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Name……………………………………………….. 8 th Grade/ Date…………………………..

2 p oficiu Initial Test


I. Read the text and, for questions 1-3, choose the correct answer (A, B or C).

Greeting from planet Earth

Is there anyone out there? People wondered in the past and they still do. Today,
technology makes space exploration possible and allows us to search for an answer. In 1977,
NASA scientists launched Voyager 1 and Voyager 2. The two spacecraft were on a mission to
find out more about space and transmit the information back to Earth. They also carried a
message to inhabitants of other planets. This message came in the form of a golden record like
a digital time capsule. It was difficult to decide what to put on the record. Scientists wanted it to
represent all the people, languages and species on our planet. So they included information in
writing, pictures and sounds that tell the story of Planet Earth.
There are greetings in 55 languages as well as sounds like thunder, whale song and even a
mother’s kiss. There are 115 photographs and 90 minutes of music from around the world. Carl
Sagan, a scientist on the team, said that it was like a message in a bottle from a desert island
and that it carried something hopeful about life on our planet. There is still no reply, but who
knows? ET might send an instant message one day.
1 How many spacecraft did the NASA scientists launch into space in 1977?

A three B two C one

2 Why did the NASA scientists launch the spacecraft?

A They wanted to find new friends in space.

B They wanted to learn more about space.

C They wanted to find new lands to live on.

3 What was the other function of the spacecraft?

A to take a message from Planet Earth to life on other planets.

B to bring a message from the people of other planets to Planet Earth.

C to find new planets for people on Planet Earth to move . 3x0.30=0.90 p


II. Fill in: catch, help, have, surf, walk, eat, do, send, play, cook. 10x0.20=2p

1……………. … with household chores 5. ……………..… lunch

2. …………… text messages to friends 6. ………………….… homework

3. ……………………. the bus to school 7. ……………………….. dinner

4. …………………..… lessons 8. ……………………… the Net

9. ……………………… the dog 10…………………………..… video games


III. Decide if the nouns below are C (countable) or U (uncountable). Then write the plural form of the
countable nouns.12x0.20 2,40p

1. rose 5. tomato 9. map

2. meat 6. person 10. loaf

3. juice 7. rice 11. sheep

4. strawberry 8. honey 12. cheese

IV. Choose the correct item.

1. Bob’s sister, Anna, goes on lots of trips with her class by/at/during the school year.

2. Karim likes going to the gym in/at/on the evening.

3. Mr Walker works in a music shop between/at/from 10:00 am and 6:00 pm.

4. Mr Evans wakes up on/in/at 7:30 every morning.

5. Julie goes to bed in/at/on 9 o’clock every night.

6. Mrs Smith is starting her new job by/at/on Monday. 6x0.20=1.20p

Everyday English

V. Complete the dialogue. Use the sentences from the list (A–E). 5x0.30=1.50p

A. How much are the tickets? B. Well, there are five seats left. C. No, I’ll pay in cash.

D. Is that the 6 pm performance or the 9 pm? E. How can I help you?

Clerk: Good afternoon. 1)……………………………………………………………

Tom: I’d like to book two tickets for this Saturday for the Aladdin musical.

2) ……………………………………………………………………

Tom: The later show, please.

Clerk: 3) ……………………………………………………..… Three in the back in row Q and two in a balcony close to
the stage.

Tom: Can I have the ones on the balcony, please?

Clerk: Certainly.

Tom: 4)……………………………………………………………………

Clerk: They’re £80 each, so that’s £160, please. Will you pay by card?

Tom: 5)…………………………………………………………………….… Clerk: Enjoy the show.

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