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Unit: 12

AwAkening of the MusliM world

Q1: Discuss the services of Syed Jamal-ul-Din Afghani for creating awakening
among the Muslim countries.
Answer: Syed Jamal-ud-Din Afghani was a great religious scholar, thinker and
sincere leader of e Muslim World in the nineteenth century. He devotedly worked
for the cause of bringing about unity among the Muslim nations. During his tour
in Iran, He wished to see the introduction of reforms in Iran so that the people of
this country might lead a prosperous life. During his stay Egypt, he regularly
delivered lectures at Al-Azhar University. He lit the candle of freedom in the
hearts of his disciples who sincerely worked for liberating the Muslims from the
rule of British and the French. Syed Jamal-ud-Din Afghani brought out a magazine
with the title "Al-Urwat-ul-Wusqa in the Arabic language from Paris. Mufti
Muhammad Abdohu of Egypt Through his writings, Mufti Muhammad Abd
assisted him in editing the magazine. Through his writings Syed Sahib Egyptian
people and lit the candle of freedom in the advised the Muslim countries to settle
their differences and bring unity among The Mufti had a large number of
followers. themselves so that they could be able to defeat their common enemy.
During his stay in Turkey, he tried to persuade their people to fight against the
domination of Turkish Government to introduce reforms in the country so that
the living conditions may be improved. Syed Jamal-ud-Din Afghani was a great
supporter of the unity of the Muslim Egypt and tried to keep World. After his
death his mission was carried on by his followers. It is rightly said disciples in
organizing "Whenever the call for the unity of Muslims will rise, the spirit of
Jamal-ud-Din will these disciples went service in spreading rise to support it".

Q2: What services did Mufti Muhammad Abdohu render for the renaissance of
the Muslims?
Answer: Mufti Muhammad Abdohu is known as one of the builders of modern
Egypt. He was a follower of Syed Jamal-ud-Din Afghani. He devoted his life for the
struggle against the British imperialists, and worked hard to liberate the Arab
Unit: 12
countries from the yoke of slavery. In his writings the Mufti laid a great stress on
the need for unity among the Muslim countries. laid emphasis on the need of
modern education, and advised to learn modern sciences and technology. He
wanted to equip the Muslim scholars and teachers with the modern knowledge
so that they would be able to meet the challenges of the fast-changing world.
Through his writings Mufti Muhammad Abdohu inspired the people to action.
Many of his followers brought out a good number of newspapers and magazines
which aimed at creating high moral and political awakening among the Muslim
countries. Disciples of Mufti Muhammad Abdohu, Allama Rashid Raza brought out
a newspaper with the title "Al-Manar". His writings played an important role in
creating a wave of awakening in Egypt. Mufti Muhammad Abdohu through his
followers and inspiring rendered a great service in creating a love of freedom in
Q3: Write comprehensive notes on the following.
a) Syed Muhammad Sunnusi and his movement
b) Imam bonjol and his movement
c) Tehrik-e-mujahideen

Answer: a) Syed Muhammad Sunnusi and his movement

Muhammad Sunnusi was the founder of this movement. He rendered valuable
services to awaken the people of Libya from their deep sleep. For this purpose, he
established monasteries. The all over the country, where people received moral
training as well as learnt industrial arts. Syed Muhammad Sunnusi laid great stress
on the respect of law. After the death of Muhammad Sunnusi, his son carried on
his mission.

