favourite type of the generators sold today for the WTGSs is the double-fed induction generator type of machines, the installed capacity of the WTGSs is overwhelmingly based on the traditional xed speed induction generators.22 Therefore, modelling of this type of generators is still an important task; for this reason, in the rst part of this paper, an analytical model for xed-speed induction machine-based WTGSs is developed, and then the validity of the model is tested on a laboratory-scale test system. The results are also compared with the results of the existing WTGS models.1618 Second, the incorporation of the model into the distribution systems sweep-based load ow algorithms is described. The effect of WTGSs on the power losses, voltage prole of radial distribution systems and on the performance of the sweep-based load ow algorithms are thoroughly analysed in the last section of the paper.

Modelling of the Wind Turbine Generating Systems

In recent years, wind energy systems have been attracting the most attention because of the fact that they are an environmentally friendly technology and have become cost-competitive compared with conventional forms of power generation.23 A wind turbine system is a system that converts the wind turbines mechanical energy obtained from the wind into electrical energy through a generator. In a wind turbine, energy conversion from the wind is described by a cubic relation of the wind speed Pm = 1 R 2C p( , )u3 2 (1a) (1b)

wr R u

where r is the density of air (kg/m3), Cp is the power coefcient, b is the pitch angle of rotor blades (degree), u is the wind speed (m/s), R is the rotor radius (m), and wr is the angular velocity (rpm). It has been shown that (Cp) is dependent on the tip speed ratio, l, and the pitch angle, b.15 The relationship between power coefcient and the tip speed ratio for a typical system is given in Figure 1 for different pitch angles. The induction generators are generally used in wind turbine for electricity generation and modelled with standard equivalent circuit from using the concept of a rotating transformer.1619 Consequently, they are generally modelled by a ve- or six-element circuit that is closely related to the physical system and whose values
Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Wind Energ 2009; 12:375390 DOI: 10.1002/we


U. Eminoglu, B. Dursun and M. H. Hocaoglu

Figure 1. Characteristic curves of a wind turbine for different pitch angles

remain constant by ignoring magnetic saturation and thermal nonlinearity. Recently, several models have been developed for WTGS, especially for induction machines1618 that are the most used electrical generators for the systems.22 Feijoo and Cidras16 proposed two models based on the steady-state equivalent circuit of the induction generator. According to the authors, wind farms with asynchronous generators can be modelled as PQ or RX buses in the load ow analysis. When the WTGS node is modelled as a PQ bus, produced active and consumed reactive power is dened, as given in Table I. It could be seen that generated active power is expressed as a function of the wind speed as in equation (1). On the other hand, consumed reactive power is calculated with a quadratic equation that depends on active power and is given in equation (2a). The other model in the paper is called the RX bus model, in which active and reactive powers are calculated by using equivalent circuit parameters of the induction machine. While active power is dened by equation (2b), which is based on slip formulation, consumed reactive power is, again, expressed as a function of the machine slip as given in equation (2c). Both are solved iteratively using a Newton-type algorithm. The implementation of the RX model into forwardbackward sweep-based algorithms is found to be problematic, and therefore excluded from this study, and the PQ model is used for the analyses. Divya and Rao17 developed models of various types of WTGSs based on the steady-state model of the used electrical machines. In the model that is developed for stall-regulated, and xed-speed induction, machinedriven WTGSs mechanical input power is obtained from the power curve, generally provided by wind turbine manufacturers or calculated by equation (1). By taking mechanical power as equal to the machines electrical power, Pe, the slip equation of the induction machine is written in a quadratic form and solved using equation (2d). Consequently, reactive powers on the machine terminal are computed by using the terminal voltage and the calculated slip of the machine using equivalent circuit parameters of the machine, i.e. rotor and stator leakage reactance, magnetizing reactance and resistances as given in equation (2e). Cutsem and Vournas18 proposed various types of induction-machine modelling based on slip relation. Two different Thevenin equivalent circuits are formed by using the general equivalent circuit of the induction machine given in Figure c of Table I. Thevenin circuits are driven rst, as seen from the terminal (A-A) and
Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Wind Energ 2009; 12:375390 DOI: 10.1002/we

