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Hiba Viqar Hasan

1- What is tissue fluid

It is the component of the blood, which leaks outsides capillaries to bath the
body cells and tissues.

2- What are the functions of tissue fluid?

a) To supply tissues with food, hormones, minerals, antibodies and water.

b) To carry waste products of metabolism.

c) Used by some white blood cells (phagocytes) that can squeeze outside
capillaries to get into the tissue fluid to attack microbes.

3- What is the lymphatic system?

The lymphatic system is a collection of lymph vessels and glands. It forms

from a series of lymph vessels, which flow from tissues back to the heart. It
connects with the blood system near the heart, where the lymph fluid is
returned to the blood plasma.

4- What is the lymph?

A colourless fluid containing white blood cells, which bathes the tissues and
drains through the lymphatic system into the bloodstream.

5- What are the lymph nodes?

They are swellings spread in certain parts of the lymphatic system.

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