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Production Deadline: 6th May

Research: 18th
Year 2 FMP
L3 Extended Diploma Creative Media and TV

By Hannah Môn Wayne

For my client/competi ti on, I decided to go for the ‘UK Seasonal

Short Film Festi val’. I considered many other fi lm festi vals such as
the ‘GAP Film Festi val’ and the ‘London Short Film Festi val’ but this
one suited my idea/producti on the best.

The ‘UK Seasonal Short Film

Festi val’ is a festi val that has
been happening in the UK for
5 years now. The
competi ti on is split up into
several categories, ranging
from Dramas, Comedies,
Horrors, to Music Videos,
Animati ons and

The UK Seasonal Film Festi val

is a London based Film
Festi val. The Final deadline is the 25 May which works very well
for our FMP deadline which is the 18 t h May. The Festi val has
several categories such as ‘Drama Short’, ‘Music Video’, Horror
Short’ and ‘Documentary Short’. Time categories vary from 2
minutes (Shorter Short Film), to 30 minutes (Longer Short Film).
The entry is £15 which is a great price!
If your fi lm has been selected as a winner, it will be screened at the
Festi val at Candid Arts Trust on the 3 r d September 2022.

The deadlines are as followed:

OPENING DATE: 9 t h September 2021
EARLYBIRD DEADLINE: 11 t h October 2021
REGULAR DEADLINE: 1 s t November 2021
LATE DEADLINE: 22 n d November 2021
EXTENDED DEALINE: 13 t h December 2021
JANUARY DEADLINE: 10 t h January 2022
FEBUARY DEADLINE: 7 t h February 2022
MARCH DEADLINE: 7 t h March 2022
APRIL DEADLINE: 4 t h April 2022
MAY DEADLINE: 2 n d May 2022:
FINAL DEADLINE: 25 t h May 2022

Short Synopsis:
Emily and Rosie are best friends. When Rosie moves away, Emily
has got to learn how to speak up for herself.

Detailed/Developed Synopsis:
For my Final Major Project, I am going to be producing a Coming-
Of-Age short fi lm that follows the life of two best friends; Emily
and Rosie. The two are extremely close, and despite being
opposites of each other, they are inseparable. Isla, a mean girl at
their school picks on Emily a lot, but Rosie always sorts the
situati on out. As Rosie is forced to leave her home town one day,
Emily is stuck, wondering if she is going to feel alone, like this
forever. She no longer has Rosie to speak for her, especially when
Isla picks on her. Emily realises that she can’t live like this forever.
She gains confi dence, gets a job and most importantly she stands
up for herself. Emily and Rosie are sti ll the best of friends and
Rosie is so proud of Emily.

For my target audience, I decided to choose 16-24 as I feel it best

fi ts my storyline and genre. Coming-Of-Age fi lms tend to be
targeted to young adults which is why I chose this age range.
Furthermore, as my age (18) is in the middle of the age range and I
have friends both older and younger (sti ll within my TA), I know
that this is a genre that my TA will fi nd interesti ng.

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