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Science, Technology, and Society

Lesson 2
Historical Antecedents Which
Revolutionized Science and
Technology in the Philippines

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Science, Technology, and Society

What was the Scientific Revolution and when was it? The Introduction states
that it started around 1500 and ended around 1700 and it is the most important and
talked-about era in the history of science. Some see it as a break from the medieval
world. Others see it as an illusion of retrospection. The period saw a substantial increase
in the number of people asking questions about the natural world, a proliferation of new
answers, and the development of new methods for getting answers. The Scientific
Revolution laid many of the foundations that continue to underpin modern scientific
methods and knowledge.

Specific Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. 1.Engage in lifelong learning and be cognizant of the need to keep abreast of
the developments in the specific field of practice (PQF level 6 descriptor)
2. Effectively communicate orally and in writing using both English and Filipino
3. Work effectively and independently in multidisciplinary and multi-cultural
teams (PQF level 6 descriptor)
4. Recognize professional, social, and ethical responsibility 5. Appreciate
“Filipino historical and cultural heritage” (based on RA 7722)

Lesson Proper

Ancient, Middle and Modern Ages Science and Technology in the Philippines
Intellectual revolutions that defined society.

A. Nicolaus Copernicus-Polish Mikołaj Kopernik, German Nikolaus

Kopernikus, (born February 19, 1473, Toruń, Royal Prussia, Poland—died May
24, 1543, Freudenberg, East Prussia [now Frombork, Poland]), Polish
astronomer who proposed that the planets have the Sun as the fixed point to
which their motions are to be referred; that Earth is a planet which, besides
orbiting the Sun annually, also turns once daily on its own axis; and that very
slow long-term changes in the direction of this axis account for the precession
of the equinoxes. This representation of the heavens is usually called
the heliocentric, or “Sun-centered,” system—derived from the Greek helios,
meaning “Sun.” Copernicus’s theory had important consequences for later
thinkers of the Scientific Revolution, including such major figures
as Galileo, Kepler, Descartes, and Newton. Copernicus probably hit upon his

Science, Technology, and Society

main idea sometime between 1508 and 1514, and during those years he wrote a
manuscript usually called the Commentariolus (“Little Commentary”).
However, the book that contains the final version of his theory, De
revolutionibus orbium coelestium libri vi (“Six Books Concerning the
Revolutions of the Heavenly Orbs”), did not appear in print until 1543, the year
of his death.

B. Charles Darwin-in full Charles Robert Darwin,

(born February 12, 1809, Shrewsbury, Shropshire,
England—died April 19, 1882, Downe, Kent),
English naturalist whose scientific
theory of evolution by natural selection became the
foundation of modern evolutionary studies. An affable country gentleman,
Darwin at first shocked religious Victorian society by suggesting that animals
and humans shared a common ancestry. However, his
nonreligious biology appealed to the rising class of professional scientists, and
by the time of his death evolutionary imagery had spread through all of science,
literature, and politics. Darwin, himself an agnostic, was accorded the ultimate
British accolade of burial in Westminster Abbey, London.

C. Sigmund Freud-(born May 6, 1856,

Freiberg, Moravia, Austrian Empire [now
Příbor, Czech Republic]—died September 23,
1939, London, England), Austrian neurologist and the founder
of psychoanalysis. Freud’s article on psychoanalysis appeared in the 13th
edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica.

Science Technology and Nation Building

1. The Philippine Government S&T Agenda

Science, Technology, and Society

The Science and Technology Agenda for National Development

(STAND) spells out the areas which will be the focus of scientific and
technological efforts in 1993 to 1998. It is a part of a series of measures that
shall be pursued to realize the vision of Philippines 2000 which is to make the
Philippines a newly industrializing country (NIC) by the end of the century. The
STAND emphasizes the development and utilization of superior technologies
to a level of competitive advantage. This document indicates the major S&T
intervention areas identified from a process of technical assessment and
consultation. The S&T intervention areas shall serve as basis for developing
S&T programs and projects by implementing agencies and for funding S&T
programs and projects of DOST and other government agencies and institutions.
Source Info:

2. Major development programs and personalities in S&T in the Philippines

The Science, Technology, Research, and Innovation for Development
(STRIDE) Project is a five-year $32 million initiative of the United States Agency for
International Development designed to spur inclusive economic growth in the
Philippines by boosting science and technology research.
Implemented by RTI International, the STRIDE project works closely with
Philippine academic institutions and industries to transform their capacity to produce
research, university graduates with industry-relevant skills and training, and innovative
partnerships to accelerate development in the country. STRIDE is achieving these goals

 Improved higher education curriculum in response to the industry and the job
market needs
 Improved qualifications of faculty and staff in higher education institutions
engaged in relevant science, technology and innovation (STI) disciplines
 Improved research capacity in critical STI disciplines
 Strengthened linkages between universities and industry in high growth
economic sectors
 Strengthened policy and management capacity of higher education institutions
in improving the STI ecosystem.

