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First-Name Last-Name

Room No.: C-123,

Electrical Engineering Department,
Indian Institute of Science, H +91–xxxxxxxxxx
Bengaluru – 560012 B

July 2012 B.Tech, University Name, City, State, CGPA: xx.xx/10.
–July 2016 Department of Electrical Engineering
2011 - 2012 12th Standard, High School Name, City, State, % marks: xx.xx.
2010 - 2011 10th Standard, School Name, City, State, % marks: xx.xx.

Work Experience (if you are a graduate)

year–year Job title, Employer, City.
General description no longer than 1–2 lines.
Detailed achievements:
{ Achievement 1
{ Achievement 2
{ Achievement 3

Internships (Skip if not applicable)

year–year University Name, [Ongoing/Completed], City.
General description no longer than 1–2 lines.
Details about the work undertaken:
{ xyz
{ xyz
{ xyz

Projects/Research undertaken (Skip if not applicable)

Topic Name, [Ongoing], University Name.
month-year –Advisor : Prof. xyz
- 4–5 line description about the ongoing project and students’ contributions.

month-year –Topic Name, [Completed], University Name.

month-yearAdvisor : Prof. xyz
- 4–5 line description about the completed project and students’ contributions.
month-year – Workshop name, Organizing Group/Company, [Attended].
month-year Topic/Area: (for e.g.) Micro-controllers

- Describe in at most 3–4 lines what you learnt from this workshop.
month-year – Workshop name, Organizing Group/Company, [Organized].
month-year Topic/Area: (for e.g.) Micro-controllers

- Describe in at most 3–4 lines the process behind organizing this workshop.
month-year – Event name, Organizing Group/Company, [Attended].
month-year Topic/Area: (for e.g.) Micro-controllers

- Describe in at most 3–4 lines about your role as a participant in this event.
- Prizes/achievements (if any).
month-year – Event name, Organizing Group/Company, [Organized].
month-year Topic/Area: (for e.g.) Micro-controllers

- Describe in at most 3–4 lines about your role as an organizer for this event.
- Prizes/achievements (if any).

Academic Achievements & Honours

2012 AIR 1000 in JEE Advanced
2016 (University rank 2 out of 60 students) for academic performance in undergraduate

Programming Skills
Languages Python, C, C++, Java
Software & A
Workshops/Technical Events Attended/Organized (Skip if not

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