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How to Create a Great Radiology

Michael P. Hartung, MD
Ian C. Bickle, FRCR The radiology report represents the sum of a radiologist’s high-
Frank Gaillard, MBBS est level of synthesis and insight into a patient’s condition. It is the
Jeffrey P. Kanne, MD most important product that radiologists generate to help direct
patient care. Despite the self-evident importance of clear and ef-
RadioGraphics 2020; 40:1658–1670 fective radiology reporting, radiologists usually receive little or no
formal reporting education during training. Instead, it is learned in
a piecemeal and often indirect fashion through occasional correc-
Content Code:
tion and imitating the reports of other radiologists. The audience of
From the Department of Radiology, University the radiology report extends far beyond the ordering provider and
of Wisconsin–Madison School of Medicine and
Public Health, 600 Highland Ave, E3/366 CSC, includes patients and their families, medical support staff, subspe-
Madison, WI 53792-3252 (M.P.H., J.P.K.); cialty providers, other radiologists, and research interests. Creating
Department of Radiology, Chesterfield Royal
Hospital, Calow, Chesterfield, England (I.C.B.);
a report that fulfills the needs of this diverse group is a formidable
Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, if not quixotic ambition. However, there are certain key principles
Dentistry, and Health Sciences, University of to reporting the imaging findings, impression, and recommenda-
Melbourne, Parkville, Australia (F.G.); and
Department of Radiology, Royal Melbourne tions that serve as a guide and promote careful consideration about
Hospital, Parkville, Australia (F.G.). Recipient how reports are understood. The findings section should emphasize
of a Certificate of Merit award for an educa-
tion exhibit at the 2019 RSNA Annual Meeting.
short, informative, and factual observations while avoiding inappro-
Received February 21, 2020; revision requested priate interpretation, excessive use of terms of perception, and re-
April 28 and received May 25; accepted June 12. dundancy. The impression is the thoughtful synthesis of the mean-
For this journal-based SA-CME activity, the au-
thors M.P.H., F.G., and J.P.K. have provided dis- ing of the findings leading to a diagnosis, a differential diagnosis,
closures (see end of article); the other author, the and management recommendations. Creating a clear and impactful
editor, and the reviewers have disclosed no rel-
evant relationships. Address correspondence impression allows radiologists to provide the highest level of clinical
to M.P.H. (e-mail: care and direction but takes time and effort beyond simply restat-
RSNA, 2020 ing the findings. The impression should use language that is un-
derstandable, memorable, and actionable. Reporting skills require
ongoing attention and must adapt to the evolving practice patterns
and communication styles in medicine.
RSNA, 2020 •

The radiology report represents the sum of a radiologist’s highest
level of synthesis and insight into a patient’s condition and is the
most important way that radiologists contribute to patient care.
In most instances, it is the only communication with referrers.
Clearly communicating the diagnosis or differential diagnosis, clini-
cal implications of radiologic findings, and recommendations for
further management is a complex skill that requires ongoing effort
and attention throughout training and practice. As the practice and
communication of medicine evolve, radiologists need to adapt their
reporting methods (1). Compared with the systematic accumulation
of medical facts that pertain to the practice of radiology, crafting a
radiology report is a more artisanal, reflective, and creative process.
Since the beginning of radiology, concerns about the content
and style of reporting have been raised with striking eloquence and
familiarity with current issues (2,3). These similarities suggest that
while the practice context and reporting contents have changed,
the professional challenges that radiologists face while reporting
RG  •  Volume 40  Number 6 Hartung et al  1659