Distribution Systems Load Flow Analysis Table I. Induction machine models Reference Feijoo and Cidras16 Equivalent circuit
j(X1+X2) Rr+Rs


Model PQ model

Equations P from equation (1) X Xm X 2 Qe V 2 c + 2P Xc Xm V P = I r2 Rr Q = f (s )

(2a) (2b) (2c)



RX model

(1 s ) s

Divya and Rao17
R1 Xl1 Xl2

PQ model

P from equation (1) s = min b b 2 4ac 2a

2 2




a = Pe R12 ( X l1 + X m ) + Pe ( X m X l 2 + X l1( X l 2 + X m )) 2 2 V R1( X l 2 + X m )

2 2 b = 2 Pe R1 R2 X m V R2 X m 2 2 2 c = Pe R2 ( X l1 + X m ) + Pe ( R2 R1 ) V R1 R2 2 2 2 2 X m X l 2 s 2 ( X m + X l 2 ) + X l 1s 2 ( X m + X l 2 ) V 2 2 + R 2( X m + X l1 ) Qe = 2 2 R1 R2 + s ( X m ( X m + Xl 2 ) ( X m + Xl1 ))] [ 2 + [ R2( X m + Xl1 ) + sR1( X m + Xl 2 )]



Cutsem and Vournas18

Rs A I


Xr Ir

PQ model

R1 + jX1 =

jX m ( Rs + jX s ) Rs + j ( X s + X m ) jX m





Re + jX e =

Rs+Re(s) Xs+Xe(s) A I V

Rr + j ( X m + Xr ) s

( Rs + jX )
r r


Pe = Qe =

( Rs + Re )V 2 ( Rs + Re )2 + ( X s + X e )2 ( X s + X e )V 2 ( Rs + Re )2 + ( X s + X e )2

(2h) (2i)

R1 Ir V1 R2/s Xl+Xr B


Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Wind Energ 2009; 12:375390 DOI: 10.1002/we


U. Eminoglu, B. Dursun and M. H. Hocaoglu

then from the rotor (B-B). Both equivalent circuits are given in Table I. The equivalent circuit parameters are then used to calculate the active and reactive powers of the machine as given in equations (2h) and (2i), given that the slip is already known. All developed models and their equations for WTGSs mentioned above are tabulated in Table I. As summarized above, although there exist some sound induction generator models for the load ow analysis in the literature, their implementation into the forwardbackward sweep-based algorithms are found to be problematic in terms accuracy, convergence ability and most importantly on the complexity.

A New Model for WTGS

Let us consider the induction motor equivalent circuit referred to the stator side as given in Figure 2. The real and reactive power at the bus-r can be written as follows Pm = Qr = VsVr V2 cos ( Zsc s + r ) r cos ( Zsc ) Z sc Z sc (3a)

VsVr V2 sin ( Zsc s + r ) r sin ( Zsc ) (3b) Z sc Z sc where Vs and Vr stand for the magnitude of the stator voltage and referred rotor voltage, respectively. Zsc is the magnitude of the short-circuit equivalent impedance. Ps and Qs stand for the terminal active and reactive powers of the machine, respectively. qZsc, ds and dr show the phase angle of the short-circuit equivalent impedance and voltages, respectively. Equations (3a) and (3b) can be rewritten as cos ( Zsc s + r ) = sin ( Zsc s + r ) = using trigonometric identity cos2( Zsc s + r ) + sin 2( Zsc s + r ) = 1 (5) Pm Z sc Vr + cos ( Zsc ) VsVr Vs Qr Z sc Vr + sin ( Zsc ) VsVr Vs (4a) (4b)

and substituting equations (4a) and (4b) into equation (5), we get the bi-quadratic equation in terms of stator and referred rotor voltage and short-circuit equivalent impedance as follows
2 2 Vr4 + 2Vr2( Pm Rsc + Qr X sc ) Vs2Vr2 + ( Pm + Qr2 ) Z sc = 0


