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• Developing a sound Outlook in life
• Improving family relationships
• Becoming a responsible member of
the family
• Housing and family Economics
Developing a
Sound Outlook
in Life

is developing the
outlook or view
of life.
Your outlook in life shows
your attitude towards
schoolwork, your choice of
friends and activities you
and your group enjoy, how
you handle your allowance,
your choice of clothes, and
how you relate to people.
The philosophy of each family is determined
largely by the disposition of the father and
mother, their experiences, educational
background, habits, and physical and social
You didn’t
come this far.
1. In the Mother’s
Recent studies have
shown that a baby inside
a mother’s womb does
not only develop
physiologically but
psychologically and
emotionally as well. The
mother’s feeling of love
or insecurity can be
passed on to the unborn
2. At Home
Our home is our first school where
we learn the basic lessons in life
such as love, respect, obedience,
cooperation, and acceptance.
We learn to see and appreciate
the beauty of life. A child who is
often ridiculed tends to be shy and
thinks he is not appreciated for
what he is and can do.
3. In School and Among Friends
Every child spends time learning in school. The school environment
can influence his viewpoint of life. Schools require standards of
behavior and learning to guide the child as he grows up and
develops into a grown-up individual.
4. Media and Communication

Television, movies,
newspapers, magazines,
radio, and, more recently,
video gaming, texting,
and the internet provide
information that educates
and arouses public
What Is A Who is involved in a
Relationship? family relationship?
*Parents * Aunts and Uncles
An interaction * Siblings * Cousins
between two or * Grandparents * Others?
more people.
of Teenagers
* School
*Family Time
What is your role/responsibility?
in your family?

*How would you describe it?

*How do you think it came about?

*What life experiences have

helped to shape it?
How can your attitude and behavior
affect your family relationships?

They will either help STRENGTHEN

or DESTROY them.
Ways to STRENGTHEN Family
• Showing appreciation
• Giving affection
• Being committed
• Spending time together
• Building traditions
• Utilizing creative problem
• Practicing constructive
Factors that DESTROY Family Relationships:
* Refrain from giving
* Withholding emotions
* Avoiding certain family
* Using destructive
* Withdrawal from family
Personal Reflection
How is your personal attitude and
behavior affecting your family?


*Who you hang out with *Choose good friends
*What you do *Don’t get into trouble
*When you come home *Come home at a reasonable
Responsibility, Trust, and Freedom

* Being responsible builds trust.

* Trust gains you more
* What you do with your
freedom builds more trust.
* If you are trustworthy, you will
have more responsibilities.


Consideration and




• Show your love and affection

to everyone.
• Show respect and
• Do your share of work
• Share in the family fun
• Have a sense of humor
• Keep an open mind
• Avoid criticizing
• Be extravagant with praises.
What do we mean by Family Resources?
Family resources
are those things
that the family can
use to meet their
needs and reach
their goals.
Types of Family Resources
1. Human Resources
People who can contribute
their time, effort, skills,
strength, and expertise is
considered part of the
family’s human resource.
Human Resources

Intelligence, and Skills

Every person has his or

her unique ability and
intelligence in a way that
improves not only himself or
herself but also others.
Human Resources
Strength/ Energy

The strength of a person does not

only mean having good health and
a strong body. It also means
having emotional stability, mental
alertness, and having a
reasonable commitment and
positive outlook in life, especially
in work that improves self and
Types of Family Resources
2. Material Resources
Tangible assets such as houses and
lot, furniture and appliance, jewelry,
automobiles, and cash are referred to as
the family’s material resources.
Real properties and jewelry increase
in value over time while the value of
furniture, appliances, and automobiles
depreciate or go down as they get old and
worn out.
Types of Family Resources

3. Non-Material Resources
Time, health, and experience are
intangible resources but are also
important. Without non-material
resources, family members will be
unable to perform their duties and
responsibilities at home, in schools,
and at work.
Non-material Resources


Time is very important.