reports throughout the busy workday or after the

resident has completed an off-hours shift and is
„ Clearly communicating the diagnosis or differential diagno-
sis, clinical implications of radiologic findings, and recom-
no longer on service.
mendations for further management is a complex skill that Consequently, trainees can overestimate their
requires ongoing effort and attention throughout training reporting maturity unless they routinely and care-
and practice. As the practice and communication of medicine fully review the final report for changes. Although
evolve, radiologists need to adapt their reporting methods.
newer computer applications help facilitate the
Compared with the systematic accumulation of medical facts
that pertain to the practice of radiology, crafting a radiology
comparison of preliminary and final reports by
report is a more artisanal, reflective, and creative process. highlighting these changes side by side, the ratio-
„ The findings section is for the factual observations about the nale for such changes is not always self-evident
study and reflects the thought process of the radiologist, relies and may be lost without direct instruction.
on technical language for precision, and provides the basis for The complex relationship among the patient,
the subsequent formulation. treatment team, and radiologist also contributes
„ The impression is the thoughtful synthesis of the meaning of the to patterns of problematic reporting. Radiolo-
findings leading to a diagnosis or differential diagnosis and rec-
gists frequently have to interpret an imaging
ommendations for further management. It represents the sum
of all the efforts in interpreting the imaging study and answering
study with limited clinical data and without the
the clinical question. It should use clear unambiguous phrasing opportunity to personally assess the patient.
similar to that used when speaking directly to an ordering pro- Despite the ordering provider’s expectation for
vider or presenting at a multidisciplinary team meeting. the radiologist to deliver a clear answer to the
„ Leading the impression with the favored diagnosis or dif- clinical question, a definitive diagnosis may be
ferential diagnosis is a foundational step to promoting clear out of reach because of inherent limitations of the
communication, as it anchors the impression and provides a
modality, imaging findings that lack specificity, or
context for the reader to understand the relevant findings.
Impressions that start by jumping into detailed findings are even technical inadequacies of the study. Some
likely to overwhelm the reader with seemingly stray facts and radiologists may be tempted to cope with this un-
little provided basis for understanding them until a specific certainty by simply restating findings, employing
diagnosis is mentioned. excessive qualifying language, shifting responsi-
„ One of the most challenging aspects of pulling together a bility back to the ordering provider, or providing
cohesive impression is to provide appropriate recommen-
vague recommendations (9,10).
dations. It is a major way that radiologists take responsibility
for the study and advance patient care, particularly for un-
The advent of structured reporting has been
expected or incidental findings. The best way to learn how met with a mixed response (11–14). The typical
to give appropriate recommendations comes from follow-up. checklist style of reporting promotes consistent
Specifically, attend to how radiology reports are understood organization, which is valued by ordering provid-
by and impact the actions of the medical team, biopsy results,
ers and patients (11,12). Structured templates
hospital courses, and operative notes.
facilitate reporting the findings with brief obser-
vations, reserving the impression for the synthe-
sis and meaning of the findings with actionable
persist, resulting in similar patterns of wayward information (13). In contrast, free-text dictation
reporting for each generation (4,5). Yet very few can more frequently blur the lines between the
radiology residents receive formal education findings and impression as it reflects the radiolo-
in radiology reporting, with 86% of residents gist’s active thought process.
reporting 1 hour or less of didactic instruction Some radiologists lament a loss of art, cre-
annually (6). ativity, and freedom of expression when staring
Trainees often learn the art of reporting in at the blank fields of a template they are told to
a more passive, subconscious, and inconsistent populate (14). This is not without some basis,
manner throughout training by reading reports of as poorly crafted structured reporting templates
other radiologists to acquire the basic language may artificially fragment related or overlap-
and structure, receiving occasional feedback from ping processes into subcategories and disrupt a
attending radiologists at the workstation, and imi- cohesive synthesis. This is particularly the case
tating the style of a few admired senior colleagues with multicompartmental pathologic conditions
or co-residents. Sporadic one-on-one interac- (15). Structured reports are best considered a
tions with attending radiologists often provide guide or tool rather than the rule for reporting. If
residents with idiosyncratic advice, which itself is a template fails to help organize ideas, facilitate
the product of a style that has similarly developed synthesis, and promote clear communication,
from unstructured career-long accretion (5–8). then it should be revised or discarded.
More recently, many teachable moments with This article outlines foundational principles
minor (but nonetheless important) refinements of clear concise radiology reporting and is in-
or corrections are at risk of being overlooked, as tended for trainees and practicing radiologists
attending radiologists remotely edit and sign the alike (Fig 1). Trainees can learn these principles
1660  October Special Issue 2020

in a thoughtful and systematic way throughout

training rather than variably at the workstation.
Practicing radiologists who have settled into a
reporting style for many years will benefit from a
tune-up, as a passive approach to reporting may
lead to bad habits over time.
The emphasis in this article is on the findings
section and the impression. The header portion
(clinical notes, technique, and comparison) is
considered beyond the scope of this discussion.
Points of disagreement are expected, as regional
and personal stylistic preferences abound, but the
authors hope that these do not diminish the value
of exploring this important topic.

Speaking Like a Radiologist

Understandably, there is great excitement at the
beginning of radiology training when learning to
speak like a radiologist. Much of the technical
language is necessary and created to accurately
characterize radiologic findings (eg, interlobular
septal thickening, diffusion-restricting, heteroge- Figure 1.  Reporting tune-up. The top five takeaways for im-
neous low-level internal echoes). Other terminol- proving your radiology reports are listed.
ogy acts as an aide-mémoire and is striking in
its imagery (eg, racing car ventricles, snowman
cardiac silhouette, onion skin periosteal reaction).
While progressing through radiology training,
this language becomes intertwined with active
evaluation and forms the basis by which images
are understood. Thus, verbally reporting is more
than a mere accounting for the facts of the study
and forms a central part of image evaluation and
interpretation, acting as a sounding board for the
radiologist and ultimately leading to a diagnosis
or differential diagnosis.
Carefully crafted reports provide invaluable
insight into the radiologist’s mind for trainees de-
veloping their own reporting skills and referring
Figure 2.  How pathology and radiology reports parallel each
physicians looking for a greater understanding of other. The technical language of the microscopic description
the study. In contrast, poorly structured descrip- carries little meaning to those outside of pathology, similar to
tions generated from a disorganized record of the MRI signal characteristics in the findings section for those
every passing observation result in rambling con- outside of radiology. In contrast, the diagnosis and impression
convey universally understandable information for all readers.
fusing reports and leave the reader with a shop-
ping list of stray ideas and little direction (16).
Unlike medical or surgical specialists who
directly see and treat patients, radiologists have a It is helpful to empathize with the ordering
unique referral position on the medical team by provider when considering how to balance these
providing a written assessment of the patient's con- conflicting needs. A typical pathology report pro-
dition that is intended to be read, understood, and vides a parallel experience for the radiologist. One
acted upon by other practitioners. In other words, skims the report for an understandable answer to
the radiology report is primarily a direct commu- the question “What is the diagnosis?” with little
nication (and often the sole interaction) between understanding or appreciation of the technical
the radiologist and the ordering provider about language applied within the specialty that leads to
the patient. Thus, while the technical elements of it. Consider how the microscopic description and
reporting are essential for the evaluation by the diagnosis parallel the findings and impression sec-
radiologist, the ordering provider is looking for a tions of an MRI report (Fig 2).
clear diagnosis or differential diagnosis and recom- These observations help define parameters by
mendations without radiology jargon (10,17,18). which the two major parts of the radiology report
RG  •  Volume 40  Number 6 Hartung et al  1661

