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2011-2012 PNAIS Annual Report Due October 1, 2011

All PNAIS schools, except Affiliate Schools, must file the PNAIS Annual Report no later than October 1, 2011. The purpose of the Annual Report is to allow schools to demonstrate how they have maintained their commitment to the PNAIS core value of on-going school improvement during the past year. This report should be approved by the Head of School, signed by the Head and the schools Board Chair and submitted to PNAIS. Once submitted, the Association will acknowledge receipt of the report and review it prior to the Winter Accreditation Committee. Information provided in this report may be shared with members of the PNAIS Accreditation Committee and the PNAIS Board of Governors. Part I: School Demographics
School Accredited Member Founder Head Candidate Member Year Appointed Full? Subscriber School

Is your school a member of: National Association of Independent Schools? Provisional? (Check all that apply) Northwest Association of Accredited Schools? Washington Federation of Independent Schools? Oregon Federation of Independent Schools? What grade/age range does your school currently offer? Provide the opening of school enrollment for September 2011

Provide the total number of individuals (full time or part time) serving in the following roles: Instructional Staff: Total Employees:

Where is your school in its PNAIS Accreditation timetable? Founder aiming to shift to Subscriber School by month: year: Subscriber School aiming to shift to Candidate Member status by month: year: Preparing self-study for accreditation visit in academic year Hosting visiting team this Academic Year on (date) Preparing Response Report to be submitted by month: year: We have completed the above steps. Our next accreditation visit occurs in the academic year

Part II: Has your school experienced substantive change during 2010-11?

YES (check all that apply)

Adoption of a new, substantially changed Mission Statement Change in Head/Director or announcement of Head's/Director's resignation for following year. Resignation or turnover of 35% or more of the Governing Body Addition or elimination of a grade Relocation of the school or addition of another campus Merger with another school/program Substantial change in enrollment (by 15% or more) Substantial full-time faculty and administrative staff turnover (by 25% or more) A significant change in the schools financial condition (receipt of a transformational gift, a significant loss of revenue, a large assumption of debt).

If yes, please describe the circumstances around this change and any plans established to address this change. If any letters were sent to your school community regarding this change, please submit a copy of each letter.

Part III: Has your school received any of the following in the past year (check all that apply)?
Financial Audit Letter If your school received either a going concern exception or a management letter, space is provide on page 3 to describe the steps taken to address these issues. You are free to add as many additional pages as necessary to complete your response. If the School did not have a financial audit, when is the next scheduled financial audit? Financial Review Going Concern Exception Management

Part IV: Is there any pending litigation against the School?



If yes, please provide a brief description of the general nature of this litigation. Space is provided on page 3 to supply your answer. You are free to add as many additional pages as necessary to complete your response.

Part V: School Improvement Initiatives in 2010-11:

A.) If your school is a Founder School, Subscriber School or Candidate Member In fulfilling the Associations expectation of ongoing school improvement, provide a one-paragraph description of each major initiative your school took during the 2010-11 academic year related to moving closer to the next level of affiliation and/or reaching compliance with the major standard. To answer this question, refer to the PNAIS Major Standards and Good Practices Leading to and Maintaining Accreditation chart (pages 4-8). Space is provided on page 3 to supply your answer.

B.) If your school is an Accredited Member Respond to one of the questions listed below. If you are able to answer more than one of these questions, please choose the question that represents the most improvement for your school. Space is provided on page 3 to supply your answer. i) If your school is in the midst of preparing its self study document, briefly describe the major themes and/or findings arising from the schools deliberations. If your school hosted a visiting team within the last two years, summarize the work completed in addressing the major recommendations from the schools most recent Accreditation Report. If the school has completed a Response Report within the last year and has not already submitted it, please submit it along with this Annual Report form. If the school has a recently approved Strategic Plan, please submit a copy of this Plan and outline the steps taken in addressing its major goals during 2010-2011. If a school has embarked upon a review/revision of its curriculum during 2010-2011, please outline the review process and summarize the results of this review. If there was an element of your school program (e.g., adoption of a laptop program), administration (e.g., reorganization of administrative structure), or facilities (e.g., new library) that reflected significant revision or change during 2010-2011, please describe the change and the steps taken to achieve it. If there was another school improvement initiative that was a major focus of school energy and effort during 2010-2011, please describe this initiative and the steps taken in moving this initiative forward.


