Anatomy 02

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Ashya, Kostha, Kosthangas and

Other Sharira
•• Amashaya, Agnyashaya, Pakwashaya, Mutrashaya,
Raktaashaya, Hnidaya, Unduka and Phuphphusa are
together called as Kostha (Su. Sa 2/12-13)
•• Synonym of Kostha- Mahasrota, Shareera Madhyam (Ch.
Su 11/40)
•• Ashayas are 7 in number (M) (Sushruta)
•• Ashayas are 8 in Female (Extra- Garbhashaya) (Su)
•• Ashayas are 10 in Female according to sharangadhar
(Extra- Sthanyashaya-2)
•• Shape of Garbhashaya is like Rohita-Mastya mukha.
•• Shape of Yoni is like shankhanabhi. (su)
•• Shape of Yoni is like Aswathapatra (Rasashastra)
•• Shape of Yoni is like Shakata (Kashyapa)
•• Tritiya avarta of Yoni (3rd whrole) is the place of
Garbhashaya (Su).
•• Number of Kostanga (Kashyapa)-13
•• ìNabhiî is a Kosthanga not accepted by Sushruta &

1. Blandinís gland Racemose glands located near the tip of

under surface of the tongue.
2. Bowmanís gland Simple branched tubular glands present in
the olfactory mucosa of the nasal cavity.
102 A Concise Companion for All Competative Examination

3. Bruchís gland Conjuctival lymph nodes in lower eye-

4. runnerís gland Duodenal sub mucosa secreting intestinal
5. Ceruminous gland Glands in the external auditory canal that
secrete cerumen
6. Cobelliís gland Glands in Oesophageal mucosa
7. Ebnerís gland Serous gland of tongue located in the
region of the vallate papillae
8. Fraenkelís gland Tiny glands located below the margin of
the vocal cords
9. Gayís gland Multiple sweat glands developed to a
great extent in the peri anal region.
10. Harversian gland That secretes synovial fluid
11. Luschkaís gland Near the coccygeal tip.
12. Meryís gland Bulbourethral
13. Tysonís gland Inner surface of prepuce and on the glans
14. Waldyerís gland Glands in the eye lids.
15. Weberís gland Gland in tongue mucosa.
16. Zucker kandiís Accessory thyroid gland.
17. Nobothian gland Dilated mucous glands of cervix uteri
18. Mollís gland Modified sweat glands in eyelids
19. Montgomeryís Breast areolar glands
20. Zeisís gland Large sebaceous glands in eyelids
21. Bartholinís gland Gland present in labia majora
22. Cowperís gland Glands present in Bulbous part of
23. Krauseís gland Are accessory lacrimal glands about 42 in
upper fornix and 6-8 in lower fornix.

Ashya, Kostha, Kosthangas and Other Sharira 103

24. Meibomian gland Enormously developed sebaceous glands

of tarsal plate.

Brocaís pouch In labia major (Pudendal Sac) 21.
Match Group-A (Nerve) with Group-B
I/CN-V1 a/ Corneal blink.
II/CN-V2 b/Cough
III/CN-V3 c/Gag
IV/CN-IX d/Jaw-jerk.
V/CN-X e/Sneeze.
(a) I-a, II-e, III-d, IV-c, V-b.
(b) I- a, II- e, III- b, IV-c, V- d
(c) I-a, II-b, III-c, IV-d, V-e.
(d) I-e, II-d, III-b, IV-c, V-a
22. A clinical manifestation of a fracture that passes through the
left stylomastoid foramen &injuries the contained nerve is:
(a) Facial palsy
(b) Hyperacusis in the left ear.
(c) Loss of lacrimation on the left side.
(d) Loss of left parotid gland secretion.
23. Which of the following statements correctly pertains to the
ischiocavernosus muscle in both the male & the female?
(a) Its contraction is the principal mechanism of erection.
(b) It inserts into the central tendon of the perineum.
(c) It lies in the superficial perineal space.
(d) It receives its motor innervation from the nervi
24. The medial umbilical folds are created by peritoneum over
lying the:
(a) Falciform ligament.
104 A Concise Companion for All Competative Examination

(b) Inferior gastric arteries

(c) Lateral borders of the rectus sheath
(d) Obliterated umbilical arteries.
25. Which of the following structures transit through the
esophageal hiatus of diaphragm?
(a) Azygos vein (b) Hemi-Azygos vein
(c) Rt. Vagus nerve (d) Thoracic duct.
26. Blood returns to the left side of the heart via which of the
following vessels?
(a) Anterior cardiac vein (b) Coronary sinus
(c) IVC&SVC (d) Thebesian vein.
27. Match the function with the appropriate nerve:
a. Inability to stand on the toe i. common peroneal nerve
by plantar flexion
b. Inability to stand on the ii. Femoral nerve
heels by dorsiflexion
c. Loss of knee-jerk reflex iii. Tibial nerve
(a) a-iii,b-i,c-ii. (b) a-ii,b-I,c-iii
(c) a-ib-ii,c-iii (d) a-iii,b-ii, c-i.
28. The dorsalis pedis artery is the most commonly continuation
(a) Fibular artery (b) Lateral plantar art.
(c) Anterior tibial art. (d) Posterior tibial art.
29. For each joint / vertebral region, select the principal
movements permitted:
a. Flexion/extension i. Atlanto-axial joint.
b. Rotation ii. Atlanto-occipital joint.
c. Abduction(Lateral flexion) iii. Lumbar region
d. Little or no movement iv. Sacral region
v.Thoracic region.
(a) a-ib-v,c-iii,d-iv. (b) a-v,b-ii,c-iii,d-iv.
(c) a-iv,b-v,c-ii, d-i. (d) a-v,b-iii,c-ii,d-iv

Ashya, Kostha, Kosthangas and Other Sharira 105

30. The muscle of tongue, not supplied by hypoglossal nerve

(a) Hypoglossal (b) Styloglossus
(c) Palatoglossus (d) Genioglossus.
31. The ulnar nerve innervates which of the following muscles
of the thumb?
(a) Abductor pollicis brevis
(b) Abductor pollicis longus.
(c) Deep head of the flexor pollicis brevis.
(d) Superficial head of the flexor pollicis brevis
32. Which of the following statements describing about the
pectoralis minor muscle is correct?
(a) It is attached to the accromian process of the scapula.
(b) It is crossed the cords of the brachial plexus.
(c) It is innervated by the middle sub scapular nerve.
(d) It is originated deep to the Axillary artery.
33. The muscles of the back receive motor innervation from:
(a) Dorsal primary rami (b) Ventral primary rami.
(c) Dorsal root (d) White rami communi-
34. Which of the following statements about the lobes of the
breast is true?
(a) These are defined by connective tissue septa that
determined the posture of the breast.
(b) These are numbered between 40&60.
(c) These glandular tissues are source of breast size variation
over the menstrual cycle.
(d) These empty at the nipple via a common Ampulla.
35. The superficial fascia in the perineum is known as:
(a) Camperís fascia (b) Cruveilhierís fascia
(c) Scarpaís fascia (d) Collesí fascia.
36. The average adult human brain weights about:
(a) 2percent of the total body wt.
106 A Concise Companion for All Competative Examination

(b) 14 percent of the total body wt.

(c) 16percent of the total body wt.
(d) 10 percent of the total body.
37. 45cms length of structure/s is/areñ
(a) Spinal cord (b) Thoracic duct
(c) Vas deference (d) All of the above.
38. For each inflammatory condition, select the dermatomes to
which pain is initially referred:
a. C3-C5 i. cholecystitis.
b. T1-T4 ii. diverticulitis of the sigmoid colon.
c. T5-T9 iii. Free air under the diaphragm.
d. T10-T11 iv. Intussusception of the ileum at the
ileocaecal valve.
e/ L1-L2
(a) a-iii,b-ii,c-I,d-iv (b) a-iii,c-I,d-iv,e-ii.
(c) a-ii, b-I, c-iii, e-iv (d) a-ii, b-iii, d-iv, e-i.
39. A fit &trim 66-year-old man complains of slow initiation
&increased frequency of urination. The examining physician
suspects benign prostatic hypertrophy, which results in
obstruction of the prostatic urethra by enlargement of the:
(a) Anterior lobe (b) Entire prostate gland
(c) median lobe (d) Posterior lobe.
40. The valve present at orifice of Appendix is:
(a) Heisteís valve (b) Gerlachís valve
(c) Eustachian valve (d) Houstonís valve.
41. Select the organ/s which has/have breadth greater than
(a) Caecum (b) Prostate
(c) Pituitary gland (d) All the above.
42. A Pouch descends from the right wall of the neck of gall
bladder is:
(a) Hartmanníspouch (b) Pouch of Douglas
(c) Utero-vesical pouch (a) All the above.
Ashya, Kostha, Kosthangas and Other Sharira 107

43. Which muscle is known as PUNCHING muscle?

(a) Latissimus dorsi (b) Trapezius
(c) Serratus anterior (d) Deltoid.
44. The right bronchus makes an angle of ñdegrees with the
(a) 25 (b) 45 (c) 60 (d) 90.
45. Select True (T) or False (F)
(a) Broncho-pulmonary segment is not a brochovascular
(b) Clinical apex of the heart is the apex beat.
(c) Pleura extend into the fissures &cut surfaces of the
(a) a-T, b-T, c-F. (b) a-T, b-F, c-F.
(c) a-T, b-F, c-T. (d) a-F, b-F c-T.
46. The largest vein in the body is:
(a) Femoral vein (b) Portal vein
(c) Great saphenous vein. (d) Thoraco-epigastric
47. Which vein is a connecting link between the SVC&IVC?
(a) Superficial epigastric vein (b) Lateral thoracic vein
(c) Small saphenous vein (d) Thoraco-epigastric
48. Which is the strongest &thickest tendon in the body?
(a) Tendon of peroneus longus (b) T. Archillis
(c) T of Biceps (d) ll.
49. The shape of deep inguinal ring is:
(a) Triangular (b) Oval
(c) Quadrangular (d) Circular.
50. Length of spermatic cord is:
(a) 45cms (b) 18íí (c) 7cms (d) 7íí.
51. Match Group-A (NERVES) with Group-B (ROOT
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Group-A Group-B
a. subcostal nerve i. L1, L2.
b. ilio-inguinal nerve ii. L1
c. genito-femoral nerve iii. T12
(a) a-iii, b-ii, c-i. (b) a-I, b-ii, c-iii
(c) a-ii, b-i, c-iii (d) a-I, b-iii, c-ii.
52. Falx inguinalis is formed by:
(a) Internal oblique-2/3rd &Transversus abdominis-1/3rd
(b) Internal oblique-1/3rd &-do- ñ2/3rd
(c) External oblique-1/3rd &ñdoñ ñ2/3rd
(d) -doñ ñ2/3rd & ñdoñ ñ1/3rd.
53. As compared to an adult male, the adult female has more:
(a) Connective tissue (b) Brain
& other parts
(c) Muscles (d) Fats.
54. As compared to whole body, the head of new born baby
(a) 1/5th (b) 1/4th (c) 1/2nd (d) 1/3rd.
55. As per BURNET, the biological clock of ageing is:
(a) Pituitary (b) Thyroid
(c) Thymus (d) All the above.
56. Highest regeneration capacity is found in:
(a) Brain (b) Spleen (c) Kidney (d) Liver.
57. Middle Ear is filled with:
(a) Air (b) Endolymph
(c) Perilymph (d) None.
58. The umbilical cord contains:
(a) 1, Umbilical artery (b) 2, Umbilical veins
(c) 2, Umbilical arteries (d) None.
59. Starting from the entrance area of light in eyes up to the area
of image formation, The structures found within eye are as

Ashya, Kostha, Kosthangas and Other Sharira 109

(a) conjuctivañcorneañaqueous humourñlensñvitreous

(b) conjuctivañcorneañaqueous humourñvitreous
(c) Aqueous humourñconjuctiva-corneañlensñvitreous
(d) Aqueous humourñcorneañconjuctivañlensñvitreous
60. A 73-year-old woman is evaluated for a vision problem.The
differential diagnosis includes a cerebrovascular accident in
the right visual cortex.
The artery that primarily supplies the right visual cortex is
(a) Anterior cerebral artery (b) Middle cerebral artery
(c) Opthalmic artery (d) Basilar artery.
Answer-Sheet Top-II
1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (c) 4. (a)
5. (b) 6. (d) 7. (d) 8. (c)
9. (a) 10. (c) 11. (b) 12. (b)
13. (d) 14. (d) 15. (c) 16. (d)
17. (c) 18. (a) 19. (b) 20. (c)
21. (a) 22. (a) 23. (c) 24. (d)
25. (c) 26. (d) 27. (a) 28. (c)
29. (a) 30. (c) 31. (c) 32. (b)
33. (a) 34. (a) 35. (b) 36. (a)
37. (d) 38. (b) 39. (c) 40. (b)
41. (d) 42. (a) 43. (c) 44. (b)
45. (a) 46. (c) 47. (d) 48. (b)
49. (b) 50. (c) 51. (a) 52. (b)
53. (d) 54. (b) 55. (c) 56. (d)
57. (a) 58. (c) 59. (a) 60. (d)
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1. ...................................
2. Heidenhainís Pouch→ In the stomach used to study
physiology of stomach.
3. Douglas Pouch→ Recto uterine Pouch in females
4. Prussakís Pouch→Anterior recess of tyanpanic
5. Rathkeís Pouch → An out pocketing of roof of embryonic
stomodeum. Gove rise to anterior lobe of Pituitary
6. Hartmannís pouch→ peshis of the gall bladder
7. Morrisonís pouch→ Hepato renal
8. Physickís pouch→ Proctitis with mucous discharge and
burning pain in valuing especially sacculations between
the rectal valves.
9. Endodermal pouch→ Pharyngeal pouch.
10. Pavlov Pouch→ An expenimental pouch made in stomach
to study conditioned reflex named after Pavlov.
1. Valves of winking→ Volvulae connivantes in duodenum
2. Valve of Ball→ Transverse valve in anal canal
3. valve of Houston→ Mucosal folds of rectum
4. Morgagniís valve→ Anal valve
5. Valve of Gerdach→ Seen at base Apperdix
6. Varaolius Valve→ Iieocaecal valve
7. Baruneís Valve→ At the junction of oesophagus and
8. Hoisterís Valve → Spiral valve of cystic duct.
9. Mercierís Valve→ In urinary bladder at the urethral
10. Terrierís Valve→ A valve like fold between gallbladder
and cystic duct.
11. Tulpís or tulpius Valve→ Iieocaecal valve

Ashya, Kostha, Kosthangas and Other Sharira 111

12. Hobkenís Valve→ The flange like protrusions into the

lumen of the umbilical arteries where they are twisted or
kinked in their course through the unbilical cord
1. Bellini;s Duct→ Straight collecting tubules of the kidney
2. Bartholinís Duct→ The major duct of the sublingual
3. Cystic duct→ Excretory duct of gall bladder
4. Gartnerís duct→ A remnant of Wolffian duct.
5. Mullerian duct→ Bilateral ducts in the embryo that form
the uterus, Embryo that form the uterus vagina and
fallopian tubes.
6. Wirsungís duct → Pancreatic duct.
7. Santoriniís duct→ Accessory pancreatic duct.
8. Whartonís duct→ duct of submandibular gland
9. Vitelline duct→ the narrow duct in the embryo connects
the yolk sac with the intestine.
10. Dusts of Rivinus→ 5 to 15 ducts that drain the posterior
portion of the sublingual gland.
11. Stensenís duct→ Parotid duct.
12. Pecquetís duct→ Thoracic duct
13. Hensenís duct→ Ductus reunions
14. Hoffmannís duct→ Pancreatic duct.
15. Bernardís duct→ Accessory pancreatic duct
16. Wolffian duct→ Mesonephric duct
17. Duct of Bivinus→ Duct of sublingual glands
18. Cartnerís duct→ Remnant of Mesonephric duct in
•• Boaís point→ A tender spot left to the T12 in patients with
gastric ulcer.
•• Erbís point→ Meeting point of C5 and C6 nerve root
112 A Concise Companion for All Competative Examination

