Reflection Essays 1

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Lucas Smith

Mr. Boyatt

Ap Lit

23 May 2022

An assignment I’m most proud of

I am most proud of a prose essay I wrote a few months ago in AP Lit titled Mayor of

Casterbridge. This was a very difficult prompt for me to understand but after I read it a 3rd time I

understood what I was going to write about. I ended up writing a 7 which is very solid for that

essay and I was really proud of myself. The most challenging part of this assignment was that

we were only given 40 minutes to complete the essay. I'm very proud of my time management

skills and being able to write 500 words on a very complex passage. The funny part is that we

wrote an essay very similar earlier in the year called Peregrine pickle essay and I scored a 4

which is not very good, that is precisely why the Mayor of Casterbridge is such a rewarding

essay due to the fact that it showcases my improvement throughout the year. Those are the

reasons why I am most proud of this essay.

How have I grown in each subject

I have grown a lot in each category from my freshman year. I went from a 2.8 freshman

year to a 4.1 my senior year all due to working hard at home on my school work. I also paid

attention in all my classes this year because I genuinely find all of them very interesting, besides

math. Math has always been a hard one for me because I'm not very passionate about it, but I

was determined to get better at it, and I realized to do well in math you need to practice a lot,
not just copy down formulas. So I started creating similar problems to the ones on the

worksheet and it became a lot easier to understand once I got more and more comfortable

practicing the problem without my notes. I have also gotten a lot better at English and I give all

the credit to Mr. Boyatt who really made reading and writing interesting for me. Mr. Navarro and

Mr. Fisher also did a great job teaching Government and Economics. Along with Mr. Moore and

Mr. Leander who opened my eyes up to the world of sociology and phycology. I think I have

really grown in each class primarily because of the teacher I had and the maturity level I gained

from pushing through online school last year, as it felt so refreshing to be back in class in


Opportunity for growth in these categories

I feel like there still needs to be growth in my Video media arts and math because

currently I really am not passionate about what we have learned, but maybe in the future that

will change. Regardless, I have worked very hard in both these areas and finished the first

semester with an A in both. I feel like I can build up my tolerance for things I dont love to do,

because it will make me much more well rounded and versatile for a wide range of jobs in the

future. I will continue to grow in these categories in the future in college, and also in my freetime

at the library so I can keep improving in all aspects. I will take calculus in college as well so I will

improve and build upon that area as well.

How Great Oak has prepared me

I feel like Great oak has really prepared me for the next step in my life, as they have

been really good at promoting the SPIRIT acronym. Scholarship, passion, integrity, reflection,
involvement, and teamwork has really helped me remember to not just be a good student, but

also a great moral person. Furthermore, Great oak sports have taught me how to work hard at

something to reach a certain goal, me being on the baseball team at Great Oak has taught me

how important winning is, and I believe great oak has taught me how to be a winner. My

teachers at Great Oak have also prepared for work and future school as they have been strict

on all the students to ensure that they don't slack off and dont complete their work.

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