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Name : Rifani Dewi Azzahra

NPM : 20430033

Group : 2G2

Lecturer : Dra. Nurrochmi, M. Pd.






In everyday life, one cannot be separated from an object made of textiles. There are so
many things around us that come from textiles, for example clothes and other household crafts
such as doormats and window curtains. Textiles are materials derived from fibers that are
processed into yarn or fabric. Textiles have been around since the Neolithic or New Stone Age
(8000 - 2000 BC). At that time, stone looms were found which were used for spinning and
weaving processes. Along with the times, the development of textiles is also increasing. There
have been many developing types of textiles today. Many of the entrepreneurs who make new
innovations in the world of textiles, such as textile crafts. Textile crafts have the meaning as
works of art or crafts made from textiles. In this paper, we will discuss about textile crafts that
focus on patchwork processing. Historical evidence shows that patchwork has existed since the
times of ancient Egypt and ancient China about 5000 years ago. Along with the passage of time
and the spread of the art of textile handicrafts made from patchwork to all corners of the world,
more and more creations and motifs of combining fabrics have been created. At first this
patchwork craft was only to combine several pieces of cloth and make clothes that were more
warm. The purpose of making this patchwork craft is growing and has more high artistic value.
Even now, the manufacture of patchwork crafts is not only for the purpose of utilizing fabric
waste, but is made with the aim of comfort and beauty for the wearer. The pieces of patchwork
are then reshaped using cloth craft techniques, so that the results are of higher quality, both in
terms of comfort and aesthetic value.

From my observations, there are many obstacles faced by entrepreneurs of this patchwork
textile craft. One of them is the increasing competition for products in the world of handicraft
business. Currently, there are many entrepreneurs who produce unique crafts and have a high
aesthetic value, such as products made from various kinds of recycled goods. Entrepreneurs are
currently competing to maintain their business and grab the attention of consumers. Another
obstacle is that the patchwork materials obtained are not all of good quality. This makes the
quality of the product will also decrease. To avoid this risk, do the sorting first to separate the
good quality patchwork from the less quality ones.


Based on this background, this paper focuses on the following discussions:

1. What is patchwork?
2. Since when did patchwork exist?
3. How to process and utilize patchwork waste?
4. What are the cutting and sewing techniques to produce quality patchwork?
5. What are the types of textile crafts made from patchwork?
6. Are there any difficulties in pursuing a patchwork business?


Based on the problem formulation above, the purpose of this paper is to explain the
benefits of patchwork that can be converted back into textile crafts that have high aesthetic value.

1. The technique of cutting and sewing fabric trust

2. Get to know the types of textile crafts
3. How to overcome difficulties when pursuing a believer cloth craft business.


This research can provide benefits both theoretically and practically. Theoretically, this
research can provide knowledge about patchwork that can still be used and can produce a
patchwork textile craft that has a high aesthetic value, gain knowledge about fabric cutting
techniques and correct sewing techniques, and get to know what fabrics are commonly used for
crafts. this. Meanwhile, practically the results of this research can be used to produce a textile
craft made from patchwork using the correct cutting and sewing techniques in order to produce
textile crafts that are worthy of resale and become one of the jobs for housewives.
In addition to theoretical and practical benefits, this research is also useful for researchers
and prospective researchers, namely as a reference material for making further research papers
using the same topic or title. And as a comparison so that in the future we can make better
research papers.


A. Definition of Craft

Kusnadi (1986:11) defines that “Craft of the literal word is born by the diligent nature of
humans. It is also said that the emphasis of earning or making arts and crafts is not due to the
diligent nature but is born from the skillful nature of a person in producing a craft product.

Suprapto (1985:16) defines that "Crafts are handicrafts that produce artistic quality
goods, then in the process they are made with a sense of beauty and with pure ideas so as to
produce quality products that have beautiful and attractive shapes"

B. Definition of Textile

Hanif Nugraha & Fajar MS (2012) define that “Textile is a material derived from fiber
which is processed into yarn or fabric as a material for the manufacture of clothing and various
other handicraft products. From the definition of textiles, it can be concluded that textile
materials or products include fiber products, yarns, fabrics, clothing and various types of objects
made of fiber.

From the opinions of the experts above regarding the definition of textiles, I most agree
with the opinion of Hanif Nugraha & Fajar MS (2012), and it can be concluded that textiles are
materials made from fibers that are processed into yarn or fabric through a spinning or weaving
process that has flexible properties.