•• Halleís point→ Ureter is palpable as it crosses the pelvic

•• Mc Burneyís point→ Pressure at this point produces
tenderness in appendicitis. It is situated 4 to 5 cm above
the junction of lateral 1/3 rd and medial 2/3rd of a line
joining anterior superior iliac spine and umbilicus.
•• Vital point→ Point on the medulla oblongata close to the
floor of 4th ventricle, puncture of which causes instant
death due to destruction of the respiratory center
•• Mayo- Robsonís point→ Just above and to the right of the
umbilicus, where tenderness on pressure exists in disease
of the pancreas.
•• Sudeckís critical point→ Region in the colon between the
supply of the sigmoid arteries and that of the superior
rectal artery
•• Sylvian point→ The nearest point on the skull to the
lateral sylvian fissure
•• Weberís point→ Situated 1Cm below the promontory of
the sacrum representing the center of gravity of the body
•• Lianís point→ At the junction of outer and middle thirds of
a line passing from the umbilicus to the anterior superior
iliac spine, where the trocar may safely be introduced in
•• Occipital point→ The most prominent posterior point on
the occipital bone above the inion
1. Largest cavity of body→ Abdominal cavity
2. Largest gland→ Liver
3. Total degree of rotation of mid gut during development
is→ 270 (Anticlockwise)
4. Apex of heart is situated at→ Left 5th intercostals space
5. Thinnest wall of all the four→ Chamber of heart is of
ñRight atrium
6. Autorrhythmicity of A.V node is→ 40 per minute
7. Autorrhythmicity of D.V node is→ 70 per minute

Ashya, Kostha, Kosthangas and Other Sharira 113

8. Bundles of kent are→ Abnormal muscle bridges between

atria and ventricles
9. Early functional closure of foramen ovale is mainly due
to→ Pressure difference
10. Tricuspid orifice of heart is located at- Right 5th intercostals
11. Angle of Louis (sternal angle) is located at- Articulation of
second rib anteriorly
12. IVC enters right atrium at level of ñ 6th chondrosternal
13. Space of Disse is- A space between hepatocytes and
hepatic sinusoids
14. Clitoris develop from Genital tubercle
15. Macula densa is related do- Distal tubule of kidney
16. Most common site of diverticulosis coli is ñ Sigmoid
17. Uvula vesicae is produced by- Median lobe of prostate
18. Number of rectal valve is- 3
19. Hiltonís line is- Ano-cutaneous junction
20. Trigone of Urinary bladder develops from- Mesonephric
21. ìAnte versionî of uterus is the angle between long axis of
cervix and vagina-90o
22. ìAnte flexionî of uterus is the angle between ling axis of
cervix and body of vterus-120o
23. Nipple is located at fourth intercostals space in Male
24. Annulus fibrosis forms the skeleton of heart.
25. Gaseous exchange occurs in primary alveoli
26. The total surface area of it is 70m2 or is equal to tennis
court area
27. Diaphragm has 3 main opening (T8) and Aortic opening
28. Oesophageal opening contents.
114 A Concise Companion for All Competative Examination

Oesophagus,.Rt and left vagus Nerve

Oesophageal br. Of left gastric artery
Accompany of veins and lymphatics
29. Caval opening contents.
Braches of right Phrenic nerve
30. Aortic opening contents
Azygos vein
Thoracic duct
Hemiazygos vein
Sympathetic trunk
Left phrenic nerve
Sub costal nerve & Vessels
31. Contents of root of lung
Main stem bronchus
Two pulmonary veins
One pulmonary artery
Hilar lyanphnodes and lymphatics
Bronchial artery
32. Normally transverse diameter of heart should be less than
half the chest diameter
33. Right border is formed by right atrium.
Inferior border→Rt. Ventricle + Left. Ventricle
Apex→left Ventricle
Left Border- left ventricle + auricles of left
Base→left atrium. (Posterior surface)
Anterior surface→Rt. Ventricle
34. Vagus nerve is inhibitory to heart
35. Match the lining epithelium (Group-A) with structures
(Group B)

Ashya, Kostha, Kosthangas and Other Sharira 115

Group-A Group-B
1. Simple ciliated columnar epithelium (a) Alveolus
2. Simple Squamous epithelium (b) Trachea
3. Pseudo stratified ciliated (c) Respiratory
4. Simple ciliated cuboidal epithelium (d) Terminal
(a) 1-D,2-A,3-B, 4-C (b) 1-A,2-B,3-D, 4-C
(c) 1-D,2-A,3-C, 4-B (d) 1-A,2-D,3-C, 4-B
36. Match the Various components of connective tissue (GA)
with different functions (GB)
Group-A Group-B
1. Collagen fibers Tensile strength
2. Elastic fibers Elasticity
3. Reticular fibers Support
4. Fibroblast cells Formation of fibers
5 Macro phage cells Phagocytes
6. Mast cell Histamine, heparin
7. Plasma cell Antibody (Immunoglobulin)
37. Largest lymphatic vessel of body- thoracic duct
38. Thoracic duct crosses from night to left at the level of ty.
39. Bronchopulmonary segments are functional units of
40. Each segment is pyramidal in shape
41. 10 segments are present on right side and 8 to 10 at left
42. Inguinal triangle is known as Hasselbachís ∆
43. Peritoneum is the largest serous sac of body.
44. Esophagus is the most muscular segment of G.I.T.
45. Narrowest part of esophagus is at ñ Cricopharynx.
46. Length of pyloric canal=1î
47. Each main vagus nerve terminates in nerve of later jet.
116 A Concise Companion for All Competative Examination

48. Distal most branches of nerve of later jet are likeî Crowís
footî, which innervates antrum
49. Ligament of treitz is a surgical land mark of duodenojejunal
50. Small intestine has 3parts I-e duodenum, jejunum and
ileum. The average length of it is about 6 meter
51. Narrowest part of GIT is situated at 60 cm proximal to
ileocaecal junction
52. The circular folds of mucous membrane forms complete
or incomplete circles, called plicae circulares or valves of
53. An individual can lead a normal life even after resection
of up to one third of small gut
54. An individual can survive even with 1 ½ feet of small
55. shortest part of colon is ascending colon
56. Average size of appendix is 10 cm
57. Most common position of appendix is retrocaecal (65-
70% cases) at 12-0í clock position
58. Lymphoid tissue appears in apendix2 weeks after birth
59. Most common age group for appendicitis is teenagers and
young adults because at this age the lumen of appendix
is very narrow
60. Rectum length is 15 cm
61. The inner wall of rectum has 3 semicircular rectal folds of
Houston valves
Superioróat left side
Middleóat Right sideññ largest fold
Inferioróat left 2 cm above and anal canal. it is palpated
per rectally
62. Average wt. Of liver= 1500 gm (M),1250gm (Fe), 150gm.
(At birth)
63. Bare area of liver lies in between two layers of coronary
Ashya, Kostha, Kosthangas and Other Sharira 117

64. Line of division of surgical lobes passes from gall bladder

fossa to IVC.
65. Liver has been divides into ë8í segments. It has importance
in segmentectomy
66. Structurally liver consists of two types of lobule
(a) Hepatic lobuleñis the functional unit of liver. Hexagonal
in shape. In the centre, central vein is present in which
sinusoids end. Sinusoids are lined by Kupffer cells
(Phagocytic cells)
(b) Portal lobule- it contains portal triads
Radicle of portal vein
Hepatic artery
Bile ductule
67. Fibrous capsule covering the portal triads is called
Glissonís Capsule
68. Liver is supported by hepatic veins in its place (Main
69. Hepatic blood flow per minute is 1500ml i.e. 40% of
cardiac out put
70. Hepatic artery supplies 25% and postal vein supplies 75%
of blood flow
71. portal venous system is Valve less
72. ligation of hepatic portal vein can be tolerated by liver up
to 30-60 minutes
73. Up to 80% of liver resection can be tolerated by non
cirrhotic individual
74. Liver has high power of regeneration. Following resection
of two third portion of liver, it regenerated in about 6
75. Hepatocytes drain about 1lt of bile in to bile canaliculi
76. Common bile duct (CBD) is about 10cm long
77. Narrowest portion of CBD = Intramural part
78. Parts of CBD are- Supra duodenal, retro duodenal, Infra
duodenal & intramural
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79. Mucosal fold in cystic duct is called ìValves of Heisterísî.

It maintains the potency of cystic duct
80. CBD and primary pancreatic duct join to form Ampulla of
Vaterís. It opens at major duodenal papilla and guarded
by sphincter of oddi
81. GB is about 10 cm ling 3 cm board has 50 ml capacity
82. GB undergoes distension up to 10 times
83. Bile is concentrated up to 10 times here
84. Out pouching of mucosa of gall bladder is called
Rokintansky Aschoff Sinuses.
85. Dilates poster medial wall of neck of G.B. - Hartmanís
pouch. It is a common site of stone impaction
86. Calotís triangle→left- common hepatic duct above- liver,
right side- cystic duct. In it cystic artery lies
87. Literal meaning of pancreas isî All fleshî(pan= all,
88. Exocrine part has secreting cells i.e. accini
89. Endocrine part has collection of solid interalveolar cells
called islet of langerhans, these are highest at the tail of
90. IVC formed at level of body of L5 Vertebra 2.5 cm right
to midline
91. It has no valves except at its opening in right atrium
92. Portal vein formed at the level of L2 vertebra
93. Normal pressure in portal vein is 6-12mm of Hg
94. Spleen is the largest duct less gland of body. It is a haemo
lymph organ
95. Average size of spleen is 5x3x1 inch. & wt. =7 ounce (150
96. ìMalplighian corpusclesî are present in white pulp. It
consists of aggregate of lymphocytes with an arteriole in
it. It appears as like boiled sago grain bodies
97. Blood stored in spleen is 50ml

Ashya, Kostha, Kosthangas and Other Sharira 119

98. Spleen is the blood bank of body

99. Spleen is known as graveyard of RBCs
100. Largest branch of celiac artery is splenic artery.
101. wt.of kidney = 150
102. Renal fascia/ peri renal fascia/ fascia of Gerota is the false
capsule of kidney
103. Renal capsule/ fibrous capsule is the true capsule
of kidney. This provides a barrier against spread of
104. Structures present at hilus of kidney from anterior to
posterior are renal vein, artery and pelvis (VAP)
105. Renal parenchyma has two parts- Cortex & medulla
106. Cortex consists of renal corpuscles, proximal convoluted
tubules and distal convoluted tubules.
107. Part of cortex which forms cap over pyramids is called
cortical arches and past of cortex extending between
pyramid is called renal columns
108. Medulla consists of collecting ducts, loops of Henleís and
straight tubules
109. Medulla has 10-12 conical masses called pyramids the
apices of pyramid is called renal papillae.
110. There are 3 ñ 4 major calyces and 8 ñ 12 minor calyces in
each kidney
111. Blood flow through each kidney is 1-2 lt per minute
112. each kidney has 5 Vascular segments
113. Afferent glomerular arterioles are defined as side branches
of interlobular arteries
114. Segmental arteries are end arteries
115. On lateral border of kidney there is a vascular line known
as Brodelís avascular line
116. Functional unit of kidney is a Nephron
117. Each kidney contains about 1.3 million Nephron
118. Left kidney is ectopic more commonly than right
120 A Concise Companion for All Competative Examination

119. Polycystic kidney develops when the collecting tubules

fail to join a calyx
120. Pressures in vessels and Nephrons:
(a) Afferent arteriole ñ 100mm of Hg
(b) Glomerulusñññ60 mm of Hg
(c) Efferent arterioleñ18mm of Hg
(d) Bow manís capsuleñ18 mm of Hg
121. Fluid flow in each segment of tubular system / min
Glomerular filtrateññ125ml
Loops of Henleñññ45ml
Distal tubulesññññ25 ml
Collecting ductsñññ12ml
122. Percentage of fluid absorbed in each segment PCT-65%,
DCT-10%, Loop of Henle-15%, CD- 9.3%
123. Normal capacity of urinary bladder = 250ml
124. In distended bladder, distance between ureteric openings
is about 5 cm
125. The wall muscle of Urinary bladder is Detrusor.
126. Sensation of U bladder distension is carried by
parasympathetic (derived from Nervi erigentes→S2S3S4)
nerves to the gracile tract of spinal cord. But sensation of
bladder pain (e.g. due to stones) reaches spinal cord by
both sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves
127. Verumontanum is the widest portion of urethral crest.
128. Penile urethra synonym is spongy urethra or cavernous
129. Length of urethra- 15-20 cm (M)/ 4 Cm (Fe)
130. Pudendal canal is known as Alcockís canal. It is formed
by splitting of fascia lunata
131. Pelvic diaphragm is composed of Levator ani muscle and
132. Most medial position of pubococcygeus muscle is called
pubo rectalis responsible for faecal continence

Ashya, Kostha, Kosthangas and Other Sharira 121

133. Pelvic diaphragm is pierced by Urethra and anal canal

(and also by vagina in female)
134. Weigh of each testes-15gm
135. Each lobule consists of 2-3 seminiferous tubules.
136. Each testis consists of about 250 lobules
137. Each seminiferous tubule is about 75cn long
138. Testis begins to descend during 2nd month of
at 6th month - it reaches deep inguinal ring
During 7th month -traverses inguinal canal
During 8th month at external ring
During 9th month -reaches scrotum
139. Tunica albuginea is a connective tissue layer surrounding
each penis
140. Buckís fascia is the deep fascia of penis which surrounds
all three corpus, but does not extend in to gland
141. Deep artery of penis lies inside C. Cavernosum
142. Erection of penis is purely vascular phenomenon due to
stimulation of Nervi erigentes (Parasympathetic)
143. Single deep dorsal vein is accompanied by two dorsal
arteries and two dorsal nerves
144. Perineal membrane is weaker in female due to passage
of vagina
145. Layers of scrotum (from outside inwards)
A. Skin
B. Dartus layer
C. Ext. spermatic fascia-Derived from external oblique
D. Cremasteric fascia- Derived from Internall oblique
E. Internal spermatic fascia- Derived fascia transversalis
146. Average size of prostate is 3x4x2 cm. And wt.→10-15gm
147. Prostate has five lobes- Rt. Lateral, left lateral, Posterior
median (Middle) & anterior
122 A Concise Companion for All Competative Examination

148. Posterior lobe is the most common site of malignancy.

149. Median lobe is present around prostatic urethra and is
now considered as main site of BHP
150. Prostate gland has two parts:
A. Prostatic gland proper (Outer)- Site of carcinoma
B. Adenomatous (inner)-Occupied by sub mucosal glands
and is site of benign enlargement
151. Prostate secretes 0.5 to 2ml fluid per day, which contains
acid phosphatase, prostaglandins, fibrinogen and citric
152. An enlarged prostate is invested by 3capsules
Prostatic sheath of pelvic fascia- outermost
True capsule: Also called Anatomical capsule- lies beneath
prostatic sheath.
False capsule also surgical capsule is the compressed outer
zone of prostate gland it self
153. Seminal vesicles produce 80% of seminal fluid but no
154. Cortex of ovary is the functional part.
155. Corpus luteum is the remains of graffian follicles.
156. Corpus abdicants is the scar of regressed corpus luteum.
157. Uterine tube is 10cm long
158. Fallopian tube has 4 parts- Intramural, Isthmus, Ampulla,
159. Fertilization of ova takes place in Ampulla
160. Cervical canal is = 2.5cm long
161. Most fixed part of uterus is cervix.
162. Normally, uterus is anteverted (90) and ante flexed (120)
163. Urinary bladder is an important support of anteverted
and ante flexed uterus.
164. Important ligamentous support of uterus is CARDINAL
LIGAMENT, Pub cervical lig. And Uterosacral lig.