Learning Systems Institute experts in career counseling, career center design

and administration, instructional design, and human performance technology
improvement are helping to achieve STRIDE goals by establishing university-based
career services centers in Palawan and Mindanao.
In Manila, LSI restructured engineering instructional curricula for several
engineering schools to be more responsive to the needs of industry and the job market.
Science and Technology Scholarship Law of 1994 (Republic Act No. The labor
force totaled to 40.05 million and 11.21 million were employed in the agriculture sector
which was around 30% of the national employment. The Intellectual Property Code of

Science, Technology, and Society

the Philippines (Republic Act No. Dr. Galvez observed mitotic disruptive properties of
Lunasin in mammalian cancer cells, he saw that it prevented normal cells from turning
into cancerous cells.
The Philippine National Health Research System Act (2013), meanwhile, has
formed a network of national and regional research consortia to boost domestic
capacity. Scientific output is modest, with Filipino scientists producing just nine articles
per million inhabitants in 2014, according to Thomson Reuters' Web of Science
(Science Citation Index Expanded).
128 of January 30, 1987, Reorganizing the National Science and Technology
Authority. Trillion Dollar Coach Book (Bill Campbell) Most of the researches are
inclined in solving the problem of increasing hunger in the country by creating a more
efficient and cheaper process of yielding produce. The Spanish introduced formal
education and founded scientific institution. 2 weeks ago This has become a widespread
concern of governments especially since the post-world war II years. The Philippine
National Oil Co. -Alternative Fuels Corp and the San Carlos Bioenergy Inc. are
discussing on creating a 1,000-hectare sweet sorghum plantation solely for the purpose
of using the produce as feedstock for bioethanol production. Engineering is the field of
science that applies both science and math to solve problems. The Department of
Education, with the National Science Development Board (NSDB), is organizing a
project to provide selected high schools with science teaching equipment over a four-
year period. In his Third State of the Nation Address on January 22, 1968, he
recognized that technology was the leading factor in economic development, and
channeled additional funds to support projects in applied sciences and science
education. In his Fourth State of the Nation Address on January 27, 1969, he gave a big
part of the war damage fund to private universities to encourage them to create courses
in science and technology and to research. 1295 of January 27, 1978, Creating the
National Engineering Center. Your message goes here The main agency responsible for
managing science and technology (S&T) is the Department of Science and Technology
(DOST). Executive Order No. A Research and Development Plan was also formulated
to examine and determine which areas of research needed attention and must be given
• Because of this situation, the DOST embarked on the Engineering and Science
Education Project (ESEP) in 1992 through a World Bank loan. The Science and
Technology Master Plan was formulated which aimed at the modernization of the
production sector, upgrading research activities, and development of infrastructure for
science and technological purposes.

Such projects included research and development schools, technical institutes,

science education centers, and agricultural colleges and vocational high schools. In
1972, he created the National Grains Authority to provide for the development of the
rice and corn industry to fully harness it for the economy of the country. The grants for
the research and development programs was included in the Omnibus Investment Law.
There were noticeable improvements regarding science and technology as
stated in President Fidel Ramos' State of the Nation Address. Forestry is the field of
science that practice planting, managing and taking care of trees. One example of the

Science, Technology, and Society

virtues of sustained support for research is the Technology Transfer Act (2010) is
expected to enhance innovation by providing a framework and support system for the
ownership, management, use and commercialization of intellectual property arising
from government-funded research and development (R&D).To better address needs in
terms of human capital, the Fast- Tracked Science and Technology
Scholarship Act (2013) expands the coverage of existing scholarship
programmes and strengthens the teaching of science and mathematics in
secondary schools.

List of National Scientist of the Philippines

Name Field of Specialization
1. Juan S. Salcedo, Jr., M.D. (+) 1978 Nutrition and Public Health
2. Alfredo C. Santos, Dr.phil. (+) 1978 Physical Chemistry
3. Gregorio Y. Zara, D.Sc. (+) 1978 Engineering and Inventions
4. Fe Del Mundo, M.D. (+) 1980 Pediatrics
5. Eduardo A. Quisumbing, Plant Taxonomy, Systematics, and
Ph.D. (+) Morphology
6. Geminiano T. de Ocampo,
1982 Ophthalmology
Ph.D. (+)
7. Casimiro V. del Rosario, Ph.D Physics, Astronomy, and
(+) Meteorology
8. Gregorio T. Velasquez, Ph.D.
1982 Phycology
9. Francisco M. Fronda, Ph.D.
1983 Animal Husbandry
10. Francisco O. Santos, Ph.D. Human Nutrition and Agricultural
(++) Chemistry
11. Carmen C. Velasquez, Ph.D.
1983 Parasitology
12. Teodoro A. Agoncillo,
1985 Philippine History
Litt.D. (++)
13. Encarnacion A. Alzona,
1985 Philippine History
Ph.D. (+)
14. Hilario D. G. Lara, M.D., Dr.
1985 Public Health
P.H. (+)
15. Julian A. Banzon, Ph.D. (+) 1986 Chemistry
16. Dioscoro L. Umali, Ph.D. (+) 1986 Agriculture and Rural Development
17. Luz Oliveros-Belardo, Ph.D.
1987 Phytochemistry
18. Jose Encarnacion Jr., Ph.D.
1987 Economics

