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MBA in Business Management

Semester-1 Subjects Credits

1 Management Theory & Practice 4

2 Organizational Behavior 4

3 Business Economics 4

4 Marketing Management 4

5 Information System for Managers 4

6 Financial Accounting & Analysis 4

Semester-2 Subjects Credits

1 Business Communication 4

2 Business Law 4

3 Essentials of HRM 4

4 Strategic Management 4

5 Operations Management 4

6 Decision Science 4

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Semester-3 Subjects Credits

1 Cost & Management Accounting 4

2 International Business 4

3 Organizational Theory Structure & Design 4

4 Digital Marketing 4

5 Consumer Behavior 4

6 Project Management 4

Semester-4 Subjects Credits

1 Corporate Finance 4

2 Sales Management 4

3 Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital 4

4 Business: Ethics , Governance & Risk 4

5 Research Methodology 4

6 Project 4

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Semester I
1. Management Theory & Practice

Evolution of Management
• Introduction, History of management
• Industrial Revolution
• Forces behind management thoughts
• Approaches of management- Classical approach, Modern approach
• Major contributors- Charles Babbage, Frederick W. Taylor’s theory of scientific management,
Henry Laurence Gantt, Henri Fayol’s administrative theory, Robert Owen, Max Weber’s theory
of bureaucracy, George E. Mayo
• Recent development in management
• Lean Production or JIT
• 5 S system
• Six Sigma
• Kaizen
Nature of Management
• Definition Nature and Purpose of Management
• Management as Science
• Management as an Art
• Functions of Management
• Role of Management in Society
• Social responsibility of the business
• Social responsibility towards different interest groups
• Management administration and cultural values
• Management as a profession
Corporate Culture
• Corporate culture
• Components of corporate culture
• Conflict between corporate culture and administration
• Corporate culture and communication
• Human resource development and organisational culture
Structure of an Organisation

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• Organisational designs
• Six Box organisational model
• Matrix or Mixed model
• ETZIONI organisational theory
• Factors influencing organisational design
Business Communication
• The concept, Need and Significance of communication
• Types of business communication- Internal and External communication, Formal or Informal
communication, Verbal and non-verbal communication
• Tools of business communication
• Role of business communication in an organisation
• Benefits of business communication
• Limitations of business communication
Managerial decision making
• Concept & Process of managerial decision making
• Centralization & Decentralisation
• Types of managerial decisions
• Importance of managerial decision making
• Information technology and managerial decision making
• Meaning, Types, Styles of leadership
• Balance between leadership and management
• Role, Functions, Importance and leadership
• Leadership and team work competency
• Leadership and group decision making
• Meaning, Need of Motivation
• Theories of Motivation
• Traditional Theories
• Modern Theories
ERG Theory
McClelland's Theory of Needs
Equity Theory of Motivation
• Techniques for stimulating creativity

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• Motivating Individuals
• Motivating Groups
Change Management
• Meaning, Objectives of change management
• Change management and organisational development
• Forces of change
• Resistance to change
• Managing resistance to change
• Role of leaders in Change Management
Management Information System
• Information technology and management
• Data and Information
• Expert System
• Decision support system
• Group Decision support system (GDSS)- Components, Model of GDSS
• Advantages of GDSS
• Disadvantages of GDSS

2. Organizational Behavior

Introduction to Organizational Behavior

• Defining Organization Behavior
• History of Organizational Behavior
• Scope of Organization Behavior
• Importance of Organization Behavior
• Features of Organizational Behavior
• Approaches to Organizational Behavior
• Classical Approach
• Neo-Classical Approach
• Modern Approach
• Opportunities and Challenges of Organizational Behavior
• Scientific aspects of Organizational Behavior
Understanding Individual Behavior

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• Individual Behavior
• Biographical Attributes
• Ability
• Values
• Attitudes
• Job Satisfaction
• Definition of Personality
• Stages of Personality Development
• Freudian Stages
• Erikson Stages (Neo Freudian Stages)
• Adult Life Stages
• Determinants of Personality
• Theories of Personality
• Psychoanalytic Theory
• New Freudian Theories
• Trait Theories
• Social Learning Theory
• The Self Theory
• Significant Personality Traits affecting Organizational Behavior
• Definition of Perception
• Importance of Perception
• Perception Process
• Perceptual Selectivity
• Factors Influencing Perception
• Impression Management
• Perception of Self-Image and Behavior
• Managerial Implications of Perception
• Managing the Perception Process
• Significance of Learning
• Theories of Learning
• Classical Conditioning Theory
• Operant or Instrumental Conditioning Theory
• Cognitive Learning Theory