Ashya, Kostha, Kosthangas and Other Sharira 123

165. Principal support of retroverted uterus is mackenrodts

ligament/ cardinal lig/ transverse cervical lig.
166. Fertilized ovum is usually implanted in posterior wall of
167. Average length of anterior wall of Vagina= 3î & that of
posterior wall in 4î (10cm)
168. Epithelial lining of Vagina is stratified Squamous
169. Vaginal fluid is acidic due to fermentation of glycogen by
Doderleinís bacilli in vaginal cells.
170. In DIDELPHIS, there are two uteri and two vaginas.
171. Scrotum acts as thermoregulatory. It maintains
temperature of the scrotum 2ºc lower than that of the body
temperature. Low temperature of scrotum is essential for
spermatogenesis in testis
172. Testis is pink, smooth soft oval organ
173. Each testis is covered externally by dense fibrous coat
called tunica albuginea, internally tunica albuginea is
lined by tunica vasculosa where as externally covered by
visceral layer of peritoneum called tunica vaginalis
174. Seminiferous tubule is structural and functional unit of
175. Each testis has 900 seminiferous tubules. Each tubule is
lined by germinal epithelium.
176. Germinal epithelium is formed of two types of cells; germ
cells and sertoli or Nerve cells
177. Inter tubular tissue contains polyhedral endocrine cells
called interstitial cells or Leydigís cells. It secretes male
sex hormone testosterone.
178. Gland of Tyson- is a modified oil gland present in side
prepuces and produced sebaceous substances to form
white paste like accumulation called smegma.
179. The cervix of uterus posses biggest and most powerful
sphincter muscle of body
180. The cavity of uterus can expand 500 times
124 A Concise Companion for All Competative Examination

181. Some organs that you can do without: Tonsils and

182. Bodyís instant energy providerñ Liver
183. Hardest substance of the body- Enamel of the teeth.
•• Remnants of ductus arteriosum is→ Ligamentum
•• Ductus venosum→ Ligamentum venosum
•• urachus
•• Left umbilical vein→ Median umbilical ligament
•• Ligamentum teres of liver.
•• Right umbilical vein→ Disappears
•• Vitello- intestinal duct→ Meckelís diverticulumís.
•• Distal part of Umbilical art→ Medial Umbilical ligament
•• Proximal part of umbilical art→ Superior vesical artery
•• Wolffian duct→ Gartner duct (Gives rise to vaginal cyst)
•• Wolffian tubule → Para oophoron, eoophron
•• Left anterior Cardinal → Oblique vein of Marshall
Equivalent organs in male and female:
Male Female
Glans penis → Glans clitoridis
Testes → Ovary
Prostate → Para urethral gland of skene
Penile urethra → Urogenital sinus
Scrotum → Labia majora
Urethral glands → Lesser vestibular glands
Corpus spongiosa penis → Labia minora/ Vestibular
Corpus cavernosa → Clitoris
Bulbo urethral glands → Bartholinís glands
Vas deference → Gartnerís duct.
Gubernaculums → Ovarian lig and round lig

Ashya, Kostha, Kosthangas and Other Sharira 125

Epithelium Lining
Oral cavity → Stratified Squamous
Tonsil → Non keratinized
Larynx → Ciliated columnar
Vocal cord → Stratified Squamous
Nose, Trachea → stratified Ciliated
Vagina → stratified ciliated
Cervix → Column
uterus → Ciliated columnar
Ovary → Serous
Bartholin → Cuboidal.
Esophagus → Stratified Squamous
Respiratory tract (up to
one mm caliber of duct) → Ciliated columnar
Respiratory bronchioles fall
bladder Alimentary canal
(from cardia to anal canal) → Plain columnar
Renal pelvis, ureter, bladder
female Urethra and male
urethra → Transitional
Fossa Navicularis in
glans penis → Stratified Squamous
Epididymis, vas deferens → Tall ciliated columnar
Tissue Macrophages in
Liver → Kupffer cells

Lymph nodes
Spleen → Reticulum cells
Alveoli (Lungs) → Alveolar macrophages
Subcutaneous tissues → Tissue histiocytes, clasmocytes
Brain → Microglia.
126 A Concise Companion for All Competative Examination

Menstrual Cycle
1. Telescoped gland seen in ñ Late proliferative phase
2. Corkscrew appearance seen in ñ Early secretory phase
3. Saw toothed appearance seen in ñ Late secretory phase
4. Decidual cells developed from stromal cells
5. Bleeding in menstruation occurs from tortuous arteries
(spiral arteries)
6. Regeneration of endometrium occurs- 48 hrs after
cessation of menses
7. Sphear shaped or assegai shaped cells seen in- early
secretory phase
8. Menstrual cycle is consist of 3 phase:
- Proliferative/ ovulation- last for 14 days.
- Secretary /luteal/ per-menstrual → last for 10 days
- Menstrual / bleeding → last for 4 days
- 50 to 100ml blood lost during menstruation.
9. Corpus luteum secretes progesterone for about 6 months
or until placenta produces sufficient progesterone
10. Menstruation is often described as ìfuneral of unfertilized
eggî or weeping of uterus for the lost ovum
Multiple Questions Exercise ñ 12
1. Number of Ashayas in female as per sushruta:
(a) 10 (b) 8 (c) 7 (d) 12
2. Raktaashaya is
(a) Hridaya (b) Yakrit- pleeha
(c) Amashaya (d) Pakwashaya
3. Chakrapani has said Amashaya as
(a) Rasashaya (b) Meda-ashaya
(c) Mamsa-ashya (d) Majja- ashaya
4. The site of kapha ñashaya as per Chakrapani is
(a) AmashayavB (b) Urahsthala
(c) Upper part of Amashaya (d) Sira

Ashya, Kostha, Kosthangas and Other Sharira 127

5. Number of Ashayas in male

(a) 7 (b) 8 (c) 10 (d) 9
6. The shape of Garbhashaya is like:
(a) Gaja-talu (b) Shankha- nabhi
(c) Mouth of Rohita-Mastya (d) shakatakar
7. Extra ashaya present in female as per sushruta:
(a) Mootra-ashaya (b) Grabha- ashaya
(c) Pachyamanashaya (d) Raktaashaya
8. Grabha- ashaya is situated in
(a) 1st avarta of yoni (b) 2nd avarta of yoni
(c) 3rd avarta of yoni (d) 4th avarta of yoni
9. The shape of Yoni according to sushruta is
(a) Like shankhanabhi (b) like Shakata
(c) like ashwatha patra (d) like fruit of
10. Shape of the best Yoni, according to Ayurveda
(a) like Shankhanabhi (b) shakatakriti
(c) Aswathapatra (d) all the above
11. Kostha means
(a) 4 cambers of heart (b) A hollow organ
(c) A solid organ (d) None of the above.
12. The site of kloma has been located in ñby Chakrapani
(a) Hridaya (b) Yakrita
(c) Pleeha (d) Vrikkas
13. The unidentified organ in Ayurveda is
(a) Talu (b) Unduka (c) Kloma (d) Vrikka
14. The organ having the shape of inverted lotus, which opens
and closes during wake and sleep respectively is
(a) Yakrit (b) Pleeha
(c) Hridaya (d) Phuphphusa
15. ì Jagratat Vikashbati swapatasch milatiî is
128 A Concise Companion for All Competative Examination

(a) Kloma (b) Hridaya

(c) Vrikka (d) Pakwashaya
16. Number of Kosthangas as per Kashypa:
(a) 15 (b) 10 (c) 13 (d) 8
17. According to charak which one is included under
(a) Chakskhu (b) Dimba
(c) Shira (d) Vapavahanam
18. All the following Kosthangas are mentioned by Vagbhatta
(a) Hridaya, Pupphusa (b) Yakrit & Pleeha
(c) Vrikka, Nabhi, Vasti (d) Sthula Gudam &
19. Panchadasa Kosthangas are found in
(a) Astanga Hridaya Shareera sthana
(b) Sushruta Samhita Shareera sthana
(c) Charak Samhita Shareera sthana
(d) None of the above
20. Gangadhara has defined the kloma as
(a) Phuphphusa (b) Unduka
(c) Both A&B (d) Annanalika
21. The Phuphphusa is a kosthanga is described by
(a) Charak (b) Vagbhatta
(c) Kashyapa (d) Sharangadhara
22. ìTaila vartikaî is a
(a) Ashaya (b) Kostanga
(c) Anga (d) Pratyanga
23. Number of Kostanga according to sushruta is
(a) 8 (b) 7 (c) 15 (d) 13
24. Which organ is accepted by all as Kostanga
(a) Yakrita (b) Hridaya
(c) Kloma (d) Phuphphusa

Ashya, Kostha, Kosthangas and Other Sharira 129

25. ìDimbaî is a kosthanga accepted by

(a) Sharangadhara (b) Charak
(c) Vagbhatta (d) Vridha Vagbhatta
26. Apana is a synonym for
(a) Sthulantra (b) Buda
(c) Chakshu (d) Anga
27. pureesha is situated at
(a) Adhara guda (b) Uttaraguda
(c) Panchyamana shaya (d) Amashaya
28. Guda Valayas are
(a) 2 in number (b) 3 in number
(c) 4 in number (d) 5 in number
29. Guda is included under
(a) Mamsa Marma (b) Sadyapranahara-
(c) Dasa pranayatana (d) All the above
30. Followings are Guda valayas except
(a) Pravahanee (b) Vapavahanee
(c) Visarjanee (d) Samvaranee
31. Number of Ashayas in female according to Sharangadhar
(a) 12 (b) 8 (c) 7 (d) 10
32. Select an ashaya from the following
(a) Vapavahanam (b) Sthula Guda
(c) Uttaragudam (d) Tilla
33. Unduka is
(a) Kostha (b) place for maladhara
(c) Developed from (d) All the above
shonita Kitta
34. ìNabhi stanantare jantohî is
(a) Pakwashaya (b) Guda
(c) Amashya (d) Pitta shaya
130 A Concise Companion for All Competative Examination

35. Hridaya measures about

(a) 3 Angulas (b) 4 angulas
(c) 2 Angulas (d) 5 Angulas
36. Which one is wrong about Hridaya
(a) It is one among ten pranayatana
(b) It is a sadya pranaharmarma
(c) It is a Kostanga (d) It is like lotus flower
37. According to Agnipurna Hridaya is embryogically Developed
(a) Shonitakapha prasadat (b) Essence of kapha
(c) kitta of shonita (d) kitta of kapha
38. The nirmata of Hridaya is
(a) Varuna (b) Indra
(c) Brahma (d) None
39. In Veda ì liverî is known as
(a) Takima (b) Kalakhanda
(c) Jyotistana (d) Agramamsa
40. ìGudasthi vivarashritamî is known as
(a) Abdominal cavity (b) Pelvic cavity
(c) Yoni (d) All
41. Odd man out about vasti
(a) Sadyah pranahara marma
(b) Sadyah or dhamani marma
(c) Moolasthana of Mootra vaha srotas
(d) None of the above
42. Which one is correct:
(a) Shonita phena prabhava Phuphphusa
(b) Phuphphusa is a kostha
(c) Phuphphusa is present on the fight side of liver
(d) Phuphphusa is the place of rakta
43. The word ìAgnyashayaî is mentioned by
(a) Charak (b) Vagabhatta
(c) Sharangadhara (d) None
Ashya, Kostha, Kosthangas and Other Sharira 131

44. Who is regarded as the Nirmata of Yakrita

(a) Indra (b) Surya (c) Varuna (d) Vishnu
45. Which of the following is incorrect:
(a) Grahanee is situated above the nabhi
(b) Grahanee is situated between Pakwashaya and
(c) Grahanee is situated at the gate of Pakwashaya
(d) Grahanee is situated between two antras
46. Odd man out about Grahanee
(a) It is like a membrane (b) It is the seat of Agni
(c) It is the seat of Agni (d) It is the receptor of
47. The word Vipula srotas Is described in
(a) Charak Samhita (b) Kashyapa Samhita
(c) Sushruta Samhita (d) Astanga Hridaya
48. Annashya was mentioned by
(a) Chakrapani (b) Kvj. Gangadhara
(c) Arundutta (d) Sharangadhara
49. The cytoplasm of muscle cell is called
(a) Sarcoplasm (b) Sarcolema
(c) Neuroplasma (d) Axoplasma
50. Major constituent of muscle is-
(a) Carbohydrate (b) Fat
(c) Protein (d) Minerals
Answer-Sheet 12
1. (d) 2. (d) 3. (a) 4. (b)
5. (c) 6. (c) 7. (a) 8. (a)
9. (c) 10. (a) 11. (d) 12. (a)
13. (d) 14. (b) 15. (b) 16. (c)
17. (a) 18. (b) 19. (d) 20. (d)
21. (d) 22. (b) 23. (b) 24. (d)
25. (a) 26. (b) 27. (d) 28. (a)
132 A Concise Companion for All Competative Examination

29. (b) 30. (a) 31. (a) 32. (a)

33. (d) 34. (b) 35. (b) 36. (c)
37. (c) 38. (a) 39. (a) 40. (b)
41. (a) 42. (a) 43. (a) 44. (a)
45. (c) 46. (b) 47. (d) 48. (c)
49. (a) 50. (c)


Garbha Shareera
Foetus is formed by the union of ñ Shukra +shonita +atma +8
prakriti +16 vikars.
•• Tejas and vayu help in stabilizing the foetus in uterus.
•• Rutukala /Puspa kala (fertile period) - 12days from the
cessation of menstruation.
•• The menstrual blood is slightly blackish and foul odor
compared to normal blood.
Formation of various parts of a foetus (anga pratyanga.
Nirimana):- (school of sushruta )

Opinion of first formed part /organ of

Shaunaka Shira [Though it is important among organs]
Kritaveerya Hridaya [Though it is the seat of
Parasara Umbilicus(nabhi)[Though it controls
Markandeya Pani pada [Though it helps in the movement
of foetus]
Subhuti Gautama Madhya sharira [Though to this all other
organs are attached]
Dhanwantari All organs are formed simultaneously.
134 A Concise Companion for All Competative Examination

School of Charak

Opinion of first formed part /organ

of foetus
Kumashira bharadwaja Shira
Kankayan Hridaya
Bhadra- kapya Nabhi
Bhadra- sounka Pakwashaya & Guda
Vadisha Hasta and Pada
Vaideha janaka Indriyas
Marich kashyapa Achintya
Dhanwantari All organs are formed simulta-

•• Grabha nadi (Umbilical cord)-It nourishes the child with

rich blood supply. It is connected to the rasavaha nadi of
the mother.
•• Formation of various organ in the foetus (by sushruta)

Yakrit, pleeha, Is formed from rakta.