This is the resource that
cultivates cooperation,
fulfillment of the prescribed
duties, and smart
maintenance of homes.
Non-material Resources


The health of family

members is important. When
family members are in good
health, they can do their
duties without delay.
Non-material Resources

The more experience a
family member has, the more
likely he or she will get hired
or paid a good amount for his
or her services. So, job or
work experience is an
important non-material
resource to have
Non-material Resources

Time/Energy Management

There is some task that

requires only a little time and
energy to accomplish. Take these
things into consideration when
scheduling activities.
Family Crest Assignment

• Using Adobe Illustrator, draw

your family crest or a picture
that represents one idea
about your family. A sample
is provided for you on the left
Ideas Include:
• Something you like doing with your family
• Pictures of foods that you as a family
commonly eat.
• Pictures that represent your first of the last
• Drawings that depict favorite family events,
celebrations, or traditions.
• Family motto underneath the shield
Be Creative and Use Vibrant Color!
Edukasyong Pantahanan at
Pangkabuhayan (EPP) and
Technology and Livelihood
Education (TLE)
• Nature and Scope
• Objectives of Edukasyong Pantahan at
Pangkabuhayan with Entrepreneurship
• The Legal Basis of Teaching of EPP and TLE
• Intended outcomes of the teaching of EPP and TLE
Learning area standard
• Teaching Approaches, Methods, and Techniques
• Assessment in EPP
TLE and Technical-Vocational Course
Grade 6

Grade 5
Grade 4
and Home
Fisheries Economics

ICT Industrial
EPP are dominantly skill subjects, hence
the teacher must have background
knowledge of the curriculum framework
and has undergone training on skills and
processes to carry out the expected
technical skills, values and attitudes that
the learners should acquire to improve
their future personal life, family, and
Intended outcomes of
the teaching of EPP
and TLE Learning area
What is technological
❖Web browsers

❖Search Engines

❖Sending and
receiving a message
via emails

❖Responsible ICT
Teaching Approaches, Methods, and Techniques
Direct Method of Instruction:
1. Teacher demonstrates. –” Watch me and
listen to me”.
2. Students demonstrate with scaffolding from
the teacher. – ”Let’s do it together”.
3. When students can do the process by
himself/herself, the student demonstrates the skill
or process. “Do it as I watch”.
4. Teacher
gives more
for practice
for skill
Teacher assesses to determine skill mastery
by all students.
Formative Assessment
❖Individual Formative
❖Collaborative Formative
Summative Assessment
❖ Written Work
❖ Performance Tasks
❖ Quarterly Assessment
Teaching E.P.P. means teaching facts,
concepts, skills, and values in their
Food and Applied
Reported by:
Rotsen S. Silvano
Mitzi B. Sumadero
Any substance used by a living body
to promote growth, maintain and
repair body tissues, regulate body
processes, and supply energy.
The study of food in relation to
health. It is also the process by
which you take in and
assimilate the right amount of
nutrients to keep you healthy
and strong
The intake of the proper
amount and kinds of food that
will promote physical and
mental health.
● To build and repair body tissues
● To provide heat and energy for
the body
● To build and maintain bone
● To build and maintain bone
● Nutrition isNUTRITION
the food you eat and
the way the body uses it.
● Food is made up of different
nutrient needed by the body for
growth and health.
● All persons throughout life have need
for the same nutrients but in varying
● The way food is handled influences
the amounts of nutrients in food, its
safety appearance and taste.
● Handling means anything that
happens to food while it is
being grown, processed, stored
and prepared for eating.
The cells in the body use the nutrients and
release energy as heat.
● Heat energy is measured in calories. A calorie is
the amount of heat required to raise the
temperature of one kilogram of water, one
degree Celsius. Food varies in calorie content.
● Plants are the sources of
carbohydrates. Carbohydrates
contain 4 calories per gram.
Carbohydrates may be simple or
Simple Carbohydrates
● Sugars that are naturally found in
fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and
milk products.
Complex Carbohydrates
● Found in starches or in cellulose
which is the indigestible plant in
matter commonly called fiber.
Fats and Oils
● Fats and oils contain 9 calories per
gram, more than double the calorie
content of carbohydrates. Fats are
digested more slowly than other
● Foods containing fat satisfy one
faster and remain in the body for
a long period of time. Increased
intake of fatty foods could lead to
obesity and heart disease.
● Fats and oils contain saturated or
unsaturated fatty acids.
● Saturated fats increase the
cholesterol level in the blood.
Cholesterol is a waxy substance which
can cause deposit build up in the
blood vessels, causing heart disease.

