Das2001-Technology Fit

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Journal of Operations Management 19 (2001) 521–540

Process-technology fit and its implications for

manufacturing performance
Ajay Das a,∗ , Ram Narasimhan b
a Department of Management, Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College, City University of New York,
Box F-1813, 17 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY 10010, USA
b Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management, Eli Broad Graduate School of Business,

Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA

Received 21 September 1999; accepted 9 April 2001

This study investigates the issue of fit between process environment and advanced manufacturing technology, and its impact
on manufacturing and business performance. We find that different process environments tend to align advanced manufacturing
technology investments in distinct profiles, which are associated with superior performance. Deviations from these ‘ideal’
profiles are shown to have a negative impact on manufacturing performance. The findings also suggest that firms are not
fully exploiting the potential afforded by AMT investments to compete in off-diagonal positions in the Hayes–Wheelwright
framework. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
JEL classification: M11 (production management)

Keywords: Technology management; Operations strategy; Empirical research

1. Introduction have been developed in the operations management

literature (Hayes and Wheelwright, 1979; Hill, 1994).
The concept of ‘fit’ or alignment has been dis- While addressing different issues, these investiga-
cussed and investigated in many disciplines. The tions have all stressed the link between the extent
business strategy literature has examined fit between of alignment achieved by a firm and its performance
environment and strategy in different contexts and outcomes.
found that lack of fit has significant effects on perfor- Hayes and Wheelwright (1979) in their semi-
mance (Hofer, 1975; Hambrick, 1980; Venkatraman nal paper, suggested that superior manufacturing
and Prescott, 1990). The supply chain management performance is contingent on the degree of align-
literature has studied fit as a function of alignment be- ment between the process environment and the
tween sourcing practices and product life cycle (PLC) volume–variety characteristics of the market. Differ-
stage (Birou et al., 1998). Similarly, frameworks link- ent process environments would, therefore, empha-
ing process type to market characteristics and PLC size different goals. A jobshop would likely compete
on the basis of customization and flexibility, and a
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-212-802-6920;
flow shop on delivery and cost performance. Accord-
fax: +1-212-802-6873. ingly, investments in machinery and personnel can
E-mail address: ajay das@baruch.cuny.edu (A. Das). be expected to differ across process environments.

0272-6963/01/$ – see front matter © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 2 7 2 - 6 9 6 3 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 0 6 4 - X
522 A. Das, R. Narasimhan / Journal of Operations Management 19 (2001) 521–540

As is well known, jobshops utilize general-purpose oped leading to a set of propositions related to the
machines and multi-skilled workforce, and assembly central research question of interest. The succeeding
lines use dedicated equipment with less-skilled la- sections describe scale development, data collection
bor. Hayes and Wheelwright (1979) argue that firms and analysis, and statistical testing of the proposi-
not aligned in terms of market, process technology tions. The paper concludes with a discussion of the
and labor choices, i.e. firms not ‘on the diagonal’ findings and their implications for manufacturing
would suffer performance setbacks. However, recent strategy theory and practice.
advances in technology have enabled firms to oper-
ate in off-diagonal positions without the performance
penalties predicted by the Hayes and Wheelwright 2. Overview of the literature
(1979) framework. These developments have height-
ened research interest in the role and use of advanced Choosing a manufacturing process type is a strate-
manufacturing technologies and practices, in different gic decision in operations management, with atten-
process environments. Safizadeh et al. (1996) found dant implications for performance. The literature on
that companies in line flow industries are success- process choice presents a strong rationale for align-
fully operating in “off-diagonal” positions in Hayes ing process type with PLC stage and product/market
and Wheelwright’s (1979) framework, meeting cus- characteristics (Hayes and Wheelwright, 1979; Hill,
tomization requirements by deploying flexible manu- 1994). High variety, low volume market environments
facturing systems and practices. Similarly, there are would demand a process capable of small produc-
examples of firms using cellular manufacturing lay- tion run sizes and high set-up frequencies, with rel-
outs with small production lots in a jobshop environ- atively low set-up costs. A jobshop would address
ment to achieve efficiencies comparable to line-flow these needs allowing a firm to compete on flexibility,
operations (Markland et al., 1998). Computer-aided customization and new product development capabil-
design and manufacturing techniques are being em- ities. Low variety, high volume market environments
ployed to reduce product development and production would require extended production runs, and usually
cycle times. entail relatively high set-up costs. An assembly line
A growing body of evidence thus suggests that best fits this environment, where cost and quality are
off-diagonal positions in Hayes and Wheelwright’s primary strategic capabilities. Empirical evidence in
(1979) framework are indeed viable through the use the literature supports these perspectives. Ward et al.
of advanced manufacturing technologies and prac- (1992) found that “typical producers” align process
tices. However, these studies have not attempted to choice decisions with PLC stages. Safizadeh et al.
develop a prescriptive model to address the question: (1996) allude to the strategic importance of align-
are there ideal configurations of advanced manufac- ment between process choice and a firm’s competitive
turing technology investments that result in superior priority.
manufacturing performance for a given process en- Firms pursue competitive goals by adopting
vironment? The answer to this question will help what they deem to be appropriate technology ini-
firms in two ways: enable them to evaluate and ad- tiatives. New technologies in the form of pro-
dress gaps in their advanced technology investment grammable machines, flexible manufacturing systems,
patterns vis-à-vis an ‘ideal’ configuration; and deter- computer-aided design (CAD), computer-aided engi-
mine whether advanced technology would facilitate neering (CAE), and computer-aided manufacturing
a move to an “off-diagonal” position, to pursue what (CAM) practice innovations such as worker teams and
might be non-traditional competitive goals for their cellular manufacturing have allowed high volume pro-
process environment. This paper attempts to develop ducers to offer more variety, and created opportunities
an answer to this central research question of strategic for efficient small lot manufacturing for these produc-
importance. ers. Advanced manufacturing technologies have also
The next section discusses past research on man- been adopted by jobshops to reduce costs. Computer
ufacturing process and manufacturing technology. numerical controlled (CNC) machines, CAD, CAM,
Based on the literature, a conceptual model is devel- and operator teams are widely used across different
A. Das, R. Narasimhan / Journal of Operations Management 19 (2001) 521–540 523