Pupphusa From foam of rakta.(Shonita phena)
Unduka From waste product of rakta (Shonita
Intestine, rectum, bladder From the essence (prasadabhaga) of
rakta & kapha
Jihwa (tongue) From kapha, rakta,mamsa
snayu From the vessels that carry meda
vrikka From the essence of rakta and meda
Vrisana From the essence of rakta, kapha,
meda, and mamsa.
Hridaya From the essence of rakta kapha.
(Kapha shonita Prasad)

•• Essential factors for formation of garbha:-Veeja (Shukra

&Artava), Ritu (puspa kala), Ksheera (uterus& yoni)

Garbha Shareera 135

and Ambu (nutrition of mother or nourishment) veeja =

Shukra & artava.
•• Marriage age should be 25 years in male and 16
female (sushruta)
•• Sudha Shukra ñ sphatikabham, dravam snigdham
madhuram madhugandhi cha, shukram icchati kechitu
talia.kshoudra nibham tatha.
•• Sudha Artava ñ, shashaasrik pratimam yattu yadavala
ksha rasopanam, tadartavam prasamsanti yadvasou
Na viranjayet.
•• Pancha bhutas in garbhavastha ñ Vayu-vibhajana,
Tejah-panchana, Aapah ñ kledana, Prithivi ñ samhanan,
Akasha ñ vivardhana.
•• According to garbhopanishad (u.4) the foetus remembers
its past life till 9th month of pregnancy but during process
of delivery, due to trouble caused by compressions in the
generative process, its memory is lost.
•• For vision ñ Teja is responsible.
•• Formation of co lour of eyes :-
1. Teja dhatu followed by rakta ñ Reddish
2. Teja dhatu followed by pitta ñ Yellowish
3. Teja dhatu followed by kapha- whitish
4. Teja dhatu followed by vayu ñ Dry, pink and abnormal
Formation of Body Complexion

Combination of Body
Mahabhutas Complexion
Charak teja+jala+akasha Gaurava
(ch.sha8/15) teja+prithivi+vayu Krishna
Teja+all bhutas equal shyama
Sushruta teja+jala gaura
(s.sha2/34) teja+prithavi Krishna
Teja+jala+akash Gaurava-shyama
136 A Concise Companion for All Competative Examination

Combination of Body
Mahabhutas Complexion
Harita teja+vata shyama
(SA 1/31-33) teja+pita gaura
Teja+shleama shyama
teja+pitta+rakta pingala
Teja+kapha+rakta shyama

Vagbhatta has mentioned color of shukra, diet of the mother,

desha, kula, mode of living &combination of various mahabhutas
may be responsible for body complexion :
i. Combination of Mahabhutas: - teja+jala+akasha =
gaura Teja+prithivi+vayu =Krishna All mahabhutas =
ii. Colour of Shukra ñ white or as color of Ghee or Madhu
ñ Fair, White.
As colour of oil or honey ñ dark or swarthy.
iii. Diet of the mother:-
•• Milk etc.and sweet substances ñgaura
•• Black tila etc.,vidahi edibles (substances producing
burning sensation or pungent or acrid)ñKrishna.
•• Mixture of different types of diet ñshyama
Sex Determination
i. Amount ñ shukradhikya = male child, Artavadhikya
= female child Sex is determined at the time of
ii. According to shape of embryo:-
Peshyakara = female child
Pindakara = male child
Arbudakara = nampushak child
iii. According to coitus:- (from menstrual blood flow
In yugma (Even) days =male
In ayugma (ODD) days = female
Garbha Shareera 137

iv. Emission of shukra at yoni nadis:-

At Sameerana Nadiñ fruitless (nisphala)
At ChandramaseeNadi ñ [yoni marga] - female child.
At Gauree Nadi - [At cervix] ñ male child.
v. According to fertilization :-
(a) Fertilization of ovum coming from right ovary with
spermatozoon coming from right testis result male
(b) Fertilization of ovum of left ovary with spermatozoon
of left testis result female child.
vi. Father sperm determines sex of the baby.
•• Embryo ñ developing human from 2nd to 8th week of
•• Foetus ñ developing human from 9th week onwards till
•• Weight of placenta (Apara) = 500gm.or 1/6th of foetal wt.
•• Sources of placenta ñ
(i)  a. maternal - decidua basalis
  b. Foetal ñ chorion frondosum (Mordern)
(ii) From ñ Artava (sushruta) Rakta (Bhoja)
(iii) Accumulated artava and motherís diets (Indu).
•• According to Bhoja, navinadi is derived from Rasa.
•• Time of dauhridaya ñ 3rd month of I.U.L. (Charak )
4TH Month I.U.L. (Sushruta)
Development of zygote from fertilization to blastocysts and
its transport (Important event after fertilization.):ñ
ìoîhr ñ fertilization
ë24íhrs ñ2 cell.stage of zygote (blastomeres)
ë42íhrs- 4 cell.stage.
ë72íhrs- 12 cell.stage.
ë96íhrs- 16 cell.stage (Morula enters uterine cavity )
ë5th ëday- blastocyst
138 A Concise Companion for All Competative Examination

ë6íTh day- zonapellucida disappears

ë7íTh day- implantation (nidation) ñ 200 cells
ë12íTh day- interstitial implantation
ë13íTh day-primary villi
ë16íTh day- secondary villi
ë21íst day ñ Tertiary villi
21st ñ 40th day-chorion froundosum.
40 ñ50th day ñcotylendons formed
Monthly Growth of the Foetus (masanumasika vriddhi

1st Kalala[avyakta and like kapha dhatu(ch)]
2 Condensed union of kapha, pitta, vata, and
3rd pinda, peshi, &arbuda size.
4 Five out growths appear [indriyas appear and
douhridaya (ch)]
5th Parts become more clear.The heart of foetus start
functioning, soul (atma) enters the foetus, sense
organs of foetus start working, so shows his likes and
dislikes. so the lady is called ìdouhridiniî [stability
in garbha (ch)]
6th Mana appears (intelligence)- [mamsa & rakta vriddhi
7th Buddhi appears (wisdom) [vala and varna vriddhi
8th The parts are clearly divided.
9,10,11,12th Ojas ñ is in process of transference from mother to
foetus and vice versa.So, if the child delivered then
unable to survive due to lack of ojas A completely
grown viable garbha can be delivered.

Garbha Shareera 139

•• Punsavan karma is done within 2 months of I.U.L..

•• Putresthi yanga is done from 8th day after menstrual flow
to 16th day (1week).
•• Sources of formation of organs of foetus
1. Pitruja bhava ñ 10
2. Matruja bhava ñ 20
3. Atmaja bhava ñ 19
4. Rasaja bhava ñ 06
5. Satmyaja bhava ñ 08
6. Satwaja bhava ñ 18
Garbha Vikrittis as per Function ñ 8
1. Dwireta 2.Pavanedriya 3. Sanskaravahee 4.Nara shanda 5.
Naree shanda 6. Vakree 7. Ersharati 8. Vatika shanda.
•• In vatika shanda testis may be small in size or completely
•• By taking vrishya oushadha,the person is able to coitus, is
regarded as samskaravahee
•• Spernatozoa is viable within female genital tract up to 2
•• The taste of shuddha shukra is madhura.
•• 12th yr is the first rajodarsana kala according to
 Development of certain structures:-

Structure Developes From

1. External auditory meatus First branchial arch
2. Ton Epithelium of second pharyngeal
3. a. Inferior parathyroid 3rd pouch
b. Superior 4th pouch
4. Thymus 3rd pouch
5. Thyroid Thyroglossal duct
6. Musculature of Occipital myotomes
140 A Concise Companion for All Competative Examination

Structure Developes From

7. Epiglotis Hypobronchial eminence
8. Parotid gland Ectodermal in origin
9. Heart 2 endothelial tubes
10. Kidney (excretory part) Metanephric in origin
11. Collecting part of kidney Ureteri bud from mesonephric
12. Bladder Cranial part of vesico urethral
13. Trigone of bladder Absorbed mesonephric duct
14. Female urethra caudal part of vesicourethral
canal and pelvic part of
urogenital sinus.
15. F.tubes, uterus, vagina, Mullarian duct.
16. Arch of aorta Left sided fourth arch artery.
17. Pulmonary artery Sixth arch artery
18. Maxillary artery First branchial arch
19. Stapedial artery Second branchial arch
20. Male genital tract Mesonephric duct (Wolffian duct)
Male Female
“ Epididymis “ Epoophoron
“ Vasdeferens “ Paroophoron
“ Seminal vesicles “ Gartnerís duct
“ Ejaculatory ducts
“ Appendix of epididymis
21. Paramesonepheric duct (Mullerian duct)ñFemale genital
Male Female
“ Appendix testis “ Uterine tube
“ Prostatic Utricle  “ Uterus
 “  Upper 4/5th of vagina

Garbha Shareera 141

Structure Developes From

22. Paramesonephric ridge ovaries
23. Clitoris genital tubercle.
24. Portal vein vitelline veins.

Multiple Questions Exercise ñ 13

1. Yakrita and pleeha developed embriologically from
(a) Rasaja bhavas (b) matruja bhavas
(c) rakta bhavas (d) Atmaja bhavas
2. The first organ is to appear in garbha as per Subhuti Gautama,
(a) Hridaya (b) Madhya Shareera
(c) nabhi (d) Sira
3. Organs in garbha originate as per charak :-
(a) 3rd month (b) 4th month
(c) 5th month (d) 6th month
4. According to Vagbhatta, prakriti is
(a) 3 types (b) 4 types
(c) 5 types (d) 7 types
5. Who has said that all organs in garbha originate at same
(a) Vadisa (b) Bhadrakapy
(c) vaideha (d) Dhanwantari
6. Hridaya originates from:
(a) Essence of rakta and kapha
(b) Essence of rasa, mamsa and kapha
(c) Essence of mamsa, meda, and kapha
(d) Essence of rakta
7. Hridaya develops in which month of pregnancy:
(a) 3rd (b) 5th (c) 4th (d) 6th
8. Garbha takes nutrition from which nadi of mother:
(a) Rasavaha (b) Oja vaha
(c) Rakta vaha (d) Shukra vaha
142 A Concise Companion for All Competative Examination

9. Which of the following is produced by Sara of pachyamana

kapha, rakta and mamsa?
(a) Jihwa (b) yakrit ñ pleeha
(c) vrushana (d) antrah
10. All the following are Rasaja bhavas except :
(a) Shareeropachaya (b) Bala and Varna
(c) sthiti and hani (d) veeryam and
11. Sira, snayu, shukra,and dhamani are included
(a) Matruja bhava (b) Pitruja bhava
(c) Rasaja bhava (d) Satmyaja bhava
12. Hair is obtained from :
(a) Pitruja (b) matruja
(c) Rasaja (d) none
13. Choose the month of chetana in garbha:
(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 7
14. The chromosomal formula of the normal human ovum is:-
(a) 44 autosomes & 2 X chromosomes
(b) 44 autosomes & 1 X y chromosomes
(c) 22 autosomes & 1 X chromosomes
(d) 22 autosomes & 1 X chromosomes
15. Smriti, utsaha and krodha are related to ñ
(a) Sattwaki bhava (b) satmyaja bhava
(c) Atmaja bhava (d) none of these
16. Number of pranas of garbha as per sushruta :
(a) 10 (b) 12 (c) 11 (d) 13
17. ìManaî appears in garbha at in :
(a) 4th month (b) 3rd month
(c) 5th month (d) 6th month
18. Majja is ñ
(a) matruja (b) Pitruja (c) satmyaja (d) Rasaja
19. Phuphphusa is derived from :

Garbha Shareera 143

(a) Shonita phena prabhavam.

(b) Shonita kitta prabhavam
(c) Rakta meda prasada
(d) Shonita kapha prasadajam
20. Unduka is derived from :
(a) Shonita phena (b) shonita kitta
(c) shonita Sara (d) shonita kapha
21. Lokagata bhava teja is equal to which purushagata bhava:
(a) Abhisantapa (b) Rasa
(c) Ahankar (d) kanti
22. Which of the following bhavas are derived from the mother
to foetus
(a) Hridaya, nabhi, yakrit, rakta
(b) Bala- Varna- sthiti- hani
(c) Jnana, vijnana, ayus
(d) Virya, arogya, medha
23. Atmaja bhavas of garbha as per sushruta
(a) Indriyani, ayushya (b) jnana & vijnana
(c) sukha and dukha (d) All
24. According to sushruta, the mahabhuta, predominance in
organ of gaura Varna are
(a) teja and jala (b) teja and prithivi
(c) teja and akasha (d) teja, jala and akash
25. Number of garbhotpadaka bhavas is
(a) 4 (b) 6 (c) 5 (d) 8
26. As per charak samhita, bhadrasaunaka has started that 1st
organ developes in garbha is
(a) Sira (b) nabhi
(c) Guda and Pakwashaya (d) Hridaya
27. Shareera vridhikara bhava is
(a) Swabhavasamsiddha (b) abhighata
(c) aharasaushtapa (d) all
144 A Concise Companion for All Competative Examination

28. Number of matruja bhavas in garbhotpati

(a) 10 (b) 20 (c) 14 (d) 24
29. In what stage dehaprakriti is decided
(a) Prasava kala (b) prasavottara kala
(c) garva kala (d) shukra shonita
samyoga kala
30. Which one of the following originates when kapala becomes
pinda shaped
(a) Male child (b) female child
(c) none (d) hermophrodite
31. Masthulunga is derived from which bhava:
(a) Matruja (b) Atmaja
(c) pitruja (d) Satwaja
32. In fetus chaksu and roopa are derived from:
(a) Prithavi (b) jala bhutas
(c) vayu bhuta (d) Agni bhuta
33. Vrikka is derived from:
(a) Rakta & kapha (b) rakta & mamsa
(c) rakta & medas (d) rakta & pitta
34. During embroyogenesis the yakrit and pleeha are derived
(a) Shonita (b) shonita phena
(c) shonita kitta (d) shonita & shleshma
35. ìAsthiribhavet ojahî in which month of I U L?
(a) 7th (b) 8th (c) 6th (d) 5th
36. For getting a son, the ìpunsavana karmaîshould be performed
in ñ month of I U L.
(a) 2nd (b) 1st (c) 3rd (d) 4th
37. According to sushruta, the number of nampushak is ñ
(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 7
38. Oogenesis takes about -
(a) 12 to 13 yrs. (b) 10 yrs.
(c) 5yrs. (d) 7 yrs.
Garbha Shareera 145

39. Yellow body is another name of.......

(a) Corpus luteum (b) Graffain follicle
(c) corpus albicants (d) all
40. The power house of the sperm is
(a) Head (b) neck
(c) middle piece (d) tail
41. The smallest portion of sperm is;
(a) Head (b) neck
(c) middle piece (d) tail
42. Acrosome is made up of:
(a) Golgi bodies (b) Mitrochondria
(c) Ribosome (d) Centrioles
43. How many spermatogonia are required in the formation of
200 sperms?
(a) 200 (b) 199 (c) 100 (d) 50
44. If a primary spermatocyte has 32 chromosomes, how many
chromosomes would be present in a spermatid?
(a) 8 (b) 16 (c) 32 (d) 64
45. Which of the following sequence of phases are correct, as far
as spermatogenesis is concerned?
(a) Growth ñ multipication ñ maturation
(b) growth ñ maturation ñ division
(c) Multiplication - growth ñ maturation
(d) multiplication ñ maturation ñ growth
46. Which one is primary sex organ?
(a) Testis (b) scrotum
(c) prostate (d) penis
47. Uterus of female reproductive system is ñ
(a) Primary sex organ
(b) Secondary sex organ
(c) Accessory sex organ
(d) External sex organ
146 A Concise Companion for All Competative Examination

