The Imgsa Insghit: 2017 EDITION No. 01

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The IMGSA Review



As the manufacture of gloves is a first in Algeria, the training
COMPLEX BY MR PRIME MINISTER of staff is one of the priorities of the group IMGSA. She inter-
venes during the hiring and during all the professional period
of the employees. Page 05
On Thursday, July 14, 2016, Prime Minister
Abdelmalek SELLAL together with sever-
al members of the government and in the
presence of local authorities of the wilaya,
inaugurated the complex of manufacturing
medical devices, located in the industrial area
of Ouled
​​ Gacem,
page 02
Page 02
The IMGSA INSIGHT Review of 2017


“Being founder and President of a
pharmaceutical group of international
stature and key link in the chain of On Thursday, July 14, 2106, Prime Minister Abdelmalek SELLAL together with several members of the government and in the
public health, imposes a very strict
entrepreneurial and managerial conduct
presence of local authorities of the wilaya,
confirming the steps already taken for
the development of our medical glove
production units. and our flagship July, 2016
product Gant H.
I have invested myself personally in
mastering this unique technology, in
order to meet international standards
On Thursday, July 14,
in this area and be at the rendezvous of 2016, Prime Minister Ab-
a national economic climate favorable
to industrial investments. delmalek SELLAL togeth-
The contribution of our group to the er with several members
development of our country, which is
an asset, is not only based on its ability of the government and
to create wealth through the goods and
jobs it generates, it has also engaged in
in the presence of local
investing in the training of the country. authorities of the wilaya,
human potential through the conditions
and tools of work put at their disposal. inaugurated the complex
I remain convinced that the group’s
employees share my desire to grow our
of manufacturing medical
business. Their interests will always be devices, located in the in-
at the center of my concerns and a prior-
ity because our profits are the salvation dustrial area of ​​Ouled Ga-
of our families and our children. cem, Ain M ‘lila, Wilaya
As far as our products are concerned,
our group has set up a system of or- of Oum El Bouaghi. It is
ganization and guidance defining and
specifying the quality management
the largest single com-
system requirements, to ensure that our plex of its kind whose
products are in line with the needs of
our customers. partners. production capacities far
I will share with our clients certainty,
clarity and transparency to preserve our
exceed national needs. The
common interests and deal with any complex produces sterile
adverse economic conditions.
Aware of the stakes of the market and latex medical examination
Mister Prime Minister inogurating the complexe
the specific pharmaceutical character of gloves, products whose
our products, our exclusive distributors
must fulfill the technical and regulatory needs were imported. The On Thursday, July 14, 2106, Prime Minister Abdelmalek SELLAL together with several members
conditions for a sustainable partnership of the government and in the presence of local authorities of the wilaya,
and meet our expectations in terms of
complex will also produce
services and prices to establish with nitrile medical gloves. ment to investors so that the ability of Algerian firms medical gloves through
them a reliable network along the
way. term. Mr. Prime Minister was they can find all kinds of to compete with foreign the Central Pharmacy of
I promise you, as the Group’s leader,
to be self-sacrificing in order to further
delighted on site the level facilities that encourage products. the Hospitals.
develop our wealth, which has all the re- of technology of the com- them to invest. The inau- Thanks to this complex
quired standards and to steer us towards
new international trading horizons. plex and the quality of the guration of this complex meeting international stan-
gloves manufactured. He by the Prime Minister dards, the national cov-
Ceo and Founder of the Group
took the opportunity to demonstrates the confi- erage has been covered
recall the state’s commit- dence of the authorities in and Algeria imports more

M r. President of in exchange for im-
porting their drugs
IMGSA Group ac-
companied the Prime
rived blood products,
Minister during his
as part of the product
official visit to Cuba
exchange procedure,
in October 2016 in the
which will preserve
context of trade with
the country’s foreign
this country.
exchange reserves.
In this context and
For its part, the Di-
after intense negotia-
rectorate General of
tions with the Cuban
Customs has signi-
company FARMACU-
fied its agreement for
BA, the IMGSA group
these exchange oper-
has signed a letter of
ations products.
intent, to market the
Glove H (sterile and
Signing of the agreement examination) in Cuba

