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Teacher Ariadna Morales

Name:Angie Mayrin Manzanares
In two more years approximately I want to
travel with my son to Múlege Baja
California Sur, it is a beautiful town with
many beautiful beaches that are between
Mulege and San Loreto
Where is Mulegé?

Heroica Mulegé is a town located in the

municipality of Mulegé, in the Mexican
state of Baja California Sur. According to
the 2020 census, it has a population of
3834 inhabitants. It is located at the mouth
of the Mulegé River.
Visit Loreto
magic town

(House in beach el
coyote) Kayaking
What to do in Mulegé?

How many days will I be?

Rent a boat, for an
5 days island and fish
(House in beach el coyote)

This house, is very big as for family, and I would

like to go with my family also to enjoy this
beautiful place, this house includes the kayak ride,
and has all the services and a beautiful sunset.
Rent a boat, for an island and fish

After the lodging we will

rent the boat in the village
and , we will fish on the
island "without name"

and upon returning to

the beach house, we
will cook what we

There is a walk around the

beach, and we make certain
stops, to observe the marine
animals, such as turtles,
manta and a variety of fish
Visit Loreto Magic town

And finally, we will visit the town of Loreto that

along the way, we will see each of the beaches
that there are until we arrive.
We will visit the center, we will eat in a seafood
restaurant by the sea.

Lodging-180 dollars 18 hours for five days 720 dollars

Boat rental- 70 dollars for 4 hours

Kayaks- included in the house

Loreto- $120 round-trip gas- $130 from the restaurant

Personal expenses- 200 dollars

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