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3, MAY/JUNE 2011 1193

Transient Overvoltage Protection of Shore-to-Ship

Power Supply System
Dev Paul, Senior Member, IEEE, and Vahik Haddadian, Member, IEEE

Abstract—It is known that an unpredictable threat of transient the published technical data of overvoltage protection devices
overvoltage exists in a power system. Therefore, transient over- that affects equipment overvoltage protection margins. These
voltage protection analysis, commonly known as insulation coordi- devices are applied simply by using rules of thumb without
nation, should be performed to design cold-ironing power systems.
This paper provides a review of the transient surge environment, making any surge protection analysis. This paper describes the
transient overvoltage analysis, and the application of metal–oxide transient overvoltage protection design of a cold-ironing power
surge arresters at specific locations within the shore-to-ship power system. The shore-side power-system infrastructure requires
supply system to enhance transient overvoltage protection to min- a medium-voltage power system to provide large amounts of
imize equipment damage. power of up to 20 MW to docked ships rated at either 11 or
Index Terms—Cold ironing, metal–oxide surge arrester, shore 6.6 kV, three phases, and 60 Hz. The electrical-power-system
to ship, surge arresters, surge environment, surge impedance, infrastructure for a cold-ironing project at a specific berth
switching surge, transient overvoltage. will consist of one dedicated step-down power transformer
with a primary voltage as high as 25, 34.5, 66, or 115 kV,
I. I NTRODUCTION depending upon the utility-company supply voltage to the port.
This dedicated transformer of an adequate rating (7.5 MVA for
A COLD-IRONING power system uses a long-medium-
voltage-cable system with circuit breakers on each end.
The ship-side circuit breaker requires closing and opening
container ships and up to 20 MVA for cruise ships) will then
supply power at 11 or 6.6 kV to the ships by the use of a
operations under certain light load conditions to perform cold- fixed cable system, flexible cable management system (CMS),
ironing operations every time the ship arrives and departs plug/receptacle assemblies, and switchgear assemblies. Such
from the berth. Repeated operation of this breaker with long a power system must be designed with an adequate transient
shore-side power cables may cause a transient overvoltage overvoltage protection scheme, which is the subject of this
condition, particularly when the probability of an unpredictable paper.
threat of transient surges exists in the power system. This A typical one-line diagram of a container ship cold-ironing
transient surge environment of a shore-to-ship power supply power supply system is used in this paper to provide a brief
system (cold ironing) is related to the physical configuration introduction of a cold-ironing power system, its installation
of the primary electrical infrastructure connected to a cold- configuration and requirements of switching power-system
ironing substation transformer, power-system switching oper- breakers under certain load conditions for synchronizing shore
ations, system grounding characteristics, and the intensity of and ship power supplies at the start and end of each cold-ironing
lightning at a specific port. Transient overvoltage caused by operation. Then, it describes transient overvoltage surges that
lightning phenomena and inherent switching surges caused by may be caused by fault conditions and lightning phenomenon
switching devices or fault conditions within the power system to establish an integrated surge environment at a particular
cannot be avoided. Therefore, the power-system analysis should port. The phrase “integrated surge environment” is used to
include a review of the surge environment associated with describe the combination of the predictable switching surges
the electrical infrastructure in order to implement transient caused by cold-ironing operations and the unpredictable surges
overvoltage protection schemes to protect from equipment due to faults and lightning. Later, the propagation of transient
insulation failures. It is the author’s opinion that, during the overvoltage surges, their reflection, and refraction and magni-
design stage, very little work is performed in understanding fication phenomena [5] at specific locations within the power
system (where surge protection devices should be installed)
are described. Finally, metal–oxide surge [metal–oxide varistor
(MOV)] arresters and their known energy-handling capabilities
Manuscript received June 22, 2010; accepted November 5, 2010. Date of and limitations are discussed along with insulation coordination
publication March 10, 2011; date of current version May 18, 2011. Paper
2010-PCIC-271, presented at the 2010 IEEE Petroleum and Chemical Industry of the power-system transformer. A simple engineering calcu-
Technical Conference, San Antonio, TX, September 20–22, and approved lation of insulation coordination is included in the Appendix of
for publication in the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON I NDUSTRY A PPLICATIONS this paper.
by the Petroleum and Chemical Industry Committee of the IEEE Industry
Applications Society.
D. Paul is with AECOM, Oakland, CA 94612 USA (e-mail: dev.paul@ II. P OWER -S YSTEM D ESCRIPTION
V. Haddadian is with the The Port of Los Angeles, San Pedro, CA 90731
USA (e-mail: The power supply infrastructure consists of a utility-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIA.2011.2125772 company supply system, a dedicated step-down power

