Question Bank

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1. What are the various data formats used in assembler? Explain them.

2. Explain the databases, flowchart and algorithm for Pass – 1 assembler.

3. Explain Pass 1 of Assembler in detail with the help of flowchart and


4. Which of the following is not true about BALR instruction?

i) BALR is used to load base register.
ii) If second operated of BALR is O, the execution proceeds with the
next Instruction.
iii) BALR is a RX type of instruction.

a) Only i b) Only ii
c) Only iii d) ii and iii

Justify your answer.

5. Definition of symbols and literals is done in pass 2 of assembler state

true or false. Also justify your answers.

6. Which of the following is not a static table.

a) Symbol table b) Machine op table
c) Pseudo op table d) None of the above

7. Explain Pass 1 of Assembler in detail with the help of flowchart and


8. Explain the difference between:

(i) Immediate operand and literal operand
(ii) Machine op and pseudo op.

9. Why does assembler require more than one pass over input program?
Explain your answer with suitable example.

10. Explain Pass 1 of Assembler in detail with the help of flowchart and

11. Explain the formats of following tables used in assembler design.

i) MOT - Machine - OP Table
ii) POT - Pseudo - OP Table
iii) ST - Symbol Table

12. With neat schematic explain PASS - I of a two pass assembler.

13. Draw & explain the flowchart & algorithm of pass-2 of assembler.

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