Table 1: Key Principles for the Findings Section with Examples

Key Principle Before Revision After Revision

Use short informative phrases There are likely small pleural effusions on New blunting of the costophrenic
that emphasize factual ob- the basis of blunting of the posterior angles.
servations. costophrenic angles, which appear new
compared to prior.
Fragments are acceptable if The small bowel is diffusely dilated. There Diffusely dilated small bowel. Small
they are not stylistically is a small amount of fluid in the right amount of fluid in the right para-
awkward. paracolic gutter. colic gutter.
Avoid interpretation (leave it There is a 3.5 3 2.2-cm complex left 3.5 3 2.2-cm complex left ovarian
for the impression). ovarian cyst with internal septa. It does cyst with internal septa and no
not have Doppler flow. This most likely Doppler flow.
represents a hemorrhagic cyst or less
likely endometrioma.
Appropriately bury incidental There is a similar 1.5-cm fat-attenuation Small benign right adrenal nodule,
findings with an assessment round right adrenal nodule. unchanged for 3 years.
to avoid uncertainty and un-
necessary workup.
Avoid excess use of terms of There are numerous enlarging nodules Numerous enlarging right lung
perception. visualized in the right lung. nodules.
Avoid redundancy. Redemonstration of liver masses that show Enlarged liver masses.
interval increase in size compared to the
previous examination.
Keep it organized. Group dis- There are three hypoenhancing liver Liver masses as follows:
ease processes in a cohesive masses. The first is near the inferior vena   Caudate lobe, 2.4 cm
description and consider us- cava and measures 2.4 cm. The second   Segment 4a abutting the falci-
ing lists for multiple similar is abutting the falciform ligament and form, 1.2 cm
items. measures 1.2 cm. The third is in the left   Segment 2, 3.0 cm
hepatic lobe and measures 3.0 cm.
Note.—These examples may seem overly compact and are intended to illustrate the principles rather than a
specific recommended dictation style.

should be considered. The findings section is worthwhile endeavor in providing the best pos-
for the factual observations about the study and sible patient care.
reflects the thought process of the radiologist,
relies on technical language for precision, and Key Principles for the Findings Section
provides the basis for the subsequent formula-
tion. The impression is a direct communication Save Interpretation for the Impression
to the ordering provider about the meaning of the The findings section comprises short informative
findings with a diagnosis or differential diagnosis phrases describing the pertinent positive and nega-
and recommendations and should avoid use of tive observations about a study (Table 1). Findings
radiology jargon. emphasize facts and should avoid interpretation or
In the following sections, key principles for synthesis intended for the impression. Blurring the
the findings, impression, and recommendations lines between the findings and impression by re-
are discussed in detail with examples. Note that peating partial or complete impression statements
several examples of brief language may seem in both sections creates unnecessarily long repeti-
unnaturally compact to the reader and are not tive reports with an increased risk of internal dis-
intended to serve as an exact model but rather to crepancies. Changes to the diagnosis or differential
stimulate thought about the meaning carried by diagnosis as additional findings are uncovered need
commonly used language and filler phrases. to be made in both the findings and the impres-
Readers are encouraged to develop their own sion. This is often the case when trainees have their
carefully crafted style that combines personal reports reviewed and revised by attending radiolo-
preferences, institutional needs, and principles gists who may tweak the impression but overlook
of clear communication. The authors hope that revising similar statements in the findings.
any point of disagreement with this article does An important exception is for so-called buried
not cause the greater message to be lost. Learn- findings, which are not included in the impres-
ing how to craft a great radiology report is a sion because they are incidental, benign, or not
1662  October Special Issue 2020

