Updated Final Mechanical Engineering Handbook January 2021

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Students’ Handbook

B. Eng. Mechanical

Baze University, Abuja

British Style and British Quality

Health and Safety
S/N Name Room Number Telephone Number
1. Mr Iranna Biradar D30 08026895827
2. Mr. Abdullahi Adamu D15 08126147219
The Faculty of Engineering places great importance upon the health and safety of its
students and staff, and all facilities are provided and operated in accordance with safe
working practices. However, in matters of safety, each individual has a responsibility
for personal safety and well-being. It is important for everyone to be aware of potential
hazards and ordinary safety measures. Any matter of concern should be brought to
the attention of a Staff or a member of the Safety Committee.The Departmenntal
Safety Committee comprises of the following:

A Safety Booklet will be issued separately to each Engineering student. This gives
details of the laboratory and other working practices and procedures to be followed in
case of accident. It should be read thoroughly and understood.

This Handbook contains a summary of information

important to your study at the Department of Mechanical
Engineering. You should therefore, take time to read it. Full
details on some sections are given, either in the University
Handbook and other publications or on the University web-
site. You are to refer these, where appropriate.

Health and Safety.......................................................................................................................1
1.0 Introduction...........................................................................................................................5
2.0 Student’s Policies, Procedures and Regulations Handbook........................................5
3.0 Philosophy, Aims and Objectives of the Degree Programme......................................5
4.0 Entry Requirement...............................................................................................................6
5.0 Career Opportunities...........................................................................................................6
6.0 Programme Structure and Duration..................................................................................7
6.1 Programme Duration....................................................................................................7
6.2 Semester Duration........................................................................................................7
7.0 Requirements for Graduation............................................................................................7
7.1 Registration of Courses...............................................................................................7
7.2 Work load.........................................................................................................................8
8.0 Scoring and Grading System.............................................................................................8
8.1 Computation of GPA and CGPA................................................................................8
8.2 Withdrawal from the University...............................................................................11
8.3 Final Assessment and Class of Degree:...............................................................11
8.4 Examination Irregularity, Misconduct or Malpractice.......................................12
9.0 Student Class Attendance................................................................................................12
10. Students Assessment Procedure....................................................................................13
11.0 Examiner System............................................................................................................13
11.1 Internal Examiner......................................................................................................13
11.2 External Examiner.....................................................................................................13
12. Industrial Training Rating and Assessment...................................................................13
13. Procedure for resolving issues within the department.................................................13
14. Course Structure for B. Eng. Mechanical Engineering.........................................................15
15. Module List and Descriptions:.........................................................................................18

The Department of Mechanical Engineering of Baze University, Abuja was established
in 2015 under the Faculty of Engineering after an approval by the National Universities
Commission for the take-off of the program. At Baze University, the Department of
Mechanical Engineering is eager to educate students to become outstanding
engineers who possess all of the skills necessary to excel in a developing and
advanced society.

Mechanical Engineering has been used since ancient times, and is now important
across society, including in economy, politics and technology. Mechanical Engineering
finds its application in the archives of various ancient and medieval societies
throughout mankind. Important breakthroughs in the foundations of Mechanical
Engineering occurred in England during the 17th century when Sir Isaac Newton
formulated the three Newton's Laws of Motion and developed Calculus, the
mathematical basis of physics. Newton was reluctant to publish his methods and laws
for years, but he was finally persuaded to do so by his colleagues, much to the benefit
of all mankind. 

The department of Mechanical Engineering’s core mission is to address the most

pressing needs of human society, with a particular emphasis on the fields of energy
generation and distribution, transportation, manufacturing and health care delivery. It
offers you a broad based degree with a sound foundation in engineering science
focusing on quantitative, problem-solving, mechanical design and the opportunity to
develop communication skills. Our degree programs give students the broad skill set
they need to pursue their goals – whether that’s working as an engineer or becoming
an entrepreneur.

In order to ensure that graduates of the department meet up the fast evolving and
dynamic trend in technological use, students are allowed to focus on some options of
mechanical engineering. These options are mechatronics, industrial and production as
well as material and metallurgical engineering. Mechatronics options deals with the
use of electronic gadgets in enhancing performance of mechanical systems most
especially in control and automation. It is important to know that no system exist in 21 st
century that is purely mechanically or electrically controlled.

Industrial and Production engineers on the other hand specialises on technics used in
producing products. They optimise production line to minimize cost, reduce accidents
and maximize profit. No product can move from design stage to finish without
significant input from production engineer hence, there is no firm ranging from health
care to military that does not need a production engineer.

However, with the proven reserve of mineral resources in Nigeria and sub-Sahara
Africa, Material and Metallurgical Engineers are needed to process these raw
materials to and material with engineering properties. Composites and nano-materials
are the leading raw materials used in most industries now. Their formulation,
characterization and recommendation for use are provided by material and
metallurgical engineers hence, nothing can be produced without an appropriate

Therefore, for the well-trained and conscientious mechanical engineer, interesting and
challenging job opportunities abound in Nigeria and abroad irrespective of their
specialization. This ranges from the design, development, production, operation, and

maintenance of plant, machinery, and equipment to the management of technical
systems of man and machines. Mechanical Engineers are urgently needed in such
industrial sectors as chemical, petrochemical and pharmaceutical industries; food
processing & beverages; paper, pulp, and wood processing; textile industries, power
generation, mining and metallurgy, public utilities, construction industries, hospitals
and biomedical engineering; sanitary and sewage, defence and security, industrial
standardization and water resources, & more.

At Baze, the Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.) programme is designed to produce a

total graduate empowered with the right standards to practice Mechanical Engineering
in the field and beyond for those who will fit properly into the African Industrial and
Manufacturing Sectors. The programme consists of lectures, laboratory practical,
projects as well as practical training in industry. We have also put in place a
mentorship programmes in the department so that every student is properly guided
and tutored to ensure that (s)he performs optimally. The members of staff of the
Mechanical Engineering department are always ready and willing to assist students
with their academic concerns, working hard together will achieve success.

Students are advised to study the Students Handbook in order to acquaint themselves
with what is expected of them and the provisions that have been put in place to assist
them perform well. I therefore wish to welcome you to the Department of Mechanical
Engineering and to wish you a successful academic career.

Professor R. H. Khan

Head, Mechanical Engineering Department

January 2021

1.0 Introduction
This handbook describes the honours undergraduate programme in Mechanical
Engineering at Baze University. The programme is guided by BMAS Engineering and
Technology 2007 for the accreditation of Mechanical Engineering programmes in
Nigeria by the National Universities Commission (NUC) and is regulated by the
Council for Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN).

2.0 Student’s Policies, Procedures and Regulations Handbook

The programme handbook should be read in conjunction with the Policies, Procedures
and Regulations Handbook issued to students entering the Baze University.

3.0 Philosophy, Vision, Mission, Aims and Objectives of the Degree Programme
The programme is to provide sound knowledge in all aspects of Mechanical
Engineering (as well as provide) advanced knowledge that would (facilitate)
specialization in at least five (5) fields of Mechanical Engineering: Mechatronics,
Thermo-Fluids, Machine Design, Industrial and Production as well as Material and
Metallurgy. Largely due to the importance of information technology especially in the
areas of drawing, data management and simulation, the curriculum has recently been
totally reviewed and the contents of the programme has been raised to standard. The
general philosophy, therefore, is to prepare our graduates to pursue life-long learning,
serve the profession and meet intellectual, ethical and career challenges. Maintain a
vital, state-of-the-art research enterprise to provide its students and faculty with
opportunities to create, interpret, apply and disseminate knowledge. Contribute on a
continuous basis towards the growing technological needs of the community. The
Department will be a citadel of learning of new technology, strives to graduate
mechanical engineers of the highest quality and to conduct state-to-the-art research.
VISION of the Department:

The Department of Mechanical Engineering will strive to be a CENTRE OF

EXCELLENCE for teaching and training high calibre, practically oriented, self-
employing enterprising graduates for public and private industries and organizations,
and for research and development works of international standard in order to be self-

MISSION of the Department: The Department of Mechanical Engineering’s

core mission is to address the most pressing needs of human society, with
particular emphasis on the fields of energy generation and distribution,
transportation, manufacturing and health care delivery. It offers a broad-based
degree with a sound foundation in engineering science focusing on quantitative,
problem-solving, mechanical design and the opportunity to develop
communication skills. The degree programme provide students with broad skills
they need to pursue their goals – whether working as an engineer or becoming an
At Baze, our B. Eng. programme is designed to meet the needs of the manufacturing,
production, metallurgical, automotive, energy, oil and gas industry among many. The
programme consists of lectures, laboratory, projects and practical training in industry.
The programme is organized into five levels, 100 through 500. Years one and
two offer a broad education in the theoretical principles and conceptual fundamentals
that underpin the engineering profession. An opportunity to develop specialized

knowledge on Manufacturing Technology, Fluid Mechanics, Mechanical Engineering
Design, and Advanced CAD/CAM is available in the third and fourth years of the

The department possesses fully equipped computer and technical laboratories in order
to enhance students learning experience, meet the needs of industry, and thus
prepare students for a rewarding career in Mechanical Engineering. Therefore, the
general aims and objectives of engineering training at Baze University should be in
consonance with the realization of national needs and aspirations vis-à-vis industrial
development and technological emancipation.

A degree programme in Mechanical Engineering should therefore aim to:

 Stimulate in the students sustained interest and enthusiasm in Mechanical
engineering and applications.
 Develop a culture in students of continuous enquiry.
 Provide students with a broad and balanced base of mechanical knowledge
and practical skills.
 Develop in students a range of skills applied in manufacturing, mechanical
and material areas that can provide confidence for employment.
 Provide students with a solid base of mechanical, production and
manufacturing knowledge and skills that are required for postgraduate
studies and research.