48. Fertilization takes place in

(a) Uterus (b) fallopian tube
(c) vagina (d) urethra
49. During winter season which of the following wall move
upwards ñ
(a) Uterine wall (b) urethral wall
(c) scrotal wall (d) abdominal wall
50. Sertoli cells in the seminiferous tubules ñ
(a) Secrete male sex horomones
(b) activate the spermatozoa
(c) Nourish the developing spermatozoa
(d) clump the spermatozoa
51. Once the graffian follicle releases its egg, its remnants
transform into the ñ
(a) Corpus callosum (b) corpus guadrige-
(c) endometriun (d) corpus luteum.
52. Oogonia reach their maximum number at ñ
(a) 5th month of foetal life (b) Birth
(c) puberty (13 yrs of age) (d) adolscence (16-20 yrs
of age)
53. Vagina of the female reproductive system is -
(a) Primary sex organ (b) accessory sex organ
(c) secondary sex organ (d) none of the above
54. After ovulation the graffian follicle becomes an endocrine
organ called -
(a) Corpus luteum (b) ovarian tube
(c) globulin (d) fibrin
55. The layer of cells immediately surrounding the ovum but
out side the zona pellucid is called ñ
(a) Corona radiata (b) membrana granulosa
(c) theca interna (d) germinal epithelium

Garbha Shareera 147

56. Primary sex cells contain -

(a) As many chromosomes as the sperm
(b) Haploid set chromosomes
(c) As many chromosomes as the ovum
(d) Diploid set of chromosomes.
57. Oogenesis is a process of formation of ñ
(a) sperms (b) Oocytes
(c) spermatid (d) ova
58. How many mature eggs are typically produced by each ovary
of a non pregnant woman each year?
(a) 6 (b) oocytes
(c) secondary spermatocytes (d) sperms
59. The actual genetic part of a sperm is its -
(a) Head (b) middle piece
(c) Acrosome (d) tail
60. The products of the 1st maturation division of germ cell in
testis are known as ñ
(a) Spermatids (b) Oocytes
(c) secondary spermatocytes (d) sperms.
61. Conversion of spermatid into a spermatozoon is called-
(a) Spermatogenesis (b) Vitellogenesis
(c) spermiogenesis (d) Cytokinesis
62. How many centrioles are normally found in a sperm-?
(a) One (b) 2 (c) Many (d) None
63. Sperms&Ova are-
(a) Ectodermal in origin (b) Mesodermal in origin
(c) Endodermal in origin) (d) All the above
64. The sequence of various stages in spermatogenesis is-
(a) Spermatogoniañ-spermatidsññspermatocyteñ-sperma-
(b) Spermatocyteñspermatogoniañspermatidsñsperma-
148 A Concise Companion for All Competative Examination

(c) Spermatogoniañspermatocyteñspermatidsñsperma-
(d) Sermatidsñspermatogoniañspermatocyteñsperma-
65. How many primary oocytes are required in the formation
of100 ova?
(a) 25 (b) 50 (c) 100 (d) 200
66. The enzymes filled vesicle in head tip of sperm is calledñ
(a) Centriosome (b) kinetosome
(c) Lysosome (d) Acrosome
67. How many sperms &ova would be produced from 50
secondary oocytes &50secondary spermatocyte?
(a) 50 ova & sperms (b) 50 ova &200 sperms
(c) 200 ova &200sperms (d) 50 ova &50 sperms.
68. Polar bodies are formed during formation of
(a) Primary spermatocytes (b) Secondary
(c) Sperms (d) Eggs.
69. Sperms depend for movement on :
(a) only tail (b) Middle piece
(c) Head only (d) Tails &Middle piece.
70. The degenerating corpus luteum leaves a scar in ovary
(a) Corpus albican (b) Corpus cavernous
(c) corpus spongiosum (d) C.Callosum.
71. What are the factors governing oocytes transport?
(a) Peritoneal fluid currents
(b) Back forth movement of fimbrie of uterine tubes.
(c) Beating of cilia of tubal epithelium &muscular contraction
of tube.
(d) All the above.
72. Capacitation means:
(a) Spermatids formation (b) Oogonia formation

Garbha Shareera 149

(c) Removal of protective layer from the head.

(d) Cutting of tail of sperm.
73. What is the stage of female germ cell at ovulation?
(a) Primary oocytes stage (b) Primary spermatid
(c) Secondary oocytes stage (d) Secondary Spertocyte
74. Secondary oocytes complete its secondary meiotic division
to form a mature oocytes & second polar body
(a) when fertilization occurs.
(b) Before fertilization
(c) If fertilization will not occur
(d) None of the above.
75. ìMorulaî means:
(a) A solid ball of 16 blastomeres.
(b) A solid ball of 32 blastomeres.
(c) A solid ball of 48 blastomeres.
(d) A liquid mass of 16 blastomeres.
76. Implantation occurs at:
(a) Posterior wall of uterus.
(b) Upper part of posterior wall of uterus.
(c) Anterior wall uterus
(d) Anterior wall of uterus in upper part.
77. When does folding of the embryo occur?
(a) During 5th week of IUL.
(b) During 4th Week of IUL.
(c) During 8th week of IUL.
(d) During 9th week of IUL.
78. Mammary gland is derived from:
(a) Ectoderm (b) Mesoderm
(c) Endoderm (d) All.
79. When do finger rays appear?
(a) 4th week of IUL. (b) 4th month of IUL.
(c) Sixth week of IUL. (d) 6th month of IUL.
150 A Concise Companion for All Competative Examination

80. How do you estimate foetal age?

(a) 1st day of L.N.M.P.
(b) Estimated day of fertilization.
(c) Both A&B
(d) Last day of last normal menstruation period.
81. The quickening start by
(a) 10 to12 weeks of IUL. (b) 17 to20 weeks of IUL.
(c) 8 to 10 weeks of IUL. (d) 25 to27 weeks of IUL.
82. Greasy cheese-like material covering foetal skin is:
(a) Vernix skin (b) Vernix dermis
(c) Vernix caseosa (d) Vernix epidermis.
83. Wt. Of placenta is
(a) 1/2Kg. (b) 1Kg. (c) 1 1/2Kg. (d) 2Kg.
84. Normal contents of umbilical cord:
(a) Two umbilical artery, one u. vein &Whartonís Jelly.
(b) 2U.Veins, 1u. Artery & Whartonís jelly.
(c) 2u.veins&2u.arteries.
(d) 2u.arteries, 1u.vein&1u.ligament.
85. Amniotic fluid is derived from the following except:
(a) mainly from maternal blood.
(b) Amniotic cells to a very little extent.
(c) Foetal urine (almost 500ml/day nearing term)
(d) Foetal blood secretes from umbilicus.
86. Match Group-A with Group-B.
Group-A Group-B
1. Faternal twins a. Fertilization of 2 oocytes at the
same time by sperms of
Different males.
2. conjoined twinís b. Non identical or dizygotic
3. Superfecundation c. Implantation of a blastocyst
in a uterus that already has
One developing embryo.

Garbha Shareera 151

4. Superfoetation d. If the embryonic disc does not

 divide completely.
(a) 1-a,2-b,3-c,4-d. (b) 1-b,2-d,3-a,4-c.
(c) 1-b,2-d,3-c,4-a (d) 1-d,2-c,3-a,4-b.
87. Match Group-A (Trisomy) with (disease names) Group-B.
Group-A Group-B
1. Trisomy 21 a. Edwardís syndrome
2. Trisome 18 b. Patauís syndrome
3. Trisomy 13 c. Downís syndrome
4. Trisomy sex chromose d. Klinefelterís syndrome
(a) 1-c,2-a,3-b,4-d, (b) 1-b,2-c,3-a,4-d
(c) 1-c,2-b,3-d,4-a (d) 1-c,2-a,3-d,4-b.
88. Commonest site of ectopic pregnancy is:
(a) Ovary (b) Peritoneal cavity.
(c) Isthmus of F. tube (d) Ampulla of F. tube.
89. The fertilizable life of ovum is estimated as about:
(a) 24hrs. (b) 36hrs (c) 48hrs (d) 72hrs.
90. Average blood loss during normal menstruation accounts
(a) 35ml. (b) 50ml (c) 75ml (d) 100mml.
91. A lady who was delivered one viable child is termed as:
(a) Gravida (b) Primigravida
(c) Primipara (d) all.
92. Foetal parts become radiographically visible earliest at
(a) 5th week (b) 12th week
(c) 16th week (d) 20th week
93. Circulation between embryo chorion is established by:
(a) 4th day (b) 12th day
(c) 21st day (d) 28th day.
94. Decidual space becomes obliterated by:
(a) 1st month (b) 2nd month
(c) 3rd month (d) 5th month
152 A Concise Companion for All Competative Examination

95. ìVernix caseosaî is the product of which of the following?

(a) Kidney (b) Sebaceous glands
(c) Sweat glands (d) Liver.
96. Most common type of pelvis found amongst the women is/
(a) Gynaecoid (b) Anthropoid
(c) Mixed (d) Platypelloid.
97. The testis begin to descend into the scrotum at a total age of
about how Many weeks?
(a) 12th (b) 28th (c) 24th (d) 16th.
98. What determines the sex of the individual?
(a) Genotype only
(b) Genotype & phenol type
(c) FSH+LH (d) Hormones only.
99. Kallala is:
(a) Medomala (b) Shukra of shanda
(c) Mamsa sneha (d) Grabha without
100. Colour of the foetus is derived from
(a) Prithivi (b) Apa
(c) Tejas (d) Akasham.
101. ìOjo sancharati mata putrau muhuh kramatî during ñmonth
of pregnancy.
(a) 6th (b) 7th (c) 8th (d) 9th.
102. According to charak, developments of Indriyas occur in:
(a) 4th month (b) 3rd month
(c) 5th month (d) 7th month.
103. Foetus is being fed with
(a) Upakleda (b) Upasneha
(c) Ksheera (d) Both A&B.
104. Why arthava is absent during pregnancy?
(a) Lack of blood (b) No ovulation
(c) Arthava nourishes foetus (d) Arthava vaha
Garbha Shareera 153

105. Development of foetus (Grabha vridhi) is due to:

(a) Collection of arthava (b) Annarasa & maaruta-
(c) Shukra shonita samyoga (d) All the above.
Answer-Sheet 13
1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (a) 4. (d)
5. (d) 6. (a) 7. (c) 8. (a)
9. (a) 10. (d) 11. (b) 12. (a)
13. (b) 14. (a) 15. (c) 16. (b)
17. (c) 18. (a) 19. (a) 20. (b)
21. (a) 22. (a) 23. (d) 24. (a)
25. (b) 26. (c) 27. (d) 28. (b)
29. (d) 30. (a) 31. (a) 32. (d)
33. (c) 34. (a) 35. (b) 36. (a)
37. (a) 38. (a) 39. (a) 40. (c)
41. (b) 42. (a) 43. (d) 44. (b)
45. (c) 46. (a) 47. (b) 48. (b)
49. (c) 50. (c) 51. (d) 52. (a)
53. (c) 54. (a) 55. (a) 56. (d)
57. (d) 58. (a) 59. (a) 60. (c)
61. (c) 62. (b) 63. (b) 64. (c)
65. (c) 66. (d) 67. (a) 68. (d)
69. (a) 70. (a) 71. (d) 72. (c)
73. (c) 74. (a) 75. (a) 76. (b)
77. (b) 78. (a) 79. (c) 80. (c)
81. (b) 82. (c) 83. (a) 84. (a)
85. (d) 86. (b) 87. (a) 88. (d)
89. (a) 90. (a) 91. (c) 92. (c)
93. (c) 94. (c) 95. (b) 96. (c)
97. (b) 98. (a) 99. (d) 100. (c)
101. (c) 102. (b) 103. (d) 104. (d)
105. (b)

Nadisansthan Sharira
(Nervous System)
Nadi- Means ducts mainly. Yoga granthas considered Nadi
as nerves.
In shiva samhita about 3, 50,000 main nadis are mentioned.
In veda nadi means general ìsroatsî
Important nadis are 14 in number viz
Idaññ The left sympathetic chain
Pingalaññ the Rt. Sympathetic chain
Sushumnañ- The spinal cord
Gandhareeñ- Sympathetic nerves to left eye
Hastajahusa, Kuhu, Saraswatee, Pusha, Shankhinee,
Payaswinee, Varunee, Alambusha, Vishwodara, Yashshwinee.
Synonym of Nadi
Shirodhija, Manya, Dhamanee, Dharanee, Dhara, Tanrukee,
Jeevitanga, Sinhee, (R. Nighantu)
*Maha nadi is known as Kandara (R. Nighantu)
*Puruachandra Nadi is known as cervix of uterus.
*Mutra nadi is Gaveenee.
Nadisansthan Sharira 155

Nervous System

Central nervous system (CNS) Peripheral nervous system (PNS)

Brain Spinal cord Cranial Visceral nervous

(Autonomic) system

Fore brain cerebral Mid brain Hind brain, pons

Hemispheres lateral varolii., medulla
Ventricle Thalamus, oblongata, cerebellum,
Hypothalamus, 4th venthicle.
Epithalamus, 3rd venticle.
Meta thalamus,

Sympathetic Para sympathetic

Average adult brain wt. 2 % of body wt. Or 1400 gm.
It utilizes 20 % of blood supply of the whole body.
The cortex consists of about 1015 neurons that are interconnected
in a specific pattern.
Irreversible brain damage begins after 4 minutes and brain
death occurs after 8 minutes of blood deprivation
Neurons are separated from each other by glial cells
Grey matter contains neuron cell bodies separated by glial
White matter consists of pathway (tracts) Containing axon
possesses of neurons wrapped in glial membranes.
2/3rd of synapses of brain are in the cerebrum.
Two hemispheres and basal ganglia form telencephalon (fore
The surface of brain is folded into GYRI separated by sulci.
156 A Concise Companion for All Competative Examination

Central sulcus of (fissure Rolando) extends in a coronal plane

and divided frontal lobe from parietal lobe.
CALCARINE FISSURE is present only in medial aspect and
bisects occipital lobe in a transverse pane.
Sylviusís lateral fissure- separates temporal lobe inferiorly
from fronto- parietal lobes superiorly.
Left cerebral hemisphere is dominant in 98% of individual so
they are right handed.
Left cerebral hemisphere in most persons is concerned with
verbal calculating and analytic thinking as well as interpretation
of speech, stereo gnosis and motor function of right hand.
Right cerebral hemisphere in most persons is concerned with
nonverbal special temporal and synthetic function, appreciation
of art and music and motor function of left hand.
FRONTAL LOBE is mainly concerned with
•• Motor function, speech, cognition,
•• Highest levels of affective behavior.
PARIETAL LOBE is mainly concerned with
•• Somatosensory processing, so damage to specific
•• Correlates with Paraesthesia at opposite side of body.
Occipital Lobe is Mainly Concerened with:
•• VISUAL SENSATION, So lesions to occipital cortex leads
to Contra lateral homonymous anopia.
•• Lesion to visual association areas leads to Alexia or visual
agnosia (Interpretation of written languages)
Temporal lobe is mainly concerened with:
•• Memory, Audition
•• Primary auditory area (Tansverse gurus of Heschl) deals
with appreciation and interpretation of Language.
•• Secondary auditory areas (Auditory association areas)
are involved with comprehension of language in some

Nadisansthan Sharira 157

A lesion in this area cannot understand what he/she hears

(sensory aphasia)
The central (Insular) lobe of cerebral hemisphere is concerned
with taste.
Limbic lobe (Cingulate gyrus and angular gyrus) is concerned
with Olfaction, emotions, behavioral activity and regulation of
the viscera.
Phylogenetically the oldest part of limbic system is limbic
Part of the limbic lobe is ñ Septal region, Gyrus Cinguli,
Parahippocampal Gyrus.
Major efferent from limbic system goes to ññMidbrain reticular
Most developed part of Limbic system ññ Hippocampal
Retention of the recent memory is function of limbic system.
Corpus Callosum is the Commissural fibres, passing between
cerebral hemispheres above the thalamus, cutting of corpus
callosum leads to SPLIT.
BRAIN - Person in whom information can not be relayed to
the Contra lateral side of specialized association (e.g. - a common
object placed in one hand cannot be recognized or matched with
a similar object in the other hand).
Basal Ganglia consist of:
•• Lenticular nucleus (Putamen+Globus pallidus)
•• Caudate nucleus
•• Substantia nigra
•• Sub thalamic nucleus
Main function of Basalgangia is to modulate the motor out
flow of Cortex to smooths Voluntary actions. Dysfunction of it,
produces dyskinesia such as tremor, Choreas, Ballismus and
Internal Capsule lies between Caudate nucleus and thalamus
medially and lenticular nucleus laterally. It consists of numerous
158 A Concise Companion for All Competative Examination

connecting axon pathways, flanks the thalamus and hypothalamus.