It is an Algerian fam-
ily-owned company OF THE
called IMGSA Pharma-
ceutical Industry Group, GROUP
set up on own funds in Quality assurance remains our policy
SPA, with a registered to ensure the quality of the products
placed on the market with the presenta-
capital of 500,000,000 tion of the company, the quality system,
AD. the procedures, the certifications, as
well as the results of quality controls
The group IMGSA or- and quality audits.
ganized around a Gen- Thus, all the prerequisite and system-
atic activities have been implemented
eral Management in Al- through our quality assurance depart-
giers, has: ment by procedures for the objectives
achieved in terms of quality and the
methods used to achieve these objec-
A complex of manu- tives.
In addition, our group has worked
facturing medical gloves since the realization of the project to
(latex and nitrile) in the implementation of international
standards standards through:
Ouled Gacem, Ain M’li- 1. An organization and guidance
la, Wilaya of Oum El system defining and specifying quality
management system requirements, to
Bouaghi. ensure that our products are in line
with customer needs (ISO 9001/2015
An injectable ceph-
alosporin manufactur- 2. This certification sets out require-
ments for the quality management sys-
ing unit still in progress tem of medical devices in the design,
in Ain Mlila, wilaya of development, production, storage and
distribution stages (ISO 13485: 2016
Oum El Bouaghi. certification).
The glove manufactur- 3. specifies the requirements for the
ing complex was com- development, validation and routine
pleted in 24 months, with control of the sterilization process
for ethylene oxide medical devices in
a cost of three (03) billion The Gloves Factory Training Center industry and health facilities, and rec-
DA for the entire project. ognizes the similarities and differences
between the two certification applica-
This is a pharmaceutical 1st production unit with ble production capacity. with a continuous diet tions (ISO 11135: 2014).
complex approved by the an area of 5000
​​ m2, with with three teams (3X8h)
4. Guided by an eco-citizen mo-
Ministry of Health on two (02) production lines. 3rd production unit in with a production capac- mentum, several actions have been
February 13, 2013. project whose reception ity of 200,000 pairs of undertaken by the group to contribute
to the preservation of the environment,
The complex comprises 2nd production unit of is planned for the year sterile gloves / day and including the management and circu-
three (03) Glove produc- 5000 m2, with two pro- 2018. 1,000,000 examination lation of chemical materials and the
water recovery system through a cir-
tion units, each of which duction lines with a dou- The complex operates gloves / day. cuit internal. This is an environmental
has two production lines. action (ISO 14001: 2015 certification)


The Central Hospital Pharmacy (PCH) is our first national partner

The Central Hospi- group is currently the human and material

tal Pharmacy (PCH) only supplier of PCH resources.
is our first national medical gloves that
partner because of its no longer uses import,
status as a central pur- with a delivery sched-
photo of PCH
chasing agency for ule and a daily and reg-
The central pharmacy of hospital is the main national cus- all public and private ular supply, by putting
tomer of IMGSA Group which takes the responsability to
provide all the hospitals (public or private ) with all kind hospitals. The IMGSA in place the necessary
of medicaments and medical devices.
The IMGSA INSIGHT Review 2017



The French consul in Annaba visited the

group’s medical glove production com-
plex in Ain M’lila. During this visit, the
French consul was impressed by the facil-
ities of the complex, including the level
reached by an Algerian company in this
area of production
​​ in terms of internation-
al standards.
He also affirmed his willingness to work
to find partnerships with French compa-
nies through the medication and linking of
its services, for the export of our brand of
gloves to France.
Page 05 The IMGSA INSIGHT Review of 2017


As the manufacture of by these experts.

gloves is a first in Algeria, . By objective evaluation
the training of staff is one to acquire new knowledge
of the priorities of the . Staff development
group IMGSA. She inter- towards new responsibil-
venes during the hiring ities and career develop-
and during all the pro- ment within the company.
fessional period of the In terms of the training,
employees. the IMGSA group devel-
It remains a means to oped a training plan affect-
Meeting with The CEO of the group
sustain professional proj- ing all sectors that have a
ects, to achieve the defined direct or indirect relation-
objectives, update, orga- ship with the pharmaceu-
nize and broaden staff tical industry: Basic train-
knowledge in this special- ing with GMP and GMP
ty. Introduction to the quality
For the purpose of and control Introduction
accompanying the group to ISO, Introduction
IMGSA investments in to the manufacture of
pharmaceuticals, a mod- sterile products, train-
ern training center with ing standards of Health,
three levels has been Safety and Environment
achieved, with all ameni- (HSE), Information sys-
ties and equipped with lat- tems Training, language
est equipment to provide a Training (English).
potential human potential
to support the operation of
such investments.
As such, training is pro-
vided locally and abroad
by national and foreign
experts in various fields of
. Through continuing Training room
education plans validated

The Group has a com-
puter control center for
all activities of the com-
plex’s units with:Con-
trol of receipt of inputs.

