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Maharaja Institute of Technology Thandavapura

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Assignment Questions

Module – 1
Date Submission Semester Course Course Type of
Date Code Assignment
11-04-2022 18-04-2022 VIII NoSQL Database 18CS823 Writing
Course Coordinator: Prof. Bharath Bharadwaj B S
CO1 Explain and compare different types of NoSQL Databases
L1: Remembering L3: Applying L5: Evaluating
RBT Levels
L2: Understanding L4: Analysing L6: Creating

Q. No. Questions RBT

Level (s)
1 What do you understand by NoSQL databases? How does NoSQL database L1,L2
management system budget for memory?
2 What are pros and cons of graph databases in NoSQL? List the different kinds L1,L2
of NoSQL data stores. What are the challenges of using NoSQL databases?
3 What is JSON format? Explain with an example. List the features of JSON format. L1

4 Explain with example the difference between JSON format and XML format. L1

5 What are the limitations of RDBMS? List and explain the barriers of NoSQL. L1,L2

6 What are aggregates? Explain with example. What are ACID properties of L1
transactions? Why relational databases are aggregate ignorant?
7 What are schemaless databases? What is non-uniform data? Write a short note L1,L2
on materialized views.
Maharaja Institute of Technology Thandavapura
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Assignment Questions

Module – 2
Date Submission Semester Course Course Type of
Date Code Assignment
25-04-2022 02-05-2022 VIII NoSQL Database 18CS823 Writing
Course Coordinator: Prof. Bharath Bharadwaj B S
CO2 Compare and contrast RDBMS with different NoSQL databases.
L1: Remembering L3: Applying L5: Evaluating
RBT Levels
L2: Understanding L4: Analysing L6: Creating

Q. No. Questions RBT

Level (s)
1 What are different data distribution models? Explain the concept of sharding L1,L2
with example. What do you mean by auto sharding?
2 Explain master-slave replication. What is read and write resilience? What is L1,L2
peer to peer replication? Write a short note on single server.
3 State the reason why relational databases given strong consistency. What are L1
the different types of consistencies? What are the different types of conflicts?
Explain with an example.
4 L1

5 Write a short note on: L1,L2

a. Replication consistency e. Replication Factor
b. casual consistency f. Inconsistency Window
c. Session consistency g. Deployment complexity.
d. monotonic read and write consistency. h. sticky session/session affinity?
6 What is eventual consistency? What are different types of eventual L1
consistency? What are the two ways to maintain session consistency? NoSQL
databases are eventually consistent. Justify. What are the different issues faced
by enterprise when it decides to use NoSQL technology?
7 What is CAP theorem? How it is applicable to NoSQL systems?What is L1,L2
replication durability?
8 What are quorums? What is read and write quorum? What are system and L1
business transactions?
9 What are version stamps? How version stamps are applied on multiple nodes? L1,L2
What are the different ways to create version stamps? What are the other
names of version stamps?
Maharaja Institute of Technology Thandavapura
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Assignment Questions

Module – 3
Date Submission Semester Course Course Type of
Date Code Assignment
09-05-2022 16-05-2022 VIII NoSQL Database 18CS823 Writing
Course Coordinator: Prof. Bharath Bharadwaj B S
Demonstrate the detailed architecture and performance tune of Document-oriented
NoSQL databases.
L1: Remembering L3: Applying L5: Evaluating
RBT Levels
L2: Understanding L4: Analysing L6: Creating

Q. No. Questions RBT

Level (s)
1 What is map reduce? Explain map reduce technique with an example. What is L1,L2
incremental map reduce?
2 What are domain buckets? List some of the popular key value databases. L1,L2

3 What is a key value data store? What are the features of key value databases? L1,L2

4 What are the suitable use cases of key-value data store? When key value L1,L2
databases will not be used?
Maharaja Institute of Technology Thandavapura
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Assignment Questions

Module – 4
Date Submission Semester Course Course Type of
Date Code Assignment
23-05-2022 30-05-2022 VIII NoSQL Database 18CS823 Writing
Course Coordinator: Prof. Bharath Bharadwaj B S
CO4 Explain performance tune of Key-Value Pair NoSQL databases.
L1: Remembering L3: Applying L5: Evaluating
RBT Levels
L2: Understanding L4: Analysing L6: Creating

Q. No. Questions RBT

Level (s)
1 Explain what is MongoDB? What is “Namespace” and sharding in MongoDB? L1,L2

2 Explain what is a replica set? How replication works in MongoDB? What are L1,L2
the alternatives to MongoDB?
3 While creating schema in MongoDB what are the points need to be taken in L1,L2
consideration? What is the syntax to create a collection and to drop a collection
in MongoDB?
Maharaja Institute of Technology Thandavapura
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Assignment Questions

Module – 5
Date Submission Semester Course Course Type of
Date Code Assignment
06-06-2022 13-06-2022 VIII NoSQL Database 18CS823 Writing
Course Coordinator: Prof. Bharath Bharadwaj B S
CO5 Apply NoSQL development tools on different types of NoSQL Databases.
L1: Remembering L3: Applying L5: Evaluating
RBT Levels
L2: Understanding L4: Analysing L6: Creating

Q. No. Questions RBT

Level (s)
1 What is graph database? What is query on graph? What are the features of L1,L2
graph databases?
2 What are the suitable use cases of graph databases? When graph databases will L1,L2
not be used?

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