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Marine Pollution Bulletin xxx (xxxx) xxxx

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Assessment of seawater quality and bacteriological pollution of rocky shores

in the central coast of San Jorge Gulf (Patagonia, Argentina)

Romina N. Vergaa,b,c, , Javier A. Tolosanoa,c, Néstor J. Cazzanigad, Damián G. Gila,c
Instituto de Desarrollo Costero Dr. Héctor E. Zaixso, Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco (UNPSJB), Comodoro Rivadavia, Ruta 1, km4 S/N, 9000,
Chubut, Argentina
CIT-Golfo San Jorge, UNPSJB, CONICET, Comodoro Rivadavia, Ruta 1, km4 S/N, 9000, Chubut, Argentina
Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Ciencias de la Salud - UNPSJB, Comodoro Rivadavia, Ruta 1, km4 S/N, 9000, Chubut, Argentina
Departamento de Biología, Bioquímica y Farmacia, Universidad Nacional del Sur, San Juan 670, 8000 Bahía Blanca, Buenos Aires, Argentina


Keywords: We assessed seasonal and spatial variability of seawater quality and bacterial pollution in two sewage-impacted
Wastewater and two reference rocky shores in the area of Comodoro Rivadavia, the largest city in central Patagonia. Samples
Diffuse outfalls taken from winter 2015 to autumn 2017 at different intertidal levels showed that the impacted sites experienced
Benthos a decrease of salinity—more pronounced towards the autumn—, a slightly higher turbidity, the lowest values of
Health risks
dissolved oxygen, and significantly higher concentrations of nitrates throughout the year. They also were up to
Recreational areas
ten times above the legal limit of fecal indicator bacteria (FIB) for recreation and fishing areas. Enterococci
Shellfish picking
increased particularly during winter. All bacteriological indicators decreased markedly during spring. Principal
component analysis arranged the reference sites mostly by their higher salinity, and the impacted sites by
concentration of FIB, nitrates and phosphates. Impacted and reference sites overlapped towards lower levels,
where the explicative variables were more stable.

1. Introduction quality and finally may decrease or affect biodiversity, with related
ecological problems (Littler and Murray, 1975; Cabral-Oliveira et al.,
Atlantic Patagonian coasts run along > 2,000 km, from 40° to 54° S, 2014).
with a very low population density: less than one million people in The discharge of wastewater into the coasts also provides a large
more than twelve towns and cities. The general condition of apparent number of pathogens to the receiving waters increasing the risk of
wildness and pristine conditions is however threatened by human ac- health problems in coastal communities (Islam and Tanaka, 2004;
tivity. The extent of these impacts was seldom assessed in Patagonia, Stewart et al., 2011). Some pathogens commonly found in high con-
especially in terms of seawater quality and bacteriological contamina- centrations in raw wastewater include Salmonella spp., Escherichia coli,
tion. Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, fungi
Marine pollution is a global and complex problem. Chemical com- (Candida spp.), and enterovirus, hepatitis, poliomyelitis, influenza and
pounds and pathogens are mostly introduced to the environment herpes viruses (Stewart et al., 2011; Lamparelli et al., 2015). These
through human activities, imposing several risks to biota, human health pathogens are associated with gastrointestinal, skin, respiratory ill-
and ecosystems (Weis, 2014; Kolm et al., 2018). Sewage contains a nesses, and urinary tract infections (Pruss, 1998; Stewart et al., 2011).
diverse array of polluting agents including pathogens, organic sub- Different indicator levels identified as standards are used in coastal
stances, heavy metals, trace elements, and so on, which pose direct and marine water quality programs worldwide. The most common bacter-
indirect effects on ecosystems and organisms (Islam and Tanaka, 2004; iological indicators are total coliforms, fecal coliforms (FC), E. coli (EC)
Verlecar et al., 2006; Baršienė et al., 2008). In particular, discharges of — a subset of the FC group, which are most appropriate to indicate fecal
sewage into shallow coastal and subtidal environments may favor eu- pollution from warm-blooded animals—, and enterococci (Ashbolt
trophication processes, leading to deterioration of water and sediment et al., 2001; Noble et al., 2003). Although most strains of fecal indicator