Control of production

Control of sterilization
of products.

Control of material and

merchandise flows.

Flow control at the input

and output of the unit.

Control of staff flows

across all the sites of
the unit.
Control room
Page 06
The IMGSA INSIGHT Review of 2017


At the level of the units cur-
rently in production, upstream
control of raw materials and
downstream control of the fin-
ished product are carried out.
Added to this is the in process
control during the different Written by
production stages according to
the international standards of
The manufacturing pro-
1. Laboratory of physico-
chemical control, validated by cess of medical gloves is
the National Laboratory for very complicated one,
the Control of Pharmaceutical and this depend on many
Products (LNCPP), for all tests.
aspects, like quantity ,
2. Microbiological control quality, continuity …etc
laboratory, for sterility testing, producing more gloves
validated by the LNCPP. allows the availability of
the product and this will
depend on the size and
THE QUALITY SYSTEM OF THE GROUP the quality of the man-
ufacturing line, our new
line is one of the latest
Quality assurance remains our development, production, storage and
policy to ensure the quality of the distribution stages (ISO 13485: 2016 full automated double
products placed on the market with
the presentation of the company, the
former lines which can Fully automated line

quality system, the procedures, the 3. specifies the requirements for the produce big quantity and the quality of the manufacturing line, our new line is one of the latest
certifications, as well as the results development, validation and routine
of quality controls and quality audits. control of the sterilization process
have all the required set- full automated double former lines which can produce big quantity and
have all the required settings to make very high quality product
Thus, all the prerequisite and sys- for ethylene oxide medical devices tings to make very high
tematic activities have been imple- in industry and health facilities, and duction of the gloves duction process finishes
quality product , with ca-
mented through our quality assurance recognizes the similarities and differ-
within our factory many taking the gloves out of
department by procedures for the ences between the two certification pacity of around 12000
objectives achieved in terms of quality applications (ISO 11135: 2014). steps forward. as this the line process is called
former , this line can
and the methods used to achieve these
line can produce all kind <stripping process> for
objectives. 4. Guided by an eco-citizen mo- produce up to 500.000
In addition, our group has worked mentum, several actions have been of natural rubber gloves this line it is made au-
since the realization of the project to undertaken by the group to contribute which increase our pro-
( powdered and non tomatically by blowing
the implementation of international to the preservation of the environment,
duction capacity to 1.5
standards standards through: including the management and circu- powdered examination the dried air into the
1. An organization and guidance lation of chemical materials and the million pcs of examina-
system defining and specifying quality water recovery system through a cir- and surgical gloves). formers to seperate them
tion gloves per day and
management system requirements, to cuit internal. This is an environmental equipied with autmat- and then take them to the
ensure that our products are in line action (ISO 14001: 2015 certification) around 250 thousand
with customer needs (ISO 9001/2015 ic tempurature control next step depending on
pairs of surgical gloves
system which allows the type of the gloves.
daily, the startup of this
2. This certification sets out require- best curing conditions
ments for the quality management sys- line boosted the pro-
tem of medical devices in the design, of the gloves after pro-

STUDY DAY ORGANIZED BY IMGSA and the resorption of

IN AIN M’LILA WITH THE BNA unemployment by the
creation of more than
The group IMGSA wilaya of Oum El 250 job positions
organized on Sun- Bouaghi “. Mr. Chairman and
day, May 21, 2017, Information was Managing Director of
under the presiden- given to all partici- the National Bank of
cy of Mr. Wali of pants on this day on Algeria who took part
the Wilaya of Oum the steps leading to in this event want-
El Bouaghi, a study the implementation ed to emphasize the
day at the level of of such an invest- contribution of such
the production unit, ment, as well as the an investment in this
a study day under constraints encoun- locality, and the fi-
the theme “ Contri- tered. Moreover, it nancial arrangement
bution of the IMG- was specified during on own funds.
SA group and the this event the import-
National Bank of ant role of the group
Algeria in pharma- in the development of
ceutical industrial this wilaya through \Algeria, BNA and IMGSA Flags
Mr. Chairman and Managing Director of the National Bank of Algeria who

investment in the this industrial tool took part in this event wanted to emphasize the contribution of such an investment
Page 07 The IMGSA INSIGHT Review of 2017

ISO certificate 14000:2015 ISO certificate 13485:2016

Obtention of
being in international
level business requires
many important things
among them is to be
certified according to
the international stan-
dards, and this what
IMGSA have achieved,
our group is certified by
ISO 9001:2015 as well
as the 14000:2015 and
13485:2016 and last
11135:2014 in addition
to that oour quality con-
trol system response to
the need of all the stan-
dards that are related
to the gloves industrie
which allow us to be
among the best and lead
ISO certificate 9001:2015 ISO certificate 11135:2014 this industry in the future
Page 08 The IMGSA INSIGHT Review of 2017

