Emission Test Script Englis Version

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Hello guys welcome back to Batavia Team Channel and now we’re gonna talking


“Vehicle Emission Test”

in this video we will talking about What is Vehicle Emission Test

Reason why Vehicle Emission Test is important
and good vehicle criteria for pass emission test

so, lets getting depth to the content, but before that, lets play intro



so yesterday at 28th March 2022, Batavia Team just held a Vehicle Emission Test at
M Building Area, State University of Jakarta

this event held behind collaboration with Public Environment Office of Jakarta

before getting depth to our Vehicle Test event, lets talking about “What is Vehicle
Emission Test”

Vehicle Emission Test is activity for getting information about gas emission from
vehicle, the test result is knowing how vulnerable/environment-freindly gas
emission from vehicle. The result showing CO, CO2, O2, N, lead, and anyh other
chemical material rate, some material can be dangerous and vulnerable such as CO,
N, Lead, Metana etc.

tools that used for vehicle emission test is called “GAS ANALYZER”, there’s many
kind gas analyzer but all of them has same major procedure to measure emission
rate of a vehicle.

why we have to doing vehicle emission test?
theres two main reason why we have to doing emssion test

1. First, Environment Reason

With emission Test we would know about how dangerious or vulnerable our vehicle
emission to environment is, are our vehicle is at prime condition or not? once we
know our vehicle condition, we can add some reparation to put our vehicle back to
prime and environment-friendlly condition

2. Second, driving rules

the other benefit is with Vehicle Emission Test, we wil more flexible at obeying
driving rules, in some country good emission test result is one of law ruquirement to
allow vehicle driving at public road.
In Indonesia , precisely at jakarta ther is apllied Governoor Law Number 66 2020
mentioned “every vehicle owner obligated to do vehicle gas emission test to and
reach minimum rate of emission criteria. Obligated emission test done to vehicle at
least once a yaer and held at vehicle gas emission test and done by vehicle gas
emission test technician”

So what is the criteria of vehicle that can pass emission test in Indonesia, that must
be terrific if our vehicle can’t be used at road because the vehicle can’t pass
emission test
so here is the list of vehicle criteria that can pass emission test regarding to Public
Environment Office of Jakarta :

Gasoline Car that released under 2007, has to having CO2 rate under 3 Percent and
HC under 700 ppm
Gasoline Car that released above 2007, has to having CO2 rate under 1.5 Percent
and HC under 200 ppm
Diesel Vehicle that released under 2010 and has weight under 3.5 ton, has to
having lead rate or opacity under 50 percent
Diesel Vehicle that released above 2010 and has weight under 3.5 ton, has to
having lead rate or opacity under 40 percent
Diesel Vehicle that released under 2010 and has weight above 3.5 ton, has to
having lead rate or opacity under 60 percent
Diesel Vehicle that released above 2010 and has weight above 3.5 ton, has to
having lead rate or opacity under 50 percent
2 stroke motorcycle that released under 2010, has to having CO2 rate under 4.5
Percent and HC under 12.000 ppm
4 stroke motorcycle that released under 2010, has to having CO2 rate under 5.5
Percent and HC under 2.400 ppm
4 stroke and 2 stroke motorcycle that released above 2010, has to having CO2 rate
under 4.5 Percent and HC under 2.000 ppm


So there’s guys, all obut emission test in this video, if your vehicle not yet tested,
that’ll very helpful if you doing emission test immediately, for help safing the
environment and obeying driving rules

always follow Batavia Team because, there is a chance for you to participating at
many interesting activity like vehicle gas emission test by batavia team.

Ok, guys this is the end of this video hope you enjoyed this, like if you feel this video
interesting, dislike if you dont like this video, and dont forget to subcsribe and
follow our channel

see you later

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