0093-9994/$26.00 © 2011 IEEE


transformer with primary and secondary switchgear assem-

blies, underground or above-ground parallel power feeder
cables, load interrupter switchgear assemblies, a communica-
tions cable, equipment grounding cables, a CMS, and power
plug/receptacle assemblies. At a single time, only one ship
will be connected to a dedicated transformer to minimize the
effect of coupling switching transients and fault conditions of
one ship to another. Depending upon the port’s cold-ironing
implementation plan, the primary power supply to the trans-
former may consist of an overhead distribution line or an
underground distribution system based upon the existing or new
electrical infrastructure from the utility company or existing
infrastructure at the port. A detailed discussion of the primary
electrical infrastructure of a cold-ironing project is beyond the
scope of this paper, although it can be stated that a large primary
infrastructure will have relatively more surge exposures to the
shore-power system. Longer multiple parallel sets of cables
are required between the shore-power switchgear and the ship
switchgear to meet berthing ships’ power requirements. At a
particular berth, ships with differing configurations will use the
shore-power receptacle vaults, commonly known as alternative
maritime power (AMP) boxes.
To accommodate shore-power connection requirements of
different ships expected at various berths may require AMP
boxes every 200 to 250 ft apart along the wharf on each berth.
It is a good engineering practice to optimize the spacing of
such vaults based upon the knowledge of cable connection
locations of all ships expected at each berth for cold ironing. At
one time, only one AMP box is recommended for connection
to a dedicated shore-power transformer to a single ship at
the berth. Although Fig. 1 shows two AMP boxes with two
plug/receptacle assemblies in each box; only one AMP box
is used for connection to the ship. For bigger cruise ships, as
many as four plug/receptacle assemblies in each AMP box can
be installed to meet the ships’ load requirements. The CMS,
which may be on board at each visiting ship, or one common
portable CMS located on the shore may be used for connecting
any one ship at one time. In each case, the CMS needs to be
equipped with matching male plugs at each end of the flexible
cable system used by CMS. Fig. 2 shows the CMS at the ship
with the ship-side flexible cable system fully engaged while the
shore-side connection plug (needed to make connection inside
the AMP box) hanging downward.
As shown in Fig. 1, dedicated metal-enclosed load interrupter
switch assemblies and associated cable discharging switch as-
semblies are needed for each AMP box to assure that all other
AMP boxes are fully de-energized when one of the AMP boxes
is connected to a ship. Before the ship arrives at the port, the
secondary breaker of the shore-power transformer is in open
position, all load interrupter switches are also in open positions,
and the cable discharging switches are in the closed position.
Upon the arrival of the ship at the port, the port and the ship
operators mutually perform the task of cable connections at the
AMP box using CMS. At the completion of cable connections
under de-energized conditions of the cable system, first, the
shore-power transformer secondary breaker is closed; then,
the ship’s onboard power system is synchronized to turn off the
ship’s onboard generator breaker after closing the shore-power Fig. 1. Power distribution one-line diagram.