● Unsaturated fats are liquid at room

temperature and they help lower the
cholesterol level. Corn and olive oil
re good sources of unsaturated fats.
● Protein are used by the body in
building and repairing its cells.
Proteins are composed of building
blocks called amino acids
● Complete Protein
- Contains all the essential amino
acids needed by the body. Animal
and fish protein contain large
amounts of essential amino acids
● Incomplete Protein
- Are low in certain essential amino
acids. Plants supply incomplete
● Minerals are taken in smaller
amounts than other nutrients
and they are used for
formation of bones and teeth,
and growth of body cells.
● Calcium and Phosphorus
-They are necessary for the
formation of bones and teeth.
Calcium is necessary for clotting of
the blood and for normal action of he
heart and nerves.

● Iron and Copper

- Work together in the bloodstream.
Iron is found in the hemoglobin of the
● Iodine
- Prevents the development of a
thyroid condition called goiter

●Sodium and chlorine

- Necessary to maintain the proper
water balance in the body
● Vitamins
- Needed for stimulating growth and
other body activities. When vitamins
are lost during food processing and
then replaced, the food is said to be
enriched. Fortified foods have extra
vitamins added.

A well-shaped skeletal frame.
● Normal weight for one’s age and
● Good appetite
● A well-developed body
● A pleasant disposition
● Healthy gums and a good set of

Clear eyes
● Clean and smooth skin
● A general appearance of vitality
● Good body posture
● Absence of any pain
● Resistance to infection
Prepared By:

What is Fabric?
v It is a cloth or other material produced by
weaving cotton, nylon, wool, silk or other
threads together.
v It is used for making things such as clothes ,
curtains and sheets.
v It is a valuable substance constructed by the
intertwining web of fibers which can be
natural as well as artificial.
Fabric of Fabric
Synthetic Fabric
Natural fabrics are those Synthetic fabrics are made
fabrics that are created from
entirely synthetic matter
fibers occurring in nature like
animals’ coats, plant seeds, created by man such as
leaves and stems, and even petrochemicals.
Different Types of Fabric
q Cotton Fabric
Cotton is a purely natural fiber that is
extracted from cotton plants.

q Chiffon
Chiffon is a sheer, lightweight, plain-
woven fabric made from twisted yarn
that gives it a slightly rough feel.
q Crepe
Crepe is a lightweight, twisted plain-
woven fabric with a rough, bumpy
surface that doesn’t wrinkle.

q Denim
Denim is a woven cotton twill fabric
made from entwined cotton wrap yarn
and white cotton stuffing yarn. It is often
known for its vivid texture, sturdiness,
durability and comfortableness.
q Lace
Lace is an elegant, delicate fabric made
from looped, twisted or knitted yarn or
thread. It was originally made from silk
and linen, but lace is now made with
cotton thread, wool or synthetic fibers.

q Leather
Leather is a unique type of fabric in that
it is made from animal hides or skins,
including cows, crocodiles, pigs and
q Linen
The next fabric is linen, which is one of
the oldest materials known to
humankind. Made from natural fibers,
this strong, lightweight fabric comes
from the flax plant, which is stronger
than cotton.
q Satin
Satin is not made from a fiber; it is
actually one of the three major textile
weaves and is made when every strand
is well-knitted. Satin was originally
made from silk and is now made from
polyester, wool and cotton.
q Silk
Known as the world’s most luxurious
natural fabric, silk is another soft,
elegant fabric choice with a smooth
touch and shimmering look. Silk comes
from the silkworm’s cocoon.

q Velvet
Another different type of fabric is the
soft, luxurious velvet, which has mostly
been associated with royalty due to its
rich, opulent finishing and complex
production process.
q Wool
This natural fiber comes from sheep,
goat, llama or alpaca fleece. It can be
knitted or woven. Wool is often noted
for being hairy and itchy, though it
keeps the body warm and is durable
and long-lasting.
Fabric Selection
key points
the to choosing
Fabric Weightthe Right Fabric
The weight of a fabric is measured in GSM (grams
per square meter) and it defines how heavy or
light a fabric is. Measuring the fabric weight is a
way of measuring the thickness of the material,
and differentiating between light-weight, medium-
weight, or heavy-weight fabric.
key points
choosing the Right Fabric