Corresponding author at: Instituto de Desarrollo Costero Dr. Héctor E. Zaixso, Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco (UNPSJB), Comodoro
Rivadavia, Ruta 1, km4 S/N, 9000, Chubut, Argentina.
E-mail addresses: (R.N. Verga), (J.A. Tolosano), (N.J. Cazzaniga), (D.G. Gil).
Received 6 August 2019; Received in revised form 11 November 2019; Accepted 18 November 2019
0025-326X/ © 2019 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Please cite this article as: Romina N. Verga, et al., Marine Pollution Bulletin,
R.N. Verga, et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin xxx (xxxx) xxxx

Fig. 1. General map showing the coast of San Jorge Gulf (Argentina) and the location of the studied sites. Sewage-impacted sites: El Puerto and Stella Maris; reference
sites: Punta Maqueda and La Tranquera.

bacteria are not pathogenic, their presence indicates fecal contamina- they produce a diffuse, not punctual discharge at different heights of
tion and therefore a health risk, regardless whether or not specific pa- the intertidal shore (Pérez, 2002; Raimondo, 2010).
thogens are found (Wu et al., 2011; USEPA, 2012). Although some grossly-polluted sites are banned for recreational use
The assessment of the sea water quality is thus essential for man- during summer, some zones near sewage effluents are still chosen
agement of recreational water in coastal communities. Marine coastal throughout the year for recreation or for shellfish extraction and fishing
ecosystems in Argentinian Patagonia are highly productive (Torres posing a health risk to local residents. The presence of different strains
et al., 2018), and some of them have been exposed for years to the of bacteriological pathogens and their survival in laboratory conditions
effects of a disordered and accelerated demographic and industrial were previously examined on a few sites (Pucci et al., 2009; Acuña
growth (Raimondo, 2010; Baeza, 2014). The long-term effect of these et al., 2011). However, the temporal and spatial variation of coastal
shortfalls can compromise human health and affect nearshore ecosys- seawater quality and their bacteriological levels have not been yet
tems and the sustainable use of renewable natural resources. In parti- considered. Moreover, sea water pollution across contrasting intertidal
cular, the coast of San Jorge Gulf presents several coastal fronts and a shore levels in sewage-impacted sites has not been even evaluated.
great diversity of littoral habitats serving as areas of settlement, re- Intertidal platform in the Argentinian Patagonia are characterized by
production and nursery of important commercial species (e.g., king wide rock platforms of gently slopes and thus provide a good region to
crab Lithodes santolla, mussels Mytilus platensis, Aulacomya atra, red explore within site variation across a shore-level gradient.
octopus Enteroctopus megalocyathus) (Ré and Boschi, 1998; Vinuesa The aim of this study was to examine the seawater quality and
et al., 2013; Zaixso et al., 2015). It is also an important area of re- bacteriological pollution in rocky shores of San Jorge Gulf in Patagonia,
production, feeding and nursery of marine mammals (Retana and Argentina, and explore its seasonal and spatial variability between
Lewis, 2017), and as a feeding and resting area for migratory birds multiple sites and shore zones. Besides, baseline data are essential for
(Yorio et al., 2010). In recent years this region has been chosen as a effective monitoring and provide information for management systems
strategic priority area of research within the framework of the Pampa and public health organizations.
Azul Program of the Science and Technology Policy of Argentina for
marine conservation and commercial fishing (St-Onge and Ferreyra,
2018). 2. Materials and methods
The central coast of the San Jorge gulf is the most populated area in
the Argentinian Patagonia (> 260,000 inhabitants) since the estab- 2.1. Study area
lishment of a large petrol based industry in the 1920s (Usach and
Freddo, 2015), but there is a poor information about coastal seawater The study was done in the central coast of the San Jorge Gulf, which
quality. The settlement and growth of the coastal cities of Comodoro is a large (39,340 km2) semicircular basin that extends from Dos Bahías
Rivadavia, Rada Tilly and Caleta Olivia have since increased in a dis- Cape (45° S) to Tres Puntas Cape (47° S) (Matano and Palma, 2015). We
ordered way on the coastline, and raised serious urban, socioeconomic selected four rocky shores, two of which are sewage-impacted—El
and environmental conflicts (Usach and Freddo, 2015). In this regard, Puerto (PT: 45°52′S, 67°28′W) and Stella Maris (SM: 45°53′S,
the presence of controlled and illegal coastal dumpsites along with 67°30′W)—and two sites were taken as reference—La Tranquera (LT:
numerous effluents that release wastewater with no (or low secondary) 46°02′S, 67°36′W) and Punta Maqueda (MQ: 46°01′S, 67°36′W) (Fig. 1).
treatment are just a few of these environmental problems (Pérez, 2002; All study locations have rather similar environmental conditions
Raimondo, 2010; Usach and Freddo, 2015). In particular, sewage out- regarding orientation (E), wave exposure (exposed to semiexposed),
falls in Comodoro Rivadavia are usually complex (i.e., a mixture of and a semi-diurnal tide regime of 6.18 and 4.34 m as maximum and
sewage, rainwater and industrial effluents), and sewage facilities (e.g., average amplitude, respectively. The substrate is composed of sedi-
drainage tubes, emissaries) do not present an adequate maintenance, so mentary rock from the Patagonia Formation, consisting of compacted
sandstones with fossil oyster beds (Sylwan, 2001; Kokot, 2015).

