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A whole new game with a whole new experience.

In the changes that we face around us, we have learned to adjust accordingly. All
areas of lives have adjusted; physical, social, emotional, financial, mental and
spiritual. All of them must be addressed, but as for me, in this season, I would want
to focus on my mindset adjustment. Since things are new, our minds are still on the
process of embracing the new. The things the way they were are totally different so
there’s a need to shift gears. Especially to us who are used to a regular work
routine; waking up, taking shower, having breakfast, going to work, on our seat for 8
hours, going home, sleep. Tired yet fulfilled spirit.

Compare to our current set-up, tired yet half-fulfilled, because it’s not easy to see
the progress, cannot gauge your productivity. things are uncertain, and you figure out
solutions alone. Let me share to you how we can mentally adjust this season, things I
learned and still applying

1. DISCIPLINE - To block distractions and know how your personality will click to the
new routine and set limits. Get organized. 1 Corinthians 14:40, But everything must
be done decently and in order. - Schedule. To-do lists. Prepare food for the whole
day in advance. Set your office hour. Communicate to friends and family your
schedule. - Work space. Zone that emulates a true work environment. Availability of
supplies. - Breaks. Get up and stretch. FaceTime to stay connected to people. -
Focus. Avoid multi-tasking, one at a time. Don’t think of the laundry. Don’t handle
personal tasks if possible. Say “no” and stick to your schedule. - Personal Time.
Healthy lifestyle. Exercise. Drink water. Take a walk outside.

2. DEEP CRITICAL THINKING - To be more creative and innovative, and break the
status quo. To improve your skills. Get ahead. 2 Peter 1:5, “For this very reason,
make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge…”
- Be a computer savvy. Since majority of work is done on computer, learn different
software, update programs. - Organization and Communication skills. Clear and
concise emails or chats to people. Delegating. - Be a student. Learn from successful
home-based workers.

3. DEPENDENCY - To align more to God and depend on His strength, wisdom and
fulfillment. Get backup. Isaiah 40:29, “He gives strength to the weary and increases
the power of the weak.” - Start your day right. Find motivation. - Pause and pray.
Recharge. - Work hard, rest hard. - “It was good” - God. Be content with your
accomplishment, you’re done for the day.

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