The drape determines how the fabric flows. In

other words, stiff fabrics have less drape, and fluid
fabrics have more drape. Drape is often confused
with weight, but they are two different factors that
affect how garments look.
points to choosing
Fabric Stretch the Right Fabric

Stretch is how much your fabric stretches. Fabrics

have different elasticity (ability of textile fibers to
“bounce back” when they are stretched). When
choosing a fabric with stretch, be sure that it works
for the pattern, because it can change how the
final product fits the body.
• The outcome when it is made into a garment.
Consider the following:
The overall cost you need to spend on the fabric.
The current trending fashion style.
Products that other designers may choose for a similar
Customer/company demands of your fabric choice.
The fabric types that are available for you.
The availability of fabric patterns or colors for your
garment design.
Any special elements you would like to have for your
Fabric choice affecting the product’s quality and care.
Any additional equipment required to work with the
chosen fabric.
Common scenarios of fabric selection
Infant Clothing

Baby skin is very sensitive. Clothes must be soft and pliable to

be really comfortable. Hence soft, knitted, fabrics are
popular. Cotton fabrics are suited to babies. Synthetic is not
absorbent and causes irritation for summer, simple cotton
dresses are suitable for the winter, a cotton dress is worn and
on over it, the woollen garment can be worn for comfort.
q Toddlerscenarios of fabric selection

The clothes for a toddler should be designed so that it gives

mainly protection and comfort. A toddler learns to stands, sit,
creep, crawl, walk and climb. The clothes toddler wear
should allow them to move freely and comfortably. The
clothes should be light in weight but should give warmth. A
soft, smooth, fabric which does not collect soil and dirt would
be ideal.
Pre scenarios of fabric selection
School Child

At this age of 3 to 4 years the child becomes interested in its

clothes, so selection should be done carefully where the
child learn mostly through clothes. Bright colours and their
favourites colours red, yellow, blue and green are preferred
by children. Play clothes should be more in their wardrobe.
Preschool child clothes should be appropriative, durable and
comfortable. Cotton for summer wear, woollen for winter
and tricot, silk material can be worn with cotton lining.
For Adults scenarios of fabric selection

Petticoats are generally are underwear garments which are

worn next to the skin. They should be absorbent and smooth
which give comfort to the wearer. Generally, cotton, poplin,
thin cambric, satin or rayon varieties can be worn. Slightly
thick variety of cotton handloom material can be used for
petticoats for children.
Fabric Care
Dry Cleaning

• If the care label has a small circle the manufacture is

stating you must dry clean this item.
If there is a little letter inside the circle it’s indicating to
the dry cleaner what chemical to use.
The more bars underneath the circle indicate the level
of precaution the dry cleaner must take.
If there is a cross over the circle symbol you should not
dry clean the item.

• Your item can be ironed at any temperature if the care

label iron symbol has no dots.
The more dots on the iron symbol suggests the
temperature of heat that can be applied:
• 1 dot: delicates i.e, silk and wool.
2 dots: synthetics.
3 dots: linen and cotton.
• If there is a cross over the iron symbol you should
not iron the item.

• If the care label has a circle inside a square, your item

can be tumble dried.
The more dots on the iron symbol suggests the
temperature of heat that can be applied:
1 dot = low temperature
2 dots = medium temperature
3 dots = high temperature
If there is a cross over the tumble dry symbol, you
should not tumble dry the item.
• If the care label has a tub with a hand, your item can
be hand washed or put in a delicate washing cycle of
40°C/104°F, or lower.
Hand washing is better suited for delicate items, like
cashmere or silk, because the wash is gentle
preventing shrinking or snagging.
If the care label has a twisted symbol, your item can
be wrung.
If the care label has a cross over the twisted symbol
you should not wring the item.
Synthetic Washing

• Your item can be washed in the washing machine if your care

label has a tub symbol.
The number on the tub symbol indicates the m a x im u m
temperature that can be applied.
The more bars underneath the tub indicates a reduction of
spinning and rinsing:
No bar: The item can be spun and rinsed as normal.
1 bar: Spin speed should be reduced.
2 bars: Mild wash but can be spun and rinsed as normal.
If there is a cross over the tub symbol you should not wash the
Fabric Care Products

q Bleach q Fabric
q Bluing Fresheners
q Color Removers q Fabric softeners
q Detergents q Presoak
q Detergent Boosters products
q Disinfectants q Pretreatment
q Enzyme Presoak products
Products q Rust Remover
q Fabric Finishes q Stain Removers
q Starch
q Water softeners
Fun Skills Elementary School

● Clothing Care and its Importance

● April 2022
Welcome Children!
● Today, we are going to learn about the importance of our clothing,

a n d h o w t o c a r e f o r t h e m .