manufacturing environments (Markland et al., 1998; • Different process environments tend to align ad-
Boyer et al., 1996). Given that different process en- vanced manufacturing technology investments in
vironments have different manufacturing goals, it is identifiable ‘ideal’ profiles.
reasonable to argue that some differences can be ex- • That deviations from these ‘ideal’ profiles have a
pected in the way that different process environments negative impact on manufacturing performance.
would configure their technology-based initiatives.
For example, cellular manufacturing may be more In regard to the first proposition, little research ex-
compatible with a low volume jobshop environment, ists on process-based differences in the adoption of
than a repetitive assembly line situation. In contrast, advanced manufacturing technologies and practices.
set-up time reduction programs are more likely to be Interestingly, the few studies that have touched on
found in assembly line systems. Similarly, the use of such differences emerged with contending perspec-
machine robots would be more common in assem- tives. McDermott et al. (1997) found that both main
bly line settings than in jobshops. Past research has market as well as niche firms pursued advanced man-
examined technology investment preferences among ufacturing technologies and practices, such as invest-
different firms (Boyer et al., 1996). What has not ments in CNC equipment and work cell organization.
been investigated is how advanced manufacturing They concluded that there was essentially no differ-
technologies can be “best” deployed in different pro- ence in the rate and scope of adoption of advanced
cess environments. Do ‘ideal’ profiles of technology manufacturing technologies and practices across dif-
initiatives exist for different process environments? ferent operational environments. In a sense, jobshops
This research investigates this question across two and assembly line processes aspired to mimic each
different process environments — jobshop and as- other’s unique capabilities, while maintaining their
sembly lines — representing contrasting points in the own process-based advantages. Jobshops invest in
volume–variety continuum. CNCs and re-organize work-flow processes to achieve
some of the efficiencies of large-scale production,
while line processes do the same in order to reduce
3. Conceptual framework changeover costs and increase responsiveness (Mc-
Dermott et al., 1997; Safizadeh et al., 1996). As such,
Fig. 1 shows the conceptualized relationships one would not expect to see substantive differences be-
among process environment, technology-based ini- tween jobshop and assembly line processes, in regard
tiatives, and manufacturing performance. The frame- to the types of advanced manufacturing technologies
work shows advanced manufacturing technology and practices adopted. The distinction would lie in
initiatives as a multi-dimensional construct, encom- the different nature of the goals pursued by different
passing initiatives in manufacturing design, manufac- processes, and not the state of use of advanced man-
turing technology, manufacturing infrastructure, and ufacturing technology or practice, per se. However,
human resource management practices. The research Swamidass and Kotha (1998) report otherwise. In a
proposition is that jobshop and assembly environ- study of 160 manufacturing firms, they distinguished
ments will configure resource investments in these between “high volume automation technology” and
technology dimensions in different patterns, to maxi- “low volume automation technology”. “Low volume
mize manufacturing performance. Alignment or lack automation technology” comprised of CNC ma-
thereof, between process environment and technology chines, programmable controllers, CAD/CAM and
investments is hypothesized to be a determinant of FMS, technologies that facilitate flexibility and re-
manufacturing performance. By implication, it can sponsiveness. Such technologies would be compatible
be argued that the technology investments of those with a jobshop process environment, characterized by
firms that achieve superior manufacturing perfor- low volumes and customization responsiveness. An
mance constitute an “ideal profile”, in the sense that assembly line would use “high volume automation
these investments exhibit a high degree of fit with the technology”, comprised of computer-aided inspection
process environment. This study examines two key and testing, robotics and manufacturing automation
propositions underlying the framework. protocol. Swamidass and Kotha (1998) extended their
524 A. Das, R. Narasimhan / Journal of Operations Management 19 (2001) 521–540

Fig. 1. Process environments and manufacturing technologies/practices.

investigation to examine the use of advanced technol- ume technologies to reduce the transition penalties
ogy in high performers in different strategic segments in acquiring jobshop like flexibilities, while jobshops
(Kotha and Swamidass, 2000). They reported positive employ high volume technologies to pursue line flow
associations between cost leaders’ performances and efficiencies. Albeit, as noted by Kotha and Swami-
the use of design and low volume technologies, and, dass (2000), differentiators with low volume, high
between differentiators’ performances and the use of flexibility operational demands (i.e. jobshops) profit
design, information, low volume and high volume from a broader spectrum of advanced manufactur-
technologies. These latter findings are striking in that ing technologies and practices, relative to companies
they reinforce the conclusions of McDermott et al. that seek cost leadership through volume economies
(1997). The premise is that cost leaders use low vol- (i.e. assembly lines). It bears noting that the use of
A. Das, R. Narasimhan / Journal of Operations Management 19 (2001) 521–540 525

design and low volume technologies are prevalent best performers in both jobshops and assembly lines
in both process environments. This study conceptu- was developed for the study (Table 1).
alizes ‘ideal profiles’ of technology investments as There are two observations that need to be made
patterns of advanced manufacturing technologies and with respect to Table 1. By definition, ‘ideal profiles’
practices associated with high performing firms in should be comprised of only those technologies and
different processes. practices that impact performance. However, it was
Based on the above discussion, it was anticipated not possible to categorically identify those technolo-
that the advanced manufacturing technologies and gies/practices that impact performance in advance, for
practices employed in high performing jobshops and the sample of firms in this study. Therefore, all four
assembly lines would not differ radically. The ex- AMT dimensions, manufacturing technology, man-
ceptions would be for individual variables such as ufacturing design, manufacturing infrastructure and
set-up time reduction practices and robotics that can human resources management were considered as po-
be expected to be more useful for assembly lines, tential influences on performance, and items relating
and cellular manufacturing that can re-structure the to each dimension were included in the envisaged,
jumbled work flow of a jobshop into more regular a priori ideal profile. Second, process-contingent
patterns. Accordingly, an a priori ideal profile of ad- differences in the intensity of use of each manufac-
vanced manufacturing technologies and practices for turing technology or practice were not hypothesized

Table 1
Envisaged AMT items in ‘ideal’ profiles
Item measure Technologies/practices in ideal profile Used in

Jobshops Assembly line

Manufacturing technology (MT) Use of CNC technology Yes (Y)a Yes (Y)
Use of computer-aided manufacturing Yes (Y) Yes (Y)
Use of flexible manufacturing systems No (Y) Yes (Y)
Use of set-up time reduction methods No (N)a Yes (Y)
Use of robotics No (N) Yes (N)
Human resources management (HRM) Worker cross-training Yes (Y) Yes (N)
Use of operator teams Yes (Y) Yes (Y)
Decentralized decision making for production schedluing Yes (Y) Yes (Y)
Decentralized decision making for operator tasks Yes (Y) Yes (Y)
Manufacturing design (MD) Use of computer-aided engineering Yes (Y) Yesb
Use of computer-aided design Yes (Y) Yes
Use of modularization in product design Yes (Y) Yes
Use of computer-aided testing Yes (N) Yes
Manufacturing infrastructure (MI) Use of Kanban systems Nob Yes
Use of automated material handling systems No Yes
Use of in-plant EDI systems Yes Yes
Use of bar coding Yes Yes
Use of real-time process controls Yes Yes
Use of preventive maintenance Yes Yes
JIT supplier deliveries No Yes
Cellular manufacturing/group technology Yes No
Safety stock only for unique components Yes Yes
a ‘Y’ indicates that the item found inclusion in the final ideal profile developed from the sample data. ‘N’ indicates the item did not

find inclusion in the final post-analysis ideal profile.

