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The Alchemist Notes

Pre- Reading Research Topics (topic #7)

1. The Alchemist is written in a fable format. What is a fable, and why would Coelho use
it to tell
His story? Generally speaking, fables use recognizable, simple characters and settings in
to illustrate a simple truth about life or human nature. What are common fables that we
have heard as children? Find five that you think your peers would remember.
● A short story usually including animals ( symbolic characters) teaching morals
● Might have used it because it was an easy first to comprehend
● The lion and the mouse, the tortoise and the hair, the frog and the scorpion

2.Coelho states that “simple things are the most valuable and only wise people appreciate
them.” Produce a written or artistic response (or bring something to class) which depicts
something that is “simple” yet valuable to you. Be prepared to explain specifically why/
how The item is valuable.
● Simple items can be very valuable
● You can tell when an item has such sentimental meaning
● A Lot of people have something that they value
● Simple item can be very important to certain individuals
3.Coelho will open with the modified myth of Narcissus. It will be important to
understand this myth before we hear Narcissus mentioned in the novel. Please research
this myth and be ready to explain it simply to your classmates.
● A man who believed he was so beautiful and he was too good for anyone to date
● He became so consumed with the thought of himself
● He visits a lake to acknowledge his beauty and falls in and dies
● The lake mourned the death of him due to the fact of how beautiful he was
● You can see beauty in you reflected in other people
4.What is alchemy? What processes were involved? Who performed it and why? Who
were the famous alchemists of the medieval period?
● Alchemy is a study in philosophy learning how to turn metals into other
● They began with scraping the surface of the metal in order to begin the change
● Alchemy is a blend of magic and science
● Greece, Rome, ancient mesopotamia, etc.
● Famous alchemists: isaac newton, maria the jewish, etc.
5.Who is Melchizedek? What role does he play in the Old Testament? How might a
character like this affect the protagonist, Santiago?
● Melchizedek is a priest and king connected to jerusalem
● In the new testament
● Writers claimed he was heaven sent
● Provides wisdom and is apparently from salem
● Some people believed he was god

6.What are the Five Pillars of Islam? What is the Koran? How might these faith
guidelines affect a story?
● The five pillars are: prayer

7.Explore the concept of Soul of the World as different religions and philosophies define
● Religion is a belief of a superior power and worshiping this idiety as the creator of life
and has power within the universe
● Religion- content will not having full evidence of said deity or higher power
● Philosophies on the contrary focuses on the logical and intellectual approach to their
point of view in life
● Philosophy- logic and research resulting, wisdom being occurred over this search
● Philosophers need to now through extensive research in order to consider it a possibility

8. Research the tribal ways of the Bedouins of the Sahara.

● Nomads are people that travel the world and never belong to one lace
● Famous for their hospitality Loyalty to the their clan
● sahara desert

9.What are the basic theories of Freud’s or Jung’s dream analysis theories? There will be
many dreams mentioned in the novel. What should we consider about Santiago's
● Freud's theories shows that dreams represent things he wants
● Freud focused on their dreams ell something deeper
● Jung said dreams are trying to tell you something
● Jung said it's not a desire but like a internal conversation
● psyche attempt to communicate important things to the individuals
10.Research levanter and sirocco. How will knowing about the regional weather features
described in the book add to a greater understanding of Santiago's journey?
● Levanter is a strong easterly wind in the mediterranean region
● Sirocco is a Hot dusty wind that goes through North africa across the
mediterranean seato southern europe
● Man v. nature
11.Geographical Locations (Ask Mrs. Jewell to print a map)
■ Use this link: Google Maps
■ (Links to an external site.)

■ Andalusia Al-Fayoum (oasis in Egypt)
■ Tarifa
■ El Cairum
■ Salem (Jeru”salem”)
■ Nile
■ Tangier
■ Coptic Monastery
■ Ceuta
■ Mecca
■ Sahara Desert

Paolo Coelho video note (oprah interview)

● The universe is there teaching us the right signs and we make mistakes
● “ you cannot teach you can only learn”
● Everything has its own flow, energy, and language
● When you realize the universe doesn;t revolve around you, you can notice other
Pharell’s life because of the alchemist ( oprah interview)
● All the people who conspired to get you to where you are”
● If you have the desire the universe will rise to meet it
● Unafraid to dream
● How his grandma's vision became his reality
(4/26/22Day one reading page 1- 13:
● He met a woman and wanted to abandon his plans to be with her
● He left and came back a year later
● Santiago comes off as someone who overthinks and needs to reassure him in each
decision he makes
● He really wants the girl from the village and stay as a shepherd but is conflicted by
this decision
● He worries the woman doesn’t remember him and hopes she will be with him
● He was made to be a priest but wanted to continue to being a shepherd