● Let us remember that clothing helps us look good, and protects us

from external threats, like our friendly little flies!

● And lastly, our clothing says something about ourselves. So, look

beautiful dear children!

Curriculum Goals

● At the end of this lesson, the grade 6 pupils will be able to:

• Enumerate knowledge about clothing care and its importance;

• Demonstrate skills on stitching, and cleaning clothes; and

• Gain consciousness on treating clothes with good care.

Class Rules

• Since I want you to learn the necessary skills to keep your clothes good looking, I want you to be attentive and participative.

• My dear children, I want you to:

o Be respectful.

o Be responsible.

o Follow directions.

o Be punctual.

o Be organized.

● Our lessons are presented as follows:

1. The importance of clothing, and its role in our daily lives;

2. Ways of Cloth Care:

1. Sewing: Mending, Darning, and Patching

2. Laundry: Proper handling of garments, and Stain removal

3. Proper Cloth folding and arrangement

Are you excited?

• What idea do you have in mind when

you hear the word clothes?
• Why are clothes so important to us?
• How do we care for our clothes?
• Clothing is very important in our daily
lives as it gives us warmth, protection
from harmful external elements, as well
as gives us confidence on how we look;
• We have variety of clothes to choose
from according to the event;
• Helps save money and time; and
• Provides good access for clothes in the
The Family with good
● Ways to Care Clothes
Cloth Repair: Sewing
• Sewing:

• Sewing is the activity of

making or mending clothes
or other things using a
needle and thread. –Collins
Sewing Clothes
Cloth Repair: Sewing
● The three processes of sewing:
• Mending:

• Restitching, or replacing of
the worn out parts of a
garment in order to be
usable, and to be
Cloth Repair: Sewing
• Darning:

• Weaving new threads to

reinforce or replace worn
out and threads.
Cloth Repair: Sewing
• Patching:

• Covering a whole on the

garment by using a piece of
Cloth Cleaning: Laundering
● Laundering:

• the act of washing,

sometimes starching, and
often also ironing (clothes,
linen, etc.).-Collins
Cloth Laundering
Steps to Cloth Laundering

● Sorting:
● This involves separating the white clothes
from the colored ones to avoid staining the
white clothes, separate by type of fabric,
and kinds of clothing.
● Soaking:
● This involves filling a basin with water and
detergent, and mixing it, then the garments
will be added after. This helps loosen the
stains of clothes (30 minutes).
Steps to Cloth Laundering

● Soaping:
● After soaping, the clothes are soaped
and properly hand-wash it.
● Rinsing:
● After handwashing, thoroughly rinse the
clothes until the garment doesn’t leave
any bubbles on the water.
Steps to Cloth Laundering