Even a small lesion on it leads to stroke.
Brain stem consists of mid brain, Pons and Meduall
Diencephalon is the most rostral portion of brain stem.It consists
of thalamus, small epithalami-Subthamic and hypothalamic
Thalamus serves as major synaptic relay station with over 25
separate nuclei.
Thalamic syndrome occurs due to thrombosis of Posterior
Choroidal artery or tumor.
Damage to subs thalamic nucleus leads to Ballismus. (Lively
jerking /shaking ñmovements)
Dmage to Substantia nigra leads to Parkinsonism (Paralysis
agitans), due to reduced dopamine production, Characterized
by rigidity, tremors at rest and difficulty in initiating or ceasing
movements (bradykinesia).
Hypothalamus has two types of functions:
•• Autonomic function ñ It modulates various activities
like thermoregulation, appetite, thirst, sexual impulses,
and emotion through neural mechanism mediated by
autonomic nervous system.
•• Endocrine function ñ It regulates the release of pituitary
Tectum (Roof portion of Midbrain) contains centers of visual
and auditory reflexes.
Hind brain consists of Metencephalon (Cerebellum + Pons)
and Myelencephalon (Medulla oblongata).
Expression of cerebellum is ipsilateral.It is concerned with
Co-ordination of movement.Its dysfunction leads to Ataxia (Jerky
uncoordinated movement). Cerebellar tremor is Intentional
and coarse in nature. Other cerebellar disorders are Dysmetria,
Dyssynergia, Dysdiadochokinesis, Scanning Speech and jerky
nystagmus in horizontal plane.

Nadisansthan Sharira 159

Pons ñ means a bridge i.e. fibers bridge from one side of the
cerebellum to the other. It has 3 pairs of cerebellar peduncles.
(i) Superior peduncle- Relays to thalamus.
Middle peduncle- Pontine nuclei to cerebellum.
Inferior Peduncle ñ From peripheral propriocptor and brain
stem to Cerebellum and from cerebellum to brainstem.
It contains the nuclei of the trigeminal nerve (CN-V), abducens
nerve (CN-VI) and facial nerve (CN-VII)
Myelencephalon Consists of Medulla oblongata. It contains
the nuclei of 7th to 12th cranial nerves.
Two lateral Ventricles are connected to third Ventricle by
interventricular foramen of Monro.
Third ventricle is connected with fourth venticle by the Iter
or (Cerebral aqueduct of sylvius).It is prone to obstruction to lead
Fourth Ventricle extend into Central Canal of spinal cord and
communicates with cisterna magna of subarchnoid space through
two Lateral formen (Foramen of Luschka) and one median
foramen (Foramen of Magendie).
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is an ultra filtration of blood. It is
formed by choroid plexuses. It is formed by both ultra filtration and
active transport. It is absorbed by arachnoid villi in subarchnoid.
Fracture of the ethmoid bone may allow CSF to drain through the
nose (Rhinorrhea).Fracture of the base of skull may allow CSF to
drain from ear (otorrhea).
Reward Centre is located in Lateral and Ventromedial nuclei
of hypothalamus.
Stimulation of amygdaloid nuclei causes chewing and Licking
Main function of cerebellum ñ control of posture and
Sympathetic nervous system is controlled by anterior nuclei
and part of middle nuclei of hypothalamus.
160 A Concise Companion for All Competative Examination

Satiety center is located in ventromedial nucleus of

Thirst and hunger is controlled by Lateral Hypothalamic
Sleep and temperature regulation is controlled by posterior
pre-optic and anterior hypothalamic area.
Somatic Sensory area of post central gyrus is Brodmann s
areas 1, 2 and3.
Brocaís area is located in Superior temporal gyrus.
Total volume of CSF= 150 ml.
Rate of Formation of CSF= 20 cc/hr.or 500c.c/day.
Normal. Pressure of CSF ñ 60-150 mm of water..
Composition of CSF ñ Protein ñ 20 to 40 mg/100cc
Sugar ñ 50 to 75 mg/100cc
Chlorides ñ 720 ñ 750 mg/100cc
Cells ñ 0- 5 /
Spinal Cored or Spinal Medulla extends from Medulla
oblongata to terminate at the lower border of ìL1î Vertebra (in
adult) as conus medullaris.
In children it extends up to lower border of L3 Vertebrae.
Up to 3rd month of IUL,it extends throughout the length of
Vertebral column (i.e. up to S4 vertebra).
Filum terminale is an extension of pia beyond conus medullaris.
Dura extends up to S2 vertebra, where it becomes covered by dura
to form coccygeal ligament.
Denticulate ligaments are lateral reflection of pia attaching
it to dura.
Anterior spinal artery is one & Posterior spinal arteries are
two in number.
Anterior spinal artery arises from vertebral artery.
Posterior spiral arteries arise from posterior inferior cerebellar
Dorsal root of spinal nerve contains only sensory fibbers.

Nadisansthan Sharira 161

Ventral root contains only motor fibres.

The Cervical roots (Except C8) exit from neural foramina
ABOVE their respective vertebral bodies, while thoracic and
lumbar roots exit BELOW each body.
Root of Branchial Plexusñ ventral primary rami of spinal n/
nerves C5 to T1 with contribution of C4/ T2 roots.
Injury to Erbís point causes Erb - Duchenne paralysis.
Injury to lower trunk causes klumpkeís paralysis, clawhand
and Hornerís syndrome.
The twelth intercostals nerve is the Subcostal nerve.
Injury to posterior chord or radial nerve leads to crutch palsy
or Saturday night palsy or loverís palsy.
Injury to radial nerve at wrist leads to wrist drop.
Pain and Temperature is carried by lateral Spino- thalamic
The meningeal ramus is actually the 1st branch of the spinal
Lumbosacral enlargement extends from L3to S2.
Lateral geniculate body is concerned with light reflex.
Medial geniculate body is concerned with auditory
Spinal duramater extends up to ñ S2 vertebra.
Adam kiewicz artery supplies ñ spinal cord
The size of cell bodies of nerve cells - 5 to 100 micron.
The connective tissue of nervous system ñ glial cells.
The diameter of myelinated nerve fibres varies from 1-20
Sensations affected most by cortical lesions ñ fine touch and
Sensation which returns earliest upon recovery is pain.
Rapidly adapting touch receptors are Meissenerís and
Pacinian Corpuscles.
162 A Concise Companion for All Competative Examination

Slowly adapting touch receptors are Merkelís disk and

Ruffinís endings
Maximum number of touch receptors is seen in lips and
Proprioceptive sensation is carried by dorsal column.
Receptor for temperature sensation free nerve endings.
Warm receptor responds at body temperature of 30-45. C.
Cold receptor responds at body temperature of 10 degree
Receptor for basic postural reflex Golgi tendon Organ.
Crude touch sensation is carried by ventral spino thalamic
Pressure is received by Pacinian Corpuscles.
Wt. Of spinal cord is 30gms.
Maximum diameter of spinal cord is about 3.8 cm at the level
of emergence of 6th pair of cervical nerves (C6).
Filum terminale is about 20 cm. Long which extends from
conus meddullaris to the back of the 1st Coccygeal Vertebral
At brain stem, the important centers are found i.e. vasomotor,
Respiratory & Cardiac.
(i) General or Cutaneous receptors:
For touch ñ Merkelís dieses, Meissenerís corpuscles.
For temperature (For cold) ñ Krauseís end bulbs.
For warmth ñ Ruffinís end organs.
For heat ñ Golgi, Mazzomi body.
(ii) Teloreceptors / Special sense organs ñ (Receive Stimuli
from a distance)
For vision ñ Rods and Cones in the retina.
For hearing ñ Organ of Corti (Internal ear)
For smell ñ Olfactory epithelium in the nasal chamber.
* Largest ganglion of neck is ñSuperior cervical ganglion.

Nadisansthan Sharira 163

Sternocleido mastoid is innervated by ñSpinal accessory N

and C2, C3 spinal N.
Trapezius is innervated by ñ Spinal accessory N, C3, C4 Spinal
Cranial nerve having longest intracranial Course ñ Abducent
Lateral geniculate body is concerned c ñLight reflex.
Medial geniculate body is concerned with ñ Auditory
Musicianís nerve is ñ Ulnar Nerve
Labourerís nerve is ñ Median Nerve
Deltoid muscle is innervated by ñ Axillary nerve (C5-C6)
The nerve piercing Supinator muscle is ñPosterior Interosseous
Root value of nerve supplying intrinsic muscles of palm is
ñC8, T1
Supra clavicular nerve arises from ñ C3&4
Nerve winding around the neck of fibula is ñ Common
Peroneal. N.
Root value of Saphenous nerve is ñ L3-L4.
Root value of Pudendal nerve is ñ S2, S3, and S4.
Deep Peroneal nerve is known as ñ Nervus hesitans.
Nerve involved in Meralgia Paraesthetica is ñ Lateral Cutaneous
nerve of thigh (L2, L3).
ìLeast splanchnic nerveî is derived from ñ T12 nerve.
Motor nerve of diaphragm is from ñ phrenic nerve (C3, C4,
Anterior Vagal trunk of Oesophageal hiatus is formed by ñ
Left Vagus.
Posterior Vagal trunk is formed by ñ Right Vagus.
Action of Vagus nerve on heart is ñ Inhibitory.
Action of Vagus nerve on gut is - Facilitatory.
164 A Concise Companion for All Competative Examination

Muscles of back get motor innervation from ñ Dorsal primary

Cremaster muscle is supplied by ñ Genito femoral n.
Trigeminal ganglion is lodged in ñ Meckelís cave.
Root values of reflex.
1. Abdominalñ T7 to T12 Spinal N.
2. Cremasteric ñ L1 & L2.-do-
3. Planter ñ L5 TO S2.-do-
4. Ankle jerk ñ S1 ñ S2-do-
5. Knee jerk ñ L2 to L4-do- (Patellar tendon reflex)
6. Biceps JerkñC5-C6
7. Triceps jerk ñ C6 ñC7
8. Supinator jerks ñ C5 ñ C8
9. Brachioradialis jerk ñ C7 ñ C8
Sympathetic outflow ñ All thoracic +L1, 2, 3
Parasympathetic outflow ñ 3, 7,9,10 Cranial nerves and S2,
3,4Spinal nerves.
Cranial Nerve zero (CNî Oî) ñ The terminal nerve. The cell
bodies are located in the ganglion terminale (accessory olfactory
bulb)next to each olfactory bulb.
*The longest cranial nerve is ñVagus.
*Pneumogastric Nerve ñ 10th C.N.
Development of neural plate on day 18 is the first hallmark
in development of nervous system.
Plasma membranes of oligodendrocytes form myelin sheath
inCNS and those of Schwann cells provide myelin sheath around
axon in PNS.
Nerve of Erigentes is Parasympathetic out flow from sacral
plexus (S2, 3, 4)
Ulnar nerve supplies ñ(i) Flexor carpi ulnaris muscle.
(Front of forearm) (ii) Medial half of flexor digitorum

Nadisansthan Sharira 165

Median nerve supplies rest of all the front of fore arm

*VIDIAN Nerve is Nerve of Pterigoid canal.
*Arnoldís Nerve /Aldermanís Nerve is Aricular br. Of
*Median nerve supplies (Short muscles of hand)
•• Lateral two lumbricals
•• Opponens pollicis
•• Abductor pollicis brevis.
•• Flexor pollicis brevis.
•• All other rest muscles of hand are supplied by ulnar N.
Ansa Cervicalis (C1, C2, C3) Supplied to strap muscles of neck.
These are Thyroid, stern thyroid, Sterno hyoid and omothryoid

Ganglion Location
1. Glasserian G/ G. of Vth CN trunk.
Semilunar G.
2. Spiral G between plates of the spiral lamina,
sending filaments to organ of corti.
3. Geniculate G. G. of the facial N.
4. Ciliary G. G. on the opthalinic N.
5. Sphenopalatine G. G. On Maxillary N.
6. OTIC G. G. On Mandibular N
7. Langleyís / G. On Lingual N.
Submaxillary G.
8. Ganglion Nodosum G. G. Where spinal Accessory joins the
9. Stellate G. the 1st dorsal sympathetic nerve
10. Ganglion terminale is accessory olfactory bulb.
166 A Concise Companion for All Competative Examination

Carnial Nerves
1. Cranial nerves having pregangllionic parasympathetic
nuclei ñ
i. Oculomotor ñ Edinger ñ Westphal nucleus in the upper
part of mid brain.
ii. Facial N ñ Superior salivatory nucleus in the lower part
of the pons.
iii. Gloss pharyngeal N. ñ Inferior salivatory nucleus in the
upper part of Medulla oblongata.
iv. Vagus N ñ Dorsal nucleus of Vagus in the upper part of
the medulla Oblongata.
2. Olfactory Nerve -
•• Its cells of origin develop in ectoderm.
•• About 20 olfactory nerves pass from nasal mucosa
to olfactory bulbs via Cribriform Plate. So these are
important source of Meningitis.
•• The nerve is an example where a primary sensory
neuron also acts as receptors.
•• The nerve fibres are very delicate.
•• Mitral cells are the second order neuron of first CN.
3. Optic N:-
•• It is actually not a true cranial N. but a tract of brain,
carring meningeal sheaths: Duramater, Arachnoid
mater,subarachnoid Space and piamater.
•• It has no Shawn cell sheathes and is therefore incapable
of regeneration after division like other brain tissue.
•• True equivalent of optic nerves are represented in
retina by bipolar cells.
4. Oculomotor N -
•• Lesion to Somatic component leads to:
•• Dropping of upper eyelid (ptosis).
•• Lateral strabismus.
•• Opthalmoplegia.

Nadisansthan Sharira 167

•• Edinger ñ Westphal nucleus give rise to Parasympathetic

Component of it.This nucleus supplies ciliary muscles
and sphincter of pupil via ciliary ganglia.
•• Lesion of Oculomotor nerve leads to cocked eye or
wall eye.
5. Trochlear N -
•• It is the Most Slender Cranial N.
•• It is the only cranial nerve which emerges from Dorsal
(Posterior) aspect of mid brain.
•• It has the longest intracranial course.
•• It is the only cranial nerve which decussates before
emerging from the brain.
•• It is purely motor nerve.
•• Its nucleus lies in lower part of mid brain at level of
inferior colliculus.
•• All axons are contra lateral.
•• Lesion leads diplopia only below the horizontal
6. Trigeminal N -
•• Largest of all Cranial nerves.
•• Motor nucleus is present in midpons.
•• It has communication with other CNS for example
CN-VII in the face.
•• It has in association of 5 ganglia.
•• Trigeminal ganglia or semilunar ganglia.
•• Ciliary ganglion.
•• Submandibular ganglion.
•• Pterygopalatine ganglion.
•• Otic ganglion.
7. Abducens N:-
•• Purely motor nerve.
•• Nucleus at pons.
•• All axons are ipsilateral.
168 A Concise Companion for All Competative Examination

•• Supplies to Lateral rectus muscle of eye.