side. To minimize the effect of such surges, we need to provide

appropriate surge arresters at both sides, at the primary of
the transformer and at the shore-power panel, as shown in
Figs. 1 and 2. Surge arresters are also needed at other locations,
including the main onboard generator switchgear location. For
simplicity, the main onboard generator switchgear surge ar-
resters are not shown in Fig. 2. The grounding configuration
of the utility primary power supply system and ground fault
current data are needed to determine the type and rating of the
transformer primary surge arresters.
It appears that the likelihood of coupling the lightning surges
to the ship’s onboard power system becomes less as the ship
structure will act like a tall lightning shield. However, an
Fig. 2. Cold-ironing project—power supply system.
unpredictable threat of internal power-system surges still exists;
therefore, surge arresters at all locations of the ship’s onboard
breaker located at the ship. This synchronizing of shore and power system are required. A detailed description of the ship’s
ship power systems and the connecting of the ship to the shore- onboard power-system transient overvoltage protection is be-
power system are performed under minimum load conditions to yond the scope of this paper.
minimize voltage dip and switching surges.
The load transfer from the shore-power system to the ship- A. Lightning Intensity
power system and vice versa during the synchronizing of two
power sources may generate switching surges and voltage dips Lightning within a specific port will be based upon the
that may be of concern to the utility company and should be concept of ground flash density Ng flashes per km2 /year, which
included in the power-system analysis. Knowledge of the loads is related to the isoceraunic level of the area, or the number of
and load characteristics of the ships is needed for such power- thunderstorms per year Td . At present, Ng is approximated by
system analysis. Generally, low-magnitude surges developed the empirical expression (1) [1]
by switching loads are ignored in the industrial/commercial
power-system analysis. The authors believe that such load- Ng = 0.04(Td )1.25 . (1)
transfer switching surges may not be of much concern unless
In (1), Td can vary from five on the U.S. West Coast to greater
it coincides with other unpredictable surge occurrences. To
than 100 in Florida, and using 60 as an example for Td , the
protect power-system equipment insulation failures from such
calculated value of Ng will be near 6.68. It is noted that the
unpredictable surges, surge arresters are needed on shore-to-
exponent value of 1.25 in (1) is somewhat uncertain, for some
ship power systems, as shown in Figs. 1 and 2.
published literature indicates this value to be 1.35. However,
1.25 has been accepted by the committee responsible for the
development of the recommended IEEE guide [1]. Therefore,
III. S URGE E NVIRONMENT large U.S. West Coast ports such as Los Angeles, Long Beach,
The complete power system shown in Figs. 1 and 2 is subject Oakland, and Seattle, which have extended power-system in-
to an unpredictable threat of external surges propagating from frastructures covering large areas, will result in a low value of
the utility power supply system, as well as internal surges Ng , indicating that there is a less probability of a lightning surge
caused by faults or breaker switching operations. External hitting the port’s power system, but the probability will not be
switching and lightning surges propagating from the utility zero, and therefore, surge protection is necessary.
power system will first encounter a surge impedance change
at the primary of the shore-power transformer in case there is
B. Lightning Surge Energy Magnitude
no other bulk power transformer, as shown in Fig. 1.
With the industry-established surge propagation theory [5], Research on the lightning-stroke current-peak amplitude re-
an incoming surge at the primary of the transformer will expe- ported that the mean value of the first stroke is near 31 kA, with
rience surge reflection, which will superimpose on the original a 95% probability of the stroke magnitude being between 10
incoming surge, leading to higher surge magnitudes as high and 100 kA [5]. The first-stroke wave-shape mean value just
as two times the incoming surge, particularly if the primary before the current peak has been reported to be 24.3 kA/μs,
breaker is in an open position [5]. Even with the application which is helpful in understanding the impulse voltages that can
of primary surge arresters, residual surge may propagate to the occur for discharges through power-system inductances. It is
secondary side of the transformer; see (7) [4]. Switching and necessary to indicate that, although the average value of the
lightning surges may propagate from the ship side to the shore- peak magnitude of the subsequent stroke(s) is generally less
power equipment. Such surges will encounter surge impedance than the first stroke, the wavefront(s) of the subsequent stroke(s)
changes at CMS cable connection locations inside the shore- are typically faster. The average value is 39.9 kA/μs, although
power panel; then, the refracted surge wave will pass through values in excess of 70 kA/μs have been reported [8]. Such
the cable system to power-system components on the shore lightning-stroke parameters relate to the flash itself, and many