Therefore, on successful completion, students would have specialized in the following

areas, namely; Design Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering, Thermo-fluids
engineering, and Production Engineering. A module (British) is equivalent to a course
(Nigeria). Students take between 5 to 8 modules/courses per semester, ensuring they
satisfy BMAS Engineering and Technology 2007 (at least 15 units) and British
Universities’ requirements (60 credits).

4.0 Entry Requirement

UTME entry into Level 100 requires 5 credit passes in no more than two sittings in
SSCE (or equivalent) including English, Mathematics and Physics.

Direct entry into Level 200 requires two A Level passes including Mathematics or
credit passes at NCE or OND plus 5 credit passes at SSCE (including English
language, Mathematics and Physics).

5.0 Career Opportunities

Mechanical Engineering is a diverse field in engineering - in fact, it's the broadest of
any of the engineering disciplines. Students in Mechanical Engineering study topics
ranging from numerical methods to fluid dynamics to heat transfer to automatic control
systems and beyond. Mechanical engineering graduates find jobs in an equally
diverse market; some work closely with Industrial Systems Engineers in manufacturing
while others may be in product design for an automaker or even a toy company. Going
through another level within each of those broad job classification headings,
Mechanical Engineers find themselves as managers, researchers, applied
mathematicians, and, of course, performing pure bred Mechanical Engineering duties.

Mechanical Engineering graduates entering industry would most likely assume entry-
level engineering positions in areas such as conceptual product/systems design,
product research, and development or technical sales/customer service. Many
Mechanical Engineering graduates also directly enter graduate studies in engineering

or other professional degree programs to expand their knowledge and career
Mechanical engineering is versatile, it cuts across many disciplines and as a result of
this graduates can work in various sectors ranging from manufacturing, production, to
oil and gas, metallurgy, etc.

6.0 Programme Structure and Duration

The department of Mechanical Engineering offers a 5 year degree programme for
UTME candidates, and a 4 year degree programme for Direct-Entry candidates. At the
400 level, each eligible student is expected to go for a 6 month Students Industrial
attachment, after completion of the first semester courses. At the end of the industrial
attachment, the student is required to submit a written report on what (s)he has learnt
in the industry over the six month period, (s)het is also required to present and defend
the report.
At 500 level, students undertake their undergraduate project (dissertation) in any field
of interest in Mechanical Engineering besides the usual prescribed courses.

6.1 Programme Duration

A student in the Mechanical Engineering Department shall normally complete the
programme in ten (10) semesters. However, students with carryover may be allowed
to continue for a total of twelve (12) semesters and still qualify for a degree provided
(s)he maintains a CGPA of 1.00 and above. Any student who is unable to complete
the programme in twelve (12) semesters may be allowed to continue for an additional
two (2) semesters.

6.2 Semester Duration

A minimum of twelve (12) weeks shall normally be reserved for teaching, excluding
public holidays and semester breaks. One (1) to three (3) weeks are reserved for
examinations after the teaching period.

7.0 Requirements for Graduation

For a candidate to be eligible for graduation and the award of a degree of Bachelor of
Mechanical Engineering, the candidate must have successfully completed all the
prescribed courses as contained in this programme curriculum, and must attain the

i. A pass grade in Supervised Industrial attachment;

ii. A minimum CGPA of 1.0;
iii. A minimum of 150 credit units
iv. A pass grade in all prescribed core courses of the programme;
v. A student may take some elective courses to meet the graduation requirement.

7.1 Registration of Courses

Core Courses:
Every student is expected to register all departmental core courses as well as GST
(General studies) courses as prescribed by the University.

Elective Courses:
In addition to the core courses, a student is expected to register elective courses in
order to meet the minimum number of units required for graduation. The elective
courses are courses which the student chooses according to his/her interest and on

the advice or guidance of his/her course adviser. It is advisable that the student
passes the elective courses registered as these will form part of the results

A pre-requisite course is one which must be taken and passed before the student can
register for a more advanced course.

7.2 Work load

In any given semester, a student shall be allowed to register a minimum of 15 units
and a maximum of 24 units. A course that carries 3 units for instance, implies a 2
hours of lecture and 3 hours of practical / Tutorial per week.

8.0 Scoring and Grading System

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii)

Credit Units Percentile Letter Grade Cumulative Cumulative Class of
Scores Grades Points Grade Point Grade Point degree
(GP) Average Average
Vary according 70 - 100 A 4 Delivered by 3.50 –4.00 First Class
to contact hours 60 – 69 B 3 multiplying (i) 3.00-3.49 2nd Class Upper
assigned to each 50 – 59 C 2 and (iv) and 2.00-2.99 2nd Class Lower
course per week 40 - 49 D 1 Dividing by 1.00-1.99 Third Class
per semester 0 – 39 F 0 Total Credit 0 – 0.99 Fail

8.1 Computation of GPA and CGPA

Each student is expected to be able to calculate his/her Grade Point Average (GPA) at
the end of each semester and the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) at the end
of two or more semesters or sessions.

The course unit system is a system whereby programmes are designed with courses
which are weighted and classified into various levels for students in the institution of
higher learning. Courses are assigned units depending on the volume of work required
to complete the course and this includes lectures, tutorials, and practical. The courses
can be taken at any level by any student provided there are no (constraints)
prerequisites for these courses. For instance, a part I student can offer a course at any
level provided the student has the prerequisites required for the course, while a Part IV
student can still offer a part I course if such a student so desires. However it is
generally desirable that lower level core courses are taken and passed before
proceeding to high level ones.

The system allows a student to spread his programme evenly over the semesters
provided such a student keeps to the rules and regulations of the system. For instance
there are minimum and maximum numbers of units a student can register for in a
semester. Every semester is as important as the other. A wise student is encouraged
to attempt a reasonable number of units (s)he can cope with to ensure a qualitative

Apart from the end of semester examination, there are continuous assessments during
each semester. These tests and the end of the semester examination make up the set
of semester examinations for each course.

The following sections explain the procedure for computing the Grade Point Average
(GPA) for each set of semester examinations and for upgrading the computations to
obtain the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) at any point in time during each
student’s course of study.

It is strongly advised that every student should learn how to compute (and actually
does compute his own) GPA and CGPA. Computing and keeping a record of the
CGPA enables the student to be fully aware of what effort he must put in to remain in
the University or to graduate in a desired class. This is the only way the student can
guard and monitor the quality of his efforts.

There is no Examination Re-sit policy for Nigerian universities, therefore any course
failed has to be repeated when it is available and must be passed before graduation.
Students are strongly advised to consult with their course advisers or tutors before
registering courses, and on other academic problems that they may have. It is
necessary to first understand and be thoroughly familiar with certain terminologies and
abbreviations that are commonly used in the computation of Grade Point Average.
These are defined as follows:

8.1.1 Student Workload:

This is defined in terms of courses units. One unit represents one hour of lecture or
two hours of tutorials or 3 hours of practical work per week throughout a semester.
Thus for example, a course in which there are 2 hours of lectures and 2 hours of
Tutorial per week is a 3-unit course. Similarly, a course in which there are 2 hours of
lecture 2 hours of Tutorial and 3 hours of practical per week is a 4- unit course.

8.1.2 Total Load Units (TLU):

This is the total number of course units registered by a student in a particular
semester. It is the summation of the load Units on all Courses carried during the
semester. For example, a student who is registered for 6 courses of 3 units each has a
TLU of 18units for that semester.

8.1.3 Cumulative Load Units (CLU):

This is the summation of Total Load units over all the semesters from the beginning to
date. A student who is prone to repeating courses will finish (if he does not drop out)
with a higher CLU than his non- repeating colleague and will most likely require a
longer time to complete requirements for the award of Degrees.

8.1.4 Level of Performance Rating (Credit Points per unit):

This is the rating of grades obtained in terms of credit points per load unit. The rating
used is as follows:


% Score Letter Points

70 – 100 A 4
60 – 69 B 3
50 – 59 C 2

40 – 49 D 1
0 – 39 F 0

Based on the above, a student who obtained a grade of ‘A’ in a 3-unit course has
scored 15 Credit points, and one who obtained a grade of C in that course has scored
6 Credit points.

8.1.5 Total Credit Points (TCP):
Total Credit Point (TCP) is the sum of the products of the course units and rating in
each course, for the entire semester period. For example, consider a student who took
four courses of 3-units each. Let’s say the grade obtained in the four courses were C,
B, F, and D respectively. The TCP of this study is obtained as follows:

TCP = (3×2) + (3×3) + (3×0) + (3× 1) = 18.

8.1.6 Cumulative Total Credit Points (CTCP):

Cumulative Total Credit Point (CTCP) is the summation of Total credit points (TCPs)
over all semesters from beginning to date.

8.1.7 Grade Point Average (GPA):

Grade Point Average (GPA) is the total credit points [TCP] divided by the total load
units [TLU].
GPA = (TCP) / (TLU)

For example, consider the student whose scores are:

A, C, B, F, and D in five 3-units courses.

His TCP is = (3x4) + (3x2) + (3x3) + (3x0) + (3x1) = 30 as explained earlier on, and of
course, his TLU is 15. [i.e. 5 courses at 3 units each, for the semester].

The highest GPA that can be earned is 4.0 and that is when a student has earned a
grade of ‘A’ in every course during the semester. The lowest GPA obtainable is 0.0
and this would happen if the student has “F” all round during the semester.

8.1.8 Cumulative Grade Point Average [CGPA]:

This is not the summation of GPAs for all semesters. Rather, it is the summation of
TCPs for all semesters, divided by the summation of TLUs for the said semesters.
Like the GPA, CGPA, obtainable ranges from 0 to 4.