By recognizing the fact that Qr = 0, the equation can be reduced to

2 2 Vr4 + 2Vr2 Pm Rsc Vs2Vr2 + Pm Z sc = 0


Figure 2. Induction motor equivalent circuit

Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Wind Energ 2009; 12:375390 DOI: 10.1002/we

Distribution Systems Load Flow Analysis


2 It is seen from equation (7) that the squared voltage of bus-r, V r , has two solutions, and can be written as

Vr2 =

2 Rsc Pm Vs2 + 2 2 2 Rsc Pm Vs2 + + 2 2

2 2 ( 2 Rsc Pm Vs2 ) 4 Pm2 Z sc

2 2 ( 2 Rsc Pm Vs2 ) 4 Pm2 Z sc


Vr2 =


where Rsc and Xsc are the real and imaginary parts of the equivalent short circuit impedance of the machine. From the equivalent circuit, given in Figure 2, the reactive power balance can be written as in equation (9) as follows Qs = X sc
2 Pm Vs2 + Vr2 X m


Substituting the voltage [equation (8)] into the reactive power balance [equation (9)], one can get Qs = Vs2 2 X sc Rsc Pm X scVs2 X sc + + 2 2 2 Z sc 2 Z sc Xm
2 ( 2 Rsc Pm Vs2 ) 4 Pm2 Z s2c 2 2 Z sc 2 2 (2 Rsc Pm Vs2 ) 4 Pm Z s2c 2 2 Z sc


Vs2 2 X sc Rsc Pm X scVs2 X sc + 2 2 2 Z sc 2 Z sc Xm Similarly, the active power balance can be written as Qs = Ps = Pm + Rsc Substituting equation (8), into equation (11) results in Ps =
2 Vs2 2 Rsc Pm RscVs2 Rsc + + 2 2 2 Z sc 2 Z sc Rm 2 Vs2 2 Rsc Pm RscVs2 Rsc + 2 2 2 Z sc 2 Z sc Rm


2 Pm Vs2 + Vr2 Rm


2 2 ( 2 Rsc Pm Vs2 ) 4 Pm2 Z sc + P m 2

2Z sc


Ps =

2 2 2 (2 Rsc Pm Vs2 ) 4 Pm Z sc + P m 2

2Z sc


Equations (10) and (12) have a straightforward solution and depend on terminal voltage magnitude, mechanical power input and the equivalent circuit parameters of the induction machine. It is noted that for the induction generators, the mechanical power is negative because of the change on the ow of power that is transferred from rotor (bus-r) to the stator (bus-s). Since there are two solutions of real and reactive power outputs of the developed model, the required root of the equation, given in equations (10) and (12), must be determined. The variation of the active and reactive power output of the generator with different mechanical power input (Pm) are provided in Figure 3, calculated using both expressions, for a hypothetical machine. From Figure 3, depending on terminal voltage for each mechanical input, there are two possible solutions for the output active and reactive powers. For the reactive power, one of these coincides with the unstable equilibrium point of the machine. Accordingly, reactive power obtained by using equation (10a) is too high when compared with the mechanical power for each terminal voltage level and is not feasible for the induction generator modelling. On the other hand, the solution of equation (10b) remains on the feasible region. The same observation could be made from the variation of the active powers, given in Figure 3(b). Therefore, the solution of equations (10b) and (12b) are unique for the reactive and active power outputs of the induction generator, respectively. They can facilitate the computation of real and reactive powers of the induction generator for a specied wind speed and terminal voltage.
Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Wind Energ 2009; 12:375390 DOI: 10.1002/we


U. Eminoglu, B. Dursun and M. H. Hocaoglu

Figure 3. Variation of the reactive power demand (a), and generated active power (b) of the generator with the mechanical power for different terminal voltages (Vs)