of the data were obtained from mountaintop observatories. It is primary to the secondary of the transformer can be represented
also reported that 60% of the direct flashes hit the tower, where by the following expression with assumptions described in [4]:
they would flashover to the ground, while the remainder would
hit the spans between the towers. 2nZ2
The previously listed lightning current waves develop very Z1 + n2 Z2
high corresponding voltage waves based upon their relationship − Z1 n2 Z2 2
− Z1 n Z2
provided by the following expressions [6], [7]: × e t− e t (7)
Lm (Z1 + n2 Z2 LS
V =I × Z (2) where
di dv 1 Z1 primary surge impedance;
= × . (3)
dt dt Z Z2 secondary surge impedance;
Surge energy (J) may be calculated by the expression [4] n primary/secondary turn ratio of the transformer;
Lm transformer magnetizing inductance;
t t LS transformer leakage inductance;
dv di 2
J= V.I.dt = t dt joules (4) VSS surge transferred to the transformer secondary;
dt dt
0 0 VP S peak value of the surge voltage on the primary side as
limited by the primary surge arrester.
Even with the application of primary surge arresters at the
V surge voltage in volts;
transformer, the secondary surge arresters should be applied
I surge current in amperes;
to relieve the surge to the ground to protect the secondary
Z surge impedance in ohms;
di/dt rate of rise of surge current in amperes per second;
To avoid damage to secondary surge arresters, the secondary
dv/dt rate of rise of surge voltage in volts per second;
surge arresters should consider a relatively higher switching
t in seconds.
surge protective level (SPL) than the SPL of arresters on the
The following expression [1] is used for power distribution
primary side, taking the transformer turn ratio into considera-
overhead lines and may be used for the primary distribution
tion, as shown in the following [1]:
line to the shore-power transformer

IA = (ES − EA )/Z (5) SP LSV > n(SP LP V ) (8)

where where SP LSV is the switching SPL of the secondary surge

EA arrester impulse discharge voltage (in kilovolts) for im- arresters and SP LP V is the switching SPL of the primary surge
pulse current IA (in kiloamperes); arresters.
ES prospective surge voltage (in kilovolts);
Z surge impedance of the conducting path of the surge
D. Cable Ferroresonance Conditions
arrester (in ohms);
IA impulse current (in kiloamperes) associated with impulse Cable parameters L and C should be used to determine the
voltage. natural frequency of the cable system, and if possible, any of
The energy discharged by the arrester J, in kilojoules, may the transformer inrush current harmonic frequency should not
be conservatively estimated by [1] coincide with the cable natural frequency to avoid concerns of
overvoltage conditions due to the ferroresonance condition.
J = DL EA IA /v (6) The natural frequency (f ) of the cable system with L and C
parameters will be high compared to the fundamental frequency
(60 Hz) of the power supply system
EA arrester discharge voltage (in kilovolts);
IA impulse current (in kiloamperes); 1
DL line length (in miles or kilometers) f= √ . (9)
2π LC
v the speed of light (190 mi/ms or 300 km/ms).
Expression (6) assumes that the entire line is charged to a The remote closing of a utility breaker with an unloaded
prospective surge voltage and is discharged through the arrester transformer with a long primary cable will be subjected to
during twice the travel time of the line. The speed of the surge the transformer magnetizing inrush current which is rich in
wave propagation through the power system is one-half the harmonics, mainly the second and the fourth. The parallel
speed of light (v) [5]. L−C circuit of the system, when excited by the transformer
harmonic currents, may develop a resonance frequency (fr )
with dynamic peak overvoltage close to 2 per unit, which can
C. Surge Propagation Through the Transformer
be √
handled by station-class arresters. Per unit voltage is defined
The electromagnetic coupling of the primary and the sec- as (2/3) EL−L voltage. Intermediate- and distribution-class
ondary windings of the transformer can be treated by consider- arresters will fail under such overvoltage conditions and should
ing the change of surge impedance. Surges transferred from the not be used. The transformer primary surge arresters with