8.2 Withdrawal from the University

A student whose CGPA falls below 1.00 at the end of a semester, shall be placed on
probation in the following semester. If the student fails to achieve a CGPA of at least
1.00 at the end of that semester, (s)he shall be required to withdraw from the
programme and may seek transfer into another programme in the University.

8.3 Final Assessment and Class of Degree:

A student who has satisfactorily completed all requirements for the degree with CGPA
of not less than 1.00 may be awarded an Honour degree as follows:

Final CGPA Degree Classification

3.50 – 4.00 1st Class
3.00 – 3.49 2  Class Upper ( 2.1)
2.00 – 2.99 2nd Class Lower( 2.2)
1.00 – 1.99 3rd class
0 – 0.99 Fail

CGPA calculation is on all courses, but excluding Special Electives.

Example 1: Extract of a student’s performance at 100 level 1 st semester

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi)

Course Credit Units Mark Letter Grade Point Credit Points
Code obtained Grade (ii) x (v)
GEC 205 3 65 B 3 9
GEC 206 3 45 D 1 3
GEC 216 3 55 C 2 6
GEC 206 3 34 F 0 0
GEC 209 3 72 A 4 12
TLU = 15 TCP = 30

GPA = (TCP) / (TLU) = 30/15 = 2.0

Example 2: Extract of the same student’s performance at 100 level 2nd semester

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi)

Course Credit Units Mark Letter Grade Point Credit Points
Code obtained Grade (ii) x (v)
GEC 205 3 75 A 4 12
GEC 206 3 45 D 1 3
GEC 216 3 63 B 3 9
GEC 206 3 52 C 2 6
TLU = 12 TCP = 30

GPA = (TCP) / (TLU) = 30/12 = 2.5

To compute the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) for the two semesters, we
proceed as follows:
CGPA = (Sum of TCPs) / (Sum of TLUs) = (CTCP )/(CTLU)

= (30 + 30) /(15 + 12) = 60 /27 = 2.22

8.3.1 Release of Examination Results.

The Registrar shall publish the results of the students for the award of the B. Eng. in
Mechanical Engineering degree after Senate shall have approved them. Students are
required to check the semester and final examination results online.

8.4 Examination Irregularity, Misconduct or Malpractice

Please refer to the Policies, Procedures and Regulations Handbook issued to students
entering Baze University for details.

9.0 Student Class Attendance

It is compulsory for every student to attend all lectures, tutorials, laboratories,
workshops and practical sessions, etc. Every student is required to meet a minimum
attendance of 75% before (s) he is allowed to sit for an examination.

10. Students Assessment Procedure
Students shall be examined by a combination of the following methods:
i. Un-announced quizzes
ii. Class Tests
iii. Home-work assignments
iv. Mid- Semester Examination and
v. Final- Semester Examination

The weights to be assigned to these examinations shall be 40% of the total weighting.
The above methods could be carried out through any of the following established
a) Term papers
b) Class examinations
c) Oral presentations
d) Seminars
e) Projects
f) Written essays or Objective examinations etc.

11.0 Examiner System

11.1 Internal Examiner

There shall be a board of Internal Examiners whose duty shall be to ensure that
course contents have been adequately covered and questions are in line with what
has been taught.

11.2 External Examiner

External Examiners shall be appointed only for the final year of the undergraduate
programme to assess the final year courses and projects, and to certify that the overall
performance of the graduating students as well as the quality of the facilities, teaching
and questions meet international standards.

12. Industrial Training Rating and Assessment

All students taking any degree in the Engineering must undergo a minimum of six
months Industrial training which carries 6 credit units. Students under the Students
Industrial attachment are assessed using the log book, a report and a seminar

13. Procedure for resolving issues within the department

A student is expected to channel issues that affect him/her through his/her course
level coordinator or the Academic student adviser or mentor. If the level coordinator or
the mentor is unable to handle the issue, the student shall forward the matter to the
Examination Officer if it is academic related or the Head of department. Where it is not
possible to resolve the matter through the above channels, the matter shall be
reported to the Dean of the Faculty.

Figure 1: Procedure for resolving issues within the department.

14. Course Structure for B. Eng. Mechanical Engineering

Programme by Level and Semester.

Level 100

Semester I Semester II
Code Title Units Code Title Units
CHM101 General Chemistry 1 3 MTH201 Mathematical Methods 3
MTH101 Basic Mathematics I 3 MTH103 Geometry 3
PHY101 General Physics I 2 PHY102 General Physics II 2
PHY107 Practical Physics I 1 PHY108 Practical Physics II 1
CHM103 Practical Chemistry I 1 PHY106 General Physics III 2
COM112 Intro. To Computer Science 3 CHM102 General Chemistry II 3
GEN101 Use of English 1 2 CHM104 Practical Chemistry II 1
GEN103 History of Ideas, Sci. & Soc. I 2 GEN104 Use of English II 2
MTH102 Calculus 3 GEN110 History of Ideas, Sci. & Soc. 2 3
GEN112 Use of Library: Study Skills 2 GEN105 Nigerian people & Culture 2
and ICT

Sub-Total 22 Sub-Total 22

44 Credit Units at 100 level

Progression requirements: Level 100 to level 200:
In order to progress to level 200 students must satisfy the University progression

Level 200

Semester I Semester II
Code Title Units Code Title Units
GEC201 Material science 2 GEN222 Peace and Conflict Studies 2
GEN201 Entrepreneurship Studies I 2 GEC202 Computer Programming 3
GEC203 Applied Mechanics 3 GEC206 Strength of Materials I 2
GEC205 2 General Engineering 2
Thermodynamics I GEC208 Laboratory Practical II
GEC207 Fluid Mechanics I GEC210 BasicElectrical Engineering
2 3
GEC209 Engineer- in -Society 1 GEC212 Workshop Practice I 2
GEC211 Engineering Drawing 2
GEC213 Engineering Mathematics I 3 MTH212 Engineering Mathematics II 3

GEC215 General Engineering Laboratory 2 GEC214 IT in Engineering 2

Practical I
GEC218 Student Work Experience 1
Program (SWEP)
Sub-Total 19 Sub-Total 20

A minimum of 39 Credit Units at 200 level

Progression requirements: Level 300 to Level 400:
In order to progress to level 400 students must satisfy the University progression
requirements and the following additional requirements & pass the core courses.

Level 300

Semester I Semester II
Code Title Units Code Title Units
Electromechanical Devices
EEE309 2 CVE308 Structural Mechanics 3
and Machines I
Electromechanical Devices
GEC301 Engineering Mathematics III 3 EEE308 2
and Machines II
Engineering Mathematics
MCE301 Fluid Mechanics II 2 GEC302 3
Students Industrial Work
MCE305 Theory of Machines 3 GEC304 Experience Scheme 1
MCE309 Engineering Metallurgy I 2 MCE302 Fluid Mechanics III 3
Manufacturing Processes
MCE311 Applied Thermodynamics 3 MCE304 2
and Technology
Mech. Eng. Design Studies
MCE315 2 MCE306 Theory of Machines II 3
MCE317 Advanced CAD/CAM 1 2 MCE308 Workshop Practice II 2
MCE310 Engineering Metallurgy II 2
Mech. Eng. Design Studies
MCE312 2
Total 19 Total 23
42 Credit Units at 300 Level

GEC205 pre-requisites for MCE 311, GEC203 pre-requisites for MCE 305 and MCE
306, MTH212 pre-requisites for GEC 301,GEC210 pre-requisites for EEE309; EEE309
pre-requisites for EEE308.

Progression requirements: Level 300 to Level 400:

In order to progress to level 400 students must satisfy the University progression
requirements and pass the core courses.
Level 400

Semester I
Semester II

Unit Unit
Code Title Code Title
s s
GEC401 Engineering Statistics 2
GEC403 Technical Communication 2
Entrepreneurship Studies 2 2
GEN202 Students Industrial
MCE401 Auto Workshop Practice 3 GEC40
Work Experience 6
Thermodynamics III: Scheme (SIWES) II
MCE405 Refrigeration and Air- 3
Mechanical Engineering
MCE407 3
Design I

Total 15 Total 6

Electives (Choose at least 5
MCE403 Turbo-Machinery 3
MCE411 Mechanical Vibrations 3
MCT401 Electronics I 3
MCT403 Digital Systems and PLCs 3
MCT405 Sensors and Actuators 2
Machine Tools and Transfer
IPE401 3
Production and Inventory
IPE403 2
Systems Design
Synthesis, Processing, and
MME401 2
Manufacturing of Materials
Corrosion Science and
MME403 3
MME405 Chemical Metallurgy 2
Sub-Total 20 Sub-Total 6
26 Credit Units at 400 Level
Prerequisites: MCE311 pre-requisites MCE405.