● Hanging:
● After thoroughly rinsing the clothes,
properly fix the clothes with the
wrong side exposed, and then hang it
properly for drying.
Stain Removal
● Tips in stain removal:
• Stains should be removed before
laundering clothes;
• It is easier to remove stains when they
are still fresh. The longer the stain
remains on the garment, the harder it
is to be removed.
Treatment of Stains
● Stain types and removers:
• Oil and fat > Warm water and Soap;
• Deodorant > Vinegar;
• Rust > Salt, Calamansi, Soap and
• Catsup > Soap and Water; and
• Coffee and Chocolate > Calamansi, Salt,
Water and Soap.
Folding clothes
How to fold T-shirts
● This folding technique will have all your
tees neatly stacked, so no more overlooking
those little gems under the pile. And if you
want to elevate things, colour code them
for the ultimate spark-joy drawer display.
1. Fold in one side of the shirt towards the
centre, about a third.
2. Fold the sleeve back the other direction,
away from the centre. 
3. Long sleeves can be folded again down
towards the hem.
How to Fold T-shirts
● 4. Repeat on the other side.
● 5. Fold the collar end towards the
bottom hem, making a rectangle.
● 6. Fold the shirt in half lengthwise, or
into thirds if you can.
● Tip: Fold your T-shirts face-up so you
can identify any with a print or
picture once they’re folded.
How to Fold Button-up
● How to fold button-up shirts 
● It’s usually recommended to hang your shirts, but
sometimes it’s not possible if you’re travelling or
don’t have hanging space. So if they must be
folded, be careful not to crumple the collar and
hang them as soon as you can.
1. Lay the shirt face down, smoothing it flat.
2. Fold one side of the shirt in towards the middle
3. Fold the sleeves halfway back and then fold
How to Fold Button-up
● 4. Repeat on the other side.
● 5. Fold in half lengthwise, from
bottom to top, making a rectangle.
● For more flimsy fabrics, follow steps
1-4 and then roll the shirt to create
a cylinder shape. This will help avoid
Folding Jeans and Trousers
● You’ll be able to fit so many more pairs of
trousers in your drawers and cupboards with this
compact folding technique, but without it looking
jam-packed and messy.
1. Smooth and fold the jeans in half lengthways. 
2. Make sure back pockets are facing out.
3. Fold jeans in half lengthwise again, bringing hem
to the waist and making a rectangle.
● Fold into thirds so they can stand, ready for
Folding Underwears
● The KonMari Fold
● The KonMari fold is another underwear folding
method from Marie Kondo. This folding method
works best for briefs.
1. Lay underwear on a flat surface with the front
facing up.
2. Fold one side across the middle to make a rectangle.
3. Fold the other side the same way.
4. Fold the bottom part up in half or thirds until it
meets the top of the waistband.
5. The result should be able to stand up on its own and
can be stacked vertically.
Folding Underwear
● The Egg Roll Method
● The next method is called the egg roll method
because the result resembles a Chinese egg roll. It
is great for packing as your underwear will stay
in place and can be stored in small places. This
method also works great
for briefs or cheeky underwear.
1. Lay underwear horizontally face up with the
waistband towards you.
2. Fold three times in narrow equal folds, moving
away from you.
Folding Underwear
●3. When you have about an inch of fabric
left, stop folding and flip the underwear
●4. Fold each side towards the center.
●5. Fold the bottom up.
●6. Place your thumbs in the pocket made
and flip inside out.
- A meal eaten together by the member
of the family

-Studies show that families who dine at

home together are happier and healthier.
Factors to consider
in planning and
preparing family

● The number of people in the
The health or age of each family members
The food appearance and taste
The occasion
The time available
The budget
Benefits of
Planning and
preparing family
Saves Money.
Armed with a plan and a list, you only need to make one trip to the store
each week, thus eliminating the opportunities for impulse purchases.
Saves Time.
You have to spend about 30 minutes Trto plan a week’s worth of meals. When
you plan your meals, you can efficiently shop for groceries using your list, and
you only have to shop once a week.
Helps You Eat
Helps Reduce Your
By planning three meals a day, seven days a week, you can avoid visiting
the drive-thru in the morning, abstain from a lunch hour vending machine

frenzy, and resist the temptation to order from a pricey take-out dinner menu.
Reduces the amount of
food waste
Enjoy more variety
Whether you’re planning out your meals or using a food delivery service to

manage your meal prep, it can help reduce the amount of food you waste .
When we’re busy, it can be easy to cook the same thing over and over again.
Meal planning helps to ensure you’re eating a variety of different foods, and it
can help you eat more fruit and vegetables, which can help reduce the risk of
Present by: Edward D. Sanipa BEEd III
In the end of this report, you are expected to:
a) Know the Guide to a good and proper

b) To examine the exact equivalent of food

intake everyday; and

c) To value health as the fundamental human

Table of contents
0 0
Define Nutrition Developing Good

1. 2.
0 0
The Balance Meal Effective Nutrition

3. 4.
“Good nutrition
creates health in all
areas of our existence.
All are
Collin Campbell
01. What is
is the study of food in relation to health of an
individual, community or society and the process
through which food is used to sustain life and
refers to what is not seen by naked eye, nutrients obtained
from food.
is the substance fulfill our daily requirement of nutrition.
Why Proper Nutrition Important?
All living things need food and water to live.
All human beings need "good food" to live well.
Food=energy (measured in calories)
• Carbohydrates - 1 gram = 4 calories
• Protein - 1 gram = 4 calories
• Fats = 1 gram = 9 calories