C. Definition of Textile Crafts

M Ismail Aqimuddin (2015) defines that "Textile crafts are works of art or crafts made
using textiles as the main material. Many objects are included in the category of textile crafts in
everyday life. Examples are wall hangings, chair cushion covers, bed covers, curtains, dining
table cloths, serving hoods and others”.
Understanding textile crafts from the experts above, I agree with the opinion of M Ismail
Aqimuddin (2015), and it can be concluded that textile craft is a craft or work of art with textiles
as the main material.

D. Definition of Fabric

Goet Poespo (2005:9) defines that "Fabric is a type of textile material that is processed in
such a way by crossing warp and weft yarns. Textile fibers can be grouped into two, namely
natural fibers and artificial fibers. Artificial fiber is divided into two, namely semi-artificial fiber
and synthetic fiber.

The definition of fabric according to the expert above, I agree with the opinion of Goet
Poespo (2005:9), and it can be concluded that fabric is a textile material made by weaving warp
and weft yarns.

E. Definition of Patchwork

KBBI V states that "Patchwork is small pieces of cloth left over from stitches and so on".

Anonymous (2016) defines that “Patchwork is a cloth left over from cutouts originating
from the manufacture of clothing, crafts or from other textile products. Usually this patchwork is
used for various kinds of handicrafts.

The understanding of patchwork from some of the experts above I agree with the opinion
of Anonymous (2016), and it can be concluded that patchwork is the remnants of cloth that
comes from the sewing process that is no longer used.


A. Patchwork

Patchwork is one of the crafts that is part of the world of sewing. This craft is made using
materials that are classified as waste, namely various kinds of patchwork. This cloth is used to
make beautiful crafts and even has a high artistic value.

The trick is to cut various leftover fabrics into various shapes, then combine the pieces by
sewing them again. Of course, the combination of colors and fabric patterns must also be
considered in order to create a beautiful patchwork craft. Patchwork has now become one of the
most admired and in-demand crafts by many Indonesians, even throughout the world. Initially
this craft is one of the traditional crafts. However, now this craft has become one of the new
trends in the craft world.

This is due to the contemporary touches given to the new creations created. Now, we can
find this cloth craft in various types of creations as well as beautiful patterns and high artistic
value such as bed covers, tablecloths, clothes, bags, prayer mats, wall decorations, and so on.

Patchwork is a blend of traditional and contemporary art. Patchwork is a combination of

two pieces of cloth in the middle filled with a silicone batting warmer. The top layer of
patchwork can consist of a combination or one of patch work or applications. The three layers of
sandwhich are sewn by machine or hand (basting).

B. History of Patchwork

Patchwork is one of the oldest crafts. The technique of combining various pieces of cloth
to create unique motifs and a new wide cloth has been created thousands of years ago.

Historical evidence shows that patchwork has existed since the times of ancient Egypt
and ancient China about 5000 years ago. In medieval times, patchwork was also used by various
nations to coat the armor of their soldiers made of steel.
The longer, the patchwork technique is growing. In the XI century until the XIII century,
people in Europe have started to use this craft technique to make various household needs,
including blankets, clothes, and so on. This is in line with changes in the weather which is
becoming colder.

Then, the creations and new motifs in this cloth craft are also growing to become one of
the beautiful arts. The tradition of making patchwork is then spread throughout the world
because it was brought by travelers and travelers. Along with the passage of time and the spread
of patchwork art throughout the world, more and more creations and motifs of combining fabrics
are created. Initially this craft was created just to combine several pieces of fabric and make
clothes that are more warm.

The purpose of making it more developed and more high artistic value. Even now, the
manufacture of patchwork crafts is not only for the purpose of utilizing fabric waste. Patchwork
is also made with the aim of comfort and beauty of the wearer.

There are also quite a lot of patchwork craftsmen who use 100% new materials that are
cut into pieces. The pieces of cloth are then reshaped with this cloth craft technique so that the
results are of higher quality, both in terms of comfort and aesthetic value. Even patchwork motifs
are often the ideas of designers to create new unique and beautiful works.

Patchwork has a long history, even being discovered thousands of years ago. The ancient
Chinese and Egyptians covered their armor made of iron with patchwork. In 1100 to 1300
patchwork was used to make blankets, clothes, etc. to protect the body from the cold winter in
Europe. After that century, patchwork began to spread throughout the world.