Progression requirements: Level 400 to Level 500: In order to progress to level 500
students must satisfy the University progression requirements and additional
requirements & pass the core courses.
Level 500

Semester I Semester II
Code Title Units Code Title
Project Management and
GEC502 Law and Management 3 GEC501 2
MCE501 Research Project I 2 MCE502 Research Project II 4
Energy Sources and Engineering Materials
MCE503 3 MCE504 3
Utilization Selection, and Economics
Mechanical Engineering
MCE507 2 MCE506 Industrial Quality Control 3
Design II
Thermodynamics IV: Heat
MCE509 3
MCE513 Thermal Engines 2
Total 15
Total 12

Electives (Choose at Electives (Choose at least 4

least 4 units) units)
Design of Offshore and
CVE517 3 CVE504 Environmental Pollution 3
Onshore Structures
Computer Aided
IPE 501 3 IPE 502 Simulation in Systems Design 2
Manufacturing Information Facilities and Industrial
IPE 503 2 IPE504 2
systems Systems Design
Human Factors
IPE 505 2 MCE508 Viscous Flow Theory 2
IPE 507 Maintenance Engineering 2 MCE510 Vibration Technology and 3

Operations Research and
MCE511 2 MCE512 Production Engineering 3
Technology Policy
Solidification and Foundry
MCE515 2 MCT502 Automation and Robotics 3
Computer Software
MCT504 2
Microcontrollers and
MCT501 Introduction to Robotics 2 MCT506 2
embedded systems
Microcomputers and Computer Aided Product
MCT503 2 MCT508 2
microprocessor systemsII Modelling
Lean Production Mgt. & Ind.
MCT505 Process Automation 2 MCT510 2
Thermodynamics and Phase
MCT507 Machine Vision 2 MME502 3
Micro-fabrication Glass Science and
MCT509 2 MME504 3
Technology Engineering
MCT511 Mobile Robotics 2 MME506 Polymer Materials Engineering 2
MCT 513 Electronics II 2
Analytical Methods for
MME501 2
MME503 Powder Technology 2
MME505 Steels and their Treatment 3
Electrical Systems and
MME507 2
Controls for Materials
Sub-Total 17 Sub-Total 17

A minimum of 35 Credit Units at 500 Level

Prerequisites: MCE304 pre-requisites MCE512, MCE302 pre-requisites MCE508

15. Module List and Descriptions:

Level 200
GEN201 Entrepreneurship Studies I (2 units)
Definition of entrepreneurship, Difference between entrepreneurship and an
entrepreneur, Types of entrepreneurship, Who can be an entrepreneur, Benefits and
functions of an entrepreneur, Motivations for being an entrepreneur, History of
entrepreneurship in Nigeria, the role of entrepreneurship to the Nigeria economic
development, Key roles entrepreneurs can play in the development of the Nigerian
economy, Demand for entrepreneurship in Nigeria, Management, Entrepreneurship
and Entrepreneur, Becoming a successful entrepreneur, Environment of
Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship and the Nigerian environment, Challenges and
Causes of Failure in Entrepreneur Ventures in Nigeria, Constraints faced by
entrepreneurs in Nigeria, Entrepreneurship Classification; Identify the different types of
entrepreneurship that exists, Identify the merits and demerits associated with different
types of entrepreneurship, Demand for money by Nigerian youths, Managing money
effectively, Nigerian youths and crave for money, Time Management.

GEC201 Material Science (2 units)

Atomic and molecular structure, crystals, Metallic states, Defects in crystals,
conductors, semi-conductors and insulators. Alloy theory – Application to industrial

alloys – steel in particular. Engineering Properties – Their control, Hot and cold
working, heat treatment, etc. Creep, fatigue and fracture. Corrosion and corrosion
control. Non-metallic materials – glass, rubber, concrete, plastics, wood and ceramics.
Elastic and plastic deformations: Defects in metals.

GEC202 Computer Programming II (3 units)

The syllabus is referenced from CSC 202 in BSc Computer Science as stipulated by
BMAS Science. Introduction to object oriented programming and design. Data
encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism in C++. Objects and Classes in C++. File
Objects-input and output file stream (text and binary files) Handling Exceptions.

GEC203 Applied Mechanics (3 units)

Statics Laws of statics, system of forces and their properties, Simple problems,
Friction. Particle dynamics – Kinematics of plane motion. Newton’s laws – Kinetics of
particles, momentum and energy methods. Kinematics of rigid body – velocity and
acceleration diagrams for simple problems. Kinetics of rigid bodies – Two dimensional
motion of rigid bodies, energy and momentum, Mass, Moment of inertia, Simple
problems. Simple harmonic motions.

GEC205 Thermodynamics (2 Units)

Introductory survey of thermodynamics: What is Thermodynamics? Historical
background, scope of thermodynamics, dimensions and units. Fundamental concepts:
systems, control volume, properties and states, processes, heat and work, pressure,
temperature and the Zeroth law. Elementary form of the continuity equation.
The First Law of thermodynamics and its corollaries: conservation of energy,
internal energy, enthalpy, thermodynamic properties of pure substances: P-V-T
relations and diagrams, the ideal gas property tables and charts. The Second Law of
thermodynamics and its corollaries: Reversibility, Irreversibility, Efficiency and
thermodynamic temperature scale. Entropy, Clausius inequality, heat engines and
heat pumps.

GEC206 Strength of Materials (2 units)

Force equilibrium – free body diagrams. Concept of stress, strain; tensile test.
Young’s moduli and other strength factors. Axially loaded bars, composite bars,
temperature stresses and simple indeterminate problems. Hoop stresses in cylinders
and rings. Bending moment, shear force and axial force diagrams for simple cases,
Simple torsion and application. Analysis of stresses and deflections in simple
structures under tension, compression, shear, torsion and bending, buckling;
theories of failure; time-dependent behaviour. Experimental mechanics, testing of
materials for strength, impact, hardness; and fatigue; non-destructive testing.

GEC207 Fluid Mechanics (2 units)

Fundamental concepts and properties of fluids. Development, scope and significance
of fluid mechanics, physical characteristics of fluids, properties of fluids. Fluids
at rest. Pressure at a point, Pascal’s law, pressure variation with elevation,
pressure measurements, hydrostatic forces on curved surface. Buoyancy and
equilibrium: Archimedes’ principle, stability of submerged and floating bodies,
stability of fluid itself, liquids in relative equilibrium. Kinematics of theflow field:
Definitions of path line, streamline, control volume, system, etc. Uniformity and

steadiness of flow, conservation of mass, and fluid element in general state of motion.
Bernoulli Equation.

GEC208 and 215 General Engineering Laboratory Practical (3 units

Laboratory investigations and report submission on selected experiments and projects
drawn from introduction to applied mechanics, thermodynamics, materials science and
workshop technology courses, working with Resistors and Diodes, Bridge Circuits ,
Oscilloscopes and Capacitors, Relays and Transistors , Fluid Mechanics experiments,
Strength of Materials experiments.

GEC209 Engineering-In-Society (2 unit)

Philosophy of Science. History of Engineering and Technology. Safety in Engineering
and Introduction to Risk Analysis. The Role of Engineers in Nation Building. Invited
Lectures from Professionals.

GEC210 Basic Electrical Engineering (3 units)

Circuits – elements, DC and AC circuits, Basic circuit laws and theorems. Resonance,
power, power factors, 3-phase circuits. Introduction to machines and machine designs.
Physics of devices – Discharge devices, semi-conductors, diode and transistors.
Transistor characteristics, devices and circuits. Electrical and electrical power
measurements. Electrochemical power sources.

GEC211 Engineering drawing (2 units)

Use of draughting instruments, lettering, dimensioning, layout. Engineering graphics –
Geometrical figures, comics, etc. Graphical calculus and Applications. Development,
intersection of curves and solids. Projections – lines, planes and simple solids.
Orthographic and projections, simple examples Threaded fastness. Pictoral/Freehand
Sketching. Conventional practices. Introduction to Computer Aided Drafting: Electronic
draughting packages: principle and use in engineering design. Simulation packages:
principle and use in engineering.

MTH 211(GEC213) Engineering Mathematics I (3 Units)

Differential Calculus: Successive Differentiation, nth derivative, Use of partial fractions,
Leibnitz theorem and its application, Functions of two variables, Continuity, Partial
differentiation of first and higher orders, Total differentiations, Approximation of errors
(approximate calculations using differentials), Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s series
expansions for the functions of two variables, Extrema of functions of several (two and
three variables). Lagrange’s method of undetermined multipliers (simple applications).
Sequences and Infinite Series: Real Sequence, Monotonic sequences, Infinite Series
of positive terms, Convergence tests such as Geometric Series test, Auxiliary series
test, Comparison test, D’Alembert’s ratio test, Cauchy’s root test, Partial Sums,
Absolute and conditional convergence. Complex Variables: De’Moivre’s theorem,
roots of a complex number, Euler’s formula, Exponential function of a complex
variable, Trigonometric formula for complex quantities, Logarithms of complex
numbers, Hyperbolic and Inverse hyperbolic functions. Vector Calculus: Vectors in Rn

space, Algebra of vectors, Differentiation of vectors, Gradient, Divergence and Curl
and their physical interpretations, line, surface and volume integrals.

MTH 212 (GEC212) Engineering Mathematics II (3 Units)

Differential Equations: Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE’s), Degree and Order of a
differential equation, Exact equations, Equations reducible to exact DE, Linear
differential equations of 2nd order, the operator D, auxiliary equations, Rules for
finding Complementary Functions (C.F.) and Particular Integrals (P.I.), Cauchy’s
homogeneous DE, Legendre’s linear Differential Equations. Application of ODE’s to
Engineering Systems: Application of ODE’s to electrical R-L-C circuits, Conduction of
Heat, Bacterial Culture, Rate of Growth/Decay, Newton’s law of cooling, Radioactive
decay, Chemical reactions and solutions, Mechanical Oscillations, Damped and
Forced Oscillations, Deflection of beams, Boundary conditions. Power Series
Solutions and Special Functions: Classification of Singularities, power series solution,
Frobenius method, Special functions, Legendre’s and Bessel’s Differential Equation
and their power series solutions, Gamma and Beta functions. Determinant and
Matrices: Cramer’s rule for solution of systems of linear equations of three variables,
Algebra of matrices, Transpose of a matrix, Elementary Transformations, Singular and
Non-singular matrices, E-row and E-column transformations matrix inversion using E-
row and E-column transformations

GEC211 Engineering drawing (2 units)

Use of draughting instruments, lettering, dimensioning, layout. Engineering graphics –
Geometrical figures, comics, etc. Graphical calculus and Applications. Development,
intersection of curves and solids. Projections – lines, planes and simple solids.
Orthographic and projections, simple examples Threaded fastness. Pictoral/Freehand
Sketching. Conventional practices. Introduction to Computer Aided Drafting: Electronic
draughting packages: principle and use in engineering design. Simulation packages:
principle and use in engineering.

