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Poor student behaviour is a major problem faced by schools across the globe especially in the western world. This is due to (this can be attributed to) certain sociological and psychological problems that are encountered, while bringing up children. Both parents and teachers should play a responsible role in tackling(handling, solving, dealing with) this problem effectively. Parents today have too many responsibilities, other than (apart from) looking after the affairs of their families, which has resulted in children getting less attention and care. Parents need to inculcate (instill) good values in young children and discipline them at an early age, or else (if not) it would result in disruptive (unruly) behaviour at home and in school. In many instances, children are left alone in the company of television sets, computer screens and toys, and consequently, (as a consequence, as a result) they fail to develop (lack) interpersonal skills and human values, which they learn by inte racting with their parents and siblings. Furthermore, parents provide them with many material comforts, which can sometimes (may) make them selfish and greedy. Children who come from such family backgrounds (would) often create many problems for teachers a nd their schoolmates. Parents should never shy away from (shirk their responsibility of) spending quality time with their children on a regular basis, which would help them to monitor their childrens behaviour and give suitable advice whenever there is a need. Another reason for problematic behaviour among children is that teachers lack effective training in dealing with children who have various behavioural and psychological inadequacies (problems). Children, who come from broken or problematic families, in order to ventilate their frustration, often create problems in schools, which can only be tackled by trained teachers or counsellors. Many teachers become defensive and show little tact when children show such behavioural abnormalities. Erratic handling of such problems can result in (lead to) aggravating the issue. I believe that this problem can be effectively addressed if parents and teachers are trained in scientific ways of dealing with children. Schools should appoint specially trained counsellors, who c an assist teachers in dealing with problematic children. As mentioned above, both parents and teachers have a crucial role to play in normalising the behaviour of children in schools. Scientific ways of handling children with troublesome behaviour can go a long way in dealing with them efficiently.

Nowadays, schools have to face up with severe problems with student behavior. Thereare three main causes leading to these problems. That is because students are affectedby family problems, as well as by bad friends;they dislike the education system andthey have financial problem. Family plays a very important part in our life and it a ffects the behavior of everyone including students. When students have problems with their parents or relatives, they tend to behave badly in schools. They feel sad and depressed, which have great influence on their behavior. Most of the time, they t hink about that problem and cannot concentrate on their studying. Therefore, students will try to find a way to release their depression. Additionally, when they are affected by their bad friends, they are easy to behave badly. With those bad friends, when st udents are doing something bad, they think they have people sharing the same thing with them. Therefore, it will become easier for them to do bad things. It is even worse when they have family problem and they are affected by their bad friends at t he same time. This will lead to serious result. In addition, students will have bad behaviors if the e ducation system does not satisfy them. Some students feel very interested in learning, but they are not happy with the education system. They feel bored with the educati on system. They do not find the lessons interesting. Thus, they skip the class, do not do the homework and do not want to study. As a result, they will have negative attitude to studying and it will lead to their bad behaviors. Last but not least, some students suffer from financial issue, which contribute to their bad behaviors at schools. When they have to face up with financial issue, they will work part time or do illegal thing to get money. They spend time on working part time, which makes them exhausted and do not have enough time to study. When they lack of money, they can steal money from others, even their friends or relatives.

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