iv) v) vi)


Part VI: School Improvement Initiatives in 2011-12:

What are the schools major goals or plans for the coming year (2011-12) that would best illustrate the schools commitment to on-going school improvement? Please provide a paragraph description outlining your goals and plans. Space is provided on page 3 to supply your answer. You are free to add as many additional pages as necessary to complete your response. Space is provided on page 3 to supply

your answer.

By entering the names in the spaces below, you certify this report has been approved by your schools Head of School and by your schools Board Chair.

Head of School


Head of School


Date Note: Keep a copy of this Annual Report for your school files. Five years worth of historical Annual Reports are requested during the self-study process and needed by team chairs prior to the visit.

Please provide your answers to parts IV (if applicable), V and VI below. You are free to add as many additional pages as necessary to complete your response.
Part IV: Is there any pending litigation against the School?
If yes, please provide a brief description of the general nature of this litigation.

Part V: School Improvement Initiatives in 2010-11:

To answer this question, refer to the PNAIS Major Standards and Good Practices Leading to and Maintaining Accreditation chart (pages 4-8). If your school is a Founder School, Subscriber School or Candidate Member provide a one-paragraph description of each major initiative your school took during the 2010-11 academic year related to moving closer to the next level of affiliation and/or reaching compliance with the major standard.


If your school is an Accredited Member respond to one of the questions listed on page 2 under Part V.

Part VI: School Improvement Initiatives in 2011-12:

What are the schools major goals or plans for the coming year (2011-12) that would best illustrate the schools commitment to on-going school improvement?

PNAIS Major Standards and Expectations Leading to and Maintaining Accreditation (last revised June 2011)

In fulfilling the Associations expectation of ongoing school improvement, provide a one-paragraph description of each major initiative your school took during the 2010-11 academic year related to moving closer to the next level of affiliation and/or reaching compliance with the major standard.

Major Standard
Accreditation Procedures
The school has demonstrated a commitment to on-going school improvement through the successful completion of each step of the PNAIS accreditation process.

A Subscriber School
Maintains a desire to gain accreditation, exhibits an ongoing commitment to school improvement and renewal, and successfully completes the PNAIS Annual Report after its first year of being a Subscriber School. Utilizes PNAIS Major Standards and Good Practices for guidance in the overall development of the school.

A Candidate Member
Demonstrates the ability to meet all PNAIS major standards within a five-year period with the aim of becoming an accredited member.

An Accredited Member
Reviews its mission statement as the starting point in the self study process. (GP 1) Conducts a self-study that provides for broad participation of the school community and full disclosure in the examination of strengths and weaknesses. (GP 2) Addresses the major recommendations from the previous accreditation visit (if standing for reaccreditation). (GP 3) Has through its governing body defined what diversity means for the school. (GP 6) Sustains a commitment to respond to the demands of an increasingly multicultural and international society. (GP 7)

Association Philosophy
The mission, philosophy, principles, and practices of PNAIS schools are consistent with a free, open, humane and diverse society; schools provide an intellectual environment in which students are free to express individual points of view and to debate all sides of a subject. Follows applicable nondiscriminatory policies and practices. (GP 4) Operates in a way that promotes student freedom of inquiry, diversity of viewpoints, and independent critical thinking. (GP 5) Articulates a commitment to respond to the demands of an increasingly multicultural Demonstrates a commitment to respond to the demands of an increasingly multicultural and international society.