GEC212 Workshop Practice (2 units)

Elementary introduction to types and organization of engineering Workshop, covering
jobbing, batch, mass production. Engineering materials: their uses and properties.
Safety in workshop and general principles of working. Bench work and fitting: Hand
tools, instruments. Carpentry: Hand tools and working principles. Joints and
fastenings: bolt, rivet, welding, brazing, soldering. Measurement and marking: for
uniformity, circulatory, concentricity, etc. Blacksmith: Hand tools and working
principles. Joints and fastenings: Bolt, rivet, welding, brazing, soldering, measurement
and marking: for uniformity, circulatory, concentricity, etc. Standard measuring tools
used in workshop: Welding, brazing and soldering: Principles, classification, power
source. General principles of working of standard metal cutting machine tools. Invited
lectures from Professionals

GEC216: I.T in Engineering (2 units)

Identification of PC parts and peripheral devices: functions, applications, and how to
use them. Safety precautions and preventive maintenance of PC. Filing system:
directory, sub-directory, file, path, and how to locate them. Word processing: principle
of operation, applications, demonstrations, and practical hand-on exercises in word
processing using a popular word processing package. Internet: available services,
principle of operation, applications, demonstrations, and hand-on exercises in e-mail,

and www. Spreadsheet: principle of operation, applications, demonstration, and
practical hands-on exercises in use of spreadsheets to solve problems. Database
Management package: principle of operation, applications, demonstrations and
practical hands-on exercises in use of DBMS package in solving problems. Report
Presentation Software Packages: principle of operation, applications, demonstrations,
and practical hands-on exercises in use of a popular report presentation package
(such as PowerPoint). Mini-project to test proficiency in use of software packages.

GEC 217 Computer Programming I (2 units)

Program design using pseudo-code/flowchart. Extensive examples and exercises in
solving engineering problems using pseudo-code/flowchart. Computer programming
using structure BASIC such as QBASIC: symbols, keywords, identifiers, data-types,
operators, statements, flow of control, arrays, and functions. Extensive examples and
exercises in solving engineering problems using QBASIC. Use of Visual programming
such as Visual BASIC in solving engineering problems. 15hrs (Teaching &
Demonstrations), 30hrs (Practical)

GEC218 Student Work Experience Program (SWEP)

To make engineering training effective, it is important that students learn how to

operate some of the ordinary machines and tools they will encounter in the industry
before they go for the attachment. Therefore, students start with Student Work
Experience Programme, which is conducted in the Faculty Workshops, under strict
industrial conditions.

Level 300

CVE308 Structural Mechanics (3 units)

Analysis of determinate structures, Beams, Trusses; Structure Theorems. Graphical

methods: Application to simple determinate trusses. Williot Mohr diagram. Deflection
of statistically determinate structures. Unit load, moment area methods. Strain Energy
Methods. Introduction to statistically indeterminate structures.

EEE308 Electromechanical Devices and Machines II (2 units)

Induction Motors: Production of rotating magnetic field, construction and operation.
Synchronous speed, slip of the rotor equivalent circuit, deriving expressions for: Rotor
copper losses, load input to rotor, gross mechanical output. Torque equations,
Toque/speed characteristics circle diagram. Squirrel cage and wound rotor induction
motors. Starting methods for induction motors speed controls by: plugging, frequency
changing, slip power recovery. Single phase induction motors split phase, shaded
pole, capacitor and series motors. Linear induction motors, stepper motors selsyn,
tachogenerator. Schrage motor enclosures. Synchronous machines: construction
Windings, emf equation and factors affecting it armature reaction double armature
reaction, synchronous reactance and synchronous impedance for asynchronous
machine operating as a generator and as a motor; fractional horse-power motors,
single-phase induction motors, universal motors. Reluctance motors, hysteresis
motors. Voltage regulation, Parallel operation stating the conditions necessary.
Synchronization short circuit ratio. Power diagram, zero power diagram, V-curves,

power and torque equations, voltage and frequency control, methods of cooling.
Synchronous motor: Method of operation starting method. Power factor correction.
Prerequisite: EEE309

EEE309 Electrometrical Devices and Machines I (2 units)

Electromechanical energy conversion: Law of conservation of energy. General energy
balance equation. Singly excited system (induced voltage, electrical energy and torque
equations). Double excited system (electrical energy, induced voltage and torque
equations) DC Machines: principles of operation construction simple armature
windings-lap and wave. emf equations. Commutation. Armature reaction DC
Generators: methods of excitation (separate series, shunt and compound) conditions
for self-excitation of shunt generators. Parallel operation of d.c. generators.
Characteristics of d.c. generators. D.C. Motors: methods of excitation (separate series,
shunt and compound characteristics of D.C motors. Derive expression for torque
developed in D.C motors. D.C motor starters speed control (varying the armature
voltage varying the field magnetic flux, ward Leonard method) variable and constant
losses in D.C. machines. Determining efficiency of D.C machines by direct loading
method, Swinburne’s method, Hopkins test. Conditions for maximum efficiency of D.C
machines. Transformers: construction of single phase transformers. Principle of
operation. Drawing phase diagrams for transformers on no-load and on load. An Ideal
transformer, deriving an expression for the turn ratio of a transformer. emf equations of
transformers, approximate equivalent circuit, efficiency voltage regulation. Three
phase transformers: Construction grouping and connection of windings parallel
operation. Conditions for parallel operation, testing of transformers, list different types
of transformers power, distribution autotransformers, current and voltage transformers.
Methods of cooling tap changing. Tests on transformers.
Prerequisite: GEC210

GEC301 Engineering Mathematics III (3 units)

Laplace transform: Laplace Transform. Inverse Transform. Linearity. s-Shifting,
Transforms of Derivatives and Integrals. ODEs, Unit Step Function. t-Shifting, Short
Impulses. Dirac's Delta Function. Partial Fractions, Convolution. Integral Equations,
Differentiation and Integration of Transforms, Systems of ODEs, Laplace Transform:
General Formulas, Table of Laplace Transforms.

Integral Vector Calculus: Line Integrals, Path Independence of Line Integrals, Double
Integrals, Green's Theorem in the Plane, Surfaces for Surface Integrals, Surface
Integrals, Triple Integrals. Divergence Theorem of Gauss, Applications of the
Divergence Theorem, Stokes's Theorem.

Fourier Analysis: Fourier Series, Functions of Any Period, Even and Odd Functions.
Half-Range Expansions, Forced Oscillations, Approximation by Trigonometric
Polynomials, Fourier Integral, Fourier Cosine and Sine Transforms, Fourier Transform.
Discrete and Fast Fourier Transforms, Tables of Transforms
Prerequisite: GEC213

GEC302 Engineering Mathematics IV (3 units)

Series: Power Series and Power Series Method, Functions Given by Power Series,
Taylor and Maclaurin Series, Theory of the Power Series Method,

Legendre’s Equation. Legendre Polynomials, Frobenius Method, Bessel's Equation.
Bessel Functions, Bessel Functions of the Second Kind, Sturm-Liouville Problems.
Orthogonal Functions, Orthogonal Eigenfunction Expansions.

PDE: Basic Concepts, Wave Equation, Solution by Separating Variables. Use of

Fourier Series, D'Alembert's Solution of the Wave Equation, Heat Equation: Solution
by Fourier Series, Heat Equation: Solution by Fourier Integrals and Transforms, Two-
Dimensional Wave Equation, Double Fourier Series,

Laplacian in Polar Coordinates. Circular Membrane, Fourier-Bessel Series, Laplace’s

Equation in Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates, Solution of PDEs by Laplace

Complex differentiation and integration: Cauchy-Riemann Equations. Laplace's

Equation Line Integral in the Complex Plane Cauchy's Integral Theorem Cauchy’s
Integral Formula Derivatives of Analytic Functions
Prerequisite: GEC214

GEC304 Student Work Experience Program(1 unit)

To make engineering training effective, it is important that students learn how to
operate some of the ordinary machines and tools they will encounter in the industry
before they go for the attachment. Therefore, students start with Student Work
Experience Programme, which is conducted in the Faculty Workshops, under strict
industrial conditions.

MCE301 Fluid Mechanics II (2 units)

Fundamentals of compressible flow; one dimensional flow, continuity and
momentum equations, non-superposition of compressible flows: Thermodynamics of
fluid flow: First and second laws applied to flow processes. Principles of acoustics.
Isentropic flow: stagnation conditions, Mach number, effect of area changes, different
forms of energy equation, Mach number relations, phenomenon of chocking. Normal
and oblique shocks: Normal shock relation, comparison of oblique with normal shocks.
Boundary Layer flow, Flow in ducts: Viscous effects in fluid flows. Simple boundary
layer flows. Laminar and Turbulent flow in pipes and conduits. Introduction to the
concept of friction factor. Flow through confinement, jet action, pipe flow, the Pilot
tube. Adiabatic flow in pipes with friction, frictional flow in long pipes with heat addition,
Pre-Requisite: GEC 207

MCE302 Fluid Mechanics III (3 units)

Fanno and Rayleigh lines. Introduction to tensor analysis. fluid motion; Dynamics on
the flow field: Forces in fluids, substantial or total derivatives, equations of motion in
Cartesian and Polar coordinates, integration of Euler’s equation, integral form of
momentum equation. Flow measurements: pressure, velocity and flow rates.
Dimensional analysis and similitude: The Buckingham Pi Theorem. Geometric,
dynamic and kinematic similarities. Dimensionless parameters and their significance.
Ideal fluid flow: Irrotational flow, Velocity potential, stream functions. Flow nets and
their uses. Rotodynamic machines; fluid operated machines; Fluid Power
transmission; Pumps and pump design. Two dimensional flow and elements of air foil
Prerequisite: GEC 207

MCE304 Manufacturing Process and Technology (2 units)
Fabrication methods: Introduction to principles of metal cutting. Forming and shaping
processes: rolling, forging, extrusion, drawing, sheet-metal forming and casting
methods. Material removal processes. Traditional and non-traditional machining
processes. Introduction to foundry work: casting and pattern design. Welding methods.
Use of drilling, boring, grinding and other material processing machines.