b Manufacturing design was not significantly associated with performance for assembly lines. Hence, following the prescribed method-

ology, items from this particular AMT dimension were not included while developing the ideal profile for assembly lines. Similarly,
manufacturing infrastructure was not significantly associated with performance in either jobshops or assembly lines, and items for this
AMT dimension were excluded from the ideal profiles.
526 A. Das, R. Narasimhan / Journal of Operations Management 19 (2001) 521–540

a priori-the primary research objective was to explore 4.1. Sampling

if patterns of AMT usage exist-since the extent of
inter-pattern differences across process environments, Data for this analysis was collected from purchas-
was of secondary interest. Generally speaking and ing executives, as part of a larger study that examined
based on previous studies (Kotha and Swamidass, the interface between purchasing and manufacturing.
2000), it was expected that jobshops may use the The National Association of Purchasing Management
advanced manufacturing technologies/practices listed (NAPM)’s Title 1 list of senior members from manu-
in the envisaged ideal profiles to a greater extent than facturing industries was consulted to prepare the sam-
assembly lines, for performance gains. ple frame, since high-ranking respondents tend to be
This research differs from previous studies in three more reliable sources of information than their subor-
distinct ways. First, this research examines tech- dinate ranks (Philips, 1981). The SIC codes included
nology initiatives in a broad context, employing a in the sample were as follows:
holistic configuration approach that seeks to iden-
tify patterns of technology investments related to SIC 34 fabricated metal products, except
performance. This is in sharp contrast to the tradi- machinery and transportation equipment
tional examination of bi-variate interaction effects on SIC 35 industrial and commercial machinery
performance. The product–process matrix suggests and computing equipment
specific machine technology types for specific pro- SIC 36 electronic and other electrical equipment
cess environments (Hayes and Wheelwright, 1979; and components
Markland et al., 1998). We explore the use of ad- SIC 37 transportation machinery and items
vanced manufacturing technologies across different SIC 38 measuring, analyzing and controlling
process environments. Second, this study examines instruments, photographic, medical and
the alignment between process environment and tech- optical goods
nology investments, whereas previous research has
focused on process-market congruence issues (Ward These SICs are established users of AMT in dis-
et al., 1992; Safizadeh et al., 1996). A final difference crete product manufacturing (Snell and Dean, 1992;
pertains to a methodological issue. Previous inves- US Department of Commerce, 1988), represent con-
tigations have employed analytical methods such as trasting process environments, and together with SIC
cluster analysis to identify technology investment 39, comprise over 40% of the sales of the US manu-
patterns. Cluster analysis and similar categorization facturing sector (US Department of Commerce, 1988).
techniques, however, do not allow any calibration of The unit of analysis was the plant.
the degree of differences among or within different Data collection was conducted in two phases. Phase
groups. For instance, Boyer et al. (1996) use cluster 1 involved preliminary site visits, interviews and
analysis to group firms in terms of differences in their surveying of executive management in the sourcing
mean scores on the advanced manufacturing tech- and manufacturing areas across different industries.
nology dimensions: “design”, “manufacturing” and Pilot-tests of the instrument and initial interviews
“administrative”. Although this approach is useful with purchasing and manufacturing executives (at
for identifying clusters of technology investments, it the same location) did not reveal any significant dif-
does not provide a composite measure of the degree ferences between responses. The item measures did
of inter-group difference. This study employs a com- not require detailed technical knowledge of equip-
posite measure of inter-group differences and relates ment or practices. It was found that senior materials
that to manufacturing performance. management were relatively conversant with man-
ufacturing demands and situations. As a post hoc
4. Methodology test of inter-rater reliability, manufacturing managers
from a random sub-sample of 20 responding firms
This section describes the development of con- were contacted to obtain responses to the manufac-
structs, measurement scales and the sampling proce- turing related items in the questionnaire. Telephone
dure followed in the study. interviews were conducted with seven responding
A. Das, R. Narasimhan / Journal of Operations Management 19 (2001) 521–540 527

manufacturing managers. Paired comparisons of izing the results of the study to smaller organizations
scores were made between the purchasing and man- in the manufacturing sector.
ufacturing respondents for the manufacturing related
questionnaire items, for each of the seven firms. The 4.2. Measures
average inter-rater reliability was 0.96, evidencing a
high degree of agreement between purchasing and Respondents were required to identify the produc-
manufacturing respondents on manufacturing related tion processes that accounted for the most time in the
issues (James et al., 1984). Further, respondents were manufacture of their major product(s), and categorize
asked to confirm whether they had consulted with that as a jobshop or assembly process environment.
manufacturing in responding to manufacturing re- Pilot tests and interviews had confirmed that managers
lated questions — 38% of the respondents replied in had an adequate understanding of the volume and va-
the affirmative. Phase 2 of the data collection pro- riety connotations of jobshop and assembly processes.
cess, following Dillman’s (1978) guidelines, involved Further 82% of the responding plants from the post
mailing the survey to senior level NAPM members hoc inter-rater reliability sample had identical clas-
selected at random from the NAPM member list. sifications by purchasing and manufacturing respon-
The mailing package consisted of a cover letter, the dents on the primary type of manufacturing process
survey and a reply paid return envelope. Assuming employed in their plants. Measures were developed
a conservative 15–20% response rate, the mailing for the remaining constructs, based on the literature.
was addressed to around 1700 potential respondents. The responses were measured on a 1–5-Likert scale,
A great deal of time and effort was invested in the consistent with past practice in many studies (Swami-
data collection. A multi-faceted strategy was imple- dass and Kotha, 1998; Swamidass and Newell, 1987;
mented, that included an explanation to potential re- Venkatraman, 1990).
spondents of the adverse consequences of incomplete Past research has described advanced manufactur-
responses, three follow-up mailings (two with sur- ing technology as a multi-dimensional construct that
veys attached and one post card reminder), and phone includes the use of ‘hard’ machine related aspects:
calls and faxes. A reminder post card was mailed to robotics, CNC hardware, CAD/CAM, etc.; and ‘soft’
all non-respondents after a week of mailing. Writ- practice/process related aspects: Kanban, set-up time
ten follow-ups (with duplicate questionnaires) were reduction techniques, JIT, etc. (Burgess and Gules,
mailed to all non-respondents approximately 3 weeks 1998; Clark, 1996; Dean and Snell, 1996; Roth and
after the initial mailing. Respondents were promised a Giffi, 1995; McCutcheon et al., 1994; Tranfield et al.,
benchmarking report of their operating characteristics 1991). The construct definitions provided by Tranfield
as an incentive to participate. et al. (1991) and Boyer et al. (1996) were of interest
Two mailings of the survey instrument resulted in to this research because of their breadth of scope,
a total of 322 responses, excluding returns, refusals transcending automated machine typology to enfold
and unusable responses. The response rate of 19% CAD/CAM, information technology, configurational
compares well with past studies (Gupta and Somers, processes, use of JIT/Kanban, and administrative
1996). Table 2 shows the respondent profile. Tests for processes in their description of an advanced man-
non-response bias across the first (n = 200) and sec- ufacturing system. Boyer et al. (1996) empirically
ond (n = 122) wave of respondents did not show any derived three separate dimensions of AMT: design,
significant results. An ANOVA test did not reveal any manufacturing and administrative. Design included
statistically significant differences among the category a mix of design and process technologies such as
means for company sales, plant sales or number of CAD, CAE, CAM, computer-aided process planning,
employees across the different SIC groups. The data and the use of CNC equipment. Manufacturing cov-
appeared to be biased towards larger plants, as evident ered technology elements such as FMS, real time
from the comparisons with census data. One explana- process control systems and robotics, while the ad-
tion may be that respondents were asked to focus on ministrative dimension included MRPII, EDI, and
the key plant in their company in their responses. In knowledge and decision support systems. Swamidass
view of the possible bias, caution is urged in general- and Kotha’s (1998) dimensionalization of the AMT
528 A. Das, R. Narasimhan / Journal of Operations Management 19 (2001) 521–540

Table 2
Sample profile of respondents
Number of valid 322
Respondent titles VP’s/director 50
Purchasing/commodity/ 179
materials managers
Senior buyers/buyers 7
Other titles 6
(operations manager,
purchasing engineer)
No response 80
Total no. of plants with 240
identifiable SIC codes

