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1. Explain about the Rankin cycle.

2. What is the function of Economizer?

3. What is the Boiler function and how steam is formed?

4. Explain about super heater with neat sketch.

5. What are the types of steam turbines and write its functioning.

6. Explain about condenser and its types

7.Write about penstock,surge tank and valve house.

8. What is functioning of Air preheater ?

9. Explain the type of cooling towers and their function?

10. How power is generated in a Nuclear Power Station?

11. Write about Nuclear fission.

12. What is chain reaction?

13. What are nuclear fuels? Explain

14. Write about nuclear reactor .

15. What is the purpose of the moderator and control rods in nuclear reactor?

16. Explain the purpose of reflectors and coolant in nuclear reactor.

17. What are the types of nuclear reactors .

18. Write about safety precautions to be followed in nuclear plant .

19. Write about gas power generation.

20. Explain about various components of gas power station.


1. Describe the components of Thermal Power Plant by drawing its layout .

2. Describe the components of Nuclear Power Plant by drawing its layout .

3. Write about the components of Gas Power Plant by drawing its layout.

4. Describe the components of hydro power plant by drawing its layout.

1. Compare DC and AC distribution.

2. Explain classification of Distribution systems.

3. Compare underground and overhead distribution system.

4. Explain the requirements of Distribution systems.

5. What are the Design features of Distribution and Feeders.

6. Write about Radial distribution.

7. Write about Ring main distribution.

8. Explain the advantages of inter connected system.

9. Write the expression for voltage drop for radial distribution fed from one end.

10. Write the expression for voltage drop for radial distribution fed at both ends with equal
voltages .

11. What is Distribution Systems?

12. On what factors does the Primary Distribution Depend.

13. What are the Primary Distribution voltages in India?

14. Why is it necessary to keep voltage variation at the consumer’s terminals as low as possible?

15. What is a Feeder and what are its requirements?

16. What is a Distributor and what are its requirements?

17. What is meant by Primary and Secondary Distribution System?

18. Why dc 2 wire system is never employed for transmission purpose?

19. What is a Booster?

20. For What purpose Booster is employed

1. Derive the expression for voltage drop for radial distribution fed at both ends with unequal
2. Derive the expression for voltage drop for ring main distributor equal voltage concept
3. Derive the expression for voltage drop for radial distribution fed with equal voltage concept
4. Derive the expression for voltage drop in AC distributors for power factor referred to
receiving end voltage.


1. How are substations classified?

2. Explain abut indoor substations .

3. Write about outdoor substations .

4. Explain about the substation equipment.

5. How is Bus bar arrangement in substations .

6. Explain about Gas insulated substations.

7. What is difference between GIS and Out Door substations?

8. Describe constructional aspects of GIS system .

9. Explain about maintenance of GIS system .

10. Compare GIS and Out Door substations .

11. State merits and demerits of indoor and outdoor substations.

12. What are the factors governing the selection of site for substations?

13. What is flexible bus?

14. What is the difference between isolator and circuit breaker?

15. What is the purpose of isolator?

16. What is a circuit breaker?

17. How does a circuit breaker differ from a switch?

18. What is switchgear?

19. Name the interlocking provided with isolator?

20. Why are batteries used in substations?

1. Explain the different types of the substations and draw the layout for the same.
2. Discuss the classification of substations? Write short notes on each.
3. Draw the layout of an indoor substation and describe briefly the function of each.
4. Draw the layout of GIS system and explain.

1. What are the causes for low power factor?

2. What are the methods for improving power factor?

3. Where do we use phase advancers. Explain how they work?

4. What is the most economical power factor?

5. Consider a consumer taking a peak load of P KW at a P.F cos ø1 and changed at a rate of
Rs x/KVA of MD/annum. If the consumer improves the PF to cosø2 by investing
Rs. Y per KVAR/annum then what is the most economical PF?

6. Write short notes on power factor improvement by synchronous condenser.

7. Write the expression for the most economical value of PF which may be attained by a

8. Why voltage control is important?

9. At what locations the voltage control equipment is used?

10. Write various methods used for voltage control?

11. What is the satisfactory limit of voltage variations at the consumer’s terminal?

12. What is the method of voltage control by shunt capacitors and series capacitors?

13. Write short notes on Economizes of PF improvement.

14. What is power factor?

15. What is the need to improve power factor?

16. Where are shunt capacitors located.

17. What factors determine the economical limit of power factor?

18. Define the types of power.

19. What is voltage regulation?

20. Why power factor cannot be more than unity?

1. Calculate the Most Economical Power Factor when KW demand is Constant?
2. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of using Synchronous Condenser and
Static Capacitor for Power Factor Improvement.
3. Explain the Necessity of Improving Power Factor.
4. Discuss the various methods of Voltage Control and explain its Importance.

1. What is variable load?

2. What are the effects of variable load?

3. What is load curve?

4. What is connected load?

5. What is maximum demand?

6. What is demand factor?

7. What is average load?

8. What is load factor?

9. What is Diversity factor?

10. What is plant capacity factor?

11. Define plant use factor?

12. How many units are generated per annum?

13. What are different types of loads?

14. Explain about classification of cost of electrical energy?

15. What is tariff? What are its desirable characteristics?

16. What are the different types of tariff?

17. Explain power factor tariff?

18. Explain three part tariff?

19. Explain about two part tariff?

20. What is Block rate tariff?

1. What are the main objectives in framing a tariff? Discuss various types of tariffs?
2. What is the special feature of two part tariff? For which category of consumers is it used?
3. What are the different types of loads and draw their chronological load curves?
4. Write short notes on demand factor, capacity factor, load factor, utilization factor .

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