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• Social Learning Theory
• Meaning of Reinforcement
• Learning through Reinforcement
• Organizational Reward System
• Administering Reinforcement
• Impact of Punishment
• Meaning of Motivation
• Characteristics of Motivation
• Different Motives of Motivation
• Primary Motives
• General Motives
• Secondary Motives
• Motivational Approaches
• Theories of Motivation
• Maslow’s Need Hierarch Theory
• Herzberg Two Factor Theory
• Achievement Motivation Theory
• Goal Setting Theory
• Vroom’s Expectancy Theory
• Porter’s Performance Satisfaction Theory
• Motivation in Practice
Leadership and People Skills
• Definition of Leadership
• Significance of Leadership
• Managers vs. Leaders
• Leadership Theories
• Behavioural Theories
• Trait Theories
• Contingency Theories
• Pitfalls of Leadership
• Emotional Intelligence
• Styles of Leadership & their Impact on Employees
Groups and Teams
• Group Dynamics
• Features of Groups

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• Importance of Groups
• Types of Groups
• Formal Groups
• Informal Groups
• Understanding Group Processes
• Formation of Groups
• Theories of Group Formation
• Propinquity Theory
• Homan’s Theory
• Balance Theory
• Exchange Theory
• Concept of Teams
• Difference between Groups and Teams
• Problems in Teamwork
• Creating Effective Teams at workplace
Conflict Management
• Understanding Conflicts
• Sources of Conflict
• Positive and Negative Aspects of Conflicts
• Functional Conflicts
• Dysfunctional Conflicts
• Types of Conflict
• Inter-personal conflict
• Intergroup conflict
• Conflict Resolution and Management
• Encouraging Functional Conflict for Organizational Effectiveness
Power & Politics in Organizations
• Understanding Power
• Difference between Leadership & Power
• Sources of Power
• Identifying the Sources of Power in an Organization
• Power Tactics
• Power in Groups
• Politics within Organizations
• Factors Contributing to existence of Politics
• Role of Politics in Determining Organization Culture

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• Importance of Personality Development for Encountering Politics

3. Business Economics

Introduction to Business Economics

• Meaning and Scope of Economics
• Significance
• Distinction between Economics and Business Economics
• Microeconomics and Macroeconomics
• Laws of Economics- Nature, Application, Assumptions
• Economic Statics and Dynamics
• Economics and Business Decision Making
• Social Accounting- Gross National Product-Concept and components
• Business cycles
• Inflation- Defnition, Characteristics and types
Demand Analysis
• Meaning and types of Demand
• Determinants of Demand- Factors Influencing Individual Demand, Factors Influencing Market
• Law of Demand- Demand Schedule, Demand Curve, Demand Function , Assumptions in Law of
Demand, Exception to Law of Demand
• Shift and Movement along Demand Curve
Supply Analysis
• Concept of Supply
• Determinants of Supply
• Law of Supply- Assumptions and Exceptions
• Expansion and Contraction of Supply
• Increase and Decrease in Supply
• Market Equilibrium: Demand and Supply Equilibrium- Determination of Market Price, Shifts in
Market Equilibrium
Consumer Demand Analysis
• Concept
• Utility as a Basis of Consumer Demand- Total Utility, Marginal Utility

