Revue Des Regions

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POLITIQUE LAKE TCHAD ZONE: EVALUATION OF PRIORITY PROJECTS Particularities of the zone render projects implementation difficult A delegation

of the members of the committee in charge of follow-up of priority projects at the lake Tchad Basin Commission led by the Secretary General at the Prime Ministers Office, Jules Doret Ndongo has spent almost a week on the field. The delegation had as mission to evaluate the level of execution of projects so far in the Lake Tchad Basin. It has been realised that some projects have been implemented meanwhile others are under construction. The greater part of the projects are abandoned due to difficulties in high cost of transportation of materials from the centre region to the north, use of foreign currency naira that has largely dominated the area and inadequate finances by the entrepreneurs who usually win the contracts. The participation of the SG/PM in the field work shows governments concern to ameliorate the living standard of the population around this around and its determination to see into it that all priority projects earmarked are executed. According to the President of the committee in charge of follow-up of priority projects at the Lake Tchad zone, Mr Abba Sadou, work done so far is impressive. But he calls on the stakeholders to award contracts to businessmen who are financially strong to pre-finance their markets before getting feedback from the government. He equally recommends that during the elaboration of contracts, some extra finances should be allocated to contracts in remote and far away areas. This to him is to help the entrepreneurs meet up with the high cost of goods in the area concerned. Mr Abba Sadou has expressed more hope in the nearest future in the execution projects in the Zone giving that road infrastructure has been constructed and communication means made available. To him, this will help in the circulation of goods withing Kouseri and Maroua. Celine MBENG

Voici Le Cameroon
One Nation: One People: Many Cultures By Nkwain Vandoline
Cameroons central position in Africa has favoured its possession of a multiplicity of cultures. Inhabited by about 20 million people who fit into more than 200 ethnic groups, the countrys cultural pattern can hardly be homogenous because of its diversity. Of all the ethnic groups in Cameroon, each has a contribution towards its cultural riches. The interplay of all these cultural forms has made Cameroon to become a melting pot for various African ethnic cultures. These cultural aspects range from music and dance to language and dress pattern.

Music and Dance

Music is the backbone of the excitement behind Cameroon cultures. In all ten regions of the country, one comes across distinct musical patterns and dance styles. Almost all occasions and events are animated by music. In typical traditional settings, music is transmitted orally and either accompanied by claps, or stomping of the feet. During special performances, instruments like bells, talking drums, flutes, horns, rattles, scrapers, whistles, xylophones and stringed instruments of various types are used. The blend of selected instruments usually results to fine melodies that dictate the dance patterns to be observed. Various parts of Cameroon have different music patterns but over the years, the makossa of the coast and bikutsi of the Centre have won recognition as the most popular forms in the country. Makossa of the Douala: This form of music is a complex blend of folk music, highlife, soul and some elements of Congolese music. The style was popularized in the 70s and 80s by stars like Manu Dibango, Francis Bebey, Moni Bil and Petit-Pays. In the mid 80s, a softer form of Makossa called Makassi was brought about by Sam Fan Thomas. Since then, many subsets of makossa have developed and today, it is hard to say with exactitude how many types of makossa exist. The only glaring fact is that makossa is worth a try. Bikutsi of the Ewondo: Initially, bikutsi was a form of music meant for war. The Ewondo people of the Centre used it as entertainment at warfront or after victory but over the years, the form developed into popular dance music. Today, it is even one of the dance types that identify Cameroon. Its popularity was boosted by Anne-Marie Nzie in the 40s. During the 70s, 80s and 90s, it was made popular worldwide by spectacular performers like Les Ttes Brules and Mama Ohandja. Its recent day progress is remarkable with names like K-Tino and Lady Ponce in the limelight. Besides Makossa and Bikutsi, Cameroon has more than 200 forms of music amongst which are; ambasse bey of the coast, assiko of the Bassa, Mangambou of the Bagante, Tsamassi of the Bamileke and Njang of the North West. The country counts a similar number of dance forms. In traditional dances, men are often separated from women depending on their place and purpose. In some cases, participation of the opposite sex is strictly forbidden. This measure maintains their secrecy and gives them the value reserved for them by their ancestors. The choreographies are usually standard and known by most members of the community yet, performed only by those assigned to. The dances are performed for reasons ranging from entertainment to funeral rites. For conservative forest groups like the Baka, Medzan and Kola, death is the most significant ceremony. They believe that forest spirits participate in funeral ceremonies reason for which they dance under raffia masks. Funeral rites in the West region are also known to benefit from similar attention. (To be continued)

Revue des rgions

par Hortense Bonguen Nord : -inscription sur les listes lectorales ; plus de cent soixante mille nouveaux inscrits. Kribi : 60 milliards pour acclrer les travaux de la centrale gaz. Le financement a t allou mardi 28 mai l entreprise Kribi Power Development Compagny (KPDC). Bertoua : Projet Lom Pangar ; 40 milliard pour lenvironnement et le social. Cest lasomme quinvestira le projet sur un horizon de huit ans pour amliorer les conditions de vie des populations. Douala : -Le parcours vita prsente ses habits neufs. Le site a t inaugur le 28 mai en prsence dune dlgation interministrielle, aprs plusieurs annes de dsutude. -Mbanga Pongo, la localit sort du noir. Cest dans le cadre dun projet de ralisation de 20 mille branchements sociaux dans les zones priphriques des grandes villes du Cameroun. Au total deux mille branchements Mbanga Pongo, pour la somme de 320 millions de FCFA. Ouest : Bientt un village artisanal. La premire pierre a t pos cette semaine Bafoussam par le Ministre de petites et moyennes entreprises de lconomie sociale et de lartisanat, Laurent Serge Etoundi Ngoa. Le dlai dexcution de cet ouvrage est de sept mois.

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