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Double Dip Method

Social Engineer An Item Twice From The Same Company

As a social engineer yourself, who's been hitting companies on every level by tricking
their representatives to credit your account for the full cost of the purchase price or
have a replacement sent at no extra cost, the benefits speak for themselves -
everything Is obtained without paying a single dime. And If you're well organized by
using a calculated and strategic approach such as allowing a sufficient gap from one SE
to the next, throwing In a few low value Items between SEs and not using the same
method many times In succession, It will significantly minimize the chance of your
online account being flagged for suspicious activity, thereby you can continue to use
your manipulative tactics In the same fashion over and over again.

That being said, If you're operating on an advanced level of SEing for personal gain, or
perhaps offering a refund service to beginner SE'ers, you'd be well and truly aware that
social engineering Is not all sunshine and rainbows. You may have covered everything
within your local environment to ensure your attack vector was launched as expected,
however difficulties WILL be experienced on the other end of the spectrum - namely
"when reps/agents are assessing your claim by complying with every detail listed In
their protocol". As a result, It can be a lengthy and arduous process to manipulate the
rep Into having your claim approved and on some occasions, failure Is Inevitable.

Whilst you cannot control the steps taken during the evaluation of your claim, such as
the company all of a sudden deciding to open an Investigation or asking you to file and
return a police report, you certainly have the power to effectively "handle" those type
of requests - but only when your SE Is executed by leaving very little to no room for
error. And the way It's done, Is by perfecting "Item & method formulation" that's also
compatible with the company's operations.

For example, If you're using the missing Item method and selected a product that

weights around "40 grams", and also had knowledge that the company's warehouse
does not have CCTV Cameras In place, your SE Is almost guaranteed to succeed - for the
fact that there's very little to no evidence to decline your claim. "How so", you ask?
Well, firstly, the Item Is simply too light to register a weight on consignment and
secondly, there's no camera footage that they can view to see If It was picked & packed
correctly, hence there Is no way to conclude that you received your product.

The scenario above, Is pretty straightforward "that only Involves a single SE" - you've
said that the Item was missing when you opened the package, and left It at that. The
rep/agent then looked over your claim and because their records were Inconclusive, a
refund was Issued thereafter. Every traditional method that Includes the DNA (Did Not
Arrive), the wrong item receveit, the sealed box, the partial method and so on, work on
a similar principle when they're "purely used on their own" - only one social engineering
attack Is required to get the job done, however the same cannot be said for "the double
dip method".

If you've just started your career In the art of "company manipulation and exploitation",
and only SEd less than a handful of online retailers to the likes of Wayfair, Amazon and
ASOS, I'd say It's very safe to assume that you haven't heard of the "double dip
method" - and rightly so for the following reason. Due to It triggering some degree of
difficulty when the SE Is In motion, It's one of the least used methods In the SEing
sector, but It's not to say that It's not on par with those mentioned In the paragraph

As a matter of fact, It's more profitable - you will be rewarded twice when using the
double dip method! So what exactly Is It, and how does It differ from the rest? Before I
answer all your questions and concerns (and on the grounds you're reading this as a
beginner), I'd like you to have a clear understanding of what defines a "method" - as It
will allow you to Interpret the rest of this article with relative ease. On the other hand,
If you're operating on an Intermediate/advanced level and know precisely how
methods are structured, feel free to skip the next topic altogether and move straight
Into the one named "The Double Dip Method Explained". Okay, without further ado,
let's rip Into It.

What Is A Social Engineering Method?

The first thing you must do prior to selecting the method you're planning to use, Is to
research both the "company" that you'll be SEing, and their "carrier partner" that will
be servicing your delivery. However, It's way beyond the scope of this post to cater for
each one, so when you're ready to take It on board, refer to my guides named Research
Company Terms and Researching the Carrier. So what role do methods play with every
SE? To give you a good Insight, I'll provide an analogy that you can relate to and
probably have experienced at some point when furnishing your home.

Let's say you've bought an entertainment unit from Ikea that comes with shelves,
draws, cabinets etc, In Its collapsed form. In order to put It together, you'd need the
"assembly Instructions" and If they happen to be missing or they belong to the wrong
unit, you cannot complete your project. The very same principle pertains to social
engineering methods. In this case, the "assembly Instructions" Is the "method", that's
used to guide you In the right direction and support the goal you've set to achieve -
being the claim finalized In your favor. Put simply, It's Imperative to SE a company by
first having prepared a plan, and the "plan" Is the "method".

Every method Is the backbone of the SE, and apart from the DNA that can be used with
just about any product of reasonable size and weight, other methods must be suited to
the nature of the company and the Item you're SEing. A prime example, Is what you've
read a few minutes ago with the missing Item method - neglecting to take the Item's
weight Into account, as well as the company's warehouse logistics, will result In a failed
SE. Of course, this Is based on representatives who work strictly by the book when
processing claims, and not those who have no brain cells left and approve them with no
questions asked. Now that you comprehend all that, It's time to checkout the "double
dip method".