R.N. Verga, et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin xxx (xxxx) xxxx

Intertidal platforms are extensive during low tides (~200–300 m) and Results for each bacterial indicator were compared to the legal
have a gentle slope with numerous shallow tide pools, especially in SM limits for recreational use of marine water (EC: 126 CFU 100 mL−1,
and MQ (Gil et al., 2018). All sites are characterized by the presence ENT: 35 CFU 100 mL−1) and shellfish harvesting areas for human
and dominance of the southern ecosystem engineer mussel Perumytilus consumption (TC: 77 CFU 100 mL−1) (WHO, 2003; Lee et al., 2010; US
purpuratus in the mid-littoral zone and coralline turfs (Corallina offici- EPA, 2012; Argentina, Ministerio de Salud, 2016).
nalis) towards the infralittoral fringe (Liuzzi and López Gappa, 2008;
Zaixso et al., 2015). The intertidal region is considered one the most 2.3. Data analysis
physically demanding rocky intertidal shores due to the action of strong
and persistent dry winds producing high desiccation rates (Palma et al., Two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to examine the
2004; Bertness et al., 2006). There are no significant freshwater dis- effect of the season and site on selected physicochemical variables
charges from rivers in the region (Louge et al., 2004). The climate is (turbidity, nitrates, phosphates, salinity and dissolved oxygen). Tukey-
arid to semi-arid with scarce rainfall (~240 mm year−1; Argentina, Kramer post hoc test were assessed for multiple mean comparisons.
SMN, 2018). Assumptions of normality and homogeneity of variance were tested
Both reference sites are poorly accessible to the local population and using the Shapiro–Wilk and Levene's tests, respectively and log trans-
away from urbanized areas (~ 18 km), so they have few visitors formations were made when necessary (Sokal and Rohlf, 2012).
throughout the year. None of the reference sites is urbanized or has Bacteriological pollution indicators (TC, EC, ENT) at each season
effluent discharges. In both impacted sites, domestic wastewater, urban and site were expressed as geometric means and were compared to
runoff and rainwater are collected and conveyed to the coast by a sewer thresholds established for recreational use according to international
system that is directly released into the intertidal. The discharge of guidelines and national legislation (WHO, 2003; Argentina, Ministerio
storm water in the study area is reduced due to the semi-arid conditions de Salud, 2016), and international norms for shellfish harvesting (Lee
of the region. Outfalls have an extension of 1–70 m along the intertidal et al., 2010).
shore and are immersed only during high tides. There is no treatment of To explore the variation of seawater quality among shore zones, the
the wastewater and the sewage pipelines are poorly maintained, so they tidal level (m) of each sample were categorized into four ordinal shore
show many punctures producing a diffuse leakage of sewage from high level zones: high-midlittoral (Hi-ML, 3.8–5.3 m), mid-midlittoral (Md-
intertidal to midlittoral levels. Both sites are immediately close to ur- ML, 2.4–3.8 m), low-midlittoral (Lw-ML, 0.9–2.4 m) and high infra-
banized area (i.e., downtown and other commercial areas) and are littoral fringe (Hi-IF: 0.9–0.2 m). Principal component analyses (PCA)
