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Unit: 2

Spread of iSlam
Q1: Write a note on the Islamic conquests during the rule of the first four caliphs.
Answer: In the days of the pious Caliphs, the areas of Syria, Lebanon, Palestine,
Egypt, Tripoli etc., were included in the empire of Rome. All these areas were
conquered by Muslims during the period of the first three Caliphs. i.e. Hazrat Abu
Bakr Siddique, Hazrat Umar and Hazrat Usman. The Muslim rulers did not make
conquests merely for the extension of their empires. As a matter of fact, the
peoples of these countries, in order to get rid of their cruel rulers, invited the
Muslims to invade their countries. The teachings of Islam and generous behavior
of Muslims impressed the people of the conquered areas, and they willingly
accepted Islam.

Q2: Write a short account of the spread of Islam in the following regions.
a) The Sudan and West Africa
b) Europe
c) Indonesia
d) Malaysia
e) Philippines

Answer: Islam in Sudan and West Africa

After embracing Islam, the Berbers proved a great asset to the Muslim world.
They formed many missionaries. These missionaries, with the cooperation of Arab
traders, spread islam in the Sudan. The people settled on the western coasts. It
was in this way that Islam spread in West Africa.
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Islam in Europe
The Muslim army, under the command of Tariq Bin Ziyad and Musa Bin Nuzair,
conquered Spain, made advancement and reached the southern parts of France.
The Muslim spread islam many Europe lands for about seven hundred years.

Islam in Indonesia
When the Arab traders reached the far eastern islands, the present states of
Indonesia. The people of these islands are beginning to accept Islam. Sumatra, an
island of Indonesia, was the first to embrace Islam. Then it began to spread in
java. Here malik Ibrahim his follows and his son carried on the preaching of Islam
with a missionary spirit.

Islam in Malaysia
In Malaysia, Islam was first introduced in Malaya (west Malaysia) It is said that a
Hindu ruler, called Midasu, was the first man in Malaya to accept Islam. He took
an active part in preaching and propagating Islam. The Arab traders of Malabar
and koromandal also made great contributions for the promotion of Islam in
Malaysia. Latter, Muhammad Shah, another ruler of Malaya also worked for the
spread of Islam.

Islam in Philippines
Philippine Islands are situated in the Pacific Ocean. There Islam first came with
the Muslim missionaries from Malaya and Borneo. They had accepted Islam as a
result of saints. the efforts of the Arab traders and other Muslim journeying in the
Pacific reached the coasts of Philippines. Gradually most of the Philippine’s islands
were captured by the Muslims.

Q3: How was islam introduced in Indo-Pak subcontinent?

Answer: Islam in the Subcontinent

Before the advent of Muhammad Bin Qasim, the Arab traders used to visit the
subcontinent. These traders played an important role in the spread of Islam. In
A.D. 712, Muhammad Bin Qasim was the first to establish an Islamic state in the
subcontinent. He defeated Raja Dahir of Sindh and conquered the entire area up
Unit: 2
to Multan. He wrote letters to Tallakdars and landlords of Sindh inviting them to
accept Islam. The kind treatment by the Arab Muslims and their life style greatly
impressed the local people of the conquered areas. It was for this reason that the
people of Sindh came into the fold of Islam. About three centuries after the
conquest of Sindh by Muhammad Bin Qasim, there came in Sultan Mahmood of
Ghazni. His invasion the cause of the spread of Islam in the region Shahab-ud-Din
Ghori (A. D. 1174 to 1206) further enlarged the frontiers of the Muslim empire.
There is an important role of Muslim saints in spreading Islam in the
subcontinent. These saints include Hazrat Moeen-ud-Din Chishti and sheikh Ismail
Bokhari, Hazrat Ali Hajveri, Hazrat Khawaja Qutab-ud-Din bakhtiar kaki, Hazrat
Khawaja Farid-ud-Din Shakar Ganj, Hazrat Khawaja nizam-ud-Din Aulia, Hazrat
Khawaja Baha-ud-Din Zakariya, Hazrat Amer khusro and many other.

