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Identify and explain the following:

1. 1987 Constitution (Art 2, Section 21) –

- Section 21. The State shall promote comprehensive rural development and agrarian reform. Section
22. The State recognizes and promotes the rights of indigenous cultural communities within the
framework of national unity and development.

2. EO 129-A

-It is the declared policy of the State of completely abolish all remnants of feudalism and all
other types of unjust tenurial arrangements, implement the comprehensive agrarian reform
program, increase the productivity of the direct producers, and strengthen the agricultural base
for increased industrialization.

3. EO 228  

- Presidential Decree No. 27; for purposes of determining the cost of the land to be transferred
to the tenant-farmer; provided that valuation shall be determined by crop productivity;

there is a need to complete Operation Land Transfer and accelerate the payment to the
landowners of lands transferred to tenant-farmers; and there is also a need to maintain the
financial validity of the Land Bank of the Philippines, the financing arm of the agrarian reform
program of the government.

4. EO 229 

-The government shall purchase all agricultural lands it deems productive and suitable to
farmer cultivation voluntarily offered for sale to it at a valuation determined in accordance with
Section 6. Such transactions shall be exempt from the payment of capital gains tax and other
taxes and fees.
5. RA 6657 

6657. an act instituting a comprehensive agrarian reform program to promote social justice and
industrialization, providing the mechanism for its implementation, and for other purposes.

6. RA 34 

Sections three and four of Act Numbered Four thousand and fifty-four are hereby amended to
read as follows:

Landlord and tenant interpreted. - For the purpose of this Act, the word "landlord" shall mean
and include either a natural or juridical person who is the real owner of the land which is the
subject-matter of the contract, as well as a lessee, a usufructuary or any other legitimate
possessor of agricultural land cultivated by another; and the word "tenant" shall mean a farmer
or farm laborer who undertakes to work and cultivates land for another or a person who
furnishes the labor with the consent of the landlord.

7. EO 355 

Executive Order No. 355 : Creating the Land Settlement and Development Corporation and
dissolving the National Land Settlement Administration, and the Rice and Corn Production
Administration and the Machinery and Equipment Department of the National Development

8. RA 1166 

An Act Strengthening the Philippine Comprehensive Policy on Human Immunodeficiency Virus

(HIV) and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Prevention, Treatment, Care, and
Support, and, Reconstituting the Philippine National Aids Council (PNAC), Repealing for the
Purpose Republic Act No. 8504, Otherwise Known as The "Philippine Aids Prevention and
Control Act of 1998", and Appropriating Funds Therefor.
9. RA 1199 

an act to govern the relations between landholders and tenants of agricultural lands (leaseholds
and share tenancy)

10. RA 1400 

An act defining a land tenure policy, providing for an instrumentality to carry out the policy, and
appropriating funds for its implementation.

Declaration of policy. It is the declared policy of the State to create and maintain an agrarian
system which is peaceful, prosperous and stable, and to this end the Government shall
establish and distribute as many family-size farms to as many landless citizens as possible
through the opening up of public agricultural lands and the division and distribution of private
agricultural lands where agrarian conflicts exist, either by private arrangement with the owners
or through expropriation proceedings.

11. RA 3844 

3844). An Act to ordain the Agricultural Land Reform Code and to institute land reforms in the
Philippines, including the abolition of tenancy and the channelling of capital into industry,
provide for the necessary implementing agencies, appropriate funds therefore and for other

12. Land registration act of 1902 (Act No. 496)

On November 6, 1902, the Philippine Commission enacted Act 496, known as Land Registration
Law, that created the Court of Land Registration (CLR) and the office of the Registers of Deeds.

13. Rice Share Tenancy Act of 1933 (Act No. 4054) 

4054 - an act to promote the well-being of tenants (aparceros) in agricultural lands devoted to
the production of rice and to regulate the relations between them and the landlords of said
lands, and for other purposes. section 1. title of act. — this act shall be known as "the philippine
rice share tenancy act."
14. Tenancy Act of 1933 (Act No. 4113) 

Public Land Act of 1903 – introduced the homestead system in the Philippines. Tenancy Act of
1933 (Act No. 4054 and 4113) – regulated relationships between landowners and tenants of
rice (50-50 sharing) and sugar cane lands.

15. RA 6389 

Republic Act No. 6389 (September 10, 1971), An Act Amending RA 3844, otherwise known as
the Agricultural Land Reform Code, created a Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) with the
authority and responsibility to implement the policies of the State on agrarian reform.

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