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5E-DHG6310 Drying Oven Operating Regulation and Procedures

1.Before the experiment

1.1 Check and clean the oven. Make sure the drying room is clean without any
other items.
1.2 Turn on the instrument.
1.3 If connected with the Internet, turn on the computer and run software to
check the parameter settings. Make sure temperature setting is correct.
2.During the experiment
2.1 Check oven temperature, put the weighed sample on the clean tray and send
them into the drying oven.
2.2 Confirm the drying time according to the standard requirements, press “Start”
and lock the oven door.
2.3 In the drying process, do not open the door arbitrarily, otherwise the timing is
failed. (The result of fuel control is invalid)
2.4 Once drying is finished, the instrument will report. Take out the samples
3. After the experiment
3.1Turn off the instrument and computer(If connected with Internet).
3.2 Clean the laboratory, place the apparatus in order.
4. Instrument Maintenance and Fault Handing
4.1 According to the number of samples determined, replace the catalytic tube
4.2 Regular operation with power is necessary when the instrument has not been
used for a long time.

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