frequently used for recreational fishing and other outdoor activities. were subsequently performed at each shore zone, using Euclidean dis-
tance after normalization of the variables (Legendre and Legendre,
2.2. Water sampling and microbiological analysis 2012). Bacteriological indicators and turbidity data were previously
log-transformed to reduce heteroscedasticity after inspection of
Seawater samples were seasonally collected between July 2015 draftsman plots. The concentration of E. coli was not included in the
(austral winter) and April 2017 (autumn) at different shore levels (total analysis due to its high collinearity (r > 0.80) with other bacter-
n = 111). Surface water samples were simultaneously taken at the iological variables. The statistical analyses were done using the soft-
moment of mean low tide (MLW) in shallow tide pools (20–30 cm deep) ware STATISTICA 8.0 for Windows and PRIMER 6 (Clarke and Gorley,
to standardize measurements. The shore level (height, m) of each 2006). We assume a significance level of 0.05 throughout the study.
sample was estimated using tide tables (Argentina, SHN, 2015-2016).
Sampling across the four sites were done simultaneously when possible 3. Results
or at consecutive days, avoiding rainfall periods.
Water samples for physicochemical (turbidity, phosphates, nitrates, 3.1. Spatial and seasonal variation
pH, dissolved oxygen) and bacteriological variables (total coliforms,
Enterococci, and E. coli) were collected using conventional methods, Mean highest temperature was recorded during summer
kept chilled during transportation and analyzed within 8 h. In addition, (13.4 ± 0.5 °C; ± SE), while lowest mean temperature occurred in
seawater temperature, conductivity, total dissolved solids (TDS) and winter (8.2 ± 0.18 °C). The pH showed an irregular pattern among
salinity (ppt) were recorded using a multiparameter probe YSI 556. sites and seasons, ranging from neutral to slightly alkaline values
At the laboratory, turbidity was determined by the nephelometric (7.26–8.91) and no significant effects were found between sites and
method (2130 B), nitrates according to the protocol (4500-NO3, B), and seasons (ANOVA, p > 0.05). A similar situation was detected for TDS
phosphates were determined by the stannous chloride procedure (4500- values with oscillations between 32.84 and 35.42 g L−1 with highest
P D). Dissolved oxygen samples were fixed in the field by addition of values observed at the impacted sites.
1 mL of MnSO4 solution, then 1 mL of alkali-iodide-azide reagent and Salinity ranged between 33.0 and 35.4 ppt, and decreased sig-
evaluated according to the azide modification of the Winkler method nificantly at impacted sites (Table 1); the most severe decrease was
(4500-O C). Concentrations of total coliforms (TC), E. coli (EC) and recorded at PT (p < 0.05). Higher salinity levels were registered for
Enterococci (ENT) bacteria were analyzed by the analytical method and the reference site LT (Fig. 2). Seasonal effects showed lower overall
the results are expressed as most probable number per 100 mL (MPN mean values towards autumn, where the lowest values were registered
100 mL−1) according to APHA (1995). at impacted sites (Fig. 2). Dissolved oxygen was significantly lower

