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Jacob Lucco

Mrs. Cramer




I have learned a lot about writing this year from more proper format, how to make my word choice
much stronger, and how to argue either side of a subject. This year I have learned that I have really
awful time management and can lose focus on a big assignment much easier than a small one, to fix this
I should start breaking up large assignments into smaller tasks. I need to work on getting better about
this stuff because if I want to be successful in my future endeavors it will be critical. I think my favorite
assignment was the posters we made for the SSR books from the beginning of the year, I really enjoyed
this because the book I read was very good and I liked making that connection to it. I also really enjoyed
the vocab because I enjoy expanding my personal vocabulary and being able to use words, I would not
be able to before, even though the videos were very loud it made it easy to get the definition and words
without spending time searching through a dictionary or making dozens of google searches. If I was to
have to write an essay in the near future, I would start by planning it out in sections per day, this would
help me stay on task and not get overwhelmed by the project. I would then begin doing research and
summarizing sources that will be used in the writing. Next I would write a rough draft and review it for
any mistakes or weaknesses and have a peer review it. I would then take any advice given and make
those changes to make it a strong essay. Finally I would make a works cited page and review it one more
time as well as have a different peer review it before submission.

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