adequate energy-handling capabilities should be applied. The environment under Section III should provide some insight into
resonance frequency (fr ) is represented by (10) [7] the probability of such TOV conditions.
The most common cause of TOV is the 60-Hz power
fr = √ (10) frequency voltage rise on the unfaulted phases during line-
2π Le Ce to-ground fault. Based upon the knowledge of power-system
Ls × Lt parameters, the ratios R0 /X1 and X0 /X1 can be used to
Le = (11)
Ls + Lt determine the coefficient of grounding (COG) from the graphs
Ce = Cc + Ct (12) available in Annex B of IEEE Standard C62.22 [1]. Multiply the
COG with the phase-to-phase operating voltage to determine
where TOV to ground at the fault location, which will become the
LS system inductance; surge arrester location. Alternatively, COG can be calculated by
Lt transformer inductance; using the following equations; however, while these equations
Cc cable capacitance; are applicable for Z1 = Z2 , they do not include fault resistance.
Ct transformer capacitance. Single-line-to-ground (SLG) fault at phase a
1 √
COG(phases b and c) = − [{ 3k/(2 + k)} + j1] . (13)
Double-line-to-ground (DLG) fault at phases b and c
The selection of a metal–oxide surge arrester rating is based
upon many considerations included in IEEE Standard C62.22- √
COG(phase a) = 3k/(1 + 2k) (14)
1997 [1] and IEEE Standard 141 [4], as well as other papers
[6]. Both primary and secondary system parameters, the system where
grounding configuration, and the surge arrester’s published
technical parameters should be known for the selection of k = Z0 /Z1 = (R0 + jX0 )/(R1 + jX1 ). (15)
proper surge arrester ratings. For a cold-ironing power system,
the selection of the transformer primary surge arrester requires In general, for solidly grounded systems, the fault resistance
technical data of the primary power supply system. Generally, (Rf ) tends to reduce the COG, and the modified values of k
in all cases, this system should be solidly grounded at the utility represented by (13) and (14) are indicated by (16) and (17),
substation. However, all of the following information should be respectively.
known for transient overvoltage analysis. For SLG fault

k = (R0 + Rf + jX0 )/(R1 + Rf + jX1 ). (16)

A. System Parameters
For DLG fault
The system parameters are surge environment, maximum
normal operating voltage, system grounding configuration, and k = (R0 + 2Rf + jX0 )/(R1 + 2Rf + jX1 ). (17)
magnitude and duration of temporary overvoltage (TOV) dur-
ing abnormal operating conditions. The duration of such TOV can be assumed as 4 to 40
cycles [10] at the transformer primary (utility-company breaker
B. Surge Arrester Parameters tripping time) if the ground fault is close to the transformer pri-
mary, not cleared by a transformer primary protection device,
The surge arrester parameters are maximum continuous op- located at the port primary switchgear. The verification of the
erating voltage (MCOV), TOV capability, energy-absorbing tripping time of the utility breaker is recommended instead of
capability, pressure relief capability, arrester class, and other using assumed values, lasting up to 40 cycles, [10] to check the
considerations. A discussion of these parameters can be found adequacy of the surge arrester TOV capability. For a ground
in [1] and [5]–[7]. fault on the secondary side of the transformer, the tripping time
may vary, depending upon the ship’s protection requirements
to continue operation upon sensing a low level ground fault
C. Power-System TOV
current controlled by a transformer neutral grounding resistor.
There is no precise accurate data of the surge environment, Since shore-power transformers are resistance-grounded sys-
as well as the frequency and magnitude of the TOV rating of tems, therefore, the line-to-ground voltage on the unfaulted
the power supply. It is not possible to obtain such data from the phases will become line-to-line voltage lasting for a relatively
utility company, for their system is dynamic and lightning and longer time.
switching surges are unpredictable although modern transient The power-system expected-maximum TOV rating on un-
recorders at power supply locations can provide some degree of faulted phases during line-to-ground faults is compared to the
information needed for surge protection application. In the ab- arrester MCOV rating and the arrester TOV capability. The
sence of such information, the mathematical analysis indicated MCOV rating of the arrester should be high enough so that
hereinafter and the example included in the Appendix should be neither the magnitude nor the duration of the calculated system
used to determine the TOV values. The discussion of the surge TOV exceeds the capability of the arrester. The TOV rating


equipment should provide their test data on the basic im-

pulse insulation level (BIL). The following PRs and protective
Fig. 3. Surge arrester TOV capability data.
margins should be calculated before surge arrester ratings are
specified [1], [5].
Various PRs are defined in Fig. 4. They are used in (19)–(21)
to define the insulation protection margins [1], [5]

P ML1 = [P RL1 − 1]100% (19)

P ML2 = [P RL2 − 1]100% (20)
P MS = [P RS − 1]100% (21)