clinically significant (such as benign renal cysts). as follows: “Multiple dilated small bowel loops in
Clearly labeling buried findings as benign or the pelvis. Small pelvic ascites.”
of no clinical significance is a great service to This concept is particularly relevant in struc-
ordering providers and reassuring to the patient, tured reporting, which provides a header and
who will likely find misleading or inappropriately an assumed sentence structure by which infor-
alarming information when trying to determine mation is understood (eg, the header “Lungs”
the significance with an internet search (19–21). implies “In the lungs, there are the following ob-
Radiologists associate many findings with servations made by the reader”). Similarly, in a
benignity without necessarily being explicit (eg, conventional narrative report, the global header
cyst, adrenal adenoma, hamartoma), but many “Findings” implies “The following observations
ordering providers and patients do not do the have been made by the interpreting radiologist”
same (22). This confusion can result in unneces- and promotes the use of short sentences or frag-
sary worry and inappropriate follow-up studies ments. Occasional use of perception terms may
to ensure that a benign finding is unchanged, be appropriate for stylistic reasons (particularly
which is costly to the patient and frustrating for when starting a description), as a report made
the radiologist to interpret. Giving a clear assess- entirely of fragments can be difficult to read and
ment of a buried finding also serves as an impor- risks compromising understanding.
tant internal check for radiologists who need to
consider the questions “Does this finding have Avoid Redundancy
clinical implications?” and “Should anything be By definition, redundant words can be omit-
done about it?” rather than leaving a loose-ended ted from the report without a loss of meaning.
statement for the referrer to sort out. While an Redundancy can be particularly challenging
essential part of a radiologist’s duty starts with to avoid when trying to make a comparison
identifying the finding, it ends with assessing because many commonly dictated terms or
the finding’s importance and determining if any phrases reference the fact that a comparison has
further evaluation is required. been made or that a change has occurred. Thus,
Appropriately assessing buried findings can making a comparison can result in a surprising
also serve an important role in communicating number of redundant terms combined into a
with other radiologists reading future images single sentence.
and can help avoid expending time repeating Consider the following example: “There is
a detailed assessment. At times, reaching the redemonstration of the right hepatic lobe mass.
conclusion that a finding is benign may require Compared to the previous study dated August
a thorough evaluation of comparison studies, 4, 2015, there has been an interval increase
information from a detailed chart review, or even in size.” In this example, there are five terms
communication with the ordering provider that that convey that a comparison is being made:
may be difficult for future radiologists to repeat “redemonstration,” “compared to,” “previous
consistently. In this way, the findings section can study,” “there has been,” “interval,” and “in-
serve a valuable role in radiologist-to-radiologist crease.” The text can be reworded to simply
communication, promoting consistency and effi- state “The right hepatic lobe mass has enlarged
ciency for future reports (eg, “Unchanged benign compared to August 4, 2015” without any loss
retroperitoneal lymphocele first seen on MR lum- of meaning.
bar spine localizer images 5 years ago.”). The redundancy in this example is caused
by an overemphasis on the radiologist’s percep-
Use Terms of Perception Sparingly tion upon first seeing the liver mass (“There
While it can be tempting to translate the experi- is redemonstration of the right hepatic lobe
ence of image perception into the dictated findings mass”), but without yet making a meaning-
by adding terms of perception such as “is seen,” ful observation about it. Then the comparison
“is noted,” “is demonstrated,” “is visualized,” and is emphasized (“Compared to the previous
their more objective counterparts “there is” and study dated…”), followed by a common redun-
“is present,” they add no meaningful informa- dant structure used for comparison (“interval
tion to the report and should be used sparingly. increase”).
Perception is assumed in the act of describing. Creating the second shorter version requires
For example, “There are multiple loops of dilated noticing the mass, evaluating the mass, and
small bowel visualized within the pelvis. There making a comparison before dictating anything,
is a small amount of ascites noted in the pelvis” and it can be challenging to withhold commen-
contains multiple references to the radiologist’s tary while doing so. Therefore, it may be helpful
perception (“there are,” “visualized,” and “noted”) to practice shifting emerging observations to
that can be omitted without a change in meaning, an internal dialogue until a more concise and
RG  •  Volume 40  Number 6 Hartung et al  1663

integrated statement can be made. Alternatively, experience, and expertise (10,24). For the early
longer statements can be revised to their essence radiology resident, lengthy descriptions of the
after initial dictation. This is clearly more time findings and instances of redundancy inevitably
consuming and impractical for busy clinical days expand when the report is appropriately used for
but becomes less necessary as these habits are an active sounding board. In fact, an overly brief
reinforced and become second nature. report for a resident may signal overconfidence or
Over time, radiology neologisms or pet little appreciation of the key findings. These ver-
phrases propagate and find widespread use bose descriptions are often necessary and must
throughout a practice but have little mean- flourish early in training. After gaining greater
ing. For example, the term redemonstration is experience and confidence in training and early
often used in radiology reporting to emphasize practice, radiologists’ reporting skills will con-
a finding that is "again seen" or "again noted," tinue to mature as they develop an appropriate
and it is a radiology neologism specific to some balance between concision and completeness.
geographic areas and rarely used outside of the
specialty. Using the term requires comment Keep It Organized
about the stability or change compared with Clear communication remains paramount even
prior studies, which implies its “redemonstra- while verbally processing the findings and can be
tion” to the radiologist. improved by briefly considering how the findings
Interval is also commonly used in reporting should be organized best before making detailed
and similarly emphasizes that a finding is being descriptions. Many practices have adopted struc-
compared over the passage of time but requires tured reporting for cross-sectional studies, which
the specific comparison date and what change provides an organized structure for reporting the
has occurred, both of which imply the passage of findings. Well-designed templates allow the most
an interval and obviate its use. Therefore, both common disease processes to be grouped into a
terms can safely be omitted as redundant, as il- cohesive narrative, but there are inevitable cases
lustrated in the preceding example. that span multiple sections (25–29).
It may seem unnatural or even unfair that the For example, it might be difficult to deter-
careful deliberation of the radiologist is distilled mine how to dictate a complex case of necro-
into a few short phrases rather than displaying tizing pancreatitis that involves the pancreas,
the pomp of longer more complex sentences. gastrointestinal tract, ascites, and vasculature,
Some may also view the length of the report as a which are listed as separate sections in the struc-
way that radiologists demonstrate thoroughness tured report. While the radiologist recognizes
and care while reading the study and be con- this as a cohesive disease process, the template
cerned that terse reports are viewed as cursory, promotes artificially splitting up the many
overly confident, or cavalier. features into their respective sections. Instead, a
However, excess length of observations is cohesive disease process should remain as a uni-
frequently more related to undue emphasis on fied comprehensive description and can remain
perception, redundant sentence structure, and in the most relevant section, potentially with an
overly detailed descriptions than to conveying identifying header that categorizes the disease
sophisticated ideas. For example, “Again noted are process and serves as a marker for the reader
multiple peripherally enhancing complex peripan- looking for greater detail (eg, “manifestations of
creatic collections with thickened and irregular necrotizing pancreatitis are as follows” or “wide-
walls, which have not changed in size or configu- spread abdominal or pelvic masses involving the
ration since the prior exam” can be truncated to following locations”).
“Unchanged complex peripancreatic collections.” There are several disease processes or findings
Radiologists who complain that ordering that can be described by using lists to help facili-
providers do not routinely read the findings sec- tate follow-up and treatment planning, which are
tion should consider how challenging a typical often far easier to understand than free-flowing
report may be to understand without a radiol- blocks of text. Consider the following examples
ogy residency to learn the crucial technical and that describe pulmonary nodule follow-up on a
superfluous redundant phrasing. Improving CT image:
report clarity increases reader engagement and Multiple lung nodules have decreased in size
confidence and may actually decrease radiologist since the prior examination. For example, the
liability by encouraging the reader to contact the right lower lobe nodule measures 3 3 4 mm,
radiologist if they detect a discrepancy or have previously 5 3 3 mm. Another nodule in the
questions (16,23). left upper lobe abutting the pleura measures 5
Practically, the ability to be confident and con- 3 2 mm, previously 6 3 3 mm. A larger right
cise in reporting depends on the level of training, upper lobe paramediastinal nodule results in
1664  October Special Issue 2020