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• Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility
• Cardinal Utility Approach- Neo Classical Approach
• Ordinal Utility Approach –Indifference Curve Analysis
• Assumptions of Ordinal Utility
• Indifference Curve- Meaning, properties and Criticism
• Marginal Rate of Substitution
• Concept of Budget Line – Slope and Shifts in Budget Line
• Consumer Equilibrium Effects
• Revealed Preference Theory
Elasticity of Demand and Supply
• Price Elasticity of Demand
• Different Types of Price Elasticity- Elastic Demand, Inelastic Demand, Relatively Elastic Demand,
Relatively Inelastic Demand
• Measurement of Price Elasticity
• Factors Influencing Price Elasticity of Demand
• Significance
• Income Elasticity of Demand
• Cross Elasticity of Demand
• Advertisement Elasticity of Sale
• Elasticity of Supply
Demand Forecasting
• Concept and need of Demand Forecasting
• Factors
• Steps and Limitations
• Techniques - Survey methods, Statistical methods
• Criteria for Good Demand Forecasting
Production Theory
• Concept and factors of production
• Production Possibility Curve
• Production in the Short and Long Run
• Total Product, Average Product and Marginal Product
• Production Function
• Law of Diminishing Returns- Significance, Optimal Employment of Factor of Production
• Isoquant curves - Forms
• Marginal Rate of Technical Substitution
• Elasticity of Substitution between Factors

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• Iso-cost Curves
• Producer’s Equilibrium- Equal Product, Expansion Path
• Returns to Scale- Increasing, Constant, Diminishing
• Different Types of Production Functions- Cobb-Douglas Production Function, Leontief
Production Function, CES Production Function

Cost and Revenue Analysis

• Concept of Cost
• Different Types of Costs- Opportunity costs, Accounting Costs, Economic costs, Business Costs,
Full Costs, Explicit Costs, Implicit Costs Fixed Costs, Variable Costs, Incremental Costs
• Short Run and Long Run Costs of Production
• Short Run and Long Run Average Cost and Long Run Total Cost
• Short Run and Long Run Marginal Costs
• Deriving Cost Schedule from Production Function
• Economies and Diseconomies of Scale
• Economies of Scope
• Concept of Revenue- Average Revenue, Marginal Revenue
• Relationship between Total Revenue and Marginal Revenue
• Relationship between Average Revenue and Marginal Revenue
Market Structure
• Defining Market
• Types of Market Structures- Pure Competition, Perfect Competition, Imperfect Competition,
Monopolistic Competition, Oligopoly, Monopoly
• Profit Maximization in the Short Run and Long Run
• Determinants and Measurement of Market Power
Market Failure
• Meaning of Market Failure
• Price Regulations
• Market Failure and Need for Regulation
• Regulations and Market Structure
• Price Regulation and Firm Behavior

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4. Corporate Social Responsibility

CSR and Globalisation

• Globalization and Its Impact
• Sustainable Development
• Role of Business in Sustainable Development
• Millennium Development Goals and UN Post- 2015 Development Agenda
• India and MDGs
• Indian Companies Act 2013 and CSR
Corporate Stakeholders
• Business and Society
• Business Organizations as Systems
• From Shareholder Theory to Stakeholder Theory
• Stakeholder Engagement
• Dynamic Environment of Business
• History of CSR in India
• Emerging CSR Trends
• Theories of CSR
• The Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility
• Changing Trends: Philanthropy – Strategic Philanthropy – CSR
• Arguments against CSR
• The Business Case for CSR
• Importance of CSR for India Contemporary Drivers for CSR
CSR Strategy
• Steps in Designing CSR Strategy
• Implement CSR Commitments
• Areas of CSR Implementation
• CSR at Market Place
• CSR at Workplace

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• Environmental CSR
• CSR with Communities
• CSR in Supply Chain
• Types of Interventions
• Strategic Partnerships with NGO
• Focus of Measurement
• Social Auditing
• What is Monitoring? Internal and External
Importance and Benefits of Reporting
• Formats of CSR Communication and Reporting
• The Reporting Team
• Role of Government
• Government Support at International Level
• Voluntary Codes in CSR
• Corporate ethics
• Ethics and Functional Areas of business
• What is Corporate Governance?
• Constituents of Corporate Governance
• The Corporate Governance Debate
• Theoriesof Corporate Governance
• Responsibilities of Corporate Governance
• Global Growth of Corporate Governance
• History of Corporate Governance in India
• The Current State of Corporate Governance in India
• Board Composition in India.
• Corporate Governance: Need to Strengthen
• Corporate Governance and CSR
• Corporate Disclosures & investor protection in India
• Current CSR Bill and its impact on the society

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5. Information System for Managers

