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Quality Control Mangement 15/2/2019

Overall Work Plan Updated on


( Med - End - Filled ) Products

Step 1 -- Milling Process (MP)
Scope Products that contain :
1- Pigment 2- N.C 3- Aerosol
Sample One Sample Must apply the following
1- The sample weight is 150 g Mininmum for viscosity adjustment and 50 g Max on remill
2- Have identification Lable with Full data :
Name, Code, Batch Number, Date, Type, Number of sample, Sampler Signature
1- Receiving sample according to the step requirements
2- Recording the sample data in the (Receiving Samples Log Book) Code:
3- Doing the following tests according to each product specification
3.1- Viscosity - if not accepted adjust by solvents and binders Code:
3.2- Fineness - if not accepted Remill Code:
3.3- Reduction (for colors Paste only) Code:
if Dark adjust by Binders - if light accept with Usage Recommendation (UR)
4- Reprocessing and Materials addition are Child Process Orders
4.1- Using Notification Form to adjust defected product Code:
5- Sending Notification copy signed and stamped by Q.C Chemist to the Production Engineer
to proceed adjusment and last steps are repeated
6- Record results for accepted product in Prodcut Validity Form (P.V.F)Code:
7- Sending P.V.F copy signed and stamped by Q.C Chemist to the Production Engineer
with UR Notes (if exist) to release or continue the product.
8- Recording Notifications and P.V.F on access record by Data entry

Document Code: 4M-QP001 1

Last update
Quality Control Mangement 15/2/2019

Overall Work Plan Updated on


Step 2 -- Mixing or Finishing Process (FP)

Scope All Products Produced by Direct Mixing or After Milling

Sample 2 Samples Must apply the following

Sample (1) For Q.C Lab
1- The sample weight is 200 g Mininmum
2- Have identification Lable with Full data :
Name, Code, Batch Number, Date, Type, Number of sample, Sampler Signature
Sample (2) For Application Lab after Viscosity adjustment
1- The sample weight is 200 g Maximum
2- Have identification Lable with Full data :
Name, Code, Batch Number, Date, Type, Number of sample, Sampler Signature
1- Receiving Sample (1) according to the step requirements
2- Recording the sample data in the (Q.C Receiving Samples Log Book)Code:
3- Doing Viscosity test according to each product Specification
if not accepted adjust it according to each Product Testing Work Plan
4- When Viscosity is accepted
4.1- Complete Testing according to each Product Testing Work Pla
4.2- Production Worker must take Sample (2) to application
5- Receiving Sample (2) according to the step requirements
6- Recording the sample data in the (App. Receiving Samples Log BookCode:
7- Apply the product according to each product Application Method
8- In case of any defect adjust according to each Product Testing Work Plan
8.1- Using Notification Form to adjust defected product Code:
9- Sending Notification copy signed and stamped by Q.C Chemist to the Production Engineer
to proceed adjusment and last steps are repeated
10- Record results for accepted product in Prodcut Validity Form (P.V.F) Code:
11- Sending P.V.F copy signed and stamped by Q.C Chemist to the Production Engineer
with UR (if exist) to release the product For Filling or Reprocessing.
12- Recording Notifications and P.V.F on access record by Data entry

Document Code: 4M-QP001 2

Last update
Quality Control Mangement 15/2/2019

Overall Work Plan Updated on


Step 3 -- Before Filling

Scope 1- All Products Directly after Production
2- All Products after 8 Hrs from Production
Except Metallic Paints After 6 From Production
Sample 1 Sample Must apply the following
1- The sample weight is 200 g Mininmum after Filteration unit
2- Have identification Lable with Full data :
Name, Code, Batch Number, Date, Type, Number of sample, Sampler Signature
1- Receiving Sample according to the step requirements
2- Recording the sample data in the (Q.C Receiving Samples Log Book)Code:
3- For Scope (1)
3.1- Doing Finness test by 150 Micron Film on glass
If not accepted then Refilter or higher filteration unit
4- For Scope (2)
4.1- Doing Viscosity test according to each product Specification
If not accepted adjust it according to each Product Testing Work Plan
4.2- Doing Masstone test For Metallic Paints Code:
If not accepted adjust it according to each Product Testing Work Plan
4.3- Doing Finness test by 150 Micron Film on glass
if not accepted then Refilter or higher filteration unit
5- Record results for accepted product in Prodcut Validity Form (P.V.F)Code:
6- Sending P.V.F copy signed and stamped by Q.C Chemist to the Production Engineer
with UR (if exist) to release the product For Filling or Reprocessing.
7- Recording Notifications and P.V.F on access record by Data entry

Document Code: 4M-QP001 3

Last update
Quality Control Mangement 15/2/2019

Overall Work Plan Updated on


Step 4 -- Stored Filled End Product

Scope All Products stored for 3 Months

Sample 1 Sample Must apply the following

1- Random Sample form the Product Batch.
2- Have identification Lable with Full data :
Name, Code, Batch Number, Date, Type, Number of sample, Sampler Signature
1- Receiving Sample according to the step requirements
2- Recording the sample data in the (Q.C Receiving Samples Log Book)Code:
3- Doing Full test according to each Product Specification
If not accepted check by another sample then direct the product Batch for reprocessin
4- Record results for accepted product in Prodcut Validity Form (P.V.F)Code:
5- Sending P.V.F copy signed and stamped by Q.C Chemist to the Production Engineer
with UR (if exist) to release the product For Filling or Reprocessing.
6- Recording Notifications and P.V.F on access record by Data entry

Document Code: 4M-QP001 4

Document Code: 4M-QP001 5
Document Code: 4M-QP001 6

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