The Double Dip Method Explained:

Typically, when social engineering online stores with the Intention to obtain a refund or
replacement by using any of the traditional methods discussed In this article, It's
performed against one particular Item and "only done once". For Instance, you've
chosen the wrong item receveid method, contacted the company and told them that
another Item was In the package/box to what you originally ordered. The rep then
asked you to return the wrong Item, and when he received It, your funds were
reimbursed Into your credit card. That's how a standard SE Is done - "one Item Is SEd
and one refund or replacement Is Issued".

The "double dip method", on the other hand, requires an exceptional set of skills and a
great degree of confidence to succeed - for the reason that "the same Item will be
social engineered twice" from the same company where It was originally purchased. In
simple terms, you're "repeating the SE" on the one claim to get a refund/replacement
"twice". Confused? Don't worry, It will make perfect sense In the next topic! Now
because you're SEing the company "two times In a row", to avoid raising suspicion, I
strongly recommend using "two different methods" when double dipping.

Why? Well, If (for example) you've solely opted for the DNA method, It will be used a
couple of times In succession by claiming that you did not receive your goods and as a
result, It's very unlikely that your package did not arrive twice In a row at your premises.
Sure, the possibility exists (on the rare occasion), but do you really want to take a risk,
when It can easily be avoided by simply choosing another method? I didn't think so.
Given you get the gist of what I'm saying, we'll now have a look at what the double dip
method entails.

The Double Dip Method In Action:

For the purpose of this tutorial, I will be referencing the SE'er from a third-person point
of view rather than yourself, and to make sure It's easy to follow and understand, every
detail Is kept to a bare minimum. Okay, here's how the double dip method generally
works. The social engineer wants to SE "two AirPods" from the "same company",
without paying a single dime for either of them. Firstly, he orders just the one pair and
decides to use the DNA (Did Not Arrive) method. After satisfying the company that the
Item was (seemingly) not received, they decided to send out a "replacement"- meaning
another set of AirPods.

It's absolutely crucial that a "replacement Item" Is dispatched on the first SE, otherwise
the double dip method cannot be used (more on this after we've finished here). Back
on-topic, the social engineer now has two AirPods, but only paid for one. That Is how a
standard SE Is performed. Next comes the double dip. The SE'er then calls the company
and says that the replacement AirPods (that they just sent), are defective. After going
through a few routine troubleshooting steps, the rep/agent asks to send them back.
The SE'er uses the boxing method, thus only sends back the box without the AirPods.
Remember: So far, the social engineer still has two AirPods but only paid for one.

The representative thinks that the Item was stolen during transit, and "refunds the
AirPods". As a result of every event, the social engineer has SEd "two AirPods"- one
using the DNA method, and the other using the boxing method. In other words, he's
"double dipped!". Because he was given a full refund, he now has both AirPods without
paying a single penny for either of them. I've tried to simplify the entire scenario as best
I can, but If you still have trouble following It, take the time to read It carefully - It's
really easy to grasp how the double dip method works. As mentioned a few minutes
ago, you must receive a replacement on the Initial SE, which brings me to the last topic

A Replacement Must Be Sent On The First SE:

It's just a matter of common sense that the first SE Involves a replacement Item, but
many SE'ers fail to see the logic behind It, thus I'll elaborate why It's the case as follows.
A refund obviously cannot be generated on the first SE, because If It Is, "you don't have
an Item to double dip!" - therefore the SE will end there and then. So how do you say
that you prefer a replacement Instead of a refund? Well, although many companies give
you the option to choose one or the other, for one reason or another, some reps would

rather credit your account and that's when you'll put your SEing skill set Into action, by
making up a few excuses as to "why you cannot receive a refund".

One very effective approach, Is to simply say that "you've lost your credit card" and
after contacting your bank, they've organized to send a replacement card. However,
due to a high volume of customer claims, the banker/teller "could not give you an
estimation on when your card will arrive". If asked, I strongly suggest telling this to the
rep/agent, for the fact that If he had an ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) on your card, he
may hold your funds until that date, but saying that "you have no Idea when the card Is
expected to come", will leave a replacement Item as the only option to finalize your

Now the good thing about using a "lost card" as the excuse, Is that such circumstances
do happen legitimately and If you treat your SE as such by convincing the
representative of the event that took place (losing the card), there's no reason why he'll
decline your request for a replacement Item. Another equally effective tactic, Is to use a
"VCC" (Virtual Credit Card) and when "first using the double dip method",
cancel/dispose of the VCC - which will ensure that a refund cannot take place. If you're
not sure how a virtual credit card Is used, refer to my guide under the title of: "What Is
A Virtual Credit Card".

In Conclusion:

The double dip method Is considered a little risky, namely because you're SEing two
Items In succession from the same company and In some Instances, you'll also be
dealing with the same rep throughout the entire claim, thereby It Increases the
likelihood of suspicious behavior being detected. But If you accurately follow every
topic that you've just had the pleasure of reading, and apply the methodologies
according to the nature of the company and the Item you're SEing, It will significantly
decrease your activities being flagged. The Important thing to remember, Is to "always
use two different methods" when double dipping, and be sure you have sound
knowledge of how to effectively formulate each one.

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