MCE305 Theory of Machines (3 units)

Simple mechanisms and their analysis; Vector diagrams; Simple harmonic motion;
Newton’s Laws of motion; Force analysis of mechanism; friction effect; analysis and
applications; Theory of Structures; Dynamics of linear systems; Analytical and
graphical kinematics of two dimensional motion of points in mechanism,
Pre-requisite: GEC 203

MCE306 Theory of Machines II (3 units)

Gear systems and Gear trains; Rigid body; Power transmission by screw threads,
friction clutches and belt drives. Crank effort diagrams. Cams, gears and gear trains,
gyroscopes. Balancing of rotating masses; Vibration and balancing of rotating and
reciprocating machines. Introduction to tribology.
Pre-requisite: GEC 203

MCE308 Workshop Practice II (2 units)

Workshop setting; Types of workshop equipment, machines and materials; Use of
instruments and tools, Machine operation practice; Safety procedures in workshops.

MCE309 Engineering Metallurgy I (2 units)

History of Metallurgical processes in Nigeria. Introduction to extractive metallurgy of
non-ferrous metals (extraction and refining of metals, non – metals technology,
foundry technology, iron and steel making processes). Principle of phase diagrams for
metal alloy systems (Phases. Equilibrium diagrams and alloys. Solid state
transformations). Application of these principles to studying the microstructure and
properties of various non-ferrous alloys (Al based alloys, cast and wrought Fe, Cu
based alloys, brasses and bronze). Bearing materials (properties and structures).
Commercial bearing materials.

MCE310 Engineering Metallurgy II (2 units)

Production of ferrous and non – ferrous alloys. Effects of alloying elements (in steel
and their functions). Classification and grading of alloy steels (AISI – SAE
designations for wrought steel and other metals). Structural steels. Tool steels. Scale
and heat resisting steels and alloys. Magnetic steels and alloys. Heat treatment of
steels. Hardenability of steels. Metallurgy of Welding, soldering and brazing.
Pre-requisite: GEC 206

MCE311 Thermodynamics II (2 units)

Review of first law of thermodynamics. Second law of thermodynamics.
Thermodynamics properties of pure fluids and mixtures. Application to flow and non-
flow processes.  Thermodynamics property relations:  Basic relations, exact
differentials, Maxwell’s relations, Claudius Clapeyron equation, heat capacities,
principle of corresponding states and the generalized equation of state. Mixture of
non-reacting gases. Dalton’s law, Mixture of perfect gases. Vapour Power cycles:

Carnot, Rankine, Superheat and Regenerative cycles. Gas Power cycles: Air Standard
cycle; intercooling, reheating and regenerative cycles.   Isothermal isentropic and
polytropic expansion. Refrigeration.  Steam and gas turbines.
Pre-requisite: GEC 205

MCE312 Mech. Engr. Design Studies II (2 units)

Experiments on flow visualization. Throttling and separating calorimeter, Engine
vibration: Two-cylinder and four-cylinder-in-line balancing. Belt friction, centrifugal
force, bench gyroscope. Stress-strain tests for round and flat bars. Dynamic
balancing, Ultimate tensile test using tensometer. Impact test.

MCE315 Mech. Eng. Design Studies I (3 units)

Performance of mechanical heat pump; work measurements, exhaust gas analysis,
Continuous combustion, principles of psychometry. Linear and torsional vibration
experiments using the Universal vibration Rig. Governor experiment. Whirling of shaft

MCE317 Advanced CAD & CAM (3 units)

Part listing and Assembly drawing of complex machines. Preparation of working
drawings for manufacture in accordance to standards. Drawing for installation layout.
Production of 2-D and 3-D drawings using CAD packages.
Pre-requisite: GEC 211

400 Level

GEC401 Engineering Statistics (2 units)

Probability – Elements of probability, density and distribution functions, moments,
standard distribution, etc.
Statistics – Regression and correlation – Large sampling theory. Test hypothesis and
quality control

GEC403 Technical Communications (2 units)

Introduction to principles of effective communication with attention to the importance of
emphasis, emotive content, and style; principles of technical writing, organisation and
presentation of technical reports, feasibility studies, technical correspondence. Oral
presentation of technical ideas; technical aids in presentation, organisation of practical
GEC402 Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) (6 units)
On successful completion of SWEP, the Students Industrial Work Experience
Schemes can be done in industries under strict industrial conditions and supervision.
Normally, industrial attachment is graded and no student can graduate without passing
all the modules of the attachment and thus it is used in degree classification.

IPE401 Machine Tools and Transfer Machines (2units)

Fundamentals of cutting, cutting tool material and cutting fluids. Tool design and tool
economics. Hydraulic/electrical copying/transmission in machines. Considerations for
installing, testing and maintenance. In-line transfer machines, rotary, indexing transfer
machines, drum type machines and automatic loading transfer methods. The
economics and justification of transfer machines. Installation and testing of machines.

Prerequisite: MCE 303

IPE403 Production and Inventory Systems Design (2 units)

Production systems design and control tasks, including planning, scheduling and
machine loading. Work flow control. Material requirement planning and control.
Inventory systems design. Applications of linear programming, critical path method
and PERT in resource allocation.

MCE401 Auto Workshop Practice (2 units)

Practical works on Engines and other auto systems; Bodywork techniques; Wheel-
balancing and alignment; Routine maintenance; Fault finding techniques and
rectification procedures; Test and Performance analysis of auto parts and systems

MCE 403 Turbo-machinery (2 units)

Moment of momentum principles for turbines. Thermodynamics of turbo-machines,
compressible and incompressible types. Pumps, fans, Compressors and turbines. Air
\compressors and steam engines. Axial flow turbines. Turbine and compressor

MCE 405 Thermodynamics III: Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning (3 units)

Heat pump and refrigeration cycles: types and measures of efficiency. Vapor
compression system, absorption system and selection of fluids. Vapor absorption
refrigeration – basic concepts, coefficient of performance and cycle efficiency.
Refrigeration: Plant components and types. Properties of Refrigerant. Purpose of Air
Conditioning. Air–water vapor mixture, psychometry and psychometric charts.

MCE 407 Mechanical Engineering Design I (3 units)

Design concepts (Machine design process). Materials selection. Simple load-stress

analysis. Applications to the design of simple machine components. Design of
machine elements: design of fasteners and locking devices, couplings, clutches,
brakes, springs, seals, bearings, shaft and flexible mechanical elements. Design of
plastic parts. Introduction to Computer - Aided Design
Prerequisite: MCE 303

MCE 411 Mechanical Vibrations (3 units)

Oscillatory Motion: A general description of the to-and-fro motion and the
classifications. Harmonic motion as projection of a point moving on a circle, and the
relation to the motion of a mass suspended on a light spring. Periodic and random
vibrations exist. Free Vibration of Single Degree of Freedom Systems: Free undamped
vibration of simple systems in translation and torsion. Energy dissipation in
mechanisms. Detailed analysis of free vibration with viscous damping. Applications
utilizing critical damping and over damping. Forced Vibration of Single Degree-of-
Freedom Systems: Equations of motion by Newton’s Law. Vector relationship of
forces. Detailed analysis of the frequency response. Excitation by rotating unbalance
and support motion. Introductory vibration isolation. Sharpness of resonance
convenient for measurement of damping. Energy dissipation by viscous damping.
Introduction to structural damping and the concept of complex stiffness. Two Degrees-
of-Freedom Systems. The string in transverse motion as an example of infinite number

of degrees of freedom. Equations of Motion by Newton’s law for free un-damped
systems. Reduction to equations of amplitudes.
Prerequisite: GEC 203

MCT401 Electronics I (2 units)

Audio and RF electronics; Biasing and stability. Actual circuit and noise. Tuned load
and differential amplifiers. Oscillators, mixers, modulators and demodulators. Low
noise amplifiers. Power amplifiers. Phase-locked loops.

MCT 403 Digital Systems and PLCs (3 units)

system, binary coding of alpha numeric characters in the computer, simple error
detecting and correcting codes. (parity bits, Hamming codes). Arithmetic in various
radio systems, binary arithmetic in combination logic. Boolean algebra, switching
function, truth tables, Karnaugh maps etc; Properties of switching functions; canonical
forms, N and Nar designs; “don’t cares” minimization of multiple output switching
functions; introductory minimization of multiple output switching functions; simple
combinational circuit design; encoders, decoders, multiplexer, serial and parallel half
and full adders, etc. Hazards in combinational circuit and other design problems.
Notion of feedback state and delay in logic circuit; basic difference synchronous
sequential circuits; illustration of the use of state transition equations, diagrams, tables
etc. in sequential logic by their use in defining the operation of synchronized or
clocked flip flops (such as r.s, JKT etc. flip flops). Edge triggered and master flip-flops.
Prerequisite: MCT 302

MCT 405 Sensors and Actuators (2 units)

Electrical Actuators: Review of Electrical Motors and their types, Motor Equations,
Drivers, and Control of DC Motors, Induction Motors, Synchronous Motors, and
Stepper Motors. Hydraulic Actuators: Pumps and its Different Types, Hydraulic Motors
and Its Different Types, Valves and Its Different Types, Power Supplies, Cylinders,
Accumulators, Intensifiers, Lifts, Couplings, Torque Converters. Hydraulic Circuit
Design and Analysis. Pneumatic Actuators: Compressors, Fluid Conditioners,
Pneumatic Cylinders, Valves and Plugs, Basic Pneumatic Circuit Design & Analysis,
Accumulator system Analysis. Motion Transducers: Potentiometer, Variable
Inductance Transducers, Permanent Magnet Transducers, Variable Capacitance
Transducers, Piezoelectric Transducers, and Proximity Transducers Effort Sensors:
Strain Gauges, Torque Sensors, Tactile Sensors

MME 401 Synthesis, Processing, and Manufacturing of Materials (3 units)

Detailed study of principal alloy, ceramic, and polymer systems. Evaluation of the
effects or processing on selected physical and mechanical material properties.
Overview of design fundamentals and examination of selected material/design case
studies for manufacturing
Prerequisite: MCE 304

MME 403 Corrosion Science and Engineering (3 units)

The course is aimed at investigating the underlying fundamental causes of corrosion
problems and failures. Emphasis is placed on the electrochemical reactions occurring

and the tools and knowledge necessary for predicting corrosion, measuring corrosion
rates, and combining these with prevention and materials selection.