SIC Plant sales number ≤US$ 1 US$ 1–10 US$ US$ US$ US$
million million 10–50 50–100 100–500 >500
million million million million
Plant sales distributiona
34 No. of plants 0 3 16 4 4 2
35 No. of plants 0 8 36 30 23 5
36 No. of plants 0 6 14 10 18 5
37 No. of plants 0 1 14 10 5 3
38 No. of plants 0 3 8 4 6 2
Total 0 21 88 58 56 17

Average no. Average no.

of employees of employees
(data) (census)
No. of employees distributionb
34 334 (range 30–2000) 41
35 430 (range 30–1700) 35
36 400 (range 31–2000) 93
37 464 (range 30–2000) 126
38 504 (range 20–2000) 67

Process Jobshop Batch Repetitive Continuous

No. of respondents 109 71 117 24
(total sample)c
a Average plant sales as manually estimated from US census 1997 — SIC 34: US$ 6.10 million; SIC 35: US$ 7.25 million; SIC

36: US$ 20.38 million; SIC 37: US$ 41.65 million; SIC 38: US$ 11.96 million. Census figures are estimates and may not be strictly
comparable with sample data; www.census.gov/epcd.
b Outliers eliminated — in excess of 90% of responding plants in these SIC classifications reported no. of employees ≤2000.
c Figures do not include missing responses.

construct was not very different from Boyer et al.’s manufacturing automation, computer-aided inspec-
(1996) classification. They (the former) developed tion, etc.) and low-volume automation technology
four dimensions: information exchange and planning (CNC, CAD. CAM, FMS). A careful examination
technologies (MRPII, EDI, etc.), and production de- of these conceptualizations reveals three clear AMT
sign technology (CAD/CAE), and distinguished be- domains: a design domain that is concerned largely
tween high-volume automation technology (robotics, with design technologies, a manufacturing domain
A. Das, R. Narasimhan / Journal of Operations Management 19 (2001) 521–540 529

that involves mainly process related technologies, teams, decentralized decision-making and worker
and an infrastructural domain that comprises infor- cross training.
mation and production planning and control techno-
Specific item measures for the AMT construct were
adapted from the technology scales developed by
One key aspect of successful AMT systems that
Swamidass and Kotha (1998), Ward et al. (1994) and
researchers have neglected to integrate under the
Boyer et al. (1996). Table 3 shows the list of initial
rubric of advanced manufacturing technologies and
item measures.
practices is the human element. It is now widely
A Bartlett Chi-square test resulted in statistically
recognized that the benefits of hard investments in
significant Chi-squares for both jobshop and assembly
advanced technology are largely moderated by con-
line data matrices, thus permitting factor analysis on
current investments in soft technologies and practices
the data. There were between 3 and 8 missing values
(Cagliano and Spina, 2000; McDermott and Stock,
on 16 variables in the jobshop data and between 1 and
1999; Parthasarthy and Sethi, 1992). Highly skilled
7 missing values on 17 variables in the assembly line
and trained workers are believed to be an essential
data, out of the total of 40 variables involved in the
attribute of successful AMT systems, because of
analysis. These missing values were replaced by the
the increasing complexity of the technology and the
mean values of the relevant variables, which is conven-
plant-wide integration to which such technologies
tional when the number of missing cases is not exces-
often lead (Upton and McAfee, 1988; Cohen and
sive. There were 117 and 109 cases for the assembly
Apte, 1997; Adler, 1988). Increased complexity is
line and jobshop process environments, respectively.
also associated with increased operational uncertain-
ties, requiring an organic structure that allows more
front-line decisions (Burns and Stalker, 1961). In Table 3
fact, Ward et al. (1994) developed an infrastructural List of initial item measures for AMT
factor, involving worker training, empowerment, and Likert scale: 1 (very low) to 5 (very high)
job-enrichment. Based on the above discussion and Manufacturing technology
recognizing the inseparable role of human resource The use of flexible integrated manufacturing systems
management practices in advanced manufacturing The use of CNC technology
technology implementation (Snell and Dean, 1992), The use of computer-aided manufacturing
advanced manufacturing technology was defined as The use of robotics
the collective use of advanced manufacturing, design, Manufacturing design
infrastructural, and human resource management The use of computer-aided design
The use of computer-aided engineering
practices and systems in a plant. Specifically, the
The use of computer-aided testing
construct encompassed the following. Modularization in design
Manufacturing infrastructure
• Manufacturing technology (MT): The use of ad- The use of automated material handling systems
vanced manufacturing systems — CNC machines. The use of Kanban/similar manufacturing practices
CAM, and flexible manufacturing systems. The use of in-plant electronic data interchange systems
• Manufacturing design (MD): The use of computer- The use of real-time process controls
aided design, engineering and testing. The use of bar-coding
The use of set-up time reduction techniques
• Manufacturing infrastructure (MI): The use of in- The use of preventive maintenance
frastructural support systems — JIT manufacturing, JIT supplier deliveries
automated material handling, Kanban, minimal in- Cellular manufacturing organizations
ventories, preventive equipment maintenance, ac- Group technology
celerated die changes and set-ups, parts bar coding, Maintaining safety-stock only for unique components
and EDI usage in manufacturing. Human resources management
• Human resource management (HRM): The use of The use of cross-trained employees
The use of teams in manufacturing
innovative human resource management practices
The use of decentralized decision-making in manufacturing
and structures in manufacturing — cross-functional
530 A. Das, R. Narasimhan / Journal of Operations Management 19 (2001) 521–540

A confirmatory factor analysis for advanced manu- vis-à-vis the recommended guideline of 5–10 subjects
facturing technology factors was performed on both per variable (Tinsley and Tinslay, 1987). Initial com-
jobshop and assembly line process data. The maxi- munalities were set at 1.00, and a varimax rotation
mum number of variables in the CFAs was 23 — the with Kaiser normalization was performed on all fac-
sample sizes of 117 and 109 were deemed adequate tors. As an additional step, a promax oblique rotation

Table 4
Factor analysis results for the AMT constructa
Factor Item Loading Loadings
(varimax) (promax)

Manufacturing technology (MT) (α = 0.819) Use of CNC technology 0.770 0.678
Use of flexible manufacturing systems 0.742 0.775
Use of computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) 0.807 0.824
Manufacturing design (MD) (α = 0.687) Use of computer-aided design (CAD) 0.763 0.753
Use of computer-aided engineering (CAE) 0.762 0.825
Modularization in designb 0.598 0.443
Manufacturing infrastructure (MI) (α = 0.747) Use of bar coding 0.798 0.670
Use of EDI 0.559 0.604
Use of material handling equipment 0.576 0.608
Use of cellular manufacturingb 0.534 0.575
Human resources management (HRM) Decentralized decision 0.885 0.848
(α = 0.820) making for distributing
operator tasks for the day
Decentralized decision making 0.875 0.859
(operator teams/individuals) for
(micro) production scheduling
Operator teams in manufacturing 0.658 0.630
Cross-trained employeesb 0.616 0.622
Assembly line
Manufacturing technology (α = 0.819) Use of CNC technology 0.870 0.844
Use of flexible manufacturing systems 0.832 0.840
Use of computer-aided manufacturing 0.544 0.578
Use of set-up time reduction techniquesc 0.624 0.682
Manufacturing design (α = 0.739) Use of computer-aided design 0.858 0.851
Use of computer-aided engineering 0.786 0.739
Use of computer-aided testingc 0.562 0.561
Manufacturing infrastructure (α = 0.730) Use of bar coding 0.694 0.666
Use of EDI 0.639 0.551
Use of material handling equipment 0.814 0.746
Use of roboticsc 0.648 0.599
Human resources management (α = 0.824) Decentralized decision making 0.780 0.721
for distributing operator tasks
for the day
Decentralized decision making 0.824 0.799
(operator teams/individuals) for
(micro) production scheduling
Operator teams in manufacturing 0.718 0.801
a Cronbach’s α-values shown in parenthesis.
b Items specific to jobshop process.
c Items specific to assembly line process.
A. Das, R. Narasimhan / Journal of Operations Management 19 (2001) 521–540 531

