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Headquarters Chief Engineer Southern Gommand Pune — 411001 200301/online / (o2°2 /RTI Cell °¢ May 2022 Sh Manjunath R No -802, Gokula first stage yeshwantour Bangalore, Kamataka PIN - 560022 SEEKING INFORMATION UNDER THE RIGHT TO INFORMATION ACT 2005 4. Ref your RTI Application No MESER/R/E/22/00756 dated 13 Apr 2022 2. Policy letter for conducting of Trade Test for Industrial Personnel issued by this HQ letter No 133201/TTIPOLIE1B (S) dated 28 Aug 1992 as asked vide your letter under reference Is fwd herewith for your info please. 3. _ This disposes of your RT! application. 4. Incase you are not satisfied with the above reply, you may prefer an appeal to the First Appellate Authority within 30 days. Address of the First Appellate auth Is as under Jt DG (Pers & Tig) Headquarters Chief Engineer Southern Command Pune 04 Ben (BM Patel) Dir CPIO (Pers) Enels : as above Dakabin Kaseo tiaktaye lays Enpinesr Shakto Headquarters Soatuers Co-m0 0 Eypireere Prapeh Baie — $11 901 | | | ‘sees Peatecarnt) uO Qe, he 92 puz Zane ,| Jaipur 9 laarae Zone] taaras \; Hydeetd cépe, Seourdarchad ) Py Dole ae oe ar) Dac bale Fy ie) Cooksln - ' tayy) VAsakhapatoss — el yas smn 1. ““Weter to th.s HO letter No, Tpeciceu teers) dated t Vi Aug 88 ant No. 135201/E0/Po1/zin(S) dated 10 Cot IC. ' 2. Hing “teble|tor holding trace test bas been laid down vide Os 12 letter referred above. The responsibility of conduoti ng trade toot in respect of Highly Skilled yet is thab of “ch Counam However, consideri my he adverse effeoss soncurning bo tho task connedtid wtih nt Yrade tert at thiv Id and with tho experiene guar the years Tite descrepancies 4n the pontmal rolls recetvei fron Cali, proceeding on leare,postivg out of officers dv lal for the Board, lekkare of qreakion papers despatched fron this. 1 Ste, the responsi pristy oc sonductine, trade, tesd wa delene\ol te See ee ee ea pumautis Ibs) deted 30 Jan 89. | The main ain was to cut sbart the bine lost in i Corrsipoderes Gek avald delay dn heling tals text. / for conducting trade tect aM, torvarding Doa‘d Proceedings for approval by thie IN ia not vtiietly edhercd fe ty'C¥ Lona , the Ohftating ths sein Soto. Further, veart Troccwli wr pate pest yeosived elao cortain sich descrepancies dre 10 wich te Jase hove 4o be xegerrsd teck causing abnersel delay in pablisning the raul. 3 recultont deday An_noldiog prozotion IPG. Dtelled Lostruztiouy baer inwis’ tine and-egeiwewphasising the need for cetuo tine thy trede_ 4st /pxo. 8 novbone afferke arn ante ty the Csté/os Zines in observing the tiwe schedule. |i yesettatsony tro ihe Umotw an! offcete avdLviduals hot thevtrad# tests arc coniucted promptly ay ; cess Siportant Mulde Anes. $9 be Followed, are aid down / Lu Appel ‘A Gnelosed « ae ah 4. Th ten, novaver, Yeon onserved that te tine tare esipusacne | foon olgeujeteg wide ibis MG letter We. 132502/Pos/EIr (8) Jagea 86 Tun 51 (ger Op. 'D! post) vod owen migber dated 11 Dec 9T (ror | Gp 1G! post). Ter easy reference a char shovinn edra okructare a ASLMdeton io pertiewlor CfE/0 Sowea of dndgatrig] personnel ur in Units, gonite under different oF Sones as alzendy 1p sion wall be’ etrigtly followed ard ‘the CE fenos reapenet tie ier comlurting trade fenh for ouch unite will olroulate the trate tony pee. regas abs evbala posited veld by dixeet sorzespenionee : E Kr), Bosra Proceed: bqg sheald be subsLbted by the dstve stipulates lowed under any eireusteneds t | Ape (A! 4g, 0% 89, puns camber omens mo 2 eB oat io Magan ren (Ra erie aro ME TOEAPINGS) Abe2G Any D2 + 78 Ji be Por : " Sy AD A OME arvay sexton: + he elloned Sapject to clirimalaty’ vith eegard to Ubeee renca Grvigs Line erodes “to gonerel qatiidates can De SITOVed cere os Y Sie vaceoelese WOrever a0 SO/8T candidates exe semen ty peer] berdiastee or no tera) Camtidates ure avallatie, 86/07 cali adalos loon ti calewed oqainst unreserved 7acan ait dbo gepletion of tkroe veero ie tie grate. TE 9 = potdare Go-nee WELiaTe Te jeer wrmme teotja corti rion fev shauld be obtained aod kept on record.’ Trade soxt 2 uhculd be Given wade publickty qnonget the Lntuete! el Sa" pb 40 taciliiabe she SLaGOLY apheysre We yrepeee Lseawt pau ane tae: pte. tiene eamiidatan 46 conducting teade tack in ary OWH area 44 should be neo thet Sue! hala surplus 2y other axons ¢) , Out gf 100 ngnks, the gonered egndadntve must vseure 30 at iol se Re daokmeed ck Matnedt an tie trode tet. “Bert TAVRET tosh ere 35 foe weston hook, AO for prep tical an Be Poe wimvvogoy Bae eenlidnte sot gomldTe 307 Lp exch. aubsoc (2am for SC/ST) for decloring 28 "Pasded".. Dufation“of mrit ten. | SSA Tama qeetiers coveeraine the Zooper ave aon iota | Wobe Sat and edopted. Ae 90 sAnates anl ior practical viva-voce ik $B) wettiengtest) of tue trade 4yot w412 Ye conducted by 9 Roard Mot oficexs%rict the concer'md CM shoul? be Proeiding Offi wu wonher f7er 08 Zone. Mie weiteCh vest cwaWer shvels vill be Sue Enotes Soved sontuctinn praciionl an viyn—voge Should have,sO 1. 2/H Gt not wvnilable ‘soue ottior Su 1) teedaoe on Presiling DfTISeE wh Wall valuate wrlvten teak anowor at fie Boned Gad) yetlect navies obeai ned by cagh call j Ge seguLt aneet. The consolidated beard prosoatines of the trade test duly retivcting the vazky ugalret each tooled duly eipted by the beard officers will be forwarded by the Boor Jor approval by #RA® TQ. Auroucl tho rep of GE Gone dy the Ronxel i oresimal roll of esmiugs'ves oppeatiin: fox wis Sead boot “ties he onda Wt and 4 should be oto: sect NG ETAIS I port reepootiwely imtlowthag fey peal tion with Gis Lruakcowh Gevailo go Le whetior vasa nstoa ea foe pebeval, SO on ST, Bor this purpose yacansice vscuri.og fox tame: nonws ney ye ieken into account. 3 ard f) Me result sheet duly andicating varke sesurcd jb enct 1 hividuel desisky the candidate to be cnelasod tu the Boar \ qrogedins duly signed by vech officer of the board should be i the Fornes ehologee as Appendix 76's 2 porrd Pocesdites should ‘inveniebly be eountersiirned py AGF cones wei ng she authority Couventng tie Yoorl. E> cownter= Sivoabuss should tq in ino remakt wheel. = h) Megud Proceedings of tue sade tab should ascospienyy OM eer Gel necimal roll, qagetion nopers amt all qibeir sheet. GE noasd Brocebltogs edonewith the reonlt seta: Free ee ubaithed in triplicate, tv copies Of witch (11 in returned duay zpumovee - 2 ale ee yy Cele RES aint. chet Phe . ' = to fe Cones bs jet wowite 4 Belt el a fee ae Teh A, pprlyel?™ \ atecwed feo ieguatedal oategoriea with the fedtorline Zor promotion tint bem ehreiasea vies basa lm Eo. 132501/20-n/eaLein(a), debs 2 tor 92." Sonsvauert’ on costal alienes 4b prozebioml Iii es Ble Tneredugtian af HS L poste for Wo srsdeo! of Mitten Be, Cable Hy yuulien, Wehdas, "uroer vie. in tho seyieed woes + idade feat’ are to be coiMlugtsd sisaotly ag per revise ( isAugii gelee decuapesdie at peactiae aapead nario Syltays Lor Gade boot Ln respect of Hoot of tne, Leh a ectigieive have alzeaty boen eisoulated, except nse St ceteporive whieh uave boon newly Lutzodueed in te He ruLus. Splat tor such, categorie’ cay Ue fryne> neS/. yy the Joh wequineront of sueb posts for donk ay “Gana woot Hatt "tho oaue exo publiehed by wtn-O'e Beto descgemurate ogaek Aenutd with redodd to allowing llutor rope 9@ obnenyins TOs the tends Hot and parrdbid cusldatea bo eonly wel tion ses! ‘risnel Ignmuage vide this £4 Lester Re. 193201/ 151) Gti! 17 0ef 8B ant even nunber lated 29 Sop BB eadpsotivoly any fina ne’ otsiotiy eextarea” \ ° oo fees | (§ Presid ) i Legor ' ShE/S02 (ers) {Byer : As stove for Shier Bagineur | gop te aise aryl reer \ (2) ne Seuuterabad Tao CUB, Pune wexiant, ESD Dehu Road « Sop oss onan weseneasy See ee Ro, remo : co: ral Gane Boiss20/1/09-9a/iki EAMES) | \ WDBIOL/A/MLGA/TS TT/LIN(S) 2%, [reerase — mes so | terensa SS Tar Ee sey.

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