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Wind Energ 2009; 12:375390 DOI: 10.1002/we

Distribution Systems Load Flow Analysis


Test Case
To validate the developed model for WTGSs, an experimental setup composed by an induction generator coupled with a controlled induction motor is used. The output active and reactive powers of the induction generator obtained by the developed model, given in equations (10b) and (12b), are compared with the measured ones. The other models developed in the literature, namely the PQ model of Feijoo and Cidras,16 and the slip-based equations of Divya and Rao17 and Cutsem and Vournas18 are also considered for the comparison. The parameters of the induction generator, used in the experimental setup, are given in Table II. The equivalent circuit parameters of the test machine are obtained by applying standard no load and blocked rotor tests. The developed model is tested for different mechanical torques of the generator as well as the different terminal voltages, and the variation of the generated active and reactive powers of the generator are provided in Figure 4 with the values that are calculated by using different models. It is seen from Figure 4a that the generated active power obtained by using developed model is in close agreement with the measured values of the experimental setup and those of models developed in Feijoo and Cidras, Divya and Rao and Cutsem and Vournas.1618 The same observation could be made from Figure 4b, in which the variation of the reactive power demand of the generator with respect to the terminal voltage is given. It is found that all models successfully estimate the reactive power demand of the machine and provide a meaningful gure for the generated active power when compared with the measured values. Therefore, it can be concluded that models are robust and facilitates the computation of real and reactive power outputs of the induction generator for a specied wind speed and the terminal voltage by recognizing that machine equivalent circuit parameters are available. It is also clear from the results that the proposed model concurs with the literature and the experimentally obtained data. On the other hand, the models proposed in Feijoo and Cidras and Divya and Rao1617 neglect the active power losses of the generator by equating mechanical power input with the output power of the generator. That introduces loss of accuracy in the produced active, and consequently, reactive power estimations. In addition, the Feijoo and Cidras model16 calculates reactive power with an approximate formula. Although Feijoo and Cidras provide an exact nonlinear equation for the reactive power that is a function of rotor slip, this system of equations is difcult to be implemented in distribution systems load ow analysis. Meanwhile, the Divya and Rao model17 requires calculation of machine slip by using a second degree equation that has multiple solutions and has a very complicated structure with multiple formulas that cause computational burden in load ow analysis. In addition, however, the equation given in Cutsem and Vournas18 is more reliable in terms of accuracy; it requires prior knowledge of the rotor slip, which is not readily available in this type of study. Consequently, they are not suitable for the implementation for the load ow analysis.

Load flow analysis including WTGSs Incorporation of WTGSs into the distribution systems load flow analysis
Because of its low memory requirements, computational efciency and reliable convergence characteristic, forward/backward sweep-based algorithms have gained the most popularity for distribution systems load ow
Table II. Induction generator circuit parameters Type of parameters Power (kW) Voltage (V) R1 (ohm) R2 (ohm) X1 (ohm) X2 (ohm) Rm (ohm) Xm (ohm) Values 1.5 380 1.656 1.656 7.384 7.384 1230 101.5

Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Wind Energ 2009; 12:375390 DOI: 10.1002/we


U. Eminoglu, B. Dursun and M. H. Hocaoglu

Figure 4. (a) Variation of the generated active power, and(b) reactive power demand of the generator with the terminal voltages (Vs) for the test system

analysis in recent years. These sweep-based power ow algorithms can be classied in two categories that are Kirchoffs formulation and bi-quadratic equation-based algorithms. For a distribution line model, given in Figure 5, Kirchhoffs Voltage Law can be written in complex form as Vs = Vr + I s Z
Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Wind Energ 2009; 12:375390 DOI: 10.1002/we