bronchial obstruction and measures 6 3 5 ity and comprehension, radiologists should use
mm, previously 8 3 6 mm. language common to all medical specialties and
state the impression in a similar direct way one
Compare the earlier list to a revised list with would use to review the study in person or on
the same information: the phone with the ordering provider.
Lung nodules (compared to April 5, 2017):
1. 3 3 4 mm (previously 5 3 3 mm) right
Know Your Audience
lower lobe. The scope of the radiology report extends far
2. 5 3 2 mm (previously 6 3 3 mm) subpleural beyond the radiologist and ordering provider.
left upper lobe. While the request for the study is generated by
3. 6 3 5 mm (previously 8 3 6 mm) parame- the ordering provider, there are many audiences
diastinal resulting in bronchial obstruction. of the radiology report (21,24,23). Each has
different and often conflicting needs, creating
Numbered lists help to keep the reader men- substantial difficulty in composing a single report
tally organized, convey a sense of logic, assist that suits every reader (Table 3). Compounding
with treatment planning and prioritization, and this, radiologists have few opportunities to receive
make follow-up easier for radiologists and order- or solicit feedback about the clarity and con-
ing providers. The free-flowing block paragraph tent of their reports from the referring clinician.
approach is at first more natural and reflects the Referring providers may be hesitant to express
active thought process of the radiologist while confusion or uncertainty about the contents of
reviewing the study. It takes time and practice to a report for fear of appearing unsophisticated,
prospectively identify opportunities to use num- potentially leading the radiologist to overestimate
bered lists. The authors have found that going the universal intelligibility of radiology’s complex
back and revising a block of text to make lists is lexicon and uncommon sentence structure.
a helpful step in reinforcing this approach and Many common impressions can be simply
making the use of lists more reflexive over time. stated and more readily understood by a larger
audience. This does not need to come at the ex-
Key Principles for the Impression pense of medical sophistication or completeness
but rather favors the universal medical lexicon
Overview from medical school over specialty-specific tech-
The impression is the thoughtful synthesis of the nical terminology from residency. In addition,
meaning of the findings leading to a diagnosis or simple ideas can also be unnecessarily padded by
differential diagnosis and recommendations for formal sentence structure, perhaps to give a more
further management. It represents the sum of all official appearance to the report.
the efforts in interpreting the imaging study and For example, “There is redemonstration of
answering the clinical question. It should use multiple liver lesions consistent with metastases,
clear unambiguous phrasing similar to that used which have increased in size in the interval” deliv-
when speaking directly to an ordering provider ers a simple message: “Liver metastases have en-
or presenting at a multidisciplinary team meet- larged.” While the latter may seem terse, it is what
ing. It is advisable to assume that the impression the ordering provider extracts from the report and
is usually the only part of the report read by the requires no translation. It reflects the clear phras-
referring clinicians, who often only read the find- ing a radiologist would use to present the case at
ings when the impression is unclear (30). The a multidisciplinary team meeting, which is a good
emphasis in the impression should be on action- general benchmark for crafting the impression.
able clinically significant information (31,32). Furthermore, the fear of litigation can obfus-
Forming a good impression can take as long cate reporting in several ways. Undue attention
or longer than describing the entirety of the may be paid to incidental findings that are highly
findings. It is difficult to be wrong when simply unlikely to be clinically important, a clear diag-
restating the findings. Therefore, synthesis also nosis may be understated in the unlikely event
involves an element of risk and raises the stakes, that an alternative diagnosis is true (eg, “findings
as it helps direct patient care. concerning for”), liability may be shifted toward
Several key principles help guide crafting the ordering provider (eg, “clinical correlation
impactful and helpful impressions (Tables 2, 3). advised”), or blanket statements of uncertainty
The overarching principle for creating clini- may be used, leaving the ordering provider with
cally relevant impressions is to deliver informa- little sense of probability of a diagnosis or the
tion that is understandable, memorable, and best next steps for management (eg, “cannot be
actionable while avoiding radiology jargon excluded”). Paradoxically, instead of providing
(16–18,22,23). With the goals of maximal clar- protection, a lack of clarity may actually increase
RG  •  Volume 40  Number 6 Hartung et al  1665