MME 405 Chemical Metallurgy (2 units)

Application of thermodynamics, fluid flow, and heat and mass transfer to the design
and operation of chemical metallurgical processes; roasting, agglomerating, oxidation
and reduction reactions, smelting, converting, and refining.

Level 500

CVE513 Environmental Engineering (3 units)

Gaseous, liquid and solid pollutants, measurements, Solid waste collection, treatment,
disposal and design of systems. Water pollution control, Waste water collection,
treatment, disposal and design of systems. Air pollution and control. Design and
objectives of pollution control systems. Case studies, waste recycling

CVE517 Designs of Offshore Structures (3 units)

Introduction to Hydrodynamics, Types of offshore structures, offshore structural
dynamics, statistics of extremes. Design rule for offshore structures. Introduction to the
design of systems that support construction activities and operations. Determination of
design loads during construction. Cranes and erection systems. 

GEC501 Law and Management (2 units)

Part I - Contract. (Law): Definition of a Contract, Classification of a contract, Ingredient
of a valid contract, Consideration, Intention to create legal relation, Capacity of a
contract Consent of a party, Concept of brevity of a contract and its exceptions,
Mistakes of a Contract, Duress in a contract, Undue influence in a contract,
Misrepresentation a contract, Illegality in a contract, Discharge of a Contract, How
does a contract come to an end, Remedies for breach of a contract.
Part 2: Management Introduction to management, Decision Analysis, How to model a
decision situation. Quantitative techniques for situations of uncertainty. Decision Tree.
Project management. Project evaluation and review techniques. Concept of
motivation. Theories of motivation. Hertzberg two factor theory. Transportation
management model.

GEC502 Project Management and Economics (2 units)

The Management of Environment: Formation of a company, sources of finance,
money and credit, Insurance, National policies, GNP growth rate and prediction.
Organizational Management: Principles and elements of organization. Organization
charts. Functions, Types. Principles of Management, Schools of thought, Office and
production management. Management by objectives. Financial Management:
Accounting methods. Financial statement. Elements of costing. Cost planning and
control. Budget and Budgeting control. Cost reduction programmes. Depreciation
accounting, valuation of assets. Personnel Management: Selection, recruitment and
training. Job evaluation. Merit rating. Incentive schemes. Industrial Committees and
joint Consultations. Trade Unions and collective bargaining. Industrial Psychology:
Individual and Group Behaviour. The learning process. Motivation and Morale.
Influence of the Industrial Environment. Resources Management. Materials
Management: Purchasing methods. Contracts. Interest formula. Rate of return.

Methods of economic evaluation. Selection between alternatives. Tendering
evaluation and contract administration. Planning and Decision Making: Forecasting
Planning, Scheduling. Production control Gantt Chart. C.P.M. and PERT.
Optimisation. Linear programming as an aid to decision making policies under risk and
uncertainties. Faculty layout and location. Work Study and Production Processes:
Basic principles of work study. Principles of motion economy. Ergonomics in the
design of equipment and process. Principles of project management, Work
breakdown structure, budgeting and cost control, Project Gantt chart, Project risk
management, project management standards, Project management tools

IPE501 Computer Aided Manufacturing (3 units)

Trends in manufacturing technology. Computer aided manufacturing systems. Cases
in facilities planning, group technology and process design. Numerical control,
introduction to direct and adaptive control, elementary application of computers in
material handling and production control including the integrated data base approach.

IPE502 Simulation in Systems Design (2 units)

Introduction to modelling and simulation. Random Number generation and testing.
Introduction to special simulation languages (GPSS, SIM-SCRIPT, etc.). Multiple
comparison procedure in simulation. Case studies in process design, queuing,
production/inventory systems, etc.

IPE503 Manufacturing Information systems (2 units)

Introduction to manufacturing information systems. Basic manufacturing functions, the
respective information required to perform each function; generate information for
each function. Manufacturing Databases: Database systems, Database models,
Database design, Data modelling, Relational data design. Database normalization.
Manufacturing Resource planning systems: concepts of material requirement
planning, Material requirement planning netting process, implementing Material
resource planning system. Shop-floor Data collection system. Strategic
implementation of Manufacturing Information Data systems: concept of strategic
information systems.

IPE504 Facilities and Industrial Systems Design (2 units)

The facilities design function and economics. Product and process engineering. Flow
analysis and design. Facilities layout, using manual and computer routines, plant and
machine location from qualitative and quantitative consideration. Analytical methods.
Packaging, storage and material handling system

IPE505 Human Factors Engineering (2 units)

Human performance in man-machine systems. Human sensory, motor and information
processes. Man-machine dynamics. Environmental effects on human performance

IPE507 Maintenance Engineering (2 units)

The maintenance function and maintainability of man-machine systems. Organisation
for efficient maintenance. Maintenance consideration in Engineering Systems design.
Failure and analysis, replacement theory, preventive and corrective maintenance.
Maintenance analysis and economics. Policy formulation and implementation

MCE501 Research Project I (1 units)

Project Selection to be made by student with the guidance of the department

MCE502 Research Project II (5 units)

Project Selection to be made by student with the guidance of the department.

MCE503 Energy Sources and Utilization (2units)

Types of energy sources and properties. Classification of fuel and circulation of
carbon. Fossil fuel: Their processing and utilization. Renewable source of energy:
Energy efficiency and renewable energy applications in developing countries. Solar
energy utilization: solar cells, Flat plate collector Design, Economics of solar energy
equipment and their operation. Fuel cells
Wind energy: Wind mill Design. Geothermal energy: its recovery and utilization,
Consequences of geothermal energy exploitation. Biomass. Tidal waves. Principles of
operation of nuclear reactors: Safety problems in nuclear reactors.

MCE504 Engineering Materials Selection, and Economics (3 units)

Material classification; Grouping, sub-grouping; Functional characteristics;
Specifications and standards; Concepts of selection of engineering materials; Material
economics, optimized selection and substitution criteria; Concept of strength-to-weight
ratio; Applications to steel, cast iron, non-ferrous materials, etc; Formalization of the
selection process. Engineering plastics and Ceramics.

MCE506 Industrial Quality Control (3 units)

Engineering and cost factors affecting quality of products. Control charts for attributes.
Control charts for variables. Use of control charts for establishing and maintain
engineering specifications/tolerances. Sampling by attributes and variables.
Continuous sapling. Economic considerations.

MCE507 Mechanical Engineering Design II (2 units)

Design of gear systems. Design for Manufacturing (DFM). Design for safety and
optimization. Management of design process and concurrent engineering practice.
Design of power transmission systems, hydraulic and pneumatic system design.
Individual design projects based on CAD packages.
Prerequisite: MCE 407

MCE508 Viscous Flow Theory (2 units)

Stresses in fluids. Derivation of the Navier-Stokes equations. Some exact solutions of
the Navier-Stokes equations. Prandtl’s boundary layer hypothesis. Derivation of the
boundary layer equations for a flat plate. Blasius solution of the boundary layer
equations. Von Karman’s integral relations of the boundary layer problem and
Polhausen’s approximate solution method. Numerical methods in boundary layer
problems. Lubrication mechanics: hydrostatic and hydrodynamic lubrication applied to
journal bearing.
Prerequisite: MCE 302

MCE509 Thermodynamics IV: Heat Transfer (3 units)

Heat transfer modes. Conduction: One dimensional heat conduction with or without
internal heat generation to include plane and cylindrical composite walls and fins. Two-

dimensional heat conduction: Steady and unsteady state solutions by method of
separation of variables. Numerical and graphical methods of solution. Convection:
Concepts from hydrodynamic boundary layer, the thermal boundary layer, heat
transfer in turbulent flow, energy and momentum transfer analogies. Forced
convection in internal flows. Natural convection. Heat transfer with phase change.
Radiation: Black body radiation, radiative heat exchange between surfaces, radiation
shielding, radiation through gaseous media. Heat exchangers: Principles and types.
Analysis, operation and design of heat exchangers. Introduction to mass transfer.
Analogy between heat and mass transfer.