CWW chopped wave withstand of the protected equipment
(in kilovolts);
FOW front-of-wave protective level of arrester (in
BIL BIL of the protected equipment (in kilovolts);
LPL lightning protection level (in kilovolts);
SPL switching surge protection level (in kilovolts);
Fig. 4. Typical volt–time curve of arrester protective levels with insulation
withstand strength for transformer. L di/dt surge arrester connecting lead wire voltage drop (in
kilovolts), where L is the lead conductor inductance
and capability curve of the arrester similar to Fig. 3 should be of 0.4 μH/ft [4];
obtained from the manufacturer of the arrester. P ML1 FOW protective margin (in percent);
P ML2 full wave protective margin (in percent);
P MS switching surge protective margin (in percent).
Acceptable values are 20% and 15% for the P ML1 and
Insulation coordination is the correlation of the insulation of P ML2 , respectively. However, higher values are generally
the electrical equipment with the characteristics of protective recommended [1], [4]. If the acceptable coordination is not
devices such that the equipment insulation is protected from achieved, then increase the BIL and BSL, decrease the arrester
excessive overvoltage. The degree of coordination of the pro- separation distance, add additional arresters in parallel, or use
tected equipment is measured by the protective ratio (PR), as arresters with lower protective characteristics. It should be
shown in Fig. 4 and by noted that the ambient temperature of the enclosure where the
arrester is installed, the altitude affect, and the available short-
PR =(Insulation Withstand Level)/(Voltage at Equipment). circuit data of the utility power system should be considered
(18) during the selection of the arrester.
Surge arresters are used to reduce the surge voltage at the
equipment and to determine the PR once the insulation with-
A. Overvoltage Protection Level
stands a level of the equipment data specified in Table I. The
voltage at the protected equipment should consider the separa- During the power-system design, the insulation of the trans-
tion effect of the surge arresters, if significant [5]. Otherwise, it former, switchgear, cables in the U/G conduits, and cables at the
is equal to the surge arrester protective level. CMS (including plug/receptacle assemblies) should be checked
Very little is known about the plug/receptacle assembly surge to assure that the insulation strength of all components is in
withstand test capabilities as such equipment is new. These excess of the surge voltage levels that can be provided by the
are the weak components of the shore-to-ship power system selected surge arresters. A typical insulation coordination cal-
that needs transient overvoltage protection. Suppliers of such culation for the power transformer is included in the Appendix.

