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11 Sensing the environment 環境的察覺

11 Sensing the environment


11 .1 Sight 視覺

1 Major parts of our eye:

jelly-like fluid 玻璃狀液:
maintains the shape of the eyeball and
helps focus light onto the retina
iris 虹膜: 網膜上
controls the size of the pupil
sclera 鞏膜:
protects the eyeball
pupil 瞳孔:
allows light to enter the eye retina 視網膜:

讓光線進入眼睛 contains light-sensitive cells to

detect light
cornea 角膜:
its curved surface helps focus light optic nerve 視神經:
onto the retina lens 晶狀體:
sends messages from light-sensitive
曲面有助把光線聚焦在視網膜上 helps focus light onto the
cells to the brain

11 .2 Hearing 聽覺

1 Sound is produced by vibration of objects.


Mastering Science 基礎科學 Short notes for revision

© Oxford University Press 2012 -1- 簡易温習筆記 2
11 Sensing the environment 環境的察覺

2 Sound needs a medium to travel. The medium can be gases, liquids or solids. Sound
cannot travel through a vacuum.

3 Sound travels the fastest in solids, slower in liquids, and the slowest in gases.

4 Major parts of our ear and the process of how we hear:


outer ear middle ear inner ear

外耳 中耳 內耳

➀ pinna 耳殼:  eardrum 耳膜:  cochlea 耳蝸:

collects the sound in the vibrates when sound hits it sends out messages when the receptors in it
surroundings 聲音使耳膜振動 are stimulated
收集四周環境的聲音 內裏的感受器探測到振動,便發出訊息

 ear canal 聽道:  ear bones 聽骨:  auditory nerve 聽神經:

sound travels along it magnify the vibrations of the eardrum and carries the messages to the brain
聲音沿聽道前進 pass them to the cochlea for interpretation. The brain
把來自耳膜的振動放大,傳送到內耳 interprets the messages as

5 The frequency is the number of vibrations per second. Its unit is hertz (Hz).
每秒的振動次數稱為頻率,單位是赫茲 (Hz)。

6 The faster an object vibrates, the higher the frequency of the sound it produces.

Mastering Science 基礎科學 Short notes for revision

© Oxford University Press 2012 -2- 簡易温習筆記 2
11 Sensing the environment 環境的察覺

7 The audible frequency range of humans is about 20 Hz to 20 000 Hz. We cannot hear
sounds with frequencies outside this range.
人類的聽頻範圍一般為 20 Hz 至 20 000 Hz,我們不能聽到這個頻率範圍以外的聲音。

Mastering Science 基礎科學 Short notes for revision

© Oxford University Press 2012 -3- 簡易温習筆記 2

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