Distribution Systems Load Flow Analysis


Vr = Vs I s Z


where V s and Vr stand for phase voltages at bus-s and bus-r, respectively. Is represents the line current and Z is the line impedance. In Kirchoffs formulation-based sweep algorithms developed in Thukaram et al. and Shirmohammadi et al.,6,7 the forward sweep is mainly node voltage calculation from the sending end to the far end of a feeder or laterals using equation (13b) for each branch, and the backward sweep is primarily the branch current calculation from the far end to the sending end using Kirchoffs Current Law (KVL). For the same line, the quadratic equation, given in equation (6), can be written in terms of line sending and receiving ends voltage magnitudes and line receiving end power as follows Vr4 + 2Vr2( Pr R + Qr X ) Vs2Vr2 + ( Pr2 + Qr2 ) Z 2 = 0 (14)

The maximum real root of equation (14) gives the line receiving end voltage magnitude. The quadratic equation can also be written in terms of line sending end powers instead of receiving end powers, as given in Haque8 Vr = Vs2 2 ( Ps R + Qs X ) +

( Ps2 + Qs2 ) Z 2


where PS and QS stand for the line sending end active and reactive powers, respectively. The second type of sweep algorithms, i.e. given in Haque; Eminoglu and Hocaoglu; and Cespedes,8,9,13 is developed by solving equation (14) or using equation (15) for every branch in the forward sweep process and branch power is updated in the backward process for the load ow solution of radial distribution networks. Moreover, there are some sweep-based algorithms1012 utilized by modication of the quadratic equation, equations (14) and (15), in different forms due to its requirements of special solution techniques that may be computationally expensive. From the formulation of the sweep-based algorithms given in equations (13)(15), it is clearly seen that they only require the node powers and the main substation voltage to be known in order to calculate the node voltages. Accordingly, the developed WTGS model can easily be incorporated into the load ow analysis because of the fact that active and reactive powers of WTGSs are a function of its terminal voltage and mechanical power input for a specied wind speed, and both are available during each iteration. Thus, it can be modelled as a PQ-bus for each iteration with its active power injected into its connected bus, and the power outputs of the WTGS can easily be computed in each iteration by using equations (10b) and (12b). The incorporation of the developed WTGS model into the load ow analysis is summarized step by step as follows Step 1. Initialize the bus voltages of the system, and mechanical power of the WTGSs for a specied wind speed by using equation (1), and the iteration counter, i.e. it = 1.

Figure 5. A simple distribution systems branch

Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Wind Energ 2009; 12:375390 DOI: 10.1002/we


U. Eminoglu, B. Dursun and M. H. Hocaoglu

Step 2. Calculate active and reactive power outputs of WTGSs using equations (10b) and (12b). Step 3. Calculate loads and WTGSs currents by using equation (16). I=

P + jQ * P + jQ * I= V V

) (


where V is the node voltage, obtained at ith iteration, P and Q are the active and reactive power of the loads and WTGS, and the symbol * refers to complex conjugate operator. Step 4. Calculate active and reactive power transferred from each branch including losses and each line currents by using loads and WTGSs powers and currents, respectively. Step 5. Calculate each line receiving end bus voltages using forward voltage formulation of the particular load ow algorithm. Step 6. If the convergence tolerance is reached, go to Step 7; otherwise, set the iteration counter as it = it + 1 and go to Step 2. Step 7. Print results.

Application of WTGS to the Radial Distribution Systems

Two distribution networks (33-bus and 69-bus radial test networks) are used to evaluate the effect of WTGS on the power losses, voltage prole of radial distribution systems and on the performance of the load ow algorithms. A number of sweep-based algorithms are used and they all have been coded in MATLAB. Single-line diagram of the test systems and their data can be obtained from their respective references provided in Table III, in which the load ow result of the test systems with and without WTGS are depicted. In load ow analyses, initial voltage magnitude at all buses is considered to be the same as the source bus (1.0 pu) for both test systems and a tolerance of 104 on convergence criteria is used. A WTGS is connected with a proper compensation system that keeps the power factor higher than 0.95 to the bus that has minimum voltage magnitude in the test systems, namely bus-33 of the 33-bus system and bus-65 of the 69-bus test system through a transformer whose parameters are taken from Divya and Rao.17 The wind speed of the WTGS is considered to be xed and its mechanical power input is selected as Pm = 1.0 MW. From Table III, it is clearly seen that the inclusion of a WTGS signicantly alters the power intake from the main substation and total power losses of the test system are also decreased. Moreover, the voltage magnitude of the bus that is WTGS-connected is increased because of the injected active power. Figure 6 shows

