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Important Questions


1. What is a composite conductor?
2. Define inductive reactance spacing factor.
3. Define GMR and GMD.
4. What is transposition of transmission lines?
5. Give the advantages of bundled conductors
6. What is the use of double circuit transmission line?
7. Write the inductance equation for 3 phase double circuit system
8. Define symmetrical and unsymmetrical spacing of transmission line
9. Write an expression for the flux linkages of parallel current carrying conductors
10. Why do we find line to neutral capacitance in a 3-phase system?

1. Give classification of overhead transmission line.
2. Define the voltage regulation & efficiency of transmission line.
3. What is surge impedance loading?
4. What are the limitations of T and π methods?
5. Define characteristic impedance of a transmission line.
6. Why is the rigorous solution method required for long lines?
7. What is the effect of load power factor on regulation and efficiency of a transmission
8. Why is the rigorous solution method required for long lines?
9. What are ABCD constants in a transmission line and what is the importance of
generalized constants?
10. Write the units of ABCD constants and its relationship among them

1. What are the types of power system transients?
2. What are the specifications of a traveling wave?
3. What is meant by reflection and refraction of traveling waves?
4. What is reflection & refraction coefficient of current and voltage wave of transmission
line when receiving end is open circuited.
5. What is Ferranti effect?
6. What are disruptive and visual critical voltages?
7. What is corona?
8. What are the factors affecting corona?
9. Why Ferranti effect occurs in a transmission line?
10. What is skin effect?
11. What is radio interference

1. What is sag?
2. What are the various types of insulators?
3. Define string efficiency
4. What are the various methods to improve string efficiency?
5. What is insulation failure?
6. What are the disadvantages of having more sag in the transmission lines?
7. What are the advantages of suspension insulators?
8. Write the formula for weight of conductor when subjected to wind and ice in an equal
support height.
9. What is guard ring and where it is used?
10. What is string chart?

1. What is grading of cable?
2. What is the purpose of using inter-sheath in a cable?
3. Compare the merits and demerits of underground system versus overhead system.
4. What is insulation resistance of a cable?
5. What is the insulation materials used in cable?
6. Write the classification of cables
7. State proximity effect?
8. What is dielectric stress?
9. Write the equation of maximum and minimum potential gradient in single core cable
10. What is pressure cable and where it is used?

Important Topics for Part – B Questions

Unit – I
1) Derivation - Inductance of an unsymmetrical 3 phase system regularly transposed
2) Derivation - Capacitance of an unsymmetrical 3 phase system regularly transposed
3) Problems - finding inductance in double circuit Transmission line using GMR & GMD

Unit – II
1) Derivation – finding voltage regulation & Efficiency of Nominal – T Model
2) Derivation – finding voltage regulation & Efficiency of Nominal – PI Model
3) Problems - Nominal – T Model, PI-Model
4) A,B,C, D constant of long transmission line

Unit – III
1) Bewley’s Lattice Diagrams
2) Skin effect - Proximity effects – Ferranti effect –
3) Corona - Description of the phenomenon, factors affecting corona, critical voltages and
power loss

Unit – IV
1) Types of Insulators,
2) String efficiency - Problems
3) Methods for improvement
4) Sag Calculations with equal and unequal heights of towers, Effect of Wind and Ice
on weight of Conductor

Unit – V
1) Types of Cables,
2) Construction - Types of Insulating materials
3) Calculations of Insulation resistance
4) Capacitance of Single Core cable
5) Grading of Cables

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