Proper nutrition provide the body with the

nutrients necessary to build, maintain and
repair tissues.
Developing Good
02. Nutrition
Developing good nutrition is practicing good eating
habits. here are sure ways to develop good nutrition
and a sound and healthy well-being:
• Eat the right kind and the right amount of food.
• Pack a home-prepared school lunch.
• Eat nutritious snacks.
• Avoid eating spicy foods.
• Have plenty of rest and outdoor exercise.
• Eat your meals on time and in the company of
your family.
03. The Balanced Meal
q Studies have shown that people who are well
nourished generally eat balanced meals.
q A balanced meal contains all the food nutrients
needed by the body in the right amount.
q The simplest and easiest way to check the
nutritional adequacy of a meal is by using the
Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) guides
provided by the food and Nutrition Research
The Filipino Pyramid Food Pyramid
Food Guide For Today's Life Style

Eat less fats, oils, sugar, salt

Eat some fish, poultry, dry beans, nuts, egg,

lean meats, low fat dairy

Eat More vegetables, green salads, fruits or


Eat Most rice, root crops, corn, noodles, bread,

Drink a
lot Water
Healthy Pyramid Food Group Choices
Healthy Pyramid Food Group Choices
Effective Nutritional
04. Plan
q Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
q Attempt to eat 4-6 meals per day.
q Minimum of 8 glasses of water per day.
q Attempt to consume carbohydrates, proteins, and
fats in every meal.
q Vegetable are the best source of vitamins and
q Read labels and understand serving sizes.
q Supplements should be used as supplements.
q Make a lifestyle change - diets often fail.
Reporters :
Temario, Reymart V.
Wasquin, Sherlinda B.
Home furnishing refers to the different
kinds of linen, furniture, fittings, flooring,
and the bundle of other accessories used
for decorating and beautifying our homes.
Objectives of Home Furnishing

● Beauty: It is the art of adjusting the space

and equipments to suit the fundamental and
cultural needs of the family and create a
pleasant atmosphere.

● Expressiveness is the quality which

differentiates one home from another. It
reflects markedly the very personality of the
Objectives of Home Furnishing

Functionalism: To provide comfort , service

and pleasure apart from furniture and furnishing.

Furniture must be arranged that it meets the

needs as eating , sleeping , studying, relaxing of
the family. No areas should be uncomfortable or
uninviting ,nor bits and pieces lying around
making movement difficult.
Interior Decorating

Interior decorating is the art of decorating a

residential home or commercial business according
to a client's personal preferences and style. It
includes selecting color schemes, flooring materials,
furniture, artwork, and accessories. It transforms an
area into an aesthetically pleasing and budget-
friendly design.

Interior design is seen as an art of composition

Interior design is the science of
understanding behaviors to help
property owners create a functional
room within a building, including the
shapes of a room’s walls, floors, and
Principle of Design and Arts

In design, balance creates a feeling of
equilibrium. It is all about equalizing or
approximating the visual weight of objects.
Balance is created not just through shape, but
through color, pattern, and texture as well.
3 Different Kinds Of Balance
Symmetrical or formal
Traditional and formal spaces call for symmetrical
balance where the space is evenly split into two sides
that mirror each other.

Asymmetrical or informal
The visual weight of lines, colors, forms, and texture are
balance without exact duplication. It is not as ordered as
symmetrical balance and can be more complex and
Radial Balance
is achieved when there is a central focal point with
other elements radiating from it or around it.

As in music, rhythm in design is all about creating
patterns of repetition and contrast to create visual
interest. You can achieve this by using the same
color or shape at different intervals. Its purpose is
to move your eye around the room.
Harmony is created when all the elements act
together to create a unified message. Just as
rhythm can create excitement, harmony
creates a sense of restfulness.

Proportion and Scale

● Proportion is the ratio between the size of
one part to another, and scale is how the
A room where everything gets equal
importance will seem either scattered or
boring. You need an anchor. Architectural
spaces often have points of interest such as a
fireplace or a window with a beautiful view.
You can choose to enhance the built-in focal
point by arranging furniture around it to
emphasize it. In a room that lacks such a

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