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Edo Period

Tate Bernard
Advanced Ceramics 2022
-Time Period and Major Contributions-

The Edo Period was a peaceful period have many evolutions in

their culture and art. The period was largely influential on
ceramics because of the introduction to a new kiln (the
climbing kiln) that helped make Porcelain pottery grow. The
first ever piece created with the kiln is a piece known as Early
Imari (ca. 1620). They also had the introduction of haiku
poems and a variety of novels. There was more development
in theater, exploring more into live theatre and puppetry. The
creation of polychrome woodblock printing techniques allowed
prints of famous actors and such to be more widely accessible.
-Elements and Principles Used-
At the time porcelain was becomes a bigger business because of
how much more easily it was to make. This made works from other
countries also inspire some of their work to have a wider selection of
customers instreaded in their works.
Their pottery is very delicate and focuses on details. It has very
precise small designs, a lot of them focus on scenes from nature or
Japanese culture. Most epices with more complicated designs tell
some sort of story. There is a common use of blues and other
primary colors, along with a lot of pieces intended for incense or
teas. Although variations of style rang during the period, even having
some pieces painted after they got to a foriegn country. All the pieces
designs follow a similar aesthetic, having clean thinner lines feeling
almost like watercolor. These pieces are often the more expensive,
while some cheaper pieces have less designs and are darker and
-Technical Information on their Pottery-

Japanese ceramics was made from porcelain, made a

specific mixture including a white clay called kaolin. It has a
much higher temperature than most low fired earthenware
making it much stronger. Its smooth ceramics makes it
desirable for painting details and other designs.

Korean potters in Japan introduced a kiln known as the

noborigama or climbing kiln. It has many many chambers
with each chamber requiring separate firing. It is a lot more
precise when firing and was able to fire large amounts at
one time. This made ceramics boom in Japan allowing The
Hizen region to be the center for ceramics in the country,
as that is where the Korean potters were mainly settled.
Slide #5 Works of the Period

White porcelain decorated Porcelain with underglaze blue

with blue under the glaze decoration (Hizen ware, early
(Hirado ware) Imari type)
(1750) (first half of the 17th century)

Porcelain with overglaze Porcelain painted in underglaze

enamels (Hizen ware, Ko blue and overglaze enamels
Kutani style) (Arita ware, Kakiemon type)
(ca. 1650) (late 17th century)
-Personal Connections-

I really like the blue color combinations often

used in the Japanese ceramic pieces, I also like
that the designs brought in a lot of aspects of
nature. Although with trying to work on making
my pieces not as thick in the sides. I want to
make them seem light and delicate, having a
nice refined artistic feel.
#7 Bibliography Slide
Site all sources of information and images, list by slide number

Slide #1-

Slide #2

Slide #3

Slide #4

Slide #5

Slide #6
Grade rubric Finish before : 9 week grades on ___
Cultural Slideshows 2022
Your Name: Culture studied: time period:

__20____/ 20 pts Quality of Information on culture: time period, tools, materials, and techniques on slides 2,3,4, and 6

____5_/ 5pts Visuals were on all slides

____5__/ 5pts Bibliography, all information is sited on last slide

____5__/ 5 Visual formatting of slides, easy to read font, grammar, and layout.

Total worth ___35__/ 35 points Comments: Great job Tate. This was informative and well organized. Interesting slides.

7 Slides # w/ topics:
1 Title page w/visual-
2 Time Period and Major Contributions-
3 Elements and Principles Use on vessels-
4 Technical Information- clay, kilns, tools
5 Four Visuals of their work
6 Describe and sketch a piece you could make-
7- Bibliography- site all sources of information and images, list by slide number

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