Table 1
Two-way ANOVA on effects of site and season on physicochemical variables.
Nitratesa Salinity Phosphatesa Turbiditya Dissolved oxygena

df F p df F p df F p df F p df F p

Season (Se) 3 19.19 < 0.01 3 7.39 < 0.01 3 6.13 < 0.01 3 2.35 0.078 3 8.48 < 0.01
Site (Si) 3 16.65 < 0.01 3 11.43 < 0.01 3 8.66 < 0.01 3 4.92 < 0.01 3 1.79 0.154
Se × Si 9 5.07 < 0.01 9 1.58 0.134 9 1.96 0.053 9 0.20 0.994 9 1.37 0.214
Error 87 95 87 91 95

Log-transformed variable.

R.N. Verga, et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin xxx (xxxx) xxxx

Fig. 3. Seasonal variation of bacteriological indicators (MPN 100 mL−1) ex-

pressed as geometric means ( ± SE) (logged scale). Horizontal lines represent
legal limits of total coliforms for mollusc extraction for human consumption
(77 CFU 100 mL−1 and the legal limit of Escherichia coli (126 CFU 100 mL−1)
and Enterococci (35 CFU 100 mL−1) for recreational marine water. Reference
sites: LT (La Tranquera) and MQ (Punta Maqueda); sewage-impacted sites: PT
(El Puerto) and SM (Stella Maris).

(MQ: 1.6 ± 0.1 (SE) mg L−1). Phosphate mean concentration showed

significant differences between sites and seasons (Table 1). The im-
pacted site PT showed significant higher values (< 0.04–0.09 ppm)
throughout the year, as compared to the reference sites
(< 0.04–0.05 ppm). In particular, higher values and variations were
detected during summer in both impacted sites (> 0.09 ppm; Fig. 2).

3.2. Bacteriological indicators

Geometrical means (GM) of the concentration of three indicator

bacteria are shown in Fig. 3. Sites influenced by sewage showed high
values of bacteriological indicators that were above maximum
threshold for recreational use and shellfish extraction (Fig. 3). A slight
Fig. 2. Seasonal variation of physico-chemical variables (mean ± SE) in the departure on this pattern was detected at EC and ENT levels during
central coast of San Jorge Gulf. Reference sites: LT (La Tranquera) and MQ spring, where GM concentrations were below the legal limit (Fig. 3). All
(Punta Maqueda); sewage-impacted sites: PT (El Puerto) and SM (Stella Maris).
reference sites, by contrast, were below the legal limits in all seasons,
with the exception of LT in summer, where Enterococci concentration
during spring and summer at all sites (Table 1; Fig. 2). Although there was high (74 MPN 100 mL−1). A seasonal variation was clearly ob-
was no significant effect of sewage exposure on mean values of DO, the served mainly due to an increase of Enterococci during winter and a
lowest values were recorded at SM during summer (7.47 ± 1.1 mg marked decrease of all bacteriological indicators during spring.
L−1). Mean values of turbidity varied significantly only between sites
(Table 1). Impacted sites showed higher levels of turbidity than re-
3.3. Influence of shore zone
ference sites throughout the year. However, only SM presented sig-
nificant differences with the reference sites (Tukey, p < 0.05).
First principal component (PC1) clearly discriminated impacted and
Nitrate concentrations were significantly higher at impacted sites as
reference sites at all shore zones (Fig. 4); correlation factor loadings for
compared to reference sites across all seasons, with the exception of
each PCA are shown in Table 2. A general scheme was observed across
autumn (interaction term, Table 1; Fig. 2). Overall nitrate mean values
all shore zones: reference sites were mostly on the left characterized by
were particularly higher during winter and showed a clear dis-
higher salinity concentrations, while the sewage-impacted sites located
crimination between sites (Tukey test, p < 0.05; Fig. 2). The lowest
to the right. The concentrations of bacteriological indicators, nitrates,
mean concentration was registered for the reference sites during spring
and to a lesser extent phosphate were higher near the sewage