Table III. Load ow result of the test systems with and without WTGS 33-bus system8 With WTGS Ploss (MW) Qloss (MVAr) WTGS active power generation (MW) WTGS reactive power demand (MVAr) Substation input (MW) Total system active load (MW) Total system reactive load (MVAr) WTGS bus voltage (pu) Compensation system reactive power (MVAr) 0.2302 0.1564 0.9465 0.3945 3.9986 4.715 2.3 V33 0.91895 0.372 Without WTGS 0.3693 0.2473 5.0843 4.715 2.3 V33 0.87849 69-bus system12 With WTGS 0.195 0.090 0.9502 0.4069 3.0469 3.8021 2.6945 V65 0.95462 0.384 Without WTGS 0.2250 0.1022 4.027 3.8021 2.6945 V65 0.90919

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Wind Energ 2009; 12:375390 DOI: 10.1002/we

Distribution Systems Load Flow Analysis


Figure 6. Voltage proles of the 33-bus test system

the bus voltage magnitude of 33-bus test system for different mechanical power of the WTGS that is connected to bus-33. It can also be seen from the gure that the inclusion of WTGS not only causes the increase of its connected bus voltage, but also causes the increase of the voltage magnitude at all buses of the system. The increase at the voltage magnitudes goes up with the increase in the mechanical power, as a result of injected active power of the WTGSs. Table IV shows the voltage magnitudes of the 33-bus test system that has a WTGS and solved by using different types of forward/backward sweep-based algorithms. From the load ow solutions, it is seen that all voltages obtained using different sweep-based algorithms are in close agreement when WTGS is included with the proposed model. All sweep algorithms are converged in almost the same voltages. The absolute difference between voltage magnitudes is lower than 105 pu. This is also observed for the 69-bus test system. The effect of the proposed WTGS modelling method on the convergence ability of sweep algorithms is also evaluated for the variation of the WTGS injected power and with the increase of the WTGS numbers in the distribution systems. First, the convergence characteristics of the sweep-based algorithms are evaluated with the increase of the WTGS mechanical power as a result of its injected active power, which is varied from 0 to 1.5 MW. The variation of the iteration number of the algorithms is given in Figure 7(a). As seen from Figure 7, the incorporation of WTGS with the proposed model into the load ow analysis does not signicantly affect the convergence characteristics of the algorithms. Although a small increase on the required iteration number is observed when the mechanical power of the WTGS is increased, the changes are insignicant. It is also seen that the iteration number of the methods based on the quadratic equation912 is generally small when compared with the KVL-based sweep algorithm,6 and convergence properties of the quadratic equation-based algorithms are less affected with the variation of the WTGS injected power. Second, the convergence characteristics of the sweep algorithms are evaluated for the different number of WTGSs located at different buses in 33-bus test systems. Similarly, it is observed from Figure 7(b) that the iteration number of the sweep algorithms is not signicantly affected with the increase of the WTGS number, and the required iteration numbers of the sweep algorithms remained almost constant for the test systems. It is noted
Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Wind Energ 2009; 12:375390 DOI: 10.1002/we


