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Lesson 10: The Global Migration

Two Types of Migration
⮚ Internal Migration – people moving from one area
to another (within country)
⮚ International Migration:
1. Move permanently to another country.
2. Workers who stay in another country for a fixed period.
3. Illegal migrants
4. Migrants whose families have petitioned them to move to
the destination country.
5. Refugees (asylum-seekers)

❏ Demographers estimated that 247 million people

are currently living outside the countries of their
✔ 90% for economic reasons
✔ 10% were refugees and asylum-seekers
❖ Contributed 40 to 80 percent of the labor force of
the host countries.

❏ Top Three Regions of Origin

1. Latin America (18%)
2. Eastern Europe and Central Asia (16%)
3. Middle East and North Africa (14%)

❏ Per country basis

a) India
b) Mexico
c) China
d) Philippines
e) Afghanistan

❏ According to Mckinsey Global Institute, first

generation immigrants constitute

✔ 13% Western Europe’s population

✔ 15% North America’s population
✔ 48% in the GCC countries (Gulf Cooperation
Council-Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the United Arab
Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, and Oman)

❏ The majority of the migrants remain in cities.

✔ 92% United States
✔ 95% United Kingdom
✔ 99% Australia

❏ Influx of migrants is either an asset or liability

✔ Anti-immigrant and nationalists argue that
government must control legal immigration and
put stop to illegal entry of foreigners.

Benefits and Detriments

for the Sending Countries
❏ Migrant workers have sent billions of remittances to
their home countries.
✔ India $70 billion
✔ China $62 billion
✔ Philippines $28 billion
✔ Mexico $25 billion
❏ Asian Development Bank observed that
remittances may help in lifting households out of
poverty but not in rebalancing growth in the long
❏ Brain Drain Phenomenon

✔ Governments are aware of this long-term

handicap but have no choice but to continue
promoting migrant work as part of state policy
because of the remittance’s impact on economy.

The Problem of Human Trafficking

❏ United States Federal Bureau of Investigation listed
human trafficking as the third largest criminal activity
❏ Human Trafficking - The recruitment, transportation,
transfer, harbouring or receipt of people through force,
fraud or deception, with the aim of exploiting them for
✔ Exploited by private enterprises and entrepreneurs
✔ Sexually abused
✔ Work under compulsion in agricultural, manufacturing,
infrastructure, and domestic activities


❏ Common problems are access to housing, health

care, and education.


❖ The West accused migrants of bringing in the

culture from their home countries and amplifying
differences in linguistic and ethnic customs.
Crucially, the lack of integration gives
xenophobic and anti-immigrant groups more
ammunition to argue that these new citizens are
often not nationals (sense of sharing the dominant


❏ “Keeping among themselves.”

✔ First-time migrant’s anxiety at coming into new
and often strange place is mitigated by local
networks of fellow citizens (safety net). The
drawback of these networks is that instead of
facilitating integration, they exacerbate
difference and discrimination.

Honeymoon Phase

Crisis or Disintegration Phase

Reorientation and
Reintegration Phase

Adaptation and Resolution

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