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5E-MAC6710 Proximate Analyzer-TGA Operating Regulation and


1.Before the experiment

1.1 Turn on the computer and then instrument, preheat for about 30 minutes.
1.2 Run the software, check or set system parameters.
1.3 Make sure the furnace temperature is close to the room temperature when
testing moisture and ash matter.
1.4 Prepare a clean and dry crucible which complies with International standard,
check samples, prepare to weight.
2.During the experiment
2.1 Click add samples. No sample in No.0 crucible.
2.2 Input sample name and other information by scanning code or inputting
2.3 Click to weight empty crucible.
2.4 Place samples in turn. Samples for moisture and ash matter determination
shall be (1±0.1)g, samples for volatile matter determination shall be (1±0.01)g.
2.5 Click “Start”, and the instrument starts testing automatically.
2.6 To test next batch, repeat the step of “2.1-25”, after the temperature of
furnace reduced to the room temperature.
2.7 Judge the precision and accuracy of the results, and submit the result.
3. After the experiment
3.1 Clean residues, put the crucible into furnace for burning, then remove it to
cool down.
3.2 Clean the laboratory and crucible, place the apparatus in order.
3.3 Turn off the instrument and computer.
4. Instrument Maintenance and Fault Handling
4.1 Regularly calibrate furnace temperature;
4.2 Fill in Operation Maintenance Records; handle and report in time when
abnormal situations occur.
4.3 Regular operation test with power is necessary when the instrument has not
been tested for a long time.

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