R.N. Verga, et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin xxx (xxxx) xxxx

discharges. The second principal component axis (PC2) seems to dis-

criminate samples on a temporal basis (i.e., by the influence of seawater
temperature). A negative correlation between seawater temperature
and dissolved oxygen was also prevalent in each PCA.
Variations on this overall pattern between shore zones were also
observed. These two groups were clearly discriminated in the Hi-ML
zone with no superposition of the polygon areas (Fig. 4). The first two
axes of the PCA explained 57.8% of the variability. Higher values of
bacteriological indicators (E. coli and Enterococci), turbidity, and in a
lesser extent nutrients were positively related to sewage-impacted sites
and negatively associated with the increase of salinity. The first two
axes of PCA for Md-ML explained 53.8% of the variability, with a slight
overlap between impacted and reference sites. Nevertheless, impacted
and reference sites were clearly disjointed. A similar pattern was ob-
served in the Lw-ML level (57.3% explained variance) although an in-
creased overlap between groups was evident. In this level, the phos-
phate strongly contributed to the differentiation between impact and
reference sites. In the case of Hi-IF levels (47.8% explained variance),
impacted sites were placed more towards the center of the axis, as an
outcome of their higher stability in about all the explicative variables.
However, concentrations of bacteriological indicators and nitrate were
still higher than at reference sites. In this level, SM showed the highest

4. Discussion

Our study is the first assessment of seawater quality that integrates

physicochemical and bacteriological data in the most populated coastal
area of the Argentinian Patagonia. Since coastal ecosystem services are
vulnerable to pollution, baseline information and monitoring is im-
portant to evaluate the degree of environmental alteration and possible
cascading effects on human health (Costanza et al., 1997; Von Glasow
et al., 2013). Small changes at large scales and large changes at small
scales may dramatically alter aquatic ecosystems, impacting on the
benefits and costs of human welfare (Costanza et al., 1997; Barbier,
2012). Urbanized coastline areas of Patagonia are no longer pristine
and are affected by environmental global problems (e.g., introduction
of species, overfishing, climate change) and poor coastal management
(e.g., sewage discharges, coastal urbanization) (Díaz et al., 2002;
Orensanz et al., 2002).
Despite the concern on organic pollution in marine coastal en-
vironments, the effect of domestic or urban effluents on seawater
quality of the Patagonian coast was seldom analyzed; most of such
studies in the Argentinian seashores were related to localities in the
province of Buenos Aires, which have a different demographic and
oceanographic condition (Pierini et al., 2008, 2012; Streitenberger and
Baldini, 2010; Becherucci et al., 2018). Few studies on sewage con-
tamination of Patagonian seawater focused in Nuevo Gulf (Torres et al.,
2004; Gil et al., 2005) and Ushuaia (Torres et al., 2009; Gil et al., 2011),
i.e., two important centers of tourist attraction with a significant sea-
sonality and a mean stay of 4.5 days (Puerto Madryn, Municipalidad,
2019) or 2.55 days (Ushuaia, Municipalidad, 2019), but with a per-
manent population much smaller than that of the center of the San
Jorge gulf. Seawater quality at rocky shores in the area of Comodoro
Rivadavia, the largest city in central Patagonia (> 260,000 in-
habitants), is noticeably impacted by the permanent disposal of non-
treated sewage, affecting both physicochemical and bacteriological
variables, with some degree of seasonal spatial and temporal variation
as shown in this study.
Seawater quality of impacted sites generally showed a reduction of
Fig. 4. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) at different intertidal shore levels. salinity, higher values of nutrients (nitrates and phosphates) and tur-
Explanatory variables: Temp (Temperature), Turb (Turbidity), EC (Escherichia
bidity. Low salinity values were expectable due to the disposal of fresh
coli), ENT (Enterococci), DO (dissolved oxygen), Sal (salinity), NO3 (nitrates),
and run-off waters through the sewage system. The reduction of salinity
PO4 (phosphates). Reference sites: LT (La Tranquera) and MQ (Punta
Maqueda); sewage-impacted sites: PT (El Puerto) and SM (Stella Maris). Hi-ML:
was even more severe during the austral autumn at the impacted sites
high-midlittoral; Md-ML: mid-midlittoral; Lw-ML: low-midlittoral; Hi-IF: high indicating a strong contribution of rainwater collected by the sewage
infralittoral fringe. system during this season. In this semi-arid region rainfalls accumulate