Table 2: Key Principles for the Impression with Examples

Principle Before Revision After Revision

Lead with the diagnosis when pos- Extensive peritoneal disease with Peritoneal carcinomatosis with large-
sible followed by a helpful high- large-volume ascites, peritoneal volume ascites, extensive omental
level summary of the key findings nodularity, omental thickening, thickening, and serosal implants.
relevant to understanding the and serosal implants, consistent
extent of disease. with peritoneal carcinomatosis.
Avoid technical language that is Rounded 1-cm masslike area of T2 Suspected 1-cm rounded brainstem
regularly used or understood only hyperintensity, heterogeneous glioma in the pons. Neurosurgical
by radiologists. Use clear language enhancement, and mild dif- consultation recommended.
that is familiar to the ordering fusion restriction in the pons,
provider. Ask yourself: How will concerning for brainstem glioma.
the impression sound when read Neurosurgical consultation rec-
aloud on morning rounds? ommended.
Avoid redundancy. Often, the con- Redemonstration of multiple lung Similar ablated lung metastases with-
clusion of the report can be stated nodules, which have undergone out recurrence or new lesions.
in a clear straightforward manner. microwave ablation. There are
similar expected treatment chang-
es without definite enhancement
to suggest local recurrence. No
new lesions to suggest metastases.
Avoid including clinically insignifi- There is diverticulosis without “There is diverticulosis without
cant findings that do not require diverticulitis. diverticulitis” omitted from the
the ordering provider’s attention. impression.
Make appropriate recommendations Indeterminate ill-defined soft-tissue Ill-defined right gluteal mass could
for the next step. This can be dif- mass in the right gluteal region. represent an injection granuloma,
ficult to learn but is done best by Clinical correlation recom- hematoma, or neoplasm. Correlate
following up patient biopsy results, mended. with physical examination and pa-
operative notes, and hospital tient history for trauma or injection.
course. If there is concern for neoplasm or
this finding enlarges, evaluation for
biopsy is recommended.
Note.—These examples may seem overly compact and are intended to illustrate the principles rather than a
specific recommended dictation style.

Table 3: Audiences of the Radiology Report and Their Needs

Report Audience Needs from the Report

Reporting radiologist A place to organize thoughts
A sounding board during synthesis
Employ technical accuracy
Provide complete evaluation
Other radiologists Provide enough detailed information to help guide follow-up examinations efficiently
Primary care providers Clear specific recommendations for treatment, follow-up, or additional evaluation
Subspecialty physicians Fewer specific recommendations
Greater detail for staging and treatment planning
Patients Understandable report with little specialized language
No ambiguity about the significance of findings
Billing or coding staff Specific language required to adequately bill for the examination
Researchers Structured information with standardized language allowing population of data regis-
tries and research
Lawyers Sufficiently thorough and protective language to avoid the risk of malpractice
1666  October Special Issue 2020

malpractice risk, as obscure language is more

likely to be misunderstood (23,33).
It can be helpful to imagine being the re-
ceiver of the report when trying to determine
the amount of information to include in the
impression. Ordering providers want the clinical
questions answered directly along with any other
important, clinically relevant, and actionable
observations with clear recommendations (31).
This allows them to explain the results to the
patient and confidently direct the next steps.
Including benign incidental findings in the
impression (eg, “diverticulosis without divertic-
ulitis,” “3-cm right renal cyst,” “gallbladder ad-
enomyomatosis”) rightly prompts the ordering
provider to wonder why the radiologist decided
to inform them about it and what sort of action
needs to be taken (22). This uncertainty can
lead to patient anxiety and inappropriate follow-
up examinations that are costly to patients and Figure 3.  Basic structure that can help organize the impres-
waste the time of both ordering providers and sion. Starting with the favored diagnosis anchors the impres-
radiologists. sion, followed by key imaging findings that support the diag-
nosis. The other possible items in the differential diagnosis are
Radiologists need to carefully consider the
covered next by discussing alternative diagnoses and reasons
cost of including extraneous information in the for considering them. Finally, the radiologist can guide the or-
impression that they do not actually want the dering provider by making recommendations for reaching a
ordering provider to think about, inform the pa- definitive diagnosis or treatment.
tient about, or order follow-up examinations for.
Including such information decreases radiologic
competence and directs attention away from more most readers and not require a careful reading of
clinically relevant and pressing items. The com- the findings. Providing some basic details or jus-
plete catalog of incidental items can remain in the tification about how a diagnosis was reached can
findings section for the more fastidious readers. help convey a level of care and thoroughness from
the interpreting radiologist. This is particularly
Lead with the Diagnosis relevant for complex cases that require prolonged
Leading the impression with the favored diagnosis and nuanced discussion in a multidisciplinary
or differential diagnosis is a foundational step to setting to determine the next appropriate steps.
promoting clear communication, as it anchors the In these cases, an overly terse impression may fail
impression and provides a context for the reader to to convey the amount of thorough and thoughtful
understand the relevant findings. Impressions that work the radiologist has put into evaluating the
start by jumping into detailed findings are likely to case and omit important details that help direct
overwhelm the reader with seemingly stray facts treatment.
and little provided basis for understanding them
until a specific diagnosis is mentioned. Using a Avoid Technical Language
basic structure for the impression can help to keep The impression should not require an internet
the radiologist organized and provide clarity to search to be understood by the ordering provider.
ordering providers as they advance patient treat- In the findings section, radiologists can employ
ment (Figs 3, 4). the full range of technical vocabulary acquired in
While many diagnoses can be stated simply and training to most accurately characterize observa-
need no further supporting details (such as “infec- tions. In contrast, the impression should avoid
tious pneumonia” or “uncomplicated sigmoid technical language that is only meaningful to
diverticulitis”), it is often appropriate to modulate radiologists.
the likelihood of a diagnosis (eg, “definite,” “sus- When reporting on an MR image, the technical
pected,” or “possible”) and include key positive language characterizing the MRI findings is often
or negative findings that lead the radiologist to at the forefront of the radiologist’s mind while
conclude the diagnosis and may be relevant for transitioning to crafting the impression. The radi-
treatment planning (34). ologist has just finished dictating this description
The impression should contain enough of a and may even feel eager to share these interesting
summary of the disease process to stand alone for observations with the reader, imagining that they
RG  •  Volume 40  Number 6 Hartung et al  1667

Before After
Findings Findings
There are normal contours of the heart and Normal contours of the heart and mediastinum.
Chest Radiography
mediastinum. There is redemonstration of Worsening multifocal pulmonary opacities. New
multifocal pulmonary opacities, which have blunting of the costophrenic angles.
worsened compared to the previous examination.
There are likely small pleural effusions on the
basis of blunting of the posterior costophrenic
angles, which appear new compared to prior.
Impression Impression
Interval increase in pulmonary opacities Worsening multifocal pneumonia with new small
compared to the previous examination. effusions.
There is blunting of the posterior costophrenic
angles, which likely represents small pleural
effusions, new from prior.