PNAIS Major Standards and Expectations Leading to and Maintaining Accreditation (last revised June 2011)

and international society.

The school has a clear mission statement, philosophy, and goals. Creates a mission statement, philosophy, and goals that serve as the basis for the development of the school and its educational program. Effectively communicates the schools mission statement, philosophy, and goals. (GP 9) Has a founding governing body sufficient in number, expertise and resources to develop and promote the schools mission and vision consistent with the principles of PNAIS and protect the schools implementation of that mission and vision from undue interference and inappropriate influence and control from stakeholders within the school as well as from third parties outside the school. Has defined the roles and responsibilities of its governing body. (GP 12) Evidences in its program(s) and operations the schools mission statement, philosophy, and goals, all of which are in print and are appropriate to meet the needs of the students it serves. (GP 10) Has a governing body and staff that understand and support the schools mission statement, philosophy, and goals. (GP 8)

Institutional Leadership
The school's institutional leadership operates with a structure that includes at least two separate entities which carry out the separate functions of governance and of day-to-day management. The structure provides for oversight and planning adequate to sustain the schools mission and vision and for institutional decisionmaking based upon a system of checks and balances that assures the schools long term viability. Has a governing body sufficiently developed to make policy and embark on long range planning which will assure the school's continued growth and ability to serve students in the foreseeable future. Has established itself as an independent school with an institutional leadership structure that includes at least two separate entities which carry out the separate functions of governance and day-to-day management. (GP 11) Has institutional leadership that provides a balance of authority between the governing body and Head of School. (GP 14) Has a Head of School and a governing body that have developed an Has a governing body of appropriate size and composition to meet its roles and responsibilities and the needs of the school. (GP 13) Has a governing body that engages in both short-term and long-term planning. (GP 17) Schools institutional leadership has processes to assess and improve the effectiveness of schools governing body and of the Head of School. (GP 18)

PNAIS Major Standards and Expectations Leading to and Maintaining Accreditation (last revised June 2011)

effective working relationship. (GP 15) Has a Head of School who is responsible for operating the school in accordance with the authority conferred by the governing body. (GP 16)

The school's financial operations, resources and planning are adequate to support the schools mission and vision and to sustain its long term viability and stability. Operates on an annual budget approved and monitored by the governing body. Is developing policies and practices for the governing body to meet its fiduciary responsibilities with regard to finance and risk management. Has adequate annual financial resources to sustain the schools program. Has a collaborative budgeting process that is approved and monitored by the governing body. Has policies and follows practices sufficient for the schools governing body to provide oversight and guidance regarding financial operations and risk management. (GP 20) Has a financial base that provides for the school's long-term viability and stability. (GP 19) Has a three to five year long-range financial plan that supports the schools strategic plan. (GP 21) Has completed a full independent financial audit for the fiscal year prior to the accreditation evaluation. (GP 22) Has auxiliary services that are appropriately supervised, funded, and mission appropriate. (GP 23)

The schools program is congruent with the schools mission, philosophy, and goals and is in keeping with the PNAIS commitment to free and open inquiry in a humane and diverse society. Develops the school's program in accordance with the schools stated mission, philosophy, and goals. Develops the school's program in accordance with the PNAIS philosophy of free, open, diverse and humane society. The schools program components are supported with sufficient resources to meet its goals. (GP 29) The school is engaged in ongoing review, evaluation, and development of each of The schools overall program stems from a set of guiding beliefs and assumptions about the ways that students learn. (GP 24) The schools overall program is designed to provide students with a school experience that is

PNAIS Major Standards and Expectations Leading to and Maintaining Accreditation (last revised June 2011)

its program components. (GP 30) The schools program components stem from a set of guiding beliefs and assumptions about the ways that students learn. (GP 28)

in keeping with PNAISs commitment to free and open inquiry in a humane and diverse society. (GP 25) The schools overall program is supported with sufficient resources to meet its mission and goals. (GP 26) The school is engaged in ongoing review, evaluation, and development of its overall program. (GP 27)