VI. C ONCLUSION AND R ECOMMENDATION 2) Phase-ground short-circuit current = 6044 A with an

X/R ratio of 9.91.
1) Surge arrester selection analysis and insulation coordi-
nation should be performed before specifying the rating These short-circuit data are used in selecting the primary
of the MOV surge arresters. Based upon the analysis surge arrester for the shore-to-ship transformer indicated in the
included in this paper and repeated switching-on-and- following. Three-phase and phase–ground short-circuit MVAs
off operation of the secondary breakers, all primary and can be expressed as follows:
secondary surge arresters should be station class with √
adequate energy-handling capability. A minimum num- MVAthree−phase = 3 × 25 kV × 5.885 kA
ber of MOV surge arresters shown in Figs. 1 and 2 are = 254.82 M V A (22)
recommended for a cold-ironing power system. √
2) Shore-power transformer primary and secondary surge MVAphase−ground = (1/ 3) × 25 kV × 6.044 kA
arresters should be as close as practical to the transformer = 87.24 M V A. (23)
terminal locations. The surge arrester lead wire should be
short and as straight as is practical. By definition, from the theory of symmetrical components,
3) Station-class MOV surge arresters should also be applied the positive-, negative-, and zero-sequence-impedance parame-
at the overhead to underground primary power supply ters are as follows:
feeder junction locations.
4) Even if the surge arresters are used by the utility company Positive Sequence Impedance (Z1 ) : Z1 = R1 + X1
on the primary incoming power supply system, it is rec- Negative Sequence Impedance (Z2 ) : Z2 = R2 + X2
ommended that surge arresters be installed on the primary
side of the shore-power transformer. It is important to Positive Sequence Impedance (Z0 ) : Z0 = R0 + X0 .
confirm the utility power supply grounding configuration,
short-circuit data, and breaker tripping time to clear the The relationship of these impedance components to short-
ground fault conditions. Such data are needed to perform circuit MVA values follows
the TOV calculation for arrester selection.
Z1 = kV2 /M V Athree−phase Ω. (24)
5) Surge arrester published technical data, including the TOV
capability curve similar to Fig. 3, should be used before
where kV indicates the power-system line-to-line voltage,
approving adequate surge arresters with proper ratings.
which is 25 kV in the current example
6) The surge withstand capability of the plug/receptacle
assembly should be established by the manufacturers and 625
∴ Z1 = = 2.4527 Ω
should be included in the insulation coordination study 254.82
to assure that an adequate margin of protection exists for
(Z1 + Z2 + Z0 ) = kV2 /M V APhase−ground Ω
this equipment.
7) The equation (1) of IEEE Standard C62.22-1997 [1] has 625
∴ (Z1 + Z2 + Z0 ) = = 7.1641 Ω. (25)
an error; the speed of light (ν) should be changed to 87.24
186 mi/ms instead of 186 000 mi/s to derive correct
It is reasonable to assume that Z1 and Z2 are equal in
magnitude for the utility power distribution system, as the
power system normally supplies balanced three-phase loads.
A PPENDIX Under this assumption, the calculated values of Z0 and Z1 using
I NSULATION C OORDINATION A NALYSIS the utility short-circuit data will be as follows:
This calculation is provided to establish insulation coor- Z0 = 2.2587 Ω Z1 = 2.4527 Ω.
dination for the power transformer. Both the primary- and
secondary-side grounding configurations and surge arrester Using (15) and the sequence impedance values indicated
data are used in the analysis. before, the value of k will be
A. Transformer Primary TOV Calculation k= = 2.2587/2.4527 = 0.931.
The utility-company short-circuit data for the primary power
For a line-to-ground fault on phase “a,” the COG values for
supply system rated at 25Y/14.4 kV, three phases, and 60 Hz
phases “b” and “c” using (13) will be
and for the solidly grounded system at the utility substation
indicated in the following are used in determining the TOV COGb = −1/2 [{1.732 × 0.931/(2+0.931)} + j1] = −0.571.
rating. Please note that this voltage is for calculation purposes
and does not match with the 34.5-kV voltage indicated in For DLG at phases “b” and “c,” the COG for phase “a” using
Fig. 1. (14) will be
1) Three-phase short-circuit current = 5885 A with an
X/R ratio of 11.32. COGa = 1.732 × 0.931/(1 + 2 × 0.931) = 0.563.

The aforementioned calculation indicates that the voltage on The aforementioned calculation indicates that overvoltage
the unfaulted phases can be on the order of 14.275 kV (0.571 × protection margins for the power transformer are within the
1.732) to 14.075 kV (0.563 × 1.732), depending upon if acceptable recommended ranges of > 20% for the P M1 and
the fault is a phase–ground or phase–phas–ground fault. With P M2 and > 15% for P RS [1], [5].
input from the utility for the voltage regulation, the short-time
overvoltage may be 1.05 EL−N voltages for a solidly grounded R EFERENCES
system. The system TOV value for surge arrester application [1] IEEE Guide for the Application of Metal–Oxide Surge Arresters for
should be greater than the maximum value of the calculated Alternating-Current Systems, IEEE Std. C62.22-1997, 1998.
TOV indicated in the example or 1.05 EL−N , whichever is [2] IEEE Recommended Practice for Electrical Shore-to-Ship Connections,
IEEE Draft Std. P1713, Sep. 2009.
greater. [3] Electrical Transmission and Distribution Reference Book, 4th ed., by
Westinghouse Electric Corporation, East Pittsburgh, PA, 1964.
[4] A. Greenwood, Electrical Transients in Power Systems. Hoboken, NJ:
B. Transformer Primary Surge Arrester Wiley, 1971.
[5] IEEE Recommended Practice for Electric Power Distribution for Indus-
Based upon the aforementioned TOV consideration, a trial Plants, IEEE Std. 141-1993, 1994.
station-class 18-kV surge arrester with the following data is [6] D. Paul and S. I. Venugopalan, “Power distribution system equipment
overvoltage protection,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 30, no. 5, pp. 1290–
required: 1297, Sep./Oct. 1994.
1) arrester rating: 18 kV rms; [7] Electrical Distribution System Protection, 3rd ed. Cooper Power Systems,
2) MCOV rating: 15.3 kV rms; Sep. 1990.
[8] E. A. Bardo, K. L. Cummins, and W. A. Brooks, “Lightning current para-
3) TOV capability: 22.0 kV rms (1 s); meters derived from lightning location systems: What can we measure?”
4) FOW: 53.2 kV peak; in Proc. 18th Int. Lightning Detection Conf., Helsinki, Finland, Jun. 6–8,
5) maximum discharge voltage: 47.1 and 51.9 kV peak (for 2004. [Online]. Available:
[9] Standard for Metal–Oxide Surge Arresters for AC Power Circuits (ANSI),
8 × 20 μs with 10 and 20 kA peak, respectively); IEEE Std. C62.11-1987, 1987.
6) switching surge: 37 kV peak. [10] IEEE Guide for Temporary Protective Grounding Systems Used in
Substations, IEEE Std. 1246-2002, 2003.