b) Imam Bonjol
Imam Bonjol is famous for leading a movement against the Dutch domination in
Indonesia. He was a great religious scholar, a renowned jurist and a pious man of
his times. He thought it imperative to safeguard and defend the religious
practices. For this purpose, he organized a group of followers, and started "Jehad"
against the Dutch rulers.
Unit: 12
c) Tehrik-e-mujahideen
Syed Ahmad Brelvi and Shah Ismail were the founders of jehad movement, Syed
Ahmad Brelvi toured the different parts of the subcontinent and infused the spirit
of Jehad among the people to free the country from the foreign rule. A large
number of brave and pious Muslims joined them.
Q4: Write a short note on maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar.
Answer: Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar is known as one of the great leaders of
the freedom movement in the Indo-Pak subcontinent. He was born in Rampur
(Bharat) in 1878. Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar was a great lover of Islam and
the Muslim Umma. He spent his whole life in fighting against the British
imperialism. He figured underwent a lot of suffering for the attainment of
freedom. During the First World War, the Muslims of the subcontinent were
naturally very much worried about the fate of Turkey. So, the subcontinent
started "Khilafat Movement" which aimed at the predicting secret place and
survival of the Muslim institution of protecting. secret Caliphate. Maulana
Muhammad Ali Jauhar and his brother Maulana Shaukat Ali were the foremost
leaders of the Khilafat Movement. Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar was of the
view that the only solution of the problems of the Muslims all over the world lay
in their unity. In the first Round Table Conference at London. Maulana
Muhammad Ali stayed ("If I can go back to my country with the substance of
freedom, and if you do not give us freedom, you will have to give me a grave
Q5: What are the services of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah for creating
Political awareness among the Muslims of the subcontinent?
Answer: In the beginning, the Quaid-e-Azam was a great supporter of the Hindu-
Muslim unity. He remained the member of the All-India National Congress as well
as of the Muslim League at the same time. It was due to the Quaid-e-Azam's
efforts that the Congress and the Muslim League signed the Lucknow Pact which
was an agreement of cooperation in the matters of mutual interests. But soon
Unit: 12
Quaid-e-Azam realized that the Hindus did not want to see the Muslims
flourishing. (Once a Congress leader claimed that there were only two powers in
the subcontinent, one was the Britishers and the other was the Congress. At this
Quaid-e-Azam declared that there was also a third power and that was Muslims.
(In the beginning of the Second World War, the Britishers met defeat at several
fronts. Quaid-e-Azam knew that in such a state of affairs the Britishers might
transfer the power to the Congress before leaving the country. So, he kept himself
aloof from the "Quit India Movement" started by the Congress leaders. (After
offering heavy sacrifices, the Muslims of the subcontinent won Pakistan under the
able leadership of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah on 14th August, 1947.
The Quaid-e-Azam was a man of sound character. He took a firm stand on what
he thought was right.
Q6: Write a short note on the following.
a) ECO
b) Arab league
c) Islamic conference

Answer: ECO
In 1964, the then President of Pakistan proposed to strengthen relations and
promote cooperation among Pakistan, Iran and Turkey. Thus, an organization
called RCD (Regional Cooperation for Development) was established. 1985 the
name RCD was changed as ECO (Economic cooperation Organization). Recently six
countries of the Central Asia and Afghanistan have also been included in ECO.
Thus, the number of the member countries of ECO is now ten in total. The
objectives of ECO are as follows:
1. To develop mutual trade among the member countries.
2. To invest joint capital to establish industry. 3. To get maximum benefit of the
resources of the member countries. The ECO member countries are being joined
by a grand road.
Unit: 12
Arab league
The Arab League was established in 1945, during the Second World War. Almost
all the countries of the Middle East and North Africa are the members of the Arab
League. The small and less developed countries are unable to defend themselves
if they become a victim to foreign aggression. It is for the reasons that they badly
felt the need of mutual cooperation. The main objectives of the Arab League are:
1)To remove differences among the Arab countries.
2) To create harmony among the policies of the member countries.
3) To establish joint defense.
4)To take measures for the promotion of the mutual interests.
5) To help the member countries cooperate with one another.
The headquarters of the Arab League was first set up at Cairo (Egypt) but later it
was shifted to Tunisia.

Islamic conference
The organization of Islamic Conference was founded to give a practical shape to e
feelings of the great Muslim thinkers. The headquarters of the Islamic Conference
is Jeddah. All Muslim countries can become the members of this organization. The
in objectives of the Islamic Conference are: 1. To remove the differences among
the Muslim countries.
2. To cooperate with one another in the implementation of the development
projects in the Muslim World.
3.To establish joint defense of the Muslim countries.
Islamic Conference has also established an Islamic Bank. The capital for this and
has been supplied by the oil producing countries. The most important and
supreme institution of the Islamic Conference is the Summit Conference. The First
Islamic Summit Conferences was held at Rabat in 1969.

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