Residential Program
The residential program operates in a way that provides a balanced, enriched, and mission consistent experience for students. Has articulated its beliefs and assumptions about how students learn in its residential program. Is developing its residential curriculum with defined goals and objectives that adequately meet the needs of the residential students. Has a residential program that has articulated its beliefs and assumptions about how students learn and has a written curriculum with defined goals and objectives that addresses the needs of the residential students. (GP 31) Has a residential program that is integrated into the total life of the school. (GP 32) Has a residential staff qualified by preparation and/or experience to meet the needs of students under their supervision. (GP 33)

Administrative Practice and Personnel

The school has a staff that is Is developing clear hiring Has clear hiring policies Has an administrative

PNAIS Major Standards and Expectations Leading to and Maintaining Accreditation (last revised June 2011)

qualified by preparation and/or experience and an effective organizational structure to carry out school policy and to conduct the school program in accordance with its mission.

policies and protocols that are effectively communicated. Reviews its compliance with applicable federal and state laws regarding hiring and the maintenance of adequate personnel records. (GP 36) Is developing an effective communication system to keep parents informed about the schools program and services.

and protocols that are effectively communicated (GP 35) Is developing an adequate administrative staff and structure to meet the operational needs of the school. Has written personnel policies, a rudimentary evaluation system, and has initiated an ongoing professional development program. Has an effective communication system in place to keep parents informed about the schools program and services. (GP 39)

staff and structure adequate to carry out the operational needs of the school. (GP 34) Has written personnel policies including descriptions of the evaluation and compensation systems. (GP 37) Provides, on a regular basis, opportunities for staff professional development. (GP 38) Has established policies and procedures for members of the school community to participate in the life of the school. (GP 40) Interacts constructively with the community in which it is located and avails itself of community resources. (GP 41)

The school has defined those qualities that constitute a "mission appropriate" student, has established policies and procedures for enrollment management that are in keeping with federal non-discrimination regulations, and provides for the welfare of its students.

Has defined and continually reviews what constitutes a "mission appropriate" student and has started work on the development of its admission policies and procedures. Has a system for the maintenance of accurate records for both current and former students. (GP 44)

Has defined what constitutes a diverse student body in accordance with the school's mission and its geographic community.

Has an established enrollment management program. (GP 42) Has developed the necessary services to meet the social, emotional, and academic needs of its students. (GP 43)

Has started articulating what support services its students may need.

PNAIS Major Standards and Expectations Leading to and Maintaining Accreditation (last revised June 2011)

School Plant
The school's plant is adequate to support the mission and program of the school and is maintained in a way that is intended to provide a safe and healthy environment.

Has access to facilities that adequately meet the immediate enrollment and programmatic needs of the school. Gives appropriate priority to operating its buildings, equipment, and grounds in a safe manner. (GP 45)

Demonstrates an ability to sustain the school's current plant and location for a three to five year period, or alternatively, has a realistic and sustainable plan for change of plant or location. (GP 46)

Demonstrates budgeting practices and adequate asset allocation to support plant occupancy and maintenance.

Demonstrates long-range facilities planning that is incorporated into the schools strategic and long-range financial plans and addresses plant maintenance, improvement, or expansion as correlated with projected enrollment and program growth or institutional development and change. (GP 47)

Health and Safety

The school has established and effectively implemented policies and procedures that promote a safe and healthy school environment.

Has established basic emergency response and crisis procedures.

Has written emergency response and crisis procedures and practices them. (GP 49) Provides supervision and instruction with the goal of reducing hazards to health and safety. (GP 48)

Has basic procedures to deal with injury and illness that are clearly understood by those involved in their implementation.

Has written procedures to deal with injury and illness that are shared with faculty, staff, parents, and students. (GP 50) Regularly reviews procedures dealing with health and safety. (GP 51)


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