R.N. Verga, et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin xxx (xxxx) xxxx

Table 2
Factor loadings from PCAs of seawater quality variables at each shore level. Hi-ML: high-midlittoral; Md-ML: mid-midlittoral; Lw-ML: low-midlittoral; Hi-IF: high
infralittoral fringe.
Variable Hi-ML Md-ML Lw-ML Hi-IF


Turbidity 0.285 0.096 0.328 −0.129 0.405 0.054 0.114 0.515

Nitrate 0.339 −0.270 0.384 −0.433 0.274 −0.519 0.330 −0.183
Phosphate 0.248 0.534 0.251 0.440 0.457 0.115 0.149 −0.353
Escherichia coli 0.573 −0.048 0.589 0.167 0.516 −0.131 0.639 0.007
Enterococci 0.559 −0.043 0.505 0.143 0.408 −0.044 0.549 −0.137
Temperature 0.073 0.591 −0.083 0.574 0.171 0.631 0.054 −0.519
Salinity −0.302 0.093 −0.245 −0.117 −0.288 −0.001 −0.373 −0.348
DO 0.061 −0.521 0.116 −0.459 −0.083 −0.545 0.058 0.409
Eigenvalues 2.77 1.85 2.42 1.89 2.86 1.72 2.2 1.62
Variation (%) 34.6 23.2 30.2 23.6 35.8 21.5 27.5 20.3
Cumulative 34.6 57.8 30.2 53.8 35.8 57.3 27.5 47.8

