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Implementation of
Guidelines, Policies &
Introduction (1st Quarter - Week 4)
Safety& Security Reminders
Attendance Checking
Recalling Past Lesson
Introduction of Lesson
Lesson Discussion
Introduction (2nd Quarter - Week 1)
Safety& Security Reminders
Energy Checker (Kamustahan)
Attendance Checking
Attendance Checking
Recalling Past Lesson
Gamified Activities
Introduction (2nd Quarter - Week 6)
Safety& Security Reminders
Recalling Past Lesson
Lesson Discussion
Application Activity
Introduction (3rd Quarter - Week 2)
Safety& Security Reminders
Recalling Previous Lesson
Mood Checker (Kamustahan)
Introduction (3rd Quarter - Week 4)
Safety& Security Reminders
Attendance Checking
Energy Checker (Kamustahan)
Introduction (3rd Quarter - Week 6)
Safety& Security Reminders
Attendance Checking
Recalling Previous Lessons
Recalling Past Lesson
Introduction of the Lesson

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