Table 5
Factor analysis results for composite manufacturing performance (α = 0.872)a
Factors Items Loading

Manufacturing cost reduction (α = 0.783) Relative to internal goals 0.903

Relative to primary competition 0.778
Quality performance (α = 0.825) No. of defects/product reduction relative 0.857
to internal goals
No. of defects/product reduction relative to relative to 0.895
primary competition

New product introduction time reduction Relative to internal goals 0.865

performance (α = 0.790)
Relative to primary competition 0.893
Delivery performance (α = 0.897) Delivery speed relative to internal goals 0.839
Delivery speed relative to primary competition 0.754
Delivery dependability relative to internal goals 0.871
Delivery dependability relative to primary competition 0.819
Customization responsiveness performance Meeting customization requests relative to internal goals 0.821
(α = 0.821)
Meeting customization requests relative 0.876
to relative to primary competition
a The extent to which the plant has been able to meet its performance goals in.

procedure was performed on the data, using principal loadings in the second order analysis were above 0.70
axis factor extraction. Tinsley and Tinslay (1987) state and the composite reliability of the AMT construct
that an oblique rotation procedure (promax method was well above 0.70.
recommended) will produce a solution comparable to Manufacturing performance goals have traditionally
a orthogonal rotation procedure, if the underlying fac- included product quality, manufacturing cost, delivery,
tor dimensions are essentially orthogonal. The results flexibility and innovation (Krajewski and Ritzman,
of the promax rotated analysis were found to be sim- 1999). This research measured manufacturing per-
ilar to those obtained using the varimax rotated anal- formance along five dimensions: manufacturing cost
ysis (see Table 4). reduction, quality improvement (conformance), deliv-
Items loading on the AMT dimensions — MT, MD, ery speed and reliability, customization responsive-
MI and HRM — are shown in Table 3. Reliabilities ness (flexibility), and new product introduction time.
(Cronbach’s α) for the scales exceeded the recom- Item measures were adapted from existing scales for
mended 0.70 cut-off point (Nunnally, 1978; Churchill, manufacturing performance (Miller and Roth, 1994;
1979). Dean and Snell, 1996). The item measures required
As Table 4 shows, the factor loadings were essen- respondents to evaluate their firm’s manufacturing
tially similar across both jobshop and assembly line performance against internal goals and competitor
environments, with a few exceptions. Items specific to performance. A factor analysis was performed re-
jobshops were ‘modularization in design’, ‘use of cel- sulting in five distinct factors corresponding to the
lular manufacturing’ and ‘cross-trained employees’. conceptualized performance dimensions (Table 5).
Items specific to assembly lines were ‘use of set-up Convergent validity for the all the CFAs was de-
time reduction techniques’, ‘use of computer-aided termined by the strong and significant (0.534–0.903;
testing’ and ‘use of robotics’. The remaining items P < 0.5) item loadings (see Tables 4 and 5). 1 All
loaded on the same factors for both process types. To
test the conceptual validity of the AMT construct, a 1 The means and variances of the variables used in the factor
second order confirmatory factor model was developed analysis, associated correlation matrices, and the initial and final
using the first order factors. All the first order factor communalities are available from the corresponding author.
532 A. Das, R. Narasimhan / Journal of Operations Management 19 (2001) 521–540

inter-factor correlations were found significantly dif- financial or market data could not be found. However,
ferent from 1.00, and the average variance extracted the profit measures reported by respondents in 25 pub-
for each factor in a CFA model was found greater licly traded companies were compared with objective
than the squared correlation between that factor and financial data (E∗ Trade Inc., 2000). Approximately
any other factor in that model, providing a rigor- 80% of the self-reported measures were consistent
ous verification of discriminant validity (Fornell and with the objective data. Significant correlations iden-
Larcker, 1981). Content validity was ensured by the tified those manufacturing performance dimensions
adaptation of item measures from previous scales that related to firm level performance. Table 6 shows
in the literature and through pre-tests of the instru- the results of the correlation analysis.
ment. Customization responsiveness and new product
introduction time reduction were found to have a
statistically significant association with market share
5. Data analysis and sales growth, respectively for jobshops. Qual-
ity of conformance emerged as a strategic priority
The data analysis procedure was based on the busi- for assembly line environments. Manufacturing cost
ness strategy literature on fit and alignment (Drazin reduction related to three firm level performance out-
and Van de Ven, 1985; Venkatraman and Prescott, comes, for both process environments. Given these
1990). The sequence of analysis for each process en- process-specific strategic manufacturing capabili-
vironment was as follows: ties, the next step was to identify AMT domains of
strategic value in different process environments. A
1. identify the strategic manufacturing capabilities; regression analysis was done using the four AMT do-
2. identify specific AMT domains that influence these mains as independent variables, and process-specific
capabilities; strategic manufacturing capabilities as the dependent
3. develop ‘ideal’ profiles of AMT resource alloca- variables. Tables 7 and 8 report the results of the
tions; regression analysis.
4. develop a measure of deviation from these ‘ideal’ The results indicated that the AMT domains of
profiles; human resources management and manufacturing
5. relate the measure of deviation to manufacturing technology significantly influence several strategic
performance. manufacturing capabilities, in both jobshop and as-
sembly line processes. Manufacturing design was
First, each manufacturing performance dimension found to influence manufacturing customization ca-
was related to firm level profit, sales growth, ROA pabilities. Manufacturing infrastructure did not have
and market growth performance. Earlier studies have a significant relationship with any manufacturing
linked site-based factors such as buyer–supplier re- priority in either type of process.
lationship, manufacturing process improvement, and Next, ‘ideal’ profiles of AMT resource allocations
production competence with broader firm-level per- were developed for each process environment, fol-
formance (Carr and Pearson, 1999; Samson and lowing Venkatraman and Prescott’s (1990) procedure.
Terziovski, 1999; Choe et al., 1997). Firm perfor- For this purpose, a composite measure of manufac-
mance along the financial and market dimensions was turing performance was developed for each process
assessed through self-reported measures that asked environment, aggregating scores on significant manu-
respondents to indicate their company’s performance facturing performance dimensions. Past studies have
relative to competition, on a ‘high–low’ Likert scale developed and used similar composite measures of
(Venkatraman, 1990). Past research indicates that performance (Ward et al., 1994). To illustrate, a com-
managerial evaluations correspond closely to objec- posite manufacturing performance measure for a firm
tive data obtained from both internal and external operating as a jobshop was computed by taking the
sources (Dess and Robinson, 1984; Venkatraman and mean of its summed scores on manufacturing cost
Ramanujam, 1987). The majority of respondents be- reduction, customization responsiveness and new
longed to companies for which relevant published product introduction time reduction — manufacturing
A. Das, R. Narasimhan / Journal of Operations Management 19 (2001) 521–540 533