mainly on March–April (autumn; Argentina, SMN, 2018). Since Co- infectious disease rates and the abundance of E. coli and intestinal en-
modoro Rivadavia city has a fragmented and dispersed urban extension terococci in the aquatic environments (Liberatore et al., 2015; Lušić
of nearly 100 km2, sewage and drain systems strongly concentrate in et al., 2017; Abaya et al., 2018). The beaches here studied are usually
the monitored areas. An insufficient dilution of the wastewater in sea- banned for recreational uses during summer, but inhabitants of the city
water allows a greater survival of the fecal indicator bacteria (Darakas still use them for fishing and edible shellfish picking (bivalves, limpets,
et al., 2009). octopuses) throughout the year. We have detected geometric mean
Nutrient concentrations are also a good indicator of water quality values of bacteriological contaminations up to ten times higher than the
relative to sewage pollution and although other non-sewage watershed legal limit permitted for both recreational use of marine water (WHO,
sources are known to affect nutrient concentrations (Abaya et al., 2003; Argentina, Ministerio de Salud, 2016) and shellfish harvesting
2018), the arid climate of the region suggests that sewage discharges areas (Lee et al., 2010) most of the year, with the exception of spring.
are the major source of nutrient input to the impacted sites. A seasonal Several studies have shown that fecal bacteria, including human pa-
pattern of nutrient enrichment (nitrates and phosphates) is not clear, as thogens, can accumulate and persist in clams, mussels, oysters, and
high values of nutrients were recorded throughout the year; between- other sessile filtering feeders inhabiting the benthic environment (Kay
site variation instead occurred. Although higher values of nitrates were et al., 2008; Stewart et al., 2008; Roslev et al., 2009).
detected during summer at impacted sites, there was not a clear sea- High levels of enterococci were detected in summer at the reference
sonal peak value. A decrease of dissolved oxygen was expected at im- site La Tranquera (LT), where fecal contamination is not attributable to
pacted sites as recorded for other polluted sites (Bonsdorff et al., 1997; direct sewage. However, fecal indicator bacteria can be also found in
Braga et al., 2000; Cloern, 2001). However, in our study dissolved feces of animals like seabirds (Alderisio and DeLuca, 1999; Fogarty
oxygen did not show a significant difference between impacted and et al., 2003), their fecal droppings having been occasionally observed in
reference sites, although lowest values were found during summer at large amounts on the shoreline of LT (R. N. Verga, pers. obs.). More-
some impacted sites, suggesting some temperature-dependent effect. over, enterococci have high persistence without multiplication in the
The absence of a clear site effect, even at high shore levels, could be marine environment (Ashbolt et al., 2001; Kaper et al., 2004). High
attributed to the semi-exposed condition of rocky shores and high en- levels of enterococci are also known to be related with human recrea-
vironmental and biological heterogeneity (e.g. influence of seaweeds). tion activities (Fogarty et al., 2003; Wang et al., 2010) and, even though
Ryther and Dunstan (1971) observed that the available nitrogen our reference sites do not show a high influx of people, this potential
from the center of high pollution within the New York bight seems to be source cannot be disregarded. Further studies should typify the bac-
used by microorganisms as quickly as it becomes available, but a teriological strains and identify the presence of strains associated with
phosphate surplus is carried seaward and distributed throughout the specific pathologies, such as antibiotic-resistant bacteria, a health issue
continental shelf; therefore phosphate is persistent where other pro- that is gaining more attention in coastal environments (Vignesh et al.,
ducts of organic decomposition, such as nitrogenous compounds, al- 2012; Leonard et al., 2018; O'Flaherty et al., 2019).
ready disappeared from the environment. In our study, it is likely that a Variations of physico-chemical proprieties of water quality and
similar event was occurring at the impacted sites, obscuring the sea- bacteriological indicators along a gradient of intertidal height suggest a
sonal relationships between nitrates and phosphates; however, the relatively low diffusion of the pollutants to the depth. The impacted
significant correlation found at the lowest level of the intertidal zone sites have mixed origin emissaries discharging directly into the high-
suggests a reduction of the bacteriological load. The presence of benthic midlittoral coastline, while others extend to intermediate levels. This
autotrophs (macroalgae, microalgae and cyanobacteria) and wave ac- contributes to a major level of disturbance and variation at higher shore
tion on the lower shore of rocky shores could have contributed for this levels, and a more diluted effect towards lower levels. However, sea-
effect. water quality in the infralittoral fringe (e.g., below waterline during
The global problem of eutrophication requires well-planned and low tides) also showed evidence of bacteriological pollution at the
efficient management strategies. Increase in nutrient inputs to coastal impacted sites. Since this particular zone is commonly used by local
marine systems of little circulation such as estuaries or bays can trigger fisherman to extract shellfish, an actual health risk may exist in that
that process (Islam and Tanaka, 2004; Muniz et al., 2013; Kucuksezgin area.
et al., 2019). Although our study sites are on semi-exposed rocky shores Comodoro Rivadavia city has a large number of non-point sources of
that could prevent large eutrophication events, significant temporal and contamination of significant concern with respect to transport of pa-
spatial small-scale effects could occur (Cloern, 2001). thogens and their indicators into the marine environment. This type of
Continuous discharge of urban effluents with no treatment over pollution is generally diffuse, intermittent, and occurs through an in-
nearshore ecosystems permanently contributes to microbial con- direct route. Such non-point sources include runoff from urban areas,
tamination. Several studies demonstrated a relationship between leaking from septic systems and sewerage lines, combined with sewer

R.N. Verga, et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin xxx (xxxx) xxxx

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