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Name of Intern: ________________________________Dates of Internship: ________________________

Name of the Industry Guide: _____________________________________ Designation: _____________________
Company or Institution: __________________________________________________________________
Title of Project: _________________________________________________________________________

We appreciate your valuable contribution in the development of our student and are highly obliged for
the same. We are keen to receive your feedback about the performance of our student during his/her
internship with you. We request you to spend some time to evaluate our student based on the below
mentioned performance parameters on the following rating scale
1 – Below Average 2 – Average 3 – Good 4 – Excellent

Sr. Not
No. Performance Parameters 1 2 3 4 Known

1 Willingness to learn

2 Grasp of subject

3 Quality of work (accuracy and thoroughness of work)

4 Quantity of work (met goals set by department)

5 Use of time (efficient/effective use of time to complete tasks)

6 Attendance and Punctuality

7 Attitude towards work

8 Communication Skills

9 Interpersonal relations/teamwork

10 Initiative (ability to work independently)

11 Adaptability (ability to alter activities to accommodate change)

12 Problem solving/critical thinking ability

Would you consider the student for Final Placement in your Organization?
_______Yes ________No _______Not Decided

Signature of Industry Guide: ______________________________________________ Date: ___________

Mobile No.:

Email ID:

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