Science, Technology, and Society

19. Alfredo V. Lagmay, Ph.D.

1988 Experimental Psychology
20. Paolo C. Campos, M.D. (+) 1989 Nuclear Medicine
21. Pedro B. Escuro, Ph.D. (+) 1994 Genetics and Plant Breeding
22. Clara Y. Lim-Sylianco,
1994 Biochemistry and Organic Chemistry
Ph.D. (+)
Biochemical Genetics and
23. Dolores A. Ramirez, Ph.D. 1998
24. Jose R. Velasco, Ph.D. (+) 1998 Plant Physiology
25. Gelia T. Castillo, Ph.D. 1999 Rural Sociology
26. Bienvenido O. Juliano, Ph.D. 2000 Organic Chemistry
27. Clare R. Baltazar, Ph.D. 2001 Systematic Entomology
28. Benito S. Vergara, Ph.D. 2001 Plant Physiology
29. Onofre D. Corpuz, Ph.D. (+) 2004 Political Economics and Government
30. Ricardo M. Lantican, Ph.D. 2005 Plant Breeding
31. Lourdes J. Cruz, Ph.D. 2006 Marine Biology
32. Teodulo M. Topacio 2008 Veterinary Medicine
33. Mercedes B. Concepcion 2010 Demography
34. Ernesto O. Domingo 2010 Infectious Diseases
35. Perla D. Santos-Ocampo (+) 2010 Pediatrics
36. Raul V. Fabella 2011 Economics
37. Bienvenido F. Nebres, S.J. 2011 Mathematics
38. Angel C. Alcala, Ph.D. 2014 Biological Sciences
39. Ramon C. Barba, Ph.D. 2014 Horticulture
40. Gavino C. Trono, PhD 2014 Marine Biology
41. Edgardo D. Gomez, PhD 2014 Marine Biology
Legend: (+) deceased; (++) posthumous conferment.

References/Additional Resources/Readings

Ackerman, Bruce; Fishkin, James S. “Deliberation Day”. Center for American

Progress. Retrieved April 21, 2015. [11] Hardin, Garrett. “The Tragedy of the
Commons” (PDF). American Association for the
Advancement of Science. Retrieved April 21, 2015.
Asia Pacific Science Technology & Society Network
Bijker, W. E., Hughes, T. P., Pinch, T. and Douglas, D. G., The Social Construction of
Technological Systems: New Directions in the Sociology and History of Technology,
MIT Press, Cambridge, 2012.

Bohman, James (1998). “The Coming of Age of Deliberative Democracy”. The Journal
of Political Philosophy 6 (4): 400–425.

Science, Technology, and Society

Chilvers, Jason (March 2008). “Deliberating Competence, Theoretical and

Practitioners Perspectives on Effective Participatory Appraisal Practice”.
Science, Technology, & Human Values 33 (2). Retrieved April 21, 2015.
Davidow, Bill. “The Tragedy of the Internet Commons”. The Atlantic.
Retrieved April 21, 2015. [13] Kahn, Matthew E. “Environmental and Urban
Economics”. Retrieved April 21, 2015.

Eisenstadt, Shmuel (Winter 2000). “Multiple Modernities”. Dædalus.

European Association for the Study of Science and Technology.

Feenberg, Andrew (1995). Alternative Modernity: The Technical Turn in Philosophy

and Social Theory. University of California Press. ISBN 9780520089860.
Japanese Society for Science and Technology Studies

Jasanoff, Sheila (2003). “Technologies of Humility: Citizen Participation in Governing

Science”. Minerva 41 (3): 223–244. Retrieved April 21, 2015.

Ryfe, David M. (March 4, 2005). “Does Deliberative Democracy Work?". Annual

Review of Political Science 8: 63–64. doi:
10.1146/annurev.polisci.8.032904.154633. Retrieved April 10, 2015.
Winner, Langdon. “Artifact/Ideas and Political Culture.” Technology and the Future
(1993): 283-92. Print.

Name: ______________________________________ Score: ______________

Course / Year.: _____________________ Date: _______________

Review the history of science and make the timeline highlighting the major
discoveries and development in science.

Science, Technology, and Society

Explain the influences of Scientific Revolution and influences development of
science ideas, science discoveries and technology.

LEVEL 4 - Good 3 - Fair 2 - Poor 1 - Poor
Well written Writes fairly Minimal Somewhat Very poor
and very clear. effort. unclear. grammar
organized. Good Minimal Shows little mechanics.
Excellent grammar grammar effort. Very
grammar mechanics. mechanics. Poor unclear.
mechanics. Good Fair grammar Does not
Clear and presentation presentation. mechanics. address
concise and Few Confusing topic.
DESCRIPTION statements. organization. supporting and choppy, Limited
Excellent Sufficient details incomplete attempt.
effort and effort and sentences.
presentation detail. No
with detail. organization
Demonstrates of thoughts.
a thorough
of the topic.

Science, Technology, and Society

Learner’s Feedback Form

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Year Level : ___________ Section : ___________
Faculty : ___________________________________________________
Schedule : ___________________________________________________

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