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Dear Oliver Patrick Pelletier

I’m writing this letter as a guide for our future, and to help you to achieve the goals I'll be

talking about in this letter. I hope that throughout the year I'm hoping that you look back on this

letter and reflect about your goals and if you've reached them. If not looking back on this and

considering making new goals adapting to your situation, But for our sake i ask that you hold

true to these goals.

The First of these goals is to be able to read with intent in my life. I want to read

intentionally for the purpose of benefiting myself and learning more in my walk of life. I want to

learn more about many topics, but I don't often start reading something with the intention to gain

knowledge from it, I usually read for entertainment if anything. Recently I’ve been improving this

skill through my church discipleship program, analyzing and interpreting the bible and what it

really means to be a christian.

In that context I’d like to be able to take skills from my english class and be able to apply

them to the bible, and be able to adapt my skills to different jobs or hobbies in the future, in

other word being flexible in my writing and reading skills.

When I'm absorbing media in any way shape or form, whether article or tv show, I find

myself becoming a little judgemental before I put myself in another person’s shoes. Throughout

this year I want to learn to be an even more open minded individual being able to see an

argument or opinion with an open mind. I want to be able to connect this skill to many parts of

my life from family, to forming my own political opinions. I want to be able to interpret and

properly understand the people around me.

Of everything you take from this letter please actually take this skill to heart if nothing

else. Being an independent learner, take your education into your own hands. Be the one

looking for more knowledge. When you want to learn and are responsible enough to take

ownership of your education you make success a guarantee. If you are able to become an

independent learner it becomes easier to connect that skill with so many other things like
independent work and a good work ethic. Being an independent learner is such a basic skill that

I feel many people of our same generation don't have, so being able to go out and learn

something that you want to learn is important, especially being able to pair it with the internet.

In conclusion, there are 3 main goals I want you to take from this. Read with intent to

learn or gain something, Keep an open mind to the people and media around you, finally being

an independent learner in your life. If you're able to live by these goals you will undoubtedly

have an easier time throughout your life.

Sincerely, you (Oliver)

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