U. Eminoglu, B. Dursun and M. H. Hocaoglu Table IV. Voltage magnitudes of the 33-bus test system with one WTGS Bus No Sweep algorithm6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 1.00000 0.99694 0.98233 0.97446 0.96667 0.94711 0.94361 0.93876 0.93247 0.92664 0.92578 0.92427 0.91814 0.91587 0.91445 0.91308 0.91105 0.91044 0.99641 0.99283 0.99212 0.99149 0.97874 0.97206 0.96873 0.94498 0.94213 0.92920 0.91987 0.91582 0.91688 0.91758 0.91895 Voltage magnitude (pu) Sweep algorithm9 1.00000 0.99694 0.98233 0.97446 0.96667 0.94711 0.94361 0.93875 0.93249 0.92664 0.92577 0.92427 0.91814 0.91587 0.91448 0.91308 0.91105 0.91046 0.99641 0.99283 0.99212 0.99149 0.97874 0.97206 0.96873 0.94497 0.94213 0.92920 0.91987 0.91581 0.91691 0.91760 0.91897 Sweep algorithm10 1.00000 0.99694 0.98233 0.97446 0.96667 0.94711 0.94361 0.93875 0.93247 0.92664 0.92577 0.92427 0.91814 0.91587 0.91445 0.91308 0.91104 0.91044 0.99641 0.99283 0.99212 0.99149 0.97874 0.97206 0.96873 0.94497 0.94213 0.92920 0.91987 0.91581 0.91688 0.91758 0.91894 Sweep algorithm11 1.00000 0.99694 0.98233 0.97446 0.96667 0.94711 0.94361 0.93875 0.93247 0.92664 0.92577 0.92427 0.91814 0.91587 0.91445 0.91308 0.91104 0.91044 0.99641 0.99283 0.99212 0.99149 0.97874 0.97206 0.96873 0.94497 0.94213 0.92920 0.91987 0.91581 0.91688 0.91758 0.91894 Sweep algorithm12 1.00000 0.99694 0.98233 0.97446 0.96667 0.94711 0.94361 0.93876 0.93247 0.92664 0.92578 0.92427 0.91814 0.91587 0.91445 0.91308 0.91105 0.91044 0.99641 0.99283 0.99212 0.99149 0.97874 0.97206 0.96873 0.94498 0.94213 0.92920 0.91987 0.91582 0.91688 0.91758 0.91895

that the KVL-based algorithm developed in Shirmohammadi et al.7 have nearly the same characteristics with the algorithm given in Thukaram et al.;6 therefore, it is not considered in the comparison. Similarly, quadratic equation-based algorithms developed in Haque8 and Cespedes13 that show nearly the same convergence characteristic with the algorithms given in Eminoglu and Hocaoglu; Luo and Semlyen; and Rajicic et al.911 are not given in the gure.

In this paper, a new model for wind turbine generating units, used as distributed generation sources, is provided. The model is developed by using a well-known bi-quadratic equation that is used for the calculation of the line voltages in some distribution system load ow analysis. Derived analytical model is experimentally veried with a laboratory-scaled system, and results are also compared with the results of the turbine models developed in the literature. It is concluded that the developed model is robust, concurs with the literature and facilitates the computation of real and reactive power outputs of WTGSs for a specied wind speed and
Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Wind Energ 2009; 12:375390 DOI: 10.1002/we

Distribution Systems Load Flow Analysis


Figure 7. (a) Variation of the iteration number of the algorithms for different mechanical power of WTGS and (b) different number of WTGS

terminal voltage easily. The incorporation of the developed model into distribution systems load ow algorithms is also described, and the effect of WTGSs on the power losses, voltage prole of radial distribution systems and on the performance of the load ow algorithms are evaluated. It is also concluded that the incorporation of WTGSs with the proposed model into the load ow analysis does not signicantly affect the convergence characteristics of the distribution system load ow algorithms and it can be easily included to the distribution systems load ow analysis. That is because of the fact that active and reactive power of the proposed model are a function of its terminal voltage and mechanical power input (i.e. specied wind speed), and both are available during each iteration in load ow calculations.
Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Wind Energ 2009; 12:375390 DOI: 10.1002/we


U. Eminoglu, B. Dursun and M. H. Hocaoglu

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Wind Energ 2009; 12:375390 DOI: 10.1002/we

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