MCE510 Vibration Technology and Control (3 units)

Transmission and Isolation of Vibration: Classification of vibration isolation problem:-
active and passive isolation in steady-state one degree-of-freedom, Multiple Degrees
of Freedom Systems. Vibration Control. Measuring Vibration. Vibration measurement
scheme. Transducers and pickups. Details of the underlying principles of the
vibrometer, velocimeter and the accelerometer. Principles of the vibration exciter.
Multiple Degrees of Freedom Systems. Determination of the elements of the flexibility
and stiffness matrices by directly deforming the system. Significance of the
elements of the matrices, which can also be represented diagrammatically.
Reciprocity theorem. Stiffness for beam elements.
Derivation of the equations of motion by Newton’s law, and by Lagrange energy
method for free un-damped systems. Arrangement into matrix format. Solution for
natural frequencies by direct expansion of the characteristic determinant.
Determination of mode shapes by direct substitution of natural frequencies into the
equations of amplitudes. An appreciation of the significance of eigenvalues and
eigenvectors. Forced harmonic vibration – the vibration absorber damped and un-

MCE511 Operations Research (2 units)

Introduction, scope, and application of operation research; Linear programming:
Problems; Graphical and simplex methods of solutions; Dual solution and
interpretation; sensitivity analysis; Queuing theory; Games theory; Transportation
algorithm; Network analysis: Preparation of networks; Critical path analysis; Resource
allocation and scheduling; Use of computer packages; Inventory control and models
(deterministic); Decision theory; Assembly line balancing and line of balance analysis.

MCE512 Production Engineering (3 units)

Technology of manufacturing design for production. Metrology. Economics of metal
removal. Tool geometry and materials. Manufacturing properties of metals, metal
cutting processes. Tribology. Design of manufacturing facilities. The use of human and
physical resources. Economics, maintenance. Manufacturing Automation. Production
control. Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM).
Pre-requisite: MCE 304

MCE513 Thermal Engines (2units)

Combustion processes in engines. Analysis of cycles and performance evaluation of
real systems. Propulsive devices. Performance evaluation of real systems. Propulsive
devices. Aircraft jet engines, turboprop, turbofan, by pass, turbo-jet, ramjet and rocket
engines. Gas turbines power plants for electricity and industrial power generation.
Thermal plants using steam turbines and boilers. Combined steam and gas turbine
plants for great efficiency and power. Pollution control in engines

MCE515 Solidification and Foundry Technology (2units)

Metal-casting principles including pattern design, moulding materials, moulding
methods, sand testing, solidification, risering and gating of castings, casting design,
and casting defects.

MCT501 Introduction to Robotics (2 units)

Automation and Robotics. Robot Classification. Robot Specifications. Direct
Kinematics: Mathematical background. D-H representation. The Arm equation.
Examples Inverse Kinematics: The inverse kinematics problem and its solution. Tool
configuration. Examples of various robots.Introduction to Manipulator Dynamics:
Lagrange’s Equation, Lagrange-Euler Dynamic Model. Use of Sensors and Vision
System in Robotic System

MCT502 Automation and Robotics (3 units)

Introduction to automation: Economics of Automation, Flow Lines, Mathematical
Models, Storage Buffers, Partial Automation, Balancing, Group Technology and
Flexible Manufacturing. Programmable Logic Controllers: Introduction to PLCs,
Advantages of PLCs, Ladder Logic Diagrams, Switching Logic. Components of PLC,
PLC Operating Cycle, Additional Capabilities of a PLC, Latches, Design Cases
(Deadman Switches, Conveyor, Accept/Reject Sorting), Addressing. PLC connection,
PLC operation, Numbering, Event based logic, sequential logic design, Advanced
ladder logic functions. PLC Programming, Structured text programming, Instruction list
programming, Function block programming, Continuous control, PLC data
communication, Human Machine Interfaces (HMI), Selecting a PLC. CNC Machines:
General information, Operation, Control panel descriptions, Tool function, Practical
application of tool wear offset, feed function, spindle function, programming of CNC in
absolute and incremental systems, program creation, preparatory functions, CNC
Programming, Computer assisted part programming, Automatically programmed tools
(APT Programming System), CAD/CAM approach to part programming, CAD/CAM
application (turning problem, surface milling, machining of curved surfaces.)

MCT503 Microcomputers and microprocessor systems (2 units)

Hardwired logic contrasted with program logic. Microcomputer applications. Elements
of microcomputer architecture; bus, microprocessor, memory, input-output,
peripherals. Single chip and multichip micro computers. Overview of available
microcomputer systems. Internal architecture; 3-bus concept, microprocessor
operation. Microprocessor instruction set; instruction format, addressing modes;
instructions execution. Comparison of available microprocessors. Machine language,
assembly language and high level language programming. Synthesis of combinational
logic circuits with ROMS and PLAs. Review of classical approach to sequential circuit
design. The algorithmic state machine chart (ASM) method of representing sequential
problems. Realization of sequential circuits using MSI and LSI. Register transfer

MCT504 Computer Software Engineering II (2 units)

Object oriented software design, implementation and testing. Team software
specification and management. Cross-platform tools and GUI development. Advanced
software algorithms and architecture. Software engineering practice and methods.

MCT505 Process Automation (2 units)

PLC programming higher functions
- PLC-programming analogue in/outputs

- 2-step controller
- Basics in closed loop control
- Closed loop temperature control
- Closed loop pressure control
- Closed loop flow control
- Closed loop level control

MCT506 Microcontrollers and Embedded Systems (2 units)

Microprocessor organization and interfacing: Memory interfacing. Hardware-software
design of microprocessor systems. Introduction to Embedded Microcomputer
Systems. Architectures of programmable digital signal processor. Programming for
real-time performance. Design and implementation of data scrambler and interfaces to

MCT507 Machine Vision (2 units)

Advanced techniques and algorithms used in real-time computer vision and image
processing design.

MCT508 Computer Aided Product Modelling (2 units)

Geometric reasoning. Solid modelling, feature extraction, grasping, tolerancing.
MCT509 Micro-fabrication Technology (2 units)
Crystal growth, thermal oxidation, photolithography, etching, diffusion, iron
implantation, film deposition, metallization, layout, process integration, IC
manufacturing, MEMS, CAD tools for microfabrication (eg. SUPREM, PROLITH etc.).
Future trends and challenges

MCT510 Lean Production Mgt. & Ind. Logistics (2 units)

Material and information flows within a company, providing practical experience for all
employees involved in lean production projects, inventory minimisation as an
important basis for increased productivity, the principle of pull production control,
advantages compared to conventional production control methods, types and function
of different pull production control methods, application of methods, Kanban – the
classic pull principle, introduction to Value Stream Mapping (VSM). Lean
manufacturing, flow production, throughput time and inventories while increasing
flexibility, analysis of workplaces with the Standard Operation Sheet, adjusting the
cycle times of individual workplaces, flow and takt time production, avoidance of
material transport with linear and U layouts, • Structure and development of open-plan
production, Line Back system, integration of logistic processes with kanban, flexible
employee systems: relay and caravan systems, multimachine operation. Quality

MCT511 Mobile Robotics (2 units)

Artificial intelligence programming techniques, basic problem solving techniques,
knowledge acquisition and representation; artificial intelligent language (LISP and
PROLOG). Computer interface, machine learning, natural language understanding,
knowledge-based and expert systems, computer vision, robotics, relationship AI to
software engineering and database methodology. Societal impact of AI and robotics.
Machine vision and pattern recognition. Applications of identification trees, neural nets,
genetics algorithms and other learning paradigms.

MCT 513 Electronics II (3 units)

Feedback oscillators and the Berkhausen criterion. Practical oscillator circuits; phase-
shift, wienbridge, Hartley, Colpitt, Crystal, etc. Frequency stability of oscillators. Ideal
operational Amplifier. Connection as non-inverting and inverting amplifier. The
differential amplifier, transfer characteristics of the differential amplifier (Differential
amplifier as a modulator and multiplier). Operational amplifier parameters (common-
mode rejection ratio, offset voltages and currents etc.) Class A, AB, B and push-pull
power amplifiers. Analysis of power amplifiers and head sinks. Thermal stabilization.
Complimentary and quasi-complimentary output stages. Application of analogue
integrated circuits such as wideband amplifiers, instrumentation amplifiers, multiplier
circuits, voltage controlled oscillators and phase locked loops. Design techniques for
advanced analogue circuits containing transistors and operational amplifiers.
Prerequisite: MCT 303

MME501 Analytical Methods for Materials (2 units)

Crystallography, physics of X-rays, diffraction by crystalline materials, applications of
X-ray, electron and neutron diffraction, and spectrometric analysis of materials

MME502 Thermodynamics and Phase Equilibria (3 units)

Application of thermodynamic data to predict stable phases in aqueous and high-
temperature systems. Construction and use of partial pressure diagrams, Eh-pH
diagrams, temperature-composition diagrams in related mineral and metallurgical
systems. Activities and equilibria in slag-metal and gas-metal systems.

MME503 Powder Technology (2 units)

The course will cover the topic of powder metallurgy, describing the various types of
powder processing and how these affect properties of the components made. Current
issues in the subject area, from high production to nanomaterials, will be discussed.

MME504 Glass Science and Engineering (3 units)

The development, manufacturing methods, applications, and properties of flat, fibre,
container, chemical, and special purpose glasses. Composition/ property relationships
for glasses and nucleation-crystallization processes for glass-ceramics are also

MME505 Steels and their Treatment (3 units)

Industrially important ferrous alloys are described and classified. The selection of
proper heat treatments to facilitate fabrication and to yield required service properties
in steels suitable for various applications is considered.

MME506 Polymer Materials Engineering (2 units)

Introduction to the manufacture, processing, and applications of organic polymeric
materials. The chemistry of polymer manufacture, the molecular structure of polymers,
and the structure-property relationships for thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers
are covered

MME507 Electrical Systems and Controls for Materials (2 units)

Analysis of alternating and direct current circuits as experienced in the materials
industry. Current, voltage, and power relationships in single and three-phase electrical
power systems. Introduction to continuous and batch instrumentation including
programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and computer interfacing for materials

16. Conclusion:
We wish all the students a successful stay on campus as they pursue their
academic career.



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