•• Lesion causes medial strabismus.
•• Diplopia is maximum on looking laterally.
8. Facial N:-
•• Nerve of second branchial arch.
•• It carries sense of taste from anterior two third of
tongue through chorda tympani.
•• Nervus intermedius of wrisberg is small sensory
component of facial N.
9. Vestibulo cochlear N:-
•• Have two componentsñ vestibular and auditory.
•• Vestibular nerve with balanced and Equilibrium of
•• Cochlear nerve is connected to cochlear nuclei, which
relay auditory information to medial geniculate body
of thalamus for subsequent relay to the primary
auditory cortex.
10. Gloss pharyngeal N:-
•• Motor nuclei of this nerve are Nucleus ambiguus.
•• Secreto motor fibres arise from Inferior Salivatory
nucleus & Supply to parotid gland.
•• Carries taste Sensation from posterior third of tongue
to nucleus solitarius.
11. Vagus N. ñ* REPRESENT nerve of the 4th & 6th branchial
•• It has the most extensive distribution of all the CNs.
•• It travels like a ìVagabondî from the head to the
abdomen &hence the name.
•• It is the longest of all cranial Ns.
•• Taste fibres from epiglottis are carried by Vagus nerve
to nucleus solitarius.
12. Accessory N:-
•• Purely motor nerve.

Nadisansthan Sharira 169

•• Irritation of CN-XI causes torticollis i.e.- Spasm of Stern

mastoid & Trapezius.
13. Hypoglossal N:-
•• Arises from hypoglossal nucleus in medulla.
•• It innervates ipsilateral muscles of tongue.
•• Lesion to it causes deviation of tongue to opposite
•• Blood supply of Brain Occurs by two vertebral asteries
& two internal carotid arteries.
•• There is no branch of internal Carotid at neck.
•• Circle of willís (Circulus arteriosus) is formed by
branches of internal Carotid and Basilar artery.It
is complete in 90% individuals and this circle is an
important site of Berry aneurism.
•• Carotid body has Chemoreceptor and it monitors the
oxygen partial pressure.
•• Carotid Sinus has baroreceptor and it monitors blood

12 Hypo- Medulla Motor Motor to tongue

glossal and hyoid bone
1. Olfactory Olfactory Smell Nasal Mucosa
2. Optic Retina Vision Retina
3. Occulo- Floor of Motor All occular muscles
motor aqueduct of except, Lateral rectus
Sylivius (6) and SO4 Ciliary
muscle, Sphincter
4. Trochlear - do - - do - Levator palpebrae
superioris, So4 (Supe-
rior oblique )
170 A Concise Companion for All Competative Examination

5. Trige- Mid brain Motor a) Sensory for face,

minal and Pons and Cornea, Sinuses, nasal
Chief mucosa, teeth, anterior
sensory 2/3rd of tongue.
of face. b) Motor to muscles of
6. Abducent Pons Motor LR ( Lat.rectus)
7. Facial Pons Motor a) Sclap + facial
b) Ant.2/3rd taste via
chord tympani
c) Nerve to stapedius.
8. Vestibu- Brain Hearing Vestibular ñ Utricle
lococ- & saccule & Semicircular
hlear Equili- canals.
(Audi- brium Cochlear ñ Spinal
tory) organ to medial
geniculate body to
temporal lobe.
9. Glosso Medulla Motor & A) Sensory for
phary- oblongata Sensory post.1/3rd of tongue
ngeal and middle ear.
b) Taste to post 1/3rd
of tongue.
c) Motor to middle
constrictor &
10. Vagus - do - Motor a) Motor to Soft palate
and larynx and pharynx
Sensory (From nucleus ambi-

Nadisansthan Sharira 171

b) Sensory and motor

for heart, respiratory
passages and abdo-
minal visceras.(dorsal
nucleus )
11. Accessory Medulla & Motor Sternocleidomastoid
Spinal & trapezius. Accessory
cord. fibres to vagus.

•• Nerves present in the wall of Cavernous sinus -

i. in lateral wall - Occulomotor nreve, Trochlear nerve,
Opthalmic Nerve, Maxillary nerve (above downwards)
ii. in medial wall - Abducent nerve
Multiple Questions Exercise ñ 14
1. A 37 years old woman with severe headache stiff neck and
fever is admitted to the hospital with a likely diagnosis of
meningitis.Infection may spread from the nasal cavity to the
meninges along the olfactory nerves..Olfactory fibres pass
from the olfactory mucosa to the olfactory bulb via the
(a) Anterior and posterior ethmoid foramina.
(b) Cribriform plate.
(c) Hiatus semilunaris.
(d) Sphenopalatine Foramen.
2. {Match group ñ A(Foramen /Fissure/Canal)with group ñ
B(Structures passes through the respective hole)
Group-A Group-B
1. Anterior Condylar a. Spinal accessory Nerve
canal (Hypoglossal) (CN-XI)
2. Foramen lacerum. b. Motor division of the
trigeminal nerve.
3. Foramen Magnum c. Hypoglossal Nerve.
4. Foramen Ovale d. Internal Corotid
172 A Concise Companion for All Competative Examination

(a) 1-c,2-d.3-a,4-b, (b) 1-b, 2-d, 3-c, 4-a

(c) 1-c, 2-d, 3-b, 4-a (d) 1-c, 2-b, 3-a, 4d
3î. Initial examination of a 17- year old bicycle accident victim,
who was not wearing a helment,reveals neurlogic deficits
involving cranial nerves. Radiographs demonstrate a basal
school fracture that extends through the jugular foramen.
All the following structures might be involved by such a
cranial fracture except the
(a) Cranial accessory nerve (c) Hypoglossal nerve.
(b) gloss pharyngeal nerve (d) Spinal accessory
(e) Vagus nerve
4. All of the following sentences correctly described the
precentral gyrus of the brain except.
(a) It is the primary motor area.
(b) It projects to brain stem nuclei and the grey mater of the
spinal cord.
(c) It receives input from the basal ganglia and
(d) It receives direct sensory input.
5. Cerebrospinal fluid enters the Subarachnoid space at the
(a) Arachnoid villi (b) Choroid plexus
(c) Foramen of Monoro (d) Foramina Luschka
and Magendie.
6. The artery that primarily supplies the right visual cortex is
(a) Anterior cerebral Artery. (b) Basilar Artery
(c) Middle cerebral Artery. (d) Opthalmic Artery.
7. Cerebrospinal fluid enters the venous system.
(a) At Arachnoid
(b) At the cisterna magna
(c) Through the sub arachnoid Veins.
(d) Via capillaries in the ependyma.

Nadisansthan Sharira 173

8. The normal wt. of adult brain is

(a) 1 kg. (b) 1.4 kg. (c) 2 kg. (d) 2.5 kg.
9. Microglia is the macrophages of
(a) Brain (b) Spleen (c) Kidney (d) Lungs
10. Paccinian corpuscles are the receptors of
(a) Touch and Vibration (b) Pressure and touch
(c) Vibration and touch (d) Pressure and
11. Claustrum is present in
(a) Grey Mater (b) white mater
(c) Subarachnoid mater (d) All the above
12. Nervous portion of pituitary gland is
(a) Adenohypophysis (b) Anterior lobe
(c) Posterior lobe (d) Glandular lobe
13. Spinal cord terminates at
(a) Lower border of L2 (b) Lower border of L1
(c) Lower border of L3 (d) Upper border of L1
14. The ìarea-17î in the brain indicates
(a) Motor area (b) sensory area
(c) Auditory area (d) Visual area
15. Pons means
(a) A strong channel (b) A tunnel
(c) A bridge (d) A spider
16. Pons connected
(a) Spinal cord with brain (b) Parts of the brain each
(c) Both A & B (d) Lateral ventricle
17. Red nucleus is found in
(a) RBCS (b) WBCS
(c) Brain (d) All the above
18. Caudate nucleus is present in close to
(a) Lateral ventricle (b) Third Ventricle
(c) Fourth ventricle (d) All the above
174 A Concise Companion for All Competative Examination

19. Thalamus is present in

(a) Fore brain (b) Mid brain
(c) Hind brain (d) Pons
20. Respiratory centers are located in
(a) Medulla & Pons (b) Frontal lobe
(c) occipital lobe (d) Hypothalamus.
21. The cavity of the hind brain is called:
(a) Third ventricle (b) 4TH ventricle
(c) Lateral Ventricle (d) None
22. Hypothalamus is situated in
(a) Fore brain (b) Mid brain
(c) Hind brain (d) Third brain
23. Tentorium cerebelli in the brain is situated:
(a) Longitudinal Cerebral fissure
(b) Transverse fissure
(c) Lateral cerebral fissure (d) Central sulcus.
24. The presence of Maximum fissures, Sulci, and gyari on the
cerebrum indicates:
(a) More grey mater in the brain.
(b) More white mater in the brain
(c) Adequate white and less grey mater in the brain
(d) More whiter and less grey mater in the brain
25. Arbitrarily the cerebrum can be divided into:
(a) Only frontal and temporal lobes.
(b) Only parietal and occipital lobes
(c) Only frontal and occipital lobes
(d) Only frontal, Parietal, temporal and occipital lobe.
26. Mandibular Nerve is
(a) Sensory (b) Mixed
(c) Motor (d) Autonomous
27. Lumbar enlargement of spinal cord is from
(a) T9-T12 (b) T12-L5 (c) L1-L5 (d) T11-L4

Nadisansthan Sharira 175

28. The longest cranial nerve is

(a) Trigeminal (b) Trochlear
(c) Vagus (d) Facial
29. First cervical nerve Originates from
(a) Medulla oblongata (b) Pons
(c) Spinal cord (d) Mid brain
30. 6TH Cranial Nerve is
(a) Vestibulo cochlear (b) Abducent N
(c) Hypoglossal N (d) Trigeminal N
31. Frontal nerve is the branch of
(a) Opthalmic (b) Optic chiasma
(c) XI-Cranial nerve (d) Facial nerve
32. Injury to ulnar nerve above elbow can produce.
(a) Ape hand (b) Dupuytreníscontracture
(c) Clawhand (d) Volkmanís
33. Trochlear nerve is ñ
(a) Sensory (b) Mixed
(c) Motor (d) Autonomous
34. Spinal accessory nerve is ñ
(a) Sensory (b) Mixed (c) Motor (d) None
35. Filum terminal is the
(a) Nervous thread like structure.
(b) Non-nervous thread like structure.
(c) Thread like endings of afferent nerves.
(d) Thread like endings of efferent nerves.
36. The cell process found in neurons is mainly
(a) Dendrites (b) Axons
(c) Cell pseudopodia (d) Axons&dendrites
37. Auricular branch of Vagus is also known as ñ
(a) Arnoldís nerve (b) Jacobsonís nerve
(c) Nerve of bell (d) Vidian nerve
176 A Concise Companion for All Competative Examination

38. which of following would indicate increased parasympathetic

(a) ìCotton mouthî (Reduced Salivation).
(b) Increased gastric Secretion.
(c) Rise in blood pressure.
(d) Elevated blood glucose level.
39. The ascending tracts in the Spinal Cord are mainly situated
(a) Ventral or anterior region
(b) Dorsal or Posterior region.
(c) Both A & B (d) Out of the spinal cord.
40. Subcostal nerve is the part of
(a) Thoracic nerve (b) Sacral nerve
(c) Lumbar nerve (d) Cranial nerve
41. The largest Nerve in the body is
(a) Median nerve (b) Obturator nerve
(c) Femoral nerve (d) Sciatic nerve
42. Gasserian ganglion is situated in
(a) CN-V (b) Opthalmic nerve
(c) CN-II (d) None
43. Obturator nerve is the branch of
(a) Brachial plexus (b) Sacral plexus
(c) Lumbar plexus (d) None
44. Schawann cells are found in
(a) Brain (b) Liver (c) Heart (d) Spleen
45. The anterior spinothalamic tract conveys impulses of
(a) Heat (b) cold
(c) light touch (d) deep pressure
46. Reflex erection of penis is mediated through:
(a) Pudendal nerve (b) Thoracolumbar outflow
(c) Pre-sacral nerve (d) Cortical sensory

Nadisansthan Sharira 177

47. Emission and ejaculation are mediated through

(a) Pelvic nerve (b) thoraco- lumbar
(c) Cranio ñsacral outflow (d) pudendal nerve
48. At which part of CNS, the crossed extension reflex gets
(a) Spinal cord (b) brain stem
(c) Cerebral cortex (d) Dentate nuclei
49. The nucleus of the fourth cranial (Trochlear) nerve is situated
at level of
(a) Superior colliculus (b) Inferior colliculus
(c) Pons verolli (d) Brain stem only
50. In carpal tunnel syndrome, which nerve is involved?
Ulnar N (b) Radial N (c) median N (d) posterior cutaneous
nerve of the forearm.
51. Erbís point is:
(a) C4&C5 (b) C5&C6
(c) C6&C7 (d) C7, C8&T1
52. The nerve supplying gluteus maximus muscle is:
(a) Superior Gluteal nerve (b) inferior Gluteal nerve
(c) Obturator nerve (d) femoral nerve
53. Neurons in CNS are separated from each other and from
blood vessels by:
(a) Neuroglia (b) nodes of Ranvier
(c) myelin sheath (d) extra cellular space
54. Taste fibres from anterior 2/3 rd of tongue are carried by
(a) Lingual nerve (b) chorda tympani
(c) trigeminal nerve (d) gloss pharyngeal
55. What is the pressure effect of large thryoid tumor on recurrent
laryngeal nerve?
(a) Dysponea (b) dysphagia
(c) dysphonia (d) All
178 A Concise Companion for All Competative Examination

56. White matter consists of

(a) Nerve cells (b) nerve fibres
(c) all (d) none
57. Lower part of spinal cord is
(a) Cauda equina (b) conus medullaris
(c) Filum terminale (d) all
58. Constituent of PNS is /are-
(a) 31 pairs of spinal nerves with associated ganglion.
(b) 12 pairs of cranial nerves
(c) Both A&B
(d) None of the above
59. Normal CSF pressure is
(a) 120mm of Hg (b) 120mm of water
(c) 120cm.ofWater (d) 120 cm of Hg
60. Match the group ñA (tract) with group-B (reception)
Group-A Group-B
1. Fasciculusís gracilis a. Tactile and pressure
and cuneatus sensibility.
2. Anterior Spinothalamic b. Proprioceptive sensation
tract vibration and textile
3. Spinotectal tract c. pain and temperature
4. Vestibulo spinal tract d. path way for spinovisual
5. Lateral spino thalamic e. equilibratoray control
(a) 1-b,2-a,3-d,4-e,5-c, (b) 1-b,2-a,3-d,4-c,5-e,
(c) 1-b,2-a,3-c,4-e,5-d, (d) 1-b,2-c,3-a,4-e,5-d.
61. Matching column groupñA (TENDON REFLEX) with
group-B (Cord segment involved)
Group-A Group-B
1. Brachioradalis tendon reflex a. L5-S2

Nadisansthan Sharira 179

2. Plantar reflex b. C5-C6

3. Biceps brachii tendon reflex c. C6-C8
4. Triceps tendon reflex d. C7-C8
5. Patellar tendon reflex e. L2-L4
(a) 1-d,2-a,3-b,4-e,5-c (b) 1-d,2-a,3-e,4-b,5-c
(c) 1-d,2-a,3-c,4-b,5-e, (d) 1-d,2-a,3-c,4-e,5-b
62. Write the name of only cranial nerve originated from dorsal
aspect of the brain
(a) trigeminal N (b) Trochlear N.
(c) Facial N (d) Abducent N
63. what is the cavity of MIDBRAIN?
(a) Third ventricle- (b) Lateral ventricle
(c) 4 ventricle (d) cerebral aqueduct
64. Pulvinar is a part of
(a) Thalamus (b) Hypothalamus
(c) Pons (d) Cerebellum
65. Matching columns:
Group-A Group-B
1. Superior gyrus a. primary visual area
2. Precentral gyrus b. primary motor area
3. Calcarine sulcus c. primary sensory area
4. Post central gyrus d. primary auditory area
(a) 1-d,2-b,3-c,4-a (b) 1-d,2-b,3-a,4-c,
(c) 1-d,2-c,3-b,4-a, (d) 1-a,2-b,3-c,4-d.
66. Match group-A (AREA) with group-B (effect of lesion)
Group-A Group-B
I. primary and secondary a. Expressive Aphasia
motor area
II. Primary and somesthetic b. crossed homonymous
area hemianopia
III.Primary visual area c. contra lateral paralysis
IV. secondary auditory area d. contralateral sensory
180 A Concise Companion for All Competative Examination