Table 6
Significant correlations between manufacturing performance and firm performancea
Net profits Sales growth ROA Market share

Jobshop process (n = 109)

Manufacturing cost reduction 0.2736∗∗ 0.2868∗∗ 0.2189∗∗ n.s.b
Customization responsiveness n.s. n.s. n.s. 0.2125∗∗
New product introduction time n.s. 0.2195∗ n.s. n.s.
Assembly line process (n = 117)
Quality 0.2298∗ n.s. n.s. n.s.
Manufacturing cost reduction n.s. 0.2290∗ 0.2199∗ 0.1977∗
a All financial, market and manufacturing performance measures are on a 1 (very low) to 5 (very high) Likert scale, and are relative

to primary competition.
b n.s.: not significant at P < 0.05.
∗ P < 0.05.
∗∗ P < 0.01.

performance dimensions significantly related to firm critical AMT dimension was computed to develop
performance for jobshop environments. Firms in each an ‘ideal’ profile of AMT resource configuration, for
process type were then ranked on their respective each process environment. Table 9 presents the ‘ideal
composite manufacturing performance score, and the profiles’ developed based on this procedure for job-
top 10% companies identified. The mean score of shop and assembly line processes, respectively. The
this group of high performing companies on each ‘ideal profiles’ show the distinct combinations (and

Table 7
Regression runs-AMT domains vs. strategic manufacturing capabilities jobshop process (n = 109)
Independent variables B S.E. B β P

Dependent variable: manufacturing cost reduction performancea

Manufacturing technology 0.199 0.070 0.314 0.006
Manufacturing design (−)0.073 0.092 (−)0.083 0.428
Manufacturing infrastructure 0.007 0.102 0.008 0.945
Human resources management 0.207 0.082 0.260 0.013
Dependent variable: customization responsiveness performanceb
Manufacturing technology (−)0.116 0.082 (−)0.154 0.157
Manufacturing design 0.353 0.107 0.339 0.001
Manufacturing infrastructure 0.147 0.119 0.138 0.220
Human resources management 0.106 0.095 0.112 0.263
Dependent variable: new product introduction time reduction performancec
Manufacturing technology (−)0.128 0.077 (−)0.177 0.102
Manufacturing design 0.160 0.102 0.160 0.119
Manufacturing infrastructure 0.113 0.113 0.110 0.322
Human resources management 0.299 0.090 0.327 0.001
Dependent variable = delivery performance (not related to firm performance in jobshops)d
Manufacturing design 0.241 0.084 0.273 0.005
Human resources management 0.068 0.091 0.084 0.455
Manufacturing infrastructure 0.123 0.135 0.125 0.363
Manufacturing technology (−)0.038 0.078 (−)0.059 0.629
a R2 = 0.179, adjusted R2 = 0.146, significant at P = 0.001.
b R2 = 0.168, adjusted R2 = 0.136, significant at P = 0.001.
c R2 = 0.180, adjusted R2 = 0.149, significant at P = 0.003.
d R2 = 0.074, adjusted R2 = 0.065, significant at P = 0.005.
534 A. Das, R. Narasimhan / Journal of Operations Management 19 (2001) 521–540

Table 8
Regression runs-AMT domains vs. strategic manufacturing capabilities assembly line process (n = 117)
Independent variables B S.E. B β P

Dependent variable: manufacturing cost reduction performancea

Manufacturing technology 0.058 0.075 0.085 0.441
Manufacturing design 0.102 0.071 0.143 0.153
Manufacturing infrastructure 0.002 0.079 0.003 0.981
Human resources management 0.152 0.070 0.226 0.032
Dependent variable: quality performanceb
Manufacturing technology 0.202 0.101 0.214 0.048
Manufacturing design 0.058 0.096 0.058 0.548
Manufacturing infrastructure 0.086 0.105 0.082 0.416
Human resources management 0.117 0.095 0.125 0.221
Dependent variable: new product introduction time
reduction performance (not related to firm performance
in assembly line firms)c
Human resources management (only significant variable) 0.251 0.068 0.331 0.000
a = 0.126, adjusted
R2 = 0.094, significant at P = 0.005.
b R2 = 0.135, adjusted R2 = 0.105, significant at P = 0.003.
c R2 = 0.110, adjusted R2 = 0.102, significant at P = 0.0.

intensities of use) of manufacturing technologies align advanced manufacturing technology investments

and practices, that were found to be associated with in identifiable ‘ideal’ profiles. The composition of the
superior performance in jobshop and assembly line ‘ideal profiles’ show that processes may differ in their
environments. choice and intensity of use of manufacturing tech-
The identification of ‘ideal profiles’ for different nologies and practices associated with superior man-
processes validated the first research proposition of ufacturing and business performance. For instance,
this paper: different process environments tend to jobshops were seen to deploy CNC technology and

Table 9
‘Ideal’ profiles of AMT resource allocations
Significant AMT domaina Item measure Mean score (and S.D.) of ideal profile

Jobshop Assembly line

MT Use of CNC technology 2.83 (1.40) 3.27 (1.85)

Use of computer-aided manufacturing 3.30 (1.34) 3.36 (1.69)
Use of flexible manufacturing systems 3.20 (1.40) 2.91 (1.87)
Use of set-up time reduction methods – 3.45(1.63)
HRM Worker cross-training 3.80 (1.03) –
Use of operator teams 2.60 (1.90) 3.73 (1.42)
Decentralized decision making for scheduling 2.90 (1.52) 2.91 (1.57)
Decentralized decision making for operator tasks 2.90 (1.60) 3.00 (1.48)
MD Use of computer-aided engineering 3.83 (1.15) Not significantly related to
strategic manufacturing
Use of computer-aided design 3.75 (0.82) –
Use of modularization in product design 3.50 (1.27) –
a AMT domains found to significantly influence strategic manufacturing capabilities.
A. Das, R. Narasimhan / Journal of Operations Management 19 (2001) 521–540 535

manufacturing operator teams to a lesser extent, as dimensions, obtained from their regressions on strate-
compared to assembly lines. On the other hand, both gic manufacturing capabilities (see Tables 7 and 8).
process types emphasized decentralized decision mak- 
ing about equally. The ‘ideal profiles’ also identified LOFi = (bj (xij − µpj ))2
several technologies and practices that were exclusive j ∈J
to a specific process type. Worker cross-training, the where i is the ith firm in sample (excluding firms in
use of CAE and CAD, and the use of modularization ideal profile), bj , the standardized beta weight for the
in design were found to be associated with improved jth significant AMT dimension, J the set of item mea-
strategic manufacturing performance in jobshops. This sures for the critical AMT dimensions for a particu-
does not necessarily mean that successful assembly lar process environment, xij the score for firm i for
line process firms do not deploy these technologies. jth item measure and µpj the mean score for jth item
Rather, the use of these technologies in assembly lines measure in the ideal profile.
did not appear to contribute to those manufacturing A ‘LOF’ measure was calculated for each firm be-
performance dimensions that were found to affect firm longing to the two process environments. A represen-
performance in assembly line environments. tative computation is shown as follows:

Assembly process

Strategic manufacturing capabilities Manufacturing cost reduction and quality performance (see Table 6)
AMT dimensions affecting cost and MT (β = 0.214); HRM (β = 0.226) (see Table 7)
quality capabilities
Item measures of MT and HRM MT: Use of CNC machines, use of CAM, use of FMS, use of set-up
time reduction techniques
HRM: Use of operator teams in manufacturing, decentralized decision
making for distributing operator tasks, decentralized decision making
for production
Illustrative computation for a firm2 LOF = [0.214{(firm’s score on CNC − 3.27)2 +
(firm’s score on CAM − 3.36)2 + (firm’s score on FMS − 2.91)2 +
(firm’s score on set-up time reduction techniques − 3.45)2 } +
0.226{(firm’s score on operator team − 3.73)2 +
(firm’s score on decentralized decision making for scheduling−2.91)2 +
(firm’s score on decentralized decision making for opeator tasks −
3.00)2 }]

The second research proposition of this paper The top 10% cases and the bottom 10% compos-
posited that deviations from the ‘ideal’ profiles will ite manufacturing performance cases were eliminated
have a negative impact on manufacturing perfor- from the sample prior to this computation. The latter
mance. Accordingly, a measure of deviation from the was done to avoid the possibility of restriction of range
ideal profile, ‘lack of fit’ (LOF), was calculated to bias (Venkatraman and Prescott, 1990). Finally, ‘LOF’
assess the extent to which the remaining firms di- for each process environment was related to compos-
verged from the ideal profile of mean scores in AMT ite manufacturing performance. It was anticipated that
investments. ‘LOF’ represents a composite, weighted deviations from the ideal profile would have an ad-
measure based on the deviation of a firm’s AMT item verse effect on performance. Accordingly, the corre-
measure scores from the mean item scores of the lations between ‘LOF’ and composite manufacturing
group of firms comprising the ideal profile. Follow-
ing Venkatraman and Prescott (1990), weights were 2 Values inside brackets indicates mean score on that item in

derived from the beta coefficients of particular AMT the ideal profile of assembly line firms.
536 A. Das, R. Narasimhan / Journal of Operations Management 19 (2001) 521–540

Table 10 the firms in the ideal profile derive superior manufac-

Correlations between ‘lack of fit’ and composite manufacturing turing performance from the synergies implicit in the
arrangement of their technology investments — the

issue is one of whether a specific pattern of invest-
LOF↔(−)0.261 Composite manufacturing performanceAssembly ments is associated with performance gains, and not
∗ of the relative magnitude of investments in individual
LOF↔(−)0.226 Composite manufacturing performance
technology practices. It is not our intention to general-
a Asterisk (∗ ) indicates significant at P < 0.01. ize or prescribe an established ‘ideal profile’ of AMT
investments for individual jobshop or assembly line
performance were expected to be significant and neg- process plants. Product-based differences and equifi-
ative. Table 10 shows the results of the correlation nality considerations make it conceivable that other
analysis. ideal profiles will exist. Further study is required to
‘LOF’ was found to have a significant and negative fully investigate these configurational synergies, per-
impact on composite manufacturing performance, in haps most appropriately through a case-based in-depth
both jobshop and assembly line processes. analysis of manufacturing plants in the same product
market. In this study, the ‘ideal’ profile concept offers
a perspective on investment implications that can pro-
6. Discussion of results vide more clarity on synergies to be had in technology
choice decisions.
This section discusses the implications of the ideal The relationship between LOF and performance un-
profiles and the use of AMT for strategic ends. derscores the need to recognize patterns in technology
investments for competitive benchmarking and anal-
6.1. Ideal profiles ysis. The ‘ideal’ profile methodology could provide a
valid composite, multivariate benchmarking tool for
The results of the analysis validate the utility of decision-makers. An ideal profile could provide man-
the ‘ideal profile’ methodology in production envi- agers with an opportunity to utilize the ‘LOF’ measure
ronments. Development of an ideal profile represents to assess the degree of deviation from the benchmark
what the strategy literature calls a ‘holistic’ approach pattern of investments, identify gaps, consider avail-
to assessing fit (Venkatraman and Prescott, 1990). The able resources and associated risks, and implement
holistic perspective is based on the premise that con- corrective strategies. To illustrate, a company operat-
figurations, rather than bi-variate examinations (as in ing multiple plants in a single industry could construct
regular interaction analysis), are important to com- an ‘ideal profile’ of technology investments from the
pletely describe a synergistic profile or system. The best performing plant in its industry, and assess the
technology items in the ideal profiles in this study performance implications of plant deviations from this
collectively describe and define the strategic technol- profile. If deviations from the best plant profile affect
ogy profile of the best performing (manufacturing per- performance significantly, management needs to iden-
formance) companies. It is not necessary that mean tify the manufacturing levers to adjust them for im-
investments in all the technology items in an ideal proved performance, i.e. closing the gaps in the plant
profile be uniformly higher than (or different from) profile to reduce LOF and achieve better fit with the
that in the remaining firms. For example, the means ideal profile. For example, if comparison of a plant’s
scores for CNC technology use CAE and CAD, three profile with the ideal profile reveals gaps in opera-
critical technology items for the low performing job- tor teaming, use of CNC machines and use of CAD,
shop firms, were higher than the mean scores for these management should identify the reasons for these
items in the ideal profile of the high performing job- gaps or deficiencies (lack of resources, lack of equip-
shops (3.00, 3.91 and 4.14 versus 2.83, 3.83 and 3.75, ment, plant culture, worker skills), consider available
respectively). This suggests that indiscriminate invest- resources, and establish and sequence targets for im-
ment in all technology practices may not be associated provement in these areas. For practical reasons, it may
with improved performance. It can be speculated that be easier for managers to initiate action in the softer,
A. Das, R. Narasimhan / Journal of Operations Management 19 (2001) 521–540 537

