Final Project Godwill and Sandjo

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The scientific name of a polar bear:
The polar bears scientific name is Ursus maritimus
They are of type carnivore
Where the polar bear lives:
Polar bears inhabit arctic sea ice, water, islands, and continental coastlines. Polar bears prefer
sea ice habitat with leads and polynyas, next to continental coastlines or island.

The weight between the average male and the average female polar bear:

Male polar bears are typically significantly larger than females, growing to a length between
8 and 10 feet while females are only 6 to 8 feet long. Their size difference is even more
noticeable in their weight -- while a male may weigh between 550 and 1700 pounds, a
female only grows to between 330 and 650 pounds.

The sense they use to detect their prey:

They use the sense of Smell. A polar bear's sense of smell is acute, and it is the most
important sense for detecting prey on land. A polar bear can most likely smell a seal from
more than 1 km (0.6 mi.)
What time are babies born:
Polar bear cubs are born November through January in a den. Mother and cubs emerge
from their den in late March or April.
What is affecting their survival:
The principal thing which affects their survival is climate change. Climate change is melting
and fragmenting sea ice across the Arctic, forcing more pregnant females to make their dens
on land instead. In addition, new oil and gas exploration and drilling threaten vulnerable polar
bear populations.

Another thing which endangers their existence is; Life off the sea ice
As sea ice decreases at a rate of about 4.6% a decade, some polar bears at the southern edges
of the species' range are spending five to six months on land, with very few seals to eat. Lack
of sufficient nutriment kills them as there are no seals on land.

Without sea ice and seals, polar Bears are left to search for other food sources. This can lead
them into communities, where garbage dumps, sled dog yards and human food storage offer
easy pickings. Bears in communities often create conflict between bears and people – bears
threaten the people and their property. Communities, government and world wild fund
(WWF) are working together to keep both bears and people safe.

What polar bears eat: The polar bear's main food is the ringed seal. Seal blubber is a rich
food source, and an adult polar bear can eat 100 pounds of it in one sitting. The seals use their
sharp claws to cut holes in the ice through which they can breathe, and the bears wait nearby
in the hope of catching a meal.

The amount of food polar bears eat varies widely according to the time of year. They eat most
when food is abundant, between late April and early July. They can then eat as much as 2
kilograms per day. At the end of a fruitful hunting season, they can weigh 50 per cent more
than they will at the end of winter. This accumulated fat.
How long do polar bears live: Wild polar bears usually live for 15 to 18 years but cannot
survive into their 30s, according to Polar Bears International. A captive polar bear called
Debby lived to be 42 years old in Assiniboine Park Zoo in Canada. She was believed to be
the world's oldest polar bear when she died in 2008, according to Reuters.
The elephants scientific name is: Elephantidae
How long do elephants live:
It is proven by the Scientifics that an elephant can have a very long life of about 60-70 years.
Elephants are herbivores
Where do elephants live:
Elephants inhabit in huge and large places like the savannas and jungles.
What is the average weight of a female elephant and a male elephant?
The average weight of both female and male Forest elephants is estimated at about 2.3 tons
(5,000 pounds) (NatGeob). Average weight of Male Forest Elephant is estimated at 3 tons,
(about 6,200 to 7,000 pounds)
African elephants are the giants, even by elephant standards. An adult male can carry a full 6
tons with gentle grace. Generally, the females are slightly more petite; however, they can still
weigh 3.6 tons or more sometimes. They acquire such impressive robustness because they
graze all day, every day.
A baby elephant weighs an enormous 77-113 kg (0.077-0.113 tons.

How long is the gestation period of an Elephant

intelligent, long-lived species often have lengthy pregnancies, which allows ample time for
fetal development. The African elephant has the longest pregnancy, at a whopping 22
What is affecting their survival:
Threats to survival
Poaching for the illegal ivory trade is the biggest threat to African elephants’ survival.
Before the Europeans began colonizing Africa, there may have been as many as 26 million
elephants. By the early 20th century, their numbers had dropped to 10 million. Hunting
continued to increase. By 1970, their numbers were down to 1.3 million. Between 1970 and
1990, hunting and poaching put the African elephant at risk of extinction, reducing its
population by another half.

In the years since, poaching has continued to threaten both species: Savanna elephants
declined by 30 percent between 2007 and 2014, while forest elephants declined by 64
percent from 2002 to 2011 as poaching worsened in Central and West Africa. In 2021, the
International Union for Conservation of Nature recognized them as separate species for the
first time, listing savanna elephants as endangered and forest elephants as critically
endangered. As few as 400,000 remain today.

What do elephants eat:

As written in the above the elephants are herbivores, those huge animals eat what we call

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