V. Brocaís area e. word deafness i.e.

inability to interpret
(a) I -c, II ñd, III-a, IV-e, V ñb (b) I-c, II-d, III-b IV-a V-e
(c) I-c, II-d, III-b, IV-e, V-a (d) I-c, II-d, III-b, IV-e,
67. Brodmannís area 44 and 45 is:
(a) Auditory area (b) motor speech area
(c) equilibrium area (d) Visual area
68. The limbic system function is / are
(a) Emotional behavior (b) Sexual behavior
(c) Concerned with (d) all the above
recent memory
69. Parts of fore brain
(a) Diencephalon and telencephalon
(b) Diencephalon & Rhombencephalon
(c) Diencephalon & Prosencephalon
(d) Diencephalon & Mesencephalon
70. Common peroneal nerve in a living being is felt at
(a) Neck of radius (b) Neck of fibula
(c) Neck of tibia (d) Lower end of femur
71. which one is responsible in saving radial nerve in fracture
of shaft of humerus?
(a) Fibers of lateral head of triceps
(b) fibers of medial head of triceps
(c) Coracobrachialis (d) None of the above
72. which nerve is palpated behind medial epicondyle of
(a) Radial N (b) Axillary N
(c) Ulnar N (d) none of the above
73. Injury to Superior Gluteal nerve gives rise to:
(a) Atrophy of gluteus maximus
(b) Loss of Extention of hip

Nadisansthan Sharira 181

(c) Loss of sensation over gluteal flod

(d) Positive trendelenburg test.
74. Spinal cord in an adult ends at:
(a) Upper border of L1 (b) Lower border of L2
(c) At L1 only (d) Intervertebral disc
between L1 & L2
75. The nucleus of the fourth cranial (trochlear) nerve is stituated
at the level of:
(a) Superior collicu1lus (b) Interior Colliculus
(c) Pons varolli (d) Brain stem only.
Answer-Sheet 14
1. (b) 2. (a) 3. (c) 4. (c)
5. (d) 6. (b) 7. (a) 8. (b)
9. (a) 10. (d) 11. (a) 12. (c)
13. (b) 14. (d) 15. (c) 16. (c)
17. (c) 18. (a) 19. (a) 20. (a)
21. (b) 22. (a) 23. (b) 24. (a)
25. (d) 26. (c) 27. (b) 28. (c)
29. (a) 30. (b) 31. (d) 32. (c)
33. (b) 34. (b) 35. (b) 36. (d)
37. (a) 38. (b) 39. (b) 40. (a)
41. (d) 42. (a) 43. (b) 44. (a)
45. (c) 46. (a) 47. (b) 48. (a)
49. (b) 50. (c) 51. (b) 52. (b)
53. (a) 54. (b) 55. (c) 56. (b)
57. (b) 58. (c) 59. (b) 60. (a)
61. (a) 62. (b) 63. (d) 64. (a)
65. (b) 66. (c) 67. (b) 68. (d)
69. (a) 70. (b) 71. (b) 72. (c)
73. (d) 74. (d) 75. (b)

Antasravagranthi Sharira
(Endocrine System)
•• Nervous system and endocrine system both regulates the
various vital mechanisms in our body.
•• Both systems are combindly known as intergrative
•• Thomas Addison is the father of endocrinology.
•• Study of endocrine glands is called endocrinology.
Endocrine glands are ductless glands, which releases their
secretion directly into surrounding blood for transport of the site
of action.The secretion of endocrine gland is called horomones.
•• The first hormone was introduced by Ernst H.Starting in
•• The term hormone was introduced by Starling.
•• The first hormones discover is Secretion.
•• Meaning of word ëHormoneí is I arouse activity.
Unicellular endocrine gland:-
•• Cells in the lining of alimentary canal.
•• Neurosecretory cells of hypothalamus.
Multicellular endocrine gland:-Thyroid, Parathyroid,
Antasravagranthi Sharira 183

Compound organ:- Pituitary, Adrenal, (Consisting of two

glands of different origin, combined into one gland)
Type of Endocrine Glands
Purely endocrine gland→partly endocrine gland
Thyroid, Parathyroid, Thymus, hypothalamus Adrenal,
Panacreas, gonads, Placenta, Kidney→Pinal gland
Origin of Endocrine Glands

Ectodermal Mesodermal Endodermal

Adrenal Medulla Adrenal Cortex Thyroid, Parathyroid
Pituitary (Posterior) gonads Pituitary (Ant.)
Pineal gland Thymus Panaceas Hypothalamus

1. It is the base of diencephalons.

2. It is of nervous tissue.
3. It is connected do anterior lobe by hypophyseal portal
blood vessels and with Posterior lobe pituitary by axon
of its neuron.
Hormones:- Neurosecretory cells of the hypothalamus secretes
Neurohoromones.There are known as realsing factor (RF)or
inhibiting factor (I.F).These are proteinous in nature and formal
of 3 to 20 amino acid.
Pituitary Gland
•• Present below the hypo thalamus with in sella tureica of
the sphenoid bone.
•• It is the master gland of the body.It is the most important
•• It is the smallest endocrine gland.
•• Wt.-0.5 to0.6gm. in male, 0.6 to0.7 fe.In female it
increases enormously.
•• Parts
Adenohypophysis Parts

Pars distalis Pars tuberalis Pars intermedia

184 A Concise Companion for All Competative Examination

•• Neuro hypophysis 25% part of pituitary).

•• From anterior lobe six horomones secreted
(A) Growth horomone /somatotrphoic horomone.
Hyposecreation of GH during puberty results in pituitary
dwarfism (ateliosis)
Hypersecreation of G.H. in adult results in simmond diseases.
(Pt. are very thin has premature Ageing)
Hypersecration of G.H.; during growth year results in
Hypersecration of G.H. during adult hood result with huge
hands and legs.
(B) Thyroid stimulating horomone (TSH)
(C) Follicle stimulating horomone (FSH)(HANETO KI
(D) Latinizing horomone (LH) (Interstitial cell stimulating
horomone)[Note ñFSH +LH = Gonadotrophic horomone]
(E) Lacto trophic horomone (LTH)/prolactin /luteotrophic
/mammotropin horomone.
From posterior lobe ë2íhoromones ñ
Vasopression (antidiureic)-ADH/Pitression
Oxytocin (Milk letdown factor)-During copulation it is secreted
in large quantity in a female.
Pineal Gland (epiphysis cerebri)
•• Located at the roof of diencephalons
•• Very small reddish grey gland
•• It starts degene rating at about 7yr.age.In adult it get
converted into mainly fibrous tissue.
•• It recreates ë3íhoromones ñ melatonin, serotonin and
Thyroid Gland
•• First endocrine gland to appear in foetus.
L=3-7cm. Wt-25gm.

Antasravagranthi Sharira 185

•• It is the largest endocrine gland in the body. The Follicle

is composed of cubicle spithelium.Thyroid horomones
are stored in it.It has c-cells /Para follicular cells.
•• Horomones ñ(3)
1. Thyroxin/o- has 65% of Iodine, maintain BMR in
2. Thyrocalciatonin /
3. calcitonin ñ Hypo secretion causes cretinism,
myxoedema, goitrehashimate diseases
4. Hyper secretion causes, exopthalmic goitre.
Parathyroid Gland
•• Number =4, size =5X5mm. & yellow colour.
•• Cells are two types: chief cells ñ small (endocrine cells).
•• Hormone is Para hormone.It is also called collipís
•• Hypo secretion of parathrormone causes tetany.
•• Hyper secretion of parathrormone causes osteoorosis and
osteitis fibrosa cystica.
•• Thymus-is a modified lymph gland
•• Located just above heart
•• It is soft, pink, bilobed mass of lymphoid tissue.
•• It secrets thymosin.
•• Due to excessive secretion of thymosin in a person, person
gets suffered with myasthenia gravis.
•• It has get ìHassal corpusclesî.It acts as phagocytic.
•• It is often reffered in relation with AIDS.
Adrenal Gland (suprarenal gland)
•• It was discovered by Eustuchius.
•• It is a conical yellowish, brown body.
•• Part cortex zone glonerulosa
Zona fasciculata
Medulla zona reticularia
186 A Concise Companion for All Competative Examination

•• Wt of gland ñ3 gm.
•• From cortex 40 different steroid horomones (corticoids)
•• Adrenal medulla secretes epinephrine & nor epinephrine
•• Glandular cells of adrenal medulla are called chromaffin
•• 80% of secretion of adrenal medulla is adrenalin
(eprinephrin )
•• adrenalin is called emergency hormone due to ñ
It provides energy very quickly by converting glycogen
to glucose.
It increases the blood flow, so as available glucose may go
quickly, where it is needed.
It is a strong bronchodilator.
It is a powerful vaso constrictor.
•• L-10-23GM.,3-9CM. Breadth-
•• Meaning of pancreas is ìpan = all, kreas =flashî
•• Wt of it ñ15gm.
•• It is hetrocrine gland (98 to 99% -exocrine,1 to 2%-
endocrine )
•• Exocrine part is formed of panacretic acini and endocrine
part of ìIs lets of langerhamsîthese are the maximum at
the tail portion.Panacreatic secretion is 500nl/day.
•• Major duct of pancreas is ìDuct of wirsungî.
•• Minor duct of pancreas is ìDuct of santoriniî.
•• Is let of langerhans have 4 kind of cells.
Alpha cells (60 TO 70%) =Produces glucagons.
Beta cells (32 to 38%) = Produces insulin
Delta cells ñññ- produces somatostatin (ss)
F-cells ñññ produces pancreatic polypeptide (2% to 8%)
•• It has a process called uncinate process, which is sand-
wiched between aorta and superior mesenteric vessels.

Antasravagranthi Sharira 187

•• Neck portion is related to formation of portal vein and

gastro ñduodenal artery.
•• It is the only organ that contains TRY PSINOGIN
•• Testis ñhas seminiferous tubules.It has interstitial cells or
lay digís cells.It secretes androgen.principal androgen is
Surgical removal testis is called castration wt. of each
Covering of testisñ
•• Ovary ñ From graffian follicle ñestrogen (estradiol)
From corpus luteum-progesterone
From corpusluteum-relaxin
Wt. of ovary-
•• Placenta-HCG.
•• GIT- is considered as the largest endocrine organs
•• Stomach ñgastrin
•• Intestine ñ (mucosa secretes 6 hormones) ñsecretin,
cholecystokinim, enterogastrone, entrocrinin, duocrinin
and villikinin.
•• Heart ñwithin artria specialized cells called cardiocytes
are found, which secrete atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) in
response to an increased return of the venous blood.
•• Liver- angiotensinogen.
Multiple Questions Exercise ñ 15
1. Match the column-
Column-A Column-B
1. Pancreas a. Ectodermal
2. Thyroid b. Endodermal
3. Adrenal gland c. Mesodermal
4. Gonads
(a) 1234/baac (b) 1234/bbac
(c) 1234/bbca (d) 1234/bbaa
188 A Concise Companion for All Competative Examination

2. Nervous system and endocrine system combindly known

as ñ
(a) Combined system (b) neuroendocrine
(c) integrative system (d) neuroglandular
3. A gorilla like appearance with huge hands and legs is due
to abnormal secretion of -
(a) FSH (b) LH (c) LTH (d) GH
4. Largest endocrine gland of the body is ñ
(a) Thyroid gland (b) GIT
(c) Pituitary (d) thymus gland
5. number of parathyroid gland is /are
(a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 2 (d) 6
6. ìHassalî corpuscles are found in
(a) Thymus (b) thyroid
(c) parathyroid (d) pineal
7. If a person takes iodine it will be stored in
(a) Liver (b) thyroid (c) brain (d) muscle
8. ANF is secreted by
(a) Liver (b) stomach (c) heart (d) placenta
9. Which of the following endocrine glands functions under
nervous control
(a) cortex of adrenal glands (b) ant. Pituitary glands
(c) Medulla of adrenal glands (d) post. Pituitary glands
10. testosterone is secreted by
(a) Ledygeís cells (b) sertoli cells
(c) Spermatogonia (d) both A&B
11. Which gland is useful during tension
(a) Adrenal (b) parathyroid
(c) pineal (d) thyroid

Antasravagranthi Sharira 189

12. The emergency hormone is

(a) Thyroxin (b) adrenaline
(c) insulin (d) progesterone
13. A hormone is
(a) Any glandular secretion (b) enzyme
(c) a comical messenger (d) an excretory product
14. Duct less glands are known as
(a) exocrine gland (b) endocrine gland
(c) tubular gland (d) alveolar gland
15. peculiarities of endocrine glands is /are
(a) Lack of duct (b) rich vascularity
(c) both A& B (d) none of the above
16. Match the following
1. Epinephrine a. anterior pituitary
2. Acetypchaline b. juxtaglomerular apparatus
3. Prolaction c. adrenal medulla
4. Vasopression d. motor end plates
5. Rennin e. posterior pituitary
(a) 1-c,2-d,3-a,4-e,5-b B (b) 1-c,2-d,3-b,4-e,5-a,
(c) 1-c,2-a,3-d,4-b,5-e, (d) 1-c,2-a,3-e,4-d,5-b,
17. The reabsorphion of water in the kidney is under the control
(a) LH (b) STH (c) ADH (d) ACTH
18. Integration system in the body is
(a) Nervous system (b) Endocrine
(c) circulatory system (d) Neuro endocrine
19. which of the following is called to ì4Sî gland
(a) Pancreas (b) adrenal
(c) thyroid (d) parathyroid
20. If ovaries of a lady are removed in fourth month of pregnancy
the result will be
(a) Embryo will develop normally till birth
190 A Concise Companion for All Competative Examination

(b) Abortion will occur after sometime

(c) Development of embryo becomes abnormal
(d) None of these
21. There are three endocrine glands involved in carbohydrate
metabolism these are
(a) Pancreas, Neuro hypothesis & adrenal
(b) Pancreas, pituitary & thyroid
(c) Pancreas, pituitary & liven
(d) Pancreas, Adenohypophysis and adrenal.
22. The function of rennin is ñ
(a) Vasodilation (b) reduced
(c) stimulation of (d) degradation
corpus luteum angiotensinogen
23. ìMyxoedemaî is due to ñ
(a) Excess G.H. (b) excess thyroxin
(c) decreased insulin (d) decreased thyroxin
24. ìCormís disease is caused by over secretion of
(a) ADH (b) aldosterone
(c) ACTH (d) none
25. In absence of ADH,the disease caused is ñ
(a) Diabetes mellitus (b) diabetes insipidus
(c) oligouria (d) acromegali
Answer-Sheet 15
1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (d) 4. (a)
5. (b) 6. (a) 7. (b) 8. (c)
9. (b) 10. (a) 11. (a) 12. (b)
13. (b) 14. (b) 15. (c) 16. (a)
17. (c) 18. (d) 19. (b) 20. (b)
21. (b) 22. (d) 23. (d) 24. (b)
25. (b) 26. ñ



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