Celethor Backstory DM DRAFT

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Celethor was born in the lovely town of___________.

His parents, Syd ,a male human and

Elora ,a female elf. A very loved family who owned a farm and had a small business in town
selling general goods. They got along very well with everyone in town and had no other
ambitions but for their only son, Celethor, to get out of this town when he grows up, to be
able to give something to the people and to become someone everyone would admire.

From the early age of 6, Celethor was seeing many weird visions, visions of the past?, visions
of the future?, visions of things to come?, no one knew. As it was clear that the visions had
taken their toll on Celethor, his parents were worried that there was something wrong with
their son. In an effort to find the solution to their son's problem, they contacted anyone who
could help them. No one seemed to be able to give them answers. In a last effort they sent a
letter to their very good friend, whom they hadn't seen in a very long time, Elion. Elion is an
elf cleric of the ________ in the city of_________. Immediately after reading his old friends'
letter about their son, he went on the long journey to their home, to see their son Celethor.
(epipleon pragmata edw). Elion figured that the only solution to Celethor's problem was to
take him with him through a very long journey to Elion's temple, away from his parents. In
the beginning it was very difficult to convince his parents to let him go, but soon they
realized that it was the only way for him to be rid of this condition. The journey to Elion's
temple was hard, they had to pass through many mountains and many valleys, through heat
and cold, through sun and snow, with Celethor day by day getting worse and worse and the
only protection against the weather being a poorly made carriage. Surely the encounters
with random kobolds and thieves didn't help. It seemed like time was running out. Elion
seemed to believe they wouldn't make it in time for Celethor to be saved, but tried to be
optimistic. As the journey was coming to an end and they came closer and closer to the
temple, it was becoming clearer that the time was running out for Celethor. But they made
it. They were at the temple. The journey had come to an end.

As soon as Celethor set foot inside the temple, what seemed like a never-ending vision
started. It showed of_________________________. As soon as it ended, Celethor fell on the
ground, shaking, foam started to pour out of his mouth, after a while it stopped, his body
suddenly became cold, the colour of his skin started to fade, Celethor was dead. Instantly
Elion grabbed a shiny gem out of his pouch, put it on top of Celethor's chest and begun
chanting. It seemed like it was not working, after what seemed like forever, Celethor's skin
started to take on colour again, it seemed like life was returning to his body, it had worked,
within a second, Celethor gasped for air, not knowing what had happened after the vision he
had seen, he was alive again, although clearly not well. After the incident, Elion grabbed him,
then took him to bed. For many days after Celethor was not well, constant fever and what
Elion could only imagine as dreams, always the vision Celethor had seen many days ago.
Finally he was well enough to stand. Celethor started to write what he had seen that night. It
was not pleasant for him, constant headache and what he could imagine was blackouts, but
he continued to write. After a while he had finished writing what he had seen, he passed
out. Elion found him sleeping in his desk, immediately he rushed to him fearing of the worst,
but Celethor was fine. Elion saw the pages Celethor had written and stood back and read
them.(prosthese esy lada analoga me to ti eide o Celethor thn antidrash toy Elion). This was
not the only time this had happened, every time he thought of this vision, chills run down his
spine and cold sweat started to drip from his forehead, but no other vision ever took its toll
on him as this one. As Celethor was getting many visions Elion started to dig into them. He
realized that they may be vision provided by raven queen, so he dug deeper. He contacted
other clerics and eventually desided that Celethor would be better off to one of Raven
Queen's temple. So Celethor was sent to a nearby Raven Queen's temple were he could
better understand the visions he was seeing and interpret them with the proper methods.
There, the arch-cleric (insert name here) who knew Elion welcomed Celethor into the
temple and showed him to his room. Celethor stayed there for many years as a follower of
Raven Queen and he aspired too become the new arch-cleric after ______ had died.

As Celethor was growing up, his gifts were showing more and more, and his dreams of
becoming the new arch-cleric were getting to be more and more obtainable. Until a vision
came and he was astounded. In the vision he saw ___________. He didn't understand the
vision at first, but as he was having that vision over and over he remembered the vision he
saw when he was around the age of six. He made the connection. It was all clear to him now.
He now had a purpose in life. To___________. Immediately, he set out to fulfill that
purpose.(kapoia pragmata gia to taksidi tou kai ti peripeteies ezhse katholh thn diarkeia tou
taksidiou tou). After a while, as he was sitting in an inn, drinking a beer and enjoying a warm
meal, while listening to a skillful bard singing about a group of travelers, adventurers maybe,
but one, has a will so great, he is willing to gamble with gods to protect them, wandering
what the next step is in achieving his goal, an intense headache starts, with it, a vision
comes, a vision that shows a group of five friends, five adventurers, that have lost one of
their own, and he has to help them bring him back, for the Matron of Ravens has plans for

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