Introduction to Information System

• Meaning of Information ,Difference between Data and Information, Definition, Importance of
Information for Organizations
• Concept of System , Need
• Evolution of Information System , Functions , Framework,
• Information and Control Systems
• Computerized Information System
• Business Process Design , Modelling
• Business Process Re-engineering
• Management of Information Systems
Components of Information Technology
• Hardware Concepts, Software Concepts, Operating Systems, Programming Languages ,
Readymade Packages and their Operating Systems
Networking Concepts
• Meaning of Networking, Need for Networking , Advantages and Disadvantages of Networking,
• Hardware and Software for Networking, Concepts , Types
• Bluetooth as Wireless Technologies- RFID
• Network Models
• Applying Communication Networks – Intranet, Extranet, Internet
Database Management
• Meaning of Database ,Types
• Database Management , Objectives , Functions , Major Components , Database Models
Types of Information Systems
• Different Types of Information Systems
• Operations Support Systems , Transaction Processing Systems (TPS), Process Control System
(PCS), Enterprise Collaboration System (ECS)
• Management Support Systems , Management Information System (MIS), Decision Support
System (DSS), Executive Information System (EIS)
• Functional Information Systems

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• Other Types of Information Systems, Expert System , Knowledge Management System
(KMS),Strategic Information System (SIS),Business Information System (BIS), Integrated
Information Systems
• Defining ERP , Evolution of an ERP System, Benefits , ERP Implementation
• Reasons for the Failure of ERP Implementation
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
• Introducing EDI , Standards of EDI
• Transmission Modes of EDI : VAN ,Internet/AS2,Web EDI
• Disadvantages of EDI
Data Warehousing, Data Mining, and Business Intelligence
• Data Warehousing , Need , Goals, Constituents
• Definition of Data Mining, Parameters, Working
• Types of relationships
• Architecture of Data Mining, Functionalities
• Classification on Data Mining system
• Meaning of Business Intelligence, Evolution , Importance
Decision Support System (DSS)
• Introducing Decision Support System (DSS)
• Evolution , Components , DSS Architecture
• Analytical Models in DSS
• Characteristics , Types , Tools and Technologies Supporting DSS
• DSS and Outsourcing
• Group Decision Support Systems
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
• Define CRM , Components of CRM, Three Phases of CRM, Benefits and Challenges of CRM, New
Trends in CRM
Supply Chain Management (SCM)
• Meaning of Supply Chain , Define SCM, Objectives of SCM, Components of SCM, Difference
between Logistics Management and SCM, Scope , Benefits and Challenges of SCM, New Trends
in SCM
Building and Deploying an Information System
• Architecture of an Information System
• Software Development Lifecycle
• Software Development Models : Waterfall model, Prototype model, Incremental model, Spiral

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• Requirement Analysis & Design Considerations
• Software Testing
• Deploying an Information System
Managing Information Systems
• Infrastructure Management
• Maintenance of Information Systems
• Management of Changing Requirements
• Incidence Handling
• Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Planning

6. Business Communication & Etiquettes


Communication in workplace

• Role of communication in business- Peter Drucker

• Why business needs to communicate
• Importance of communication skill to you
• Forms of communication
• Formation and sending of response
• 7 C’s of good communication skills
• Barriers to communication
• Communication Skills --- Verbal and Non-verbal
• Organisational communication--- internal and external including PR

Fundamentals of business writing

• Adaptation and selection of words

• Use of familiar words
Adapting to multiple readers

Indirectness in persuasion and sales messages

• Determining the persuasion

• Gaining attention in the opening

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• Making the request Clear and positive

Public speaking and oral reporting

• Making formal speeches

• Defining oral report
• Differences between oral and written reports
• Planning the oral report
• Telephone communication

Technology enabled Communication

• Using technology in communication tasks

• E mails
• Tools for constructing messages
• Computer tools for gathering and collecting information

Personal etiquettes and grooming for corporate

• Eye contact
• Body language
• Handshake
• Business card etiquette
• Work habits- punctuality, prioritize your work, stay positive, Bring solution etc

Aspects of Communication

• Cultural aspects of communication --- intercultural and multicultural

Ethical and Legal aspects

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Semester II
1. Marketing Management