C. Transformer Secondary Surge Arrester

The resistance-grounded secondary power system will de- Dev Paul (M’73–SM’90) received the M.S. degree
velop TOV voltage that is equal to line-to-line voltage during in electrical engineering from Punjab University,
Chandigarh, India, in 1971.
line-to-ground fault. Ship load may contain certain harmon- In 1972, he joined Kaiser Engineers, which
ics, and when it gets switched on through long cables with went through merging with other design engineer-
considerable inherent capacitance may lead to TOV condition. ing companies and is currently AECOM, Oakland,
CA. As a Design Engineer, he worked on a va-
On the other hand, the installed power-system equipment for riety of heavy industrial, DOD, and DOE facil-
6.6 kV may be 15-kV class with higher insulation and BIL ities and commercial and electrified rapid transit
level compared to the equipment rated at 6.6 kV. Since ship projects. Currently, in the Transportation Division
in the Oakland, CA, office, he is the Senior
load characteristics are not easily available at the time of design, Project Director responsible for electrical work related to the cold-ironing
therefore, station-class surge arresters with higher voltage class projects, airport projects, and ac/dc rail transit projects. He is the author of
and higher energy-handling capability are recommended to 20 technical papers which have been published in American Public Transporta-
tion Association (APTA) and IEEE conference proceedings.
handle unpredictable TOV conditions and still meet equipment Dr. Paul was the recipient of the Ralph H. Lee Award from the IEEE for
insulation coordination criteria. his paper on dc power-system grounding in 2002. He is the Vice-Chair of
Draft IEEE/ISO/IEC Standard P1713 on shore-power connections to ships
and the Chairperson of Draft IEEE Standard P1627, “Standard for Grounding
D. Insulation Coordination Analysis Practices for DC Electrification OCS Including Application of Lightning Surge
Arresters.” He is an active member of many IEEE committees responsible for
A cold-ironing transformer is a dry-type cast coil with a BIL upgrading color book series into mother books. In the past, he has served as the
Treasurer and the Vice-Chair for the IEEE/IAS Oakland Eastbay Chapter.
level of 150 kV. Using the equipment overvoltage withstand
data indicated in Table I and the arrester data described before,
various margins of protection levels, as shown in Fig. 4, are
Vahik Haddadian (M’97) received the B.S. de-
included in the following calculation. The arrester lead length gree in electrical engineering from the University of
voltage drop is based upon 2.5 kV/ft and 20-ft lead length [7] Southern California, Los Angeles.
He is currently the Chief Electrical Engineer with
P RL1 = CW W/F OW The Port of Los Angeles, San Pedro, CA, where
he is responsible for implementing cold-ironing in-
= 1.10 × 150 kV/(53.2 + 2.5 × 20) kV frastructure for cruise and container ships. He par-
ticipated in the design, construction, and testing of
= 1.59 the world’s first container ship cold-ironing project at
The Port of Los Angeles. He has worked on various
port facility projects and has supervised the design,
P RL2 = BIL/LP L = 150 kV/(51.9+2.5×20) kV = 1.47 construction, and testing of such projects.
Mr. Haddadian is a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of
P RS = BSL/SP L California. He is a very active working member of the committee responsible
for developing IEEE/ISO/IEC Standard P1713 for the shore-power connection
= 0.69 × 150 kV/(37 + 2.5 × 20) kV = 1.19. to ships.

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