less capital intensive operational dimensions of AMT, age between human resources management practices,
such as HRM, and develop an improved profile, using and new product introduction time reduction perfor-
these dimensions. They can then quantify the extent of mance (see Table 8), a manufacturing capability that
deviation of the new improved profile from the ‘ideal was not related to firm performance in this process
profile’, following the methodology outlined here, type. The data suggest that HRM practices such as
re-assess (correlate) the performance consequences of decentralization and teaming could help assembly
the deviation, and subsequently make the capital-based line manufacturers make successful lateral extensions
equipment MT and MD investments, if warranted into “off-diagonal” positions in customization and
from a cost/resource availability perspective. innovation driven markets.
A comparison of the ideal profiles developed from
the data with the envisaged ideal profiles (see Table 1) 6.2.2. AMT’s reality
revealed that most of the AMT items (belonging to With the exception of cost, companies in different
strategic AMT domains) in the a priori profiles found process environments used similar advanced manu-
inclusion in the final profile. Few exceptions are noted facturing technology investments for very different
on Table 1, and can be explained as an outcome of strategic manufacturing goals. This finding disaffirms
the factor analysis, or as a result of a particular AMT suggestions of a growing shift to “off-diagonal” posi-
dimension not having a significant association with tions, where for instance, continuous flow shops use
performance. The results generally support earlier FMS to serve customization driven markets (Safizadeh
findings of the broad use of AMT across different pro- et al., 1996; Markland et al., 1998). The nature of
cess environments, albeit to achieve different strategic the manufacturing related “order winners” for each
objectives (Kotha and Swamidass, 2000; McDermott process environment (see Table 6) implies that firms
et al., 1997). operate within their traditional market environments
using compatible capabilities, without attempting to
re-define competition by pursuing non-traditional
6.2. Advanced manufacturing technology and
capabilities. The strategic opportunities offered by
‘off-diagonal’ positions
advanced manufacturing technology to dilute the in-
fluence of the volume–variety tradeoff seems to have
6.2.1. AMT’s potential remained unexploited. The notion that firms remain
The results show that the general purpose/dedicated within their traditional markets is supported by the
purpose technology investment divide between job- data. The data show that the proportion of produc-
shop and assembly environments (Hill, 1994), is being tion changes in jobshops (after release of production
bridged by advanced manufacturing technology. The schedules) due to changes in design and volume, was
use of advanced manufacturing technology appears in the range of 30–60%. Evidently, this suggests a
to influence strategic capabilities across disparate volatile market environment for jobshops, where use
process environments. Theoretically, advanced man- of customization and new product introduction ca-
ufacturing technology should enable firms to operate pabilities would be a preferred strategy for pursuing
with success in off-diagonal positions, especially if market performance. The results show (see Table 6)
the technology elements are aligned with an ‘ideal that firm performance in jobshops was indeed pos-
profile’ for that particular product industry. In such itively related to these manufacturing capabilities.
cases, an ‘aligned’ firm would have an enhanced abil- In contrast, delivery performance in jobshops did
ity to compete with non-traditional capabilities. To not relate to their financial or market growth perfor-
illustrate, a regression analysis showed that manufac- mance, suggesting that jobshops were not operating in
turing design, a dimension of AMT, significantly af- time sensitive markets. The proportion of production
fected delivery performance in jobshops (see Table 7). changes in assembly line firms was less than 10%
This suggests that it may be feasible for jobshops to for design changes, and 10–20% for volume changes,
venture into delivery oriented markets based on exist- indicating a much more stable and mature market en-
ing technology capabilities. Similarly, regression runs vironment for these firms. Accordingly, it can be ex-
in assembly environments showed a significant link- pected that these companies would emphasize quality,
538 A. Das, R. Narasimhan / Journal of Operations Management 19 (2001) 521–540

cost and other mature-market competitive goals. The mulation process seen in many companies. Strategy
results validate this view — quality and cost reduction planners may lack knowledge of manufacturing capa-
performance in assembly line firms were found to be bilities, especially if such capabilities are not readily
positively related to financial and market growth apparent to them. Marketing’s decision to compete
performance, whereas customization or new prod- in specific markets may in fact determine the use of
uct development was not. Inferentially, utilization AMT, in the absence of manufacturing’s input in busi-
of advanced manufacturing technology in assembly ness strategy formulation. Regardless of the reasons
environments appears to center on controlling costs for not exploiting the potential of AMT, it is pertinent
and improving quality, whereas advanced manufac- to note that there is a growing body of evidence that
turing technology in jobshops seems to be utilized reports convergence of markets in terms of customer
for cost, customization and new product introduction expectations: customization, cost and quality (Pine,
objectives. 1993; Kotha, 1995). In view of this emerging trend,
Cost has not been a pressing concern for jobshops, both jobshop and assembly line firms would be well
which have traditionally competed on the basis of served if they identify and exploit the full capabili-
customization and product innovation. Manufacturing ties of advanced manufacturing technologies. Man-
technology and human resources management prac- ufacturing can ill afford to neglect AMT’s strategic
tices, two key dimensions of AMT, were associated capability to introduce new forms of competition.
with cost reduction performance in jobshops (see Ta- Although this study takes a systemic perspective
ble 7). Advanced manufacturing technology would in understanding technology investments, the statis-
thus appear to have enabled jobshop firms in our sam- tical relationships between specific AMT dimensions
ple to add cost-based strategies to their competitive and strategic manufacturing capabilities merit men-
arsenal, an advantage lacking with general-purpose tion (see Tables 7 and 8). Manufacturing technology
technology. was found to benefit manufacturing cost reduction in
jobshops. One can rationalize this relationship. For in-
6.2.3. AMT’s paradox stance, CNC and CAM technologies should result in
The findings of this investigation present an inter- decreased set-up frequencies, improved set-up times,
esting paradox in the use of advanced manufacturing more accurate scheduling and increased productivity,
technology. Clearly, AMT has the potential to legit- all leading to reductions in manufacturing cycle times.
imize off-diagonal positions. Yet it is evidently not Lower manufacturing cycle times should lead to lower
being utilized for such objectives. Jobshops in our manufacturing costs. To verify this, MT was regressed
study did not seem to use their AMT-based capabil- on manufacturing cycle time reduction in jobshops,
ities to pursue markets with non-traditional capabili- with significant and positive results (P < 0.05). Man-
ties such as delivery performance. Similarly, assembly ufacturing design (CAD and CAE systems) was found
firms in our sample did not appear to be deriving fi- to relate positively to customization performance in
nancial or market gains from their technology enabled jobshops. Human resources management was found
ability to accelerate new product development cycle- to be an overarching influence on the achievement of
times. strategic manufacturing capabilities, supporting cur-
A plausible reason for the lack of use of AMT to rent notions of the strategic importance of knowledge
gain entry into markets with different competitive re- factors. Manufacturing managers should be trained to
quirements could be that managers who acquire and develop, foster, evaluate and reward the human ele-
utilize AMT for traditional objectives, do not spend ment in operations.
time identifying the additional competitive opportuni-
ties available from the technology. AMT’s capability
to promote customization and product development 7. Conclusion
may not find articulation or application in assembly
environments. Another more reasonable explanation The development and testing of ‘ideal’ profiles of
for the paradox could lie in the frequent separation advanced manufacturing technology resource invest-
between the manufacturing function and strategy for- ments underscores the strategic importance of aligning
A. Das, R. Narasimhan / Journal of Operations Management 19 (2001) 521–540 539

technology investments with process requirements. Cagliano, R., Spina, G., 2000. Advanced manufacturing
Theoretically, the existence of ideal profiles highlights technologies and strategically flexible production. Journal of
the concept of ‘domain navigation’ by companies — Operations Management 18 (2), 169–190.
Carr, A.S., Pearson, J.H., 1999. Strategically managed
the design of operational strategies to match com- buyer–supplier relationships and performance outcomes. Journal
petitive environmental conditions (Venkatraman and of Operations Management 17, 497–519.
Prescott, 1990). The results validate the feasibility of Choe, K., Booth, D., Hu, M., 1997. Production competence and
off-diagonal positions in the Hayes and Wheelwright its impact on business performance. Journal of Manufacturing
Systems 16 (6), 409–421.
(1979) matrix, yet concurrently underscore the failure
Churchill, G.A., 1979. A paradigm for developing better measures
of firms to adopt non-traditional positions for com- of marketing constructs. Journal of Marketing Research 16,
petitive advantage. Contrary to recent speculations, 64–73.
the results suggest that the use of AMT is still con- Clark, K.B., 1996. Competing through manufacturing and the new
fined to defined process goals and does not appear to manufacturing paradigm: is manufacturing passes? Production
and Operations Management 5 (1), 42–58.
encourage firms to assume “off diagonal” positions in Cohen, M.A., Apte, U.A., 1997. Manufacturing Automation. Irwin,
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