Q4: describe the role of Muslims traders and preachers in the spread of Islam.

Answer: Muslim traders and preachers

The trade ships of the Muslims sailed in all seas and oceans and touched the
coasts of far-off countries. Wherever they went, they mixed up with the local
people in such a way as if they belonged to the same land. The local. people were
greatly impressed by the general behavior of Muslims. The Muslims explained the
truth of Islam to the local people. Those who were looked down upon in society
due to their poverty or social and religious discrimination, sought their salvation
in Islam. They were also impressed by the kindness, moral integrity, good
manners and honesty of the Arab traders. In the Far East, the Muslims never
came as conquerors. Islam spread in these areas due to the efforts of the Muslim
traders and the saints of the subcontinent. They taught the principles of equality
among human beings, mutual love and sincerity. A large number of such people
came into the fold of islam.

Q5: What are crusades? Describe the main causes od crusades.

Answer: The crusades

The wars fought between Christians and Muslims during the period from A.D.
1096 to A.D. 1173 are called "Crusades". These wars are named so because the
Pope and other ministers of church had started propagating that it had become
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imperative to fight against Muslims in order to save the Crucifix. The Crusades
were declared by the Pope of Rome in A.D. 1096.
1) The Christians in those days were divided into a number of secrets.
2) the pope of Rome was caught by the greed of having more and more power
over the kingdoms of Europe. He could get this end by instigating the European
countries against Muslims over the issue of Jerusalem.
3) The Christian rulers of the European kingdoms were afraid of the conquests
and ever-increasing power of Muslims.
4) The Muslims had full control over the Mediterranean Sea. The Mediterranean
routes led to Venice and Geneva. The Christians could not go freely to these
ports. Their trade activities had, therefore, been stopped.
5) The European rulers were looking for an opportunity to extend their borders by
making more and more conquests.
6) The immediate cause of the Crusades was stories fabricated by the Christian
pilgrims to defame the Muslims. (It was due to the above-mentioned reasons that
the Christian World got united against Muslims and dispatched large armies to
attack the holy city of Jerusalem.

Q6: how was Islam spread among Berbers?

Answer: North Africa the Muslim conquered the barbs and founded a large city
here named qairavan. the burble were impressed treatment of Muslim. the
embraced islam and rendered valuable services for it.

Q7: briefly describe the events of crusades.

Answer: Events
The Crusades broke out with the declaration of war by Pope against the Muslims.
A large number of the Christian armies from marched towards Jerusalem to free it
from the occupation of the Muslims but they captured Jerusalem by Muslims.
Muslim countries decided to forget their political differences and make joint
efforts to free the holy city from the Christians.
Unit: 2
Q8: How did crusades prove a blessing for the Christians of Europe?
Answer: Crusades proved a blessing for the Christians of Europe. Muslim culture
which was far superior to that of the Christian World. The Christians learnt a
number of sciences from the Muslims. It was on the basis of these sciences that
the Europeans made a tremendous progress in trade, agriculture, architecture
and other fields of life.

Q9: Describe the achievements of (a) Imad-ud-Din Zangi and (b) Salah-ud-Din
Answer: when Seljuk king Sultan Mahmud died, and Imad-ud-Din Zangi shocked
to rose to lead the Muslims. He raised a huge army and set out to fight against the
Christians. He defeated the Christians in many battlefields and recovered a
number of cities captured by the Christian invaders. The Christians realized that it
was very difficult to defeat Imad-ud-Din Zangi. They made a conspiracy and got
Imad-ud-Din murdered by one of his own soldiers. After the death of Nur-ud-Din
Zangi, Salah-ud-Din Ayyubi succeeded to the throne. He became an independent
ruler of Egypt. He annexed Syria and Hijaz to his kingdom. Christian rule came to
an end in Syria and Palestine.

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