Gastrointestinal Tract Gastrointestinal Tract

There are several dilated fluid-filled loops of Dilated fluid-filled loops of small bowel that
small bowel visualized throughout the abdomen gradually transition in the right lower quadrant.
(Relevant Sections Only)

and pelvis. There is an apparent transition point No mass. Mesenteric edema. No free intraperito-
in the right lower quadrant where the bowel neal air.
Abdominal CT

caliber gradually tapers to a point. No mass is

visualized. This is consistent with small-bowel
obstruction. Mesenteric edema is present. There
is no evidence for free intraperitoneal air.
Impression Impression
Dilated fluid-filled loops of small bowel that Small bowel obstruction with transition point in
transition in the right lower quadrant, consistent the right lower quadrant, likely due to adhesions.
with small bowel obstruction.

Liver Liver
(Relevant Sections Only)

Redemonstration of multiple liver lesions Numerous liver masses have grown since April
concerning for metastases. All of the lesions 25, 2018. Right hepatic lobe mass measures 3.2
show interval increase in size consistent with cm (versus 2.5 cm). No new masses.
Abdominal CT

disease progression. The largest lesion visualized

in the right hepatic lobe measures approximately
3.2 cm, compared to the prior study on April 25,
2018, where it measured 2.5 cm. There are no
new masses identified.
Impression Impression
Compared to April 25, 2018, there is interval Growth of numerous liver metastases since April
increase in the size of multiple liver lesions 25, 2018.
consistent with metastasis.

Findings Findings
There is a lentiform hyperattenuating collection Lentiform hyperattenuating collection along the
(Relevant Sections Only)

along the right frontal convexity. This results in right frontal convexity, resulting in sulcal
mass effect and effacement of the sulci. There is effacement, narrowing of the lateral ventricles,
midline shift of 5 mm. Narrowing of the lateral and midline shift of 5 mm.
Head CT

ventricles is visualized.

Impression Impression
There is a lentiform-shaped hyperattenuating Right frontal epidural hematoma resulting in
collection along the right lateral ventricle most mild mass effect.
concerning for an epidural hematoma, resulting
in mass effect and narrowing of the lateral

Figure 4.  Practical application. Review the example “Before” reports and attempt your own revisions, comparing your changes with
those provided in the example “After” reports. These excerpts help tie together many of the key principles discussed for the findings
and impression.
1668  October Special Issue 2020

share an affinity for such technical details. How- fully interpreting such a case may require pausing
ever, the specifics of T2 signal intensity, enhance- the clinical work to perform an internet or litera-
ment patterns, and diffusion restriction are not ture search or even prolonged reading of several
of interest to the oncologist asking if the adrenal articles to help determine the significance of the
metastasis is smaller after chemotherapy (35). findings. However, this is not often feasible in the
It is also important to exercise caution when us- face of increasing examination volumes and pres-
ing the terminology of other specialties that relates sure on turn-around time expectations, and it may
to clinical diagnoses, such as “chronic obstructive be appropriate to provide a preliminary interpreta-
pulmonary disease,” or that inadvertently directs tion followed by an addendum when time allows
treatment. For example, when reporting restaging further investigation.
results where liver metastases have grown, stating Consulting colleagues who can provide exper-
“progressive metastatic disease in the liver” car- tise beyond that of an individual radiologist can be
ries implications for which therapies and clinical invaluable. However, asking for advice assumes a
trials the patients are eligible for and limits the collegial work environment that welcomes col-
treatment options that the oncologist can offer a laboration and a willingness of the asker to be
patient (36). Such cases can be just as accurately vulnerable to colleagues who may find the case in
reported as “Growth of liver metastases. The question straightforward, potentially exposing a
largest lesion measures 4.0 cm versus 3.0 cm on weak area or misjudgment. Clear communication
October 10, 2019” without using loaded words often requires a combination of dedication, time,
that carry therapeutic implications beyond the teamwork, and humility.
awareness of the radiologist.
Inadequate Examination.—In these cases, it is
Embrace the Role of Revision appropriate to provide a differential diagnosis and
It is usually not feasible or advisable to try to get recommend a specific imaging examination that
the impression right on the first try. Crafting the adequately depicts the finding of concern. Provid-
impression is often an iterative process because ing a preliminary differential diagnosis is helpful to
the radiologist is leveraging the sounding board inform colleagues what the specific concerns are
function of the report while trying to synthesize to guide their future interpretation. It is prudent to
the meaning of the findings, not uncommonly specifically state which aspect of that examination
reaching a satisfactory conclusion only after a few should be evaluated (enhancement, relationship to
minutes of deliberation. The details of the radiolo- surrounding structures, series and image numbers,
gist’s thought process or rationale for arriving at etc), which guides the future reader’s interpreta-
the diagnosis often emphasize technical observa- tion and also asks the important question “Will
tions, which hamper clear communication to the the study I am recommending actually help an-
ordering provider. Revision promotes clear com- swer the clinical question, or is there a more direct
munication and reinforces positive patterns that route that should be pursued?”
help train the radiologist to dictate future studies
more efficiently. Unknown Imaging Findings.—In the rare cases
Therefore, after reaching a satisfactory con- in which the significance of a strange imaging
clusion, the impression should be reviewed finding cannot be determined, it can be appropri-
and reworked as necessary so as to provide the ate to highlight this directly and include an honest
clearest and most unambiguous synthesis and personal touch, such as “This is an unusual find-
recommendations. ing, and I am unsure of the clinical significance”
(5,10). This can help to emphasize the radiolo-
Managing Challenging Cases gist’s care and experience that has contributed
For challenging cases where the diagnosis re- to this assessment. Proposing follow-up is often
mains unclear, radiologists are called to engage appropriate and can be modulated by the patient’s
their full depth of training and knowledge to care own preferences. In cases where both biopsy and
for patients meaningfully and uniquely. In these short-term imaging follow-up can be justifiably
cases, it can be particularly tempting or even un- recommended, the final decision can be made on
avoidable to blur the lines between findings and the basis of the degree of clinical suspicion and the
impression, resulting in a lack of clear clinical patient’s preferences and tolerance for uncertainty
direction. There are several reasons why such dif- (22).
ficulties can arise, each with specific ways to help
overcome them. Nuanced Treatment.—When dealing with inde-
terminate imaging findings in an elderly patient
Knowledge Gap.—When the radiologist sees the or a patient with many comorbidities, what find-
findings but does not know the meaning, success- ings to investigate further and what to ignore can
RG  •  Volume 40  Number 6 Hartung et al  1669