The Sterilization Process

There are many advantages to understanding centration. The concentration has been selected This combination, when performed using an
an ethylene oxide (EO or EtO) sterilization to assure an adequate sterilization process is adequate number of repetitions, will purge
process when considering the different steriliza- delivered. Finally, after the product is allowed (remove) the air, thus allowing the process to
tion options. A knowledge of the process may to soak in the EO for a controlled and prede- be performed safely.
prevent unnecessary product testing or may termined amount of time, a series of washes is
identify product changes which may be required performed to rid the chamber of the EO. A wash 3. Humidification
prior to attempting to sterilize with EO. The fol- consists of pulling a vacuum followed by a The total inactivation of microorganisms
lowing information, although generic in nature, pressurization with an inert gas, which is usual- using ethylene oxide is attained when sterilizing
is designed to provide basic information on the ly nitrogen. The vacuum and pressurization pro- conditions are met within the chamber. The four
ethylene oxide sterilization process. cesses are repeated for a predetermined number active ingredients required to deliver a success-
of repetitions until the chamber atmosphere is ful process are:
Our factory used 10M3 and 20 M3 sterilizers below the flammability limit of 3% for EO. Heat
with capacity of 200.000 pairs per cycle , this is A Simple EO Process In Detail Moisture
biref description how it works: Gas concentration
1. Environmental Preconditioning Time
The EO sterilization process has been Most of the EO sterilization processes of
employed by the health care industry to sterilize today start with conditioning of the products 4. Gas Injections
medical devices since the early 1940s (Griffith to be sterilized outside of the sterilization After the humidification phase, liquid eth-
and Hall – 1940, 1943)1. Although not as well chamber. Preconditioning is usually performed ylene oxide is first heated into a gaseous phase,
controlled as the processes of today, the anat- in a room which has been specially designed to then injected into the chamber. The amount of
omy of the process itself remains remarkably heat and humidify the products to a stable inter- gas or gas concentration3 is dependent on two
similar to the earlier process designs. One can nal temperature and moisture content prior to primary factors which are addressed during
attribute these similarities to the nature of the entering the chamber. This will assure that the cycle design.
gas itself. sterilization process is reproducible regardless
Simple But Effective of external influences such as varying climatic
conditions. 5. Postexposure Gas Purge and Air Inbleed
Using a vacuum-tight chamber, an initial Items for consideration:
vacuum is drawn to remove air and prevent 2. Initial Evacuation After the exposure phase of the process, all
an unsafe mixture when EO is injected. After gas must be removed from the chamber until
the vacuum is complete, moisture, usually in To safely deliver the 100% ethylene oxide the levels of EO fall below the flammable
the form of steam, is added to the chamber to process, at least 97 percent of the air must be limit for the gas (3 percent or 30,000 ppm).
replace that moisture which is lost during the removed from the chamber. Today, the two This is accomplished by performing a series of
initial vacuum phase. most common methods of accomplishing this post-vacuums, each followed with a nitrogen
requirement are (1) pulling a deep vacuum, backfill (wash).
Next in the sequence is the introduction of or (2) performing a series of partial vacuums
the ethylene oxide gas to a predetermined con- followed by a series of nitrogen injections.

The Biggest clean

room in the gloves
The importance of a are designed according
cleanroom in the gloves to Mr ceo requirments
industry can not be to meet the needed
under estimated espe- efficency. working in
cially to produce the highly strict conditions
sugrical sterile gloves. oue staff are trained to

our organization knows handle these machines

the big importance this with high profission-
kind of gloves must cy. the daily output is
be processed in 0 germ around 240.000 pairs
and 0 dust environment. in diffrent sizes after
with surface of more that they pass to the
than 1000 sq meters next step which will be
our clean room is con- packing the gloves in
sidered as one of the the boxes and cartons
biggest if not the big- before go to the steril-
gest one, it is equippied ization process
with fully automated
packing ( blister and
pouch machines) that

EXPORTATION OF GANT the unit of produc-

tion of Ain M’lila
H TO TUNISIA. close to 30% of the
this country for total market.
The IMGSA an amount of 1.5
group has signed Million Euros for
an agreement with the financial year
a Tunisian partner 2018. Several
Photo Credit 3
for the export of deliveries have
medical gloves to been made from

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