Letter To Leaders

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Letter to Leaders

With great deal of happiness, I have picked courage to communicate you through the medium.
No one knows all, keeping that, I do seek for mercy if the medium appears minimally or
maximally immature, so that, what the mater entails should be honorably attained. Taking
knowledge to gain my hearted-service, I do love to open your knowledge towards realizing
reasons behind my ultimate philosophy which is, a man who die for something capable of giving
hope and lives to others dies usefully, meaningfully and timely. This I want you to know so as to
see how to collectively make the good attempts to better lives in our various territories by all
means. Go d makes some people to know, some people to understand, some people to enforce,
some people to realize, some people to organize, some people organize fight, some people
demarcate fight, some people disorganize, some people to actualize and so on and that is why we
have peace and crisis, poor and riches, gentle and stubborn, leaders and followers, shame and
development, joy and sorrow and so on are the components or particles of the earth. Each are
arranged to give power to one another. Therefore, sense to demarcate or to identify good from
bad and bad from good is given to humans. The mission of the letter is to help the world
understand reasons behind my earthly purpose and the vision is to allow the people of all skins
and races across the globe to help actualize the stated mission. On this, I desire of all to see the
world through the similar window I have as the betterment of the world will remain more active
and definitely get more advancements by endorsing my earthly purpose.

You were chosen, selected, elected and appointed to hold the various offices simply for seeing a
touch of transparency, eligibility, capacity, competence, understanding and above all, having
skills and knowledge to propagate the given affair or department. Along with that also I take you.
As pledged to be the guardian, counsellor and servant of the citizens, better is it to keep absolute
maintenance of the pledge so as to forever gain the dividends of trustworthy and service to
humanity. So, I will submit my pleading register towards your various domains and powers to
help one another render good service to humanity as attached to the personalities, I do ultimately
pray for. Therefore, I urge Governmental Representatives (Executives, Legislatives and
Judiciaries), the Educational Representatives (Vice-chancellors, Rectors, Provosts, Principals,
and headmasters), and Societal Representatives (Kings, Council of Elders, and Parents) to pick
up the duties and responsibilities in ensuring the mission of and the vision attached to the appeal
receive maximal realizations and manifestations in all the various areas of powers, please. On
this note, the Governmental Representatives are to ensure circulations and approvals of the
subjects: Shadrachology and Ideguology. The Educational Representatives are ensured to help
with empty classrooms that the tutors and learners of Shadrachology can hold lessons until they
are able to gain their learning center. Societal Representatives are to ensure to encourage their
children, friends and love ones to embrace and study the subject called Shadrachology and to
make Aruwaology gain prominence in societal system and I urge all the representatives in their
stipulated areas to help achieve the mission and the vision of Ojonugwaology in the various
societies across the globe. I equally urge the National Youths Executives of all nations to put
better effort in ensuring the establishment of the foundation in the various countries and also
urge the National Representatives or Associations of the physically-challenged and the less-
privileged people to help actualize the subject of Ojonugwaology.

The four subjects (Shadrachology, Ideguology, Ojonugwaology and Aruwaology) I have

developed for the betterments of humanity so as to create positive and possible changes and
differences in the course of human living, having interested to explore your knowledge to the
suitable usage in order to gain the standards of their creations and to erase inappropriate
applications that might purchase of creating rough factors which may lead to the ruin of the
original contents, I hereby delight so much to present the necessary and suitable usage arenas for
each; starting on Shadrachology. Shadrachology is a subject developed to bring all fields of
studies under one umbrella to show the beauty of knowledge uniformity towards making
environment safer place for human destination. The subject has three main divisions and several
sub-divisions. I equally developed series for the subject to aid at bringing new topics to keep
more development to the subject and on that, I have published the series’ tittle for eight times
which is, “The Works of Shadrachology”. So, I have The Works of Shadrachology, The Works
of Shadrachology 2, The Works of Shadrachology 3, The Works of Shadrachology 4, The Works
of Shadrachology 5, The Works of Shadrachology 6, The Works of Shadrachology 7, The Works
of Shadrachology 8 and The Works of Shadrachology 9. For the usage, you can combine all the
series together under Shadrachology. It is developed in a manner that attracts self-taught and
learnt. So, it is meant to be studied at all levels of learning institutions, to be used in offices, to be
used in hospitals, to be used in houses, to be used in hotels and other social arenas. To have a
special ground to be studied, the idea of “The Constitution of Shadrach Group” is developed and
published to be a guidebook towards ensuring Shadrachology becomes an independent subject in
humanity. So, make standard of Shadrachology, the foundation must be on ground. This
therefore urges to consider Shadrachology along with the foundation. By reading the books, you
will see how it is meant to be. The second subject developed is Ideguology. The course as it can
attracts aids at bringing the learners and the tutors closer to the meaning and usefulness of their
various fields of studies. So, the medium course is meant for the tertiary institutions. This is
meant to be taken as general study at all tertiary institutions. The third subject is Ojonugwaology.
It was written to be a guidebook for loving fighters or campaigners of total freedom for the
physically-challenged and the less-privileged people in our various societies across the globe. By
reading the book or the handbook, all ideas to make that happen with no violence are
documented. So, the book is meant for all that glamour for the betterment of the stated groups of
people. The fourth and the final subject is Aruwaology. The subject is developed for societal
heads especially kings and parents. The subject has three sections: The Revelation Theory, The
Safety Theory and The Treaties. The subject in all helps the communities get better knowledge
on how to govern herself peacefully without external maximal help or concern.

To the editors of all various newspapers, magazines and journals this very letter would come to, I
do seek for a help of publishing and republishing this letter till all the named personalities in the
letter have the copy, please. I will also use the channel to seek attentions of charitable
organizations to put this letter to a form of pamphlet so as to be distributed to all citizens of the
world, please.

Finally, if all the stated personalities in the letter can help me achieve this mission and vision, I

will remain ever grateful for the kind gesture. In addition, I will love you to know that, I am

nothing but an instrument in the hands of the Supreme Creator. The same is applicable to you

and for that reason, we must all encourage ourselves to only undertake the earthly assignment

assigned to us by The Supreme Creator. All the subjects were published by CreateSpace

Publishing Platform and Kindle Direct Publishing (Amazon Publishing Companies). So, the

subjects can be gotten or shipped to all nations of the earth. In addition to the four subjects, I
have published over 55 books so far and there span all areas and there are ultimately responsible

to command goodies to humanity at all angles and levels, as respectively.


Idegu Ojonugwa Shadrach (the Discoverer and Developer).

The letter is extracted from my memoir published on 30th August, 2020.

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