be less straightforward and beyond the scope of gets. While radiologists commonly recommend
the radiologist. In these situations, consulting sub- additional imaging examinations, it is imperative
specialists for treatment recommendations can be to carefully consider how the results of a posi-
particularly valuable given the subspecialist’s abil- tive, negative, or equivocal study would result in
ity to address whether the results of further testing a more definitive diagnosis. If the results would
would be considered for intervention (10,31,35). not contribute to a more definitive diagnosis,
Although it may be tempting to view navigat- then a biopsy (when suspicious) or follow-up
ing these situations as going the extra mile, it is examination (when stability would be reassur-
more appropriately considered as fulfilling the ing) is most appropriate.
principal duty of the radiologist, which is to be When recommending additional examinations,
the expert who helps solve challenging cases. it is best to specifically state which aspect of that
Carefully doing so will improve patient outcomes examination should be evaluated (enhancement,
and avoid the cost and morbidity of unnecessary relationship to surrounding structures, etc) to
testing and intervention. A unifying principle help direct the future reader’s thought process.
that many physicians find helpful when navigat- When dealing with unknown or challenging cases
ing challenging cases is to provide the sort of that exceed a radiologist’s comfort level, recom-
care they would want for a family member, close mending subspecialty evaluation or discussion in
friend, or even themselves, which helps to per- a multidisciplinary conference setting for man-
sonify an often abstract problem. agement and follow-up recommendations is often
appropriate (10,35).
Make Appropriate Recommendations
One of the most challenging aspects of pull- Role of a Dedicated Recommendations Sec-
ing together a cohesive impression is to provide tion.—Some practices make the habit of includ-
appropriate recommendations. It is a major way ing a recommendations section separate from the
that radiologists take responsibility for the study impression, rather than combining the impres-
and advance patient care, particularly for unex- sion and recommendations into a single block
pected or incidental findings. The best way to of text (37). This approach provides clear-cut
learn how to give appropriate recommendations recommendations in an accessible checklist style,
comes from follow-up. Specifically, attend to how on which the ordering provider can efficiently
radiology reports are understood by and impact act. However, using a dedicated recommenda-
the actions of the medical team, biopsy results, tions section runs the risk of giving recommen-
hospital courses, and operative notes. dations extra weightiness that may not always be
intended (31). It is reasonable to consider this
Strength of the Recommendation.—Some approach when there are several recommenda-
ordering providers may interpret a recommenda- tions that benefit from the clarity of a dedicated
tion as an obligation, which carries medicolegal list.
implications and forces all but the most confident
of subspecialists to follow the recommendation. Conclusion
Subtle variability in the language may not carry The radiology report represents the distillation
much difference in meaning with primary care of a decade or more of medical training. There
providers, who are less likely to vary from the are key principles that help to craft the findings,
direction of the radiologist (31). In many cases, impression, and recommendations to promote
it may be appropriate to soften the strength of clear actionable reporting. The findings section
the recommendation and use phrases like “sug- emphasizes short, informative, factual phrases
gest” or “may consider,” which allow the order- that provide an accurate radiologic description
ing provider room to make a different decision. of all abnormalities with pertinent negatives.
Decreasing the strength of the language is often The impression reflects the radiologist’s greatest
appropriate since the radiologist may not have insights into the meaning of the findings, leading
all of the relevant information when interpreting to a diagnosis, differential diagnosis, and recom-
the study. Direct recommendations can be saved mendations, and is the opportunity to provide the
for the truly clear-cut and emergent findings that most direct and meaningful patient care. Report-
require urgent attention or intervention. ing is a continual work in progress that matures
throughout a career with experience, confidence,
What to Recommend.—When dealing with an and follow-up.
unknown cancer diagnosis, it is appropriate
for the radiologist to identify the safest target Acknowledgments.—We thank the following individuals for
reviewing the manuscript and providing invaluable feedback:
for biopsy to expedite the workup by reducing Stanley G. Cheng, MD; Anthony D. Kuner, MD; Francis
requests to biopsy inappropriate or unsafe tar- Deng, MD; and Samuel J. Lubner, MD.
1670  October Special Issue 2020

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