Advice, Chocolate, Jam, Lemonade, Meat, Milk, Oil, Rice, Tea, Tennis

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Bicycle wheels more car a got has a than.

Number days February got of least has the Fewer Mick comics John has than got Apples got the has fewest who? China fewer there in Spain are than people in Less Russia in Spain there fruit is than in Whiskey is France in there in more Scotland than The money got least John has Eat food breakfast for I than less lunch for

Advice, chocolate, jam, lemonade, meat, milk, oil, rice, tea, tennis

1) a piece of

2) a packet of

3) a bar of 4) a glass of 5) a cup of 6) a bottle of

7) a slice of 8) a barrel of 9) a game of 10) a jar of

1 There ______ a lot of oil in Asia. Is Are

2 There ______ a lot of cars on the road today. Is Are

3 There ______ a lot of people outside the factory. Is Are

4 There ______ a lot of reasons why I don't like him.

is are

5 There ______ a lot of pollution in this city. is are

6 There ______ a lot of good restaurants in Lyon. is are

7 There ______ too much sugar in this cola drink. is are

8 There ______ too much bad news on the television. is are

9 There ______ too many poor people in the world. is


10 There ______ too much noise. Please be quiet. is are

11 There ______ people here. isn't much isn't many aren't much aren't many

12 There ______ time left. Please hurry. isn't much isn't many aren't much aren't many

13 There ______ coffee here. Could you buy some more when you go to the shops? isn't much isn't many aren't much aren't many

14 There ______ opportunities as good as this one. isn't much isn't many aren't much aren't many

15 There ______ jobs as good as this one. isn't much isn't many aren't much aren't many

16 There ______ space left in my office. I need a bigger one. isn't much isn't many aren't much aren't many

17 There ______ people as nice as him. isn't much isn't many aren't much aren't many

18 There ______ suitable candidates for the job.

isn't much isn't many aren't much aren't many

19 There ______ furniture in his house. isn't much isn't many aren't much aren't many

20 There ______ food in the house. isn't much isn't many aren't much aren't many

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