Introduction to Marketing: Evolution of Marketing

Understanding the Marketing Process: Marketing Mix
Marketing Concepts, Customer Value and Satisfaction
Marketing Environment: Impact on the Strategic Planning
Understanding Consumer Behaviour
Understanding Industrial Buyer Behaviour
Analyzing Industry and Competition
Competitive Advantage and Core Competence
Marketing Strategy
Market Segmentation and Targeting
Demand Measurement and Sales Forecasting
Product and Product Life Cycle
Brand and Brand Equity
New Product Decisions
Distribution Channels and Logistics
Pricing Decisions
Marketing Communication: Advertising and Promotion

2. Financial Accounting

Balance Sheet
Accounting Process: Journal, Ledger and Trail Balance
Corporate Accounts: Format of Company Accounts
Cash Flow Statement: Preparation, Analysis and Implications
Financial Statements Reporting As per Accounting Standards: AS 1 and 2
Financial Statements Reporting As per Accounting Standards: AS 6 and 9
Financial Statements Reporting As per Accounting Standards: AS 13, 17, and 20.
Financial Analysis: Trends, Common Size, Ratios
Management Analysis and Discussion
Comparison: IFRS, GAAP, Indian Accounting Standards

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Financial Statement Analysis

3. Essentials of HRM

Objectives of HRM, Scope of HRM, Evolution of HRM, HRM functions, Challenges, Personnel
Job analysis, Information collection for job analysis, Job description and Job specification, Job
Human Resource Planning: need, objectives, process and problems
Recruitment – sources and methods, Selection – process, induction and outsourcing
Competency Mapping – developing competency models, uses; Assessment Center: history,
measurement tools, difference between assessment center and development center
Performance appraisal: process, methods, benefits, problems; Coaching and Mentoring:
process and implementation
Potential Appraisal: purpose andtechniques; Career Planning: meaning andprocess; Succession
Planning: meaning, pros and cons
HRAudit: Objectives, role, significance, process, prosandcons; HRAccounting: methods, pros
and cons; HR Information Systems: application, pros and cons
Human Resource Development System: need, functions, systems, HRD process, HRD
effectiveness, Strategic management & HRM
Training and Development: trainingandeducation, stakeholders in training, need fortraining
and development, training and learning organisations, process of training, cross cultural
training, team training, orientation training
Compensation and Rewards: need for compensation, uses, components of compensation,
industrycompensation, internationalcompensation, fringebenefits& FBT, reward
management – goals, reward systems, recognition

4. Strategic Management

Evolution and basic concepts, Vision, Mission and business definition

Contributions by Mintzberg, Ansoff, Porter and Prahalad, Gary Hammel
Environment survey and appraisal – Industry and competitive analysis – Dominant economic
features, strength of competition and competitive forces.
The Strategic Management Process–Situationanalysis, Formulating Corporate Level Strategy,

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Portfolio Strategy.
Formulating Business Level Strategy – Porter’s Competitive Forces and Strategies, Cooperative
Strategic implications of five competitive forces, Evaluating company resources and competitive
capabilities, Competencies, core and distinctive competencies and competitive advantages.
Formulating Functional level Strategies – Putting strategy into action‐leadership‐structural
design, Information and control systems, human resources – Implementing global strategies.
Corporate goals and strategic gap, Five generic strategies (Porter’s model)
Managing internal organization for Strategy implementation

5. Operations Management

Operations Management (An Overview)

Operations Function
Operations Management in Manufacturing and Service Sector
Types of Production Systems
Plant Location
Plant Layout – Service Facility Layout, plant Maintenance and TPM
Productivity Indices, Productivity Enhancement Techniques
Manufacturing Economics (BEA)
Inventory Management
Total Quality Management – Definition, Concept, Eight Building Blocks, Seven Wastages &
Pillars of TQM
Theory of Constraints

6. Written and Oral Communication


Modes of Written Communication

• Business writing style

• Types of messages and techniques
• Letters
• Memoranda and Email messages, SMS texting
• Press release

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• Reports
• Proposals
• Minutes and notes
• Internet as communication medium --- websites, advertising, blogs etc

Grammar and Style

• Verbs –[tenses; active and passive voice; Subject-Verb Agreement; Negative and Interrogative
• Nouns, Noun Phrases, Pronouns
• Modifiers --- [adverbs, adjectives, dangling modifiers]
• Concord; Parallel structure,
• Avoiding gender bias
• Writing Tactfully
• Punctuation
• Numerals

Oral Communication

• Characteristics of spoken language --- Features of oral communication --- Skills and self