(4/27/22) Day two page 13-26 :

● He goes to a woman to get more information about her dreams
● The woman told him that dreams are the language of the soul and their
higher power speaks to tem through those means
● He took wisdom from the woman and was given the information to travel to
● The woman explained that she could only tell him the dream and not force
him to follow what the dream had said
● The depiction of gypsy was given negative stereotypes throughout this part
because he was fearful of the woman at first
● Santiago was told by the old man that our lives are out of control and fate
drives our lives ( the world's greatest lie)
● The old man explained that we are in control and when we feel like we
aren't we give all control to fate
● After this interaction He met the king of salem (the profit visiting him
● Only santiago can see this old man and is getting the information
● The old man was pushing him to each his personal legend
● The old man said that a person's only real obligation is to find that personal
legend and so he can't just give up on it when hes so close
● The child he saw the dream may represent the innocent leading him to this
● You have to give something up, a sacrifice
● “ everything in life has a price and his flock is the price”

5/2/22 Day Three page 26-44 :

● He decided to hold back the info he learned about the baker from the old man
instead of letting the baker know he said he didn’t want to conflict his journey
● Predictable is comfortable
● Stayed with his flock for 2 years because he was afraid to start the journey
● Hes conflicted and flustered about the info he was given by the old man
● The old man told the boy that he must follow the omens on his way to his
● The stones will be used when he can't tell what the omens are having to say
● Rely on your own gut and omens, read the world around you without needing to
go back to the stones, the stones were a comfort for the boy
● He was tasked not to spill the oil while walking around
● He could still give a lot of things his attention while also checking with that oil to
make sure it doesn’t spill
● The journey is just as important as the destination
● He noticing he is entering a new area that he is not comfortable with
● He believes that this area is an evil land

5/9/22 and 5/11/22 reading day pg. 45-87

● When he realized he was in this new place he came to a realization that he was
free from responsibilities
● He found out he was able to realize someone else's personal legend just by looking
at them just like the old men he met before
● He began to earn new things by being here (seeing people talking different
languages and still being able to communicate)
● “ if i learn to understand this language without words, i can learn to understand the
● The crystal merchant regrets devoting his life to selling glassware because when
he first started it was going to be a popular business but tangier had changed
● The crystal merchant gave the boy lunch and offered him a job
● The crystal merchant sad that two people came in after the boy came in calling it a
good omen
● The boy worked for the man for a month and saved his money to get new sheep
● The boy built a glass case for the glassware for more customers to come to the
● The merchant wonders why the boy wants more out of life and the boy responds
that he needs to follow and respond to omens
● The merchant is the king of salem
5/17/22 reading day pg. 116-137
● Intruders came into an oasis armed and began to attack
● Oasis - a safe area in which there is no harm, basic area to rehydrate
● The commander of the battalion explained that the boy became the
counselor of the oasis
● The alchemist told the boy that the wind told him and others will be coming
through the desert
● The people that the boy meets always validates the information given from
the king
● More coincidences are being shown along the wa ( may be good omens)
● “It's not what enters a man's mouth that is evil. It is what comes out.” - the
● Remember where your heart belongs is where the treasure lays
● The boy keeps questioning going on the journey, thinking of settling for
what he had at the moment
● Some people believe that love is here personal legend
● You can have both love and personal legend
● You have to trust that the love will live on while figuring out your own
● Unconditional love only exists if they want you to complete that legend.
● The boy has been running into a lot of unfulfilled people on the way to the
● The boy told fatima he will be back because he will go on the journey
● “One is loved because one is loved.”
● “Everything is written in the universe and it will stay there”
● The alchemist and the boy went along the way through the desert
● “ There's only one way to learn. Its through your actions”
● “ they were seeking out their personal legend without wanting to live out
their personal legend.
● Emerald tablet ? mentioned by the alchemist
● The alchemist was cautious when coming into an area that battles that's
being fought
● “My heart is a trader”
● He accepted all of the thoughts from his heart when his heart told him he
was happy
● “ tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering”
● “Everyone on earth has a treasure that awaits them”
● “ most people view the world as threatening place and it then indeed
becomes a threatening place”
● The alchemist said to continue on the way to te pyramids and listen to the
● Before the dream is realized, it tests the lessons you learned along the way.
Not because it is evil but because it is to secure the lessons learned along
the way

5/23/22 reading day pg. 137-157

● The boy and the alchemist was about to get robbed when the alchemist mentioned
the simple solution
● They both came upon a military base and offered their life if they cannot turn into
the wind

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