Patchwork or Quilting has existed since the 19th century in the USA, Egypt, China, and
Europe. Now it has spread all over the world. Although in Indonesia the art of patchwork has
existed for a long time, in recent years it has begun to develop into modern art. The combination
of colors and cotton that is comfortable to wear is starting to decorate expensive boutiques in big
cities in Indonesia.
C. How to Process & Utilize Patchwork Waste

Many people do not know that patchwork is very useful. Usually after a piece of cloth is
finished sewing or making clothes, the rest will be wasted. Even though the remnants of the cloth
can still be used to make various functional crafts.

Patchwork can be used into several forms of handicrafts that are functional and valuable,
for example: bags, sandals, tablecloths, bed linen, pillowcases and bolsters, serving hoods and
glass lids, brooches, doormats, skirts or negligee, and others.

Utilizing patchwork as the main raw material for making various handicrafts can turn out
to be a very profitable business opportunity. From the leftover fabric that was originally of no
value, it can be created into various kinds of handicraft products that have functions and the
selling price is quite high.

To start a patchwork craft business, there are several preparations that must be considered:

1. First determine the idea and design of the product to be produced. Adjust the design made
with the target market to be achieved. For example, bright color designs are for children
and teenagers, while adult female consumers can choose simpler designs with softer
2. Expand knowledge and skills by reading patchwork creation books or looking for new
models from the internet. This step is quite important so that the product to be produced
is not out of date.
3. Prepare the equipment and supplies needed during the production process. Starting from
sewing machines, threads, needles, scissors, and so on.
4. Establish cooperation with patchwork suppliers. Patchwork can be obtained from tailors
or from fabric shops that have quite a lot of fabric scraps left.

The patchwork business is one of the business opportunities that can be run with small
capital but promises a large enough profit for the perpetrators. Patchwork raw materials can be
obtained at cheap prices from tailors and convection factories. Even if you have established a
good relationship with the convection business, you can get the remaining pieces of cloth for free
from business partners.
D. Scissors & Stitching Technique

1. Shapes of Patchwork Craft Cutouts

There are several forms of cutouts that are commonly made in preparing the pieces of
cloth in this craft. This is done before being combined and stitched back in detail and neatly

a. Triangle Shape

Pieces of cloth are cut into triangular shapes of various sizes, triangular pieces of cloth
are widely used to form patterns of scales, grass, etc. This form is the simplest form.

b. Square Shape

Square shape or rectangular shape, suitable for beginners, because this shape is also as
easy as a triangle to cut, this square shape can be used in various motifs such as a chessboard,

c. Other Geometric Shapes

In addition to square and triangular shapes, there are many other geometric shapes such
as pentagons, hexagons, etc. The more sides, the more difficult it is to cut, examples of shapes
used for motifs are octagons for honeycomb motifs, etc.

d. Human, Animal and Plant Forms

Usually this form is used as a sweetener, but many also use this form for the main motif.
The cute and varied shape makes many people like this one shape.

2. Sewing Techniques in Patchwork Crafts

This cloth craft can be made by sewing using a sewing machine or by hand. The smaller
and irregular the pieces of cloth provided, the more difficult it is to combine them.

Center some of the details in the center of the craft with a contrasting color to make it
more interesting. Then you can also make a kind of frame which is also made of pieces of cloth
with different colors so that the pattern is visible. In the process of producing handicrafts made
from patchwork, several sewing techniques are needed including:

1) Patchwok technique, the process carried out in this technique in principle is to sew
patchwork according to the cut, so to use this technique you only need to learn to sew in a
straight line. In general, this technique is done by connecting each piece of patchwork
with stitches so that later it can form certain motifs on a sheet of fabric combined with
several patchwork fabrics which will be processed again to produce handicrafts.
2) Applique technique, this technique has a difference with the patchwok technique, in
principle this technique is the process of making motifs from patchwork affixed to cloth
that is still intact. The patchwork in this technique only acts as a decoration on a complete
fabric background. This technique can be used to decorate some fabric-based items.
3) Quilting technique, this technique has the principle of adding mass in the form of foam or
the like to the patchwork that has been sewn. The work of handicrafts using patchwork
with this quilting technique will produce an object that has a thick mass and is three-
dimensional in shape. Because of its shape, patchwork crafts with this technique can be
included in three-dimensional works of art. In addition to foam, another material that is
also often and familiarly used to fill the space in the patchwork is dacron.

E. Types of Patchwork Textile Crafts

To find out various examples of handicrafts made from patchwork, here are the kinds of crafts
from patchwork:

1. Curtain creations from patchwork.

Other kinds of handicrafts from patchwork are the creation of curtains from patchwork.
The curtains that are formed from pieces of patchwork, even though the shape is irregular, still
look beautiful and nice. In addition, the form of curtains with patchwork can be used to support a
special interior style that has been planned in a room.
2. Bedcover creations from patchwork.

This bedcover creation is usually done with the patchwok technique to unite several
pieces of patchwork into one sheet of bedcover. Unique and attractive shapes can help support
certain interior styles in the bedroom.

3. Create a floor mat from patchwork

Floor mats are one of the items that can be decorated with patchwork. The patchwork
used to make this floor mat is a special cloth left over from a few pieces of cloth used to make
the mat.

F. Difficulties or Obstacles in Pursuing Patchwork Craft Business and How to

Overcome Them

The obstacle that is often faced by entrepreneurs is the level of product competition that
is getting tougher. Currently, there are many businesses that produce various kinds of recycled
goods to grab the attention of consumers. In addition, sometimes the patchwork materials
obtained are not all of good quality. This makes the quality of the product will also decrease.
Therefore, to avoid this risk, beforehand do the sorting to separate the good quality patchwork
and the less quality ones.

To overcome obstacles in the competition with recycled products, textile fabric craftsmen
can market their craft products or can even entrust the creations that have been made to several
souvenir stalls and household furniture stores around the business location.

Furthermore, it can also expand the market by participating in various exhibitions and
product bazaars held by the government and private parties. Through events such as exhibitions
and bazaars, entrepreneurs can introduce patchwork products to the wider community, so that
opportunities to get potential customers and work partners are increasingly wide open.

Promotional strategies can also be run through the internet. Nowadays, the role of online
media for product marketing is unquestionable, so entrepreneurs can take advantage of this
condition by creating websites, blogs, Facebook, and WhatsApp.


The final stage in this research is to put forward conclusions and suggestions regarding
textile craft made from patchwork.

A. Conclusion

Conclusions and this research are based on the results of the analysis and discussion

described as follows.

1. Patchwork is one of the crafts that utilizes residual materials or waste from the sewing
process, which will produce a beautiful craft work and has a high aesthetic value.
2. Patchwork is one of the oldest crafts. historical evidence shows that patchwork has
existed since the time of Ancient Egypt and Ancient China about 5000 years ago.
3. Patchwork can be reused into a beautiful textile craft functional and has a selling point.
Using patchwork as material the main raw material for making textile crafts can turn out
to be a wrong opportunity very profitable business.
4. The shape of the cutouts used to make patchwork crafts can be geometric shapes such as
triangles and squares. Bias is also in the form of animals, humans, or even plants such as
5. The sewing technique can be in the form of hand stitching or machine stitching.
Technique. There are 3 stitches used for this patchwork craft, namely, technique
patchwok, applique technique, and quilting technique.
6. All types of cloth can actually be used to make cloth crafts patchwork, but not all leftover
fabric or patchwork can be used. Should first, pay attention to the quality of the
patchwork. Patchwork that have low quality should not be used, because it will make
product quality decreases. Examples of commonly used fabrics are, batik cloth,satin,
rayon and silk fabrics.
7. Products made from patchwork can be in the form of brooches, wall decorations and also
household appliances such as pillowcases, doormats, bed sheets or bed covers, curtains,
and close the gallon.
8. Constraints commonly faced by textile craft entrepreneurs are very tight competition with
other craft products such as craft recycled goods. This can trigger a decrease in the
purchase price and selling prices on patchwork products. Possible solutions is to market a
wider range of products, such as the world virtual. Entrepreneurs can also work with
equipment shops households to entrust their products and can also follow the available

B. Suggestion

Based on the discussion and conclusions that have been described previously,

There are several suggestions regarding the patchwork textile craft business as follows:

1. For sewing or covection entrepreneurs, it is better to use leftover patchwork sewing is

reprocessed in order to produce an item that has sale value. That way the waste from the
sewing process is reduced.
2. For patchwork textile craftsmen, it is better to use waste cloth or patchwork of quality
and worthy of reuse. This will affect the resulting product so that it has aesthetic value
and high selling value.
3. As entrepreneurs of textile crafts, they should compete in a healthy manner to get the
attention of consumers. Look for opportunities as well attractive innovations so that
consumers are attracted to the product that you will generate.
4. Preserve the textile craft culture in Indonesia, one of them is a patchwork craft. Don't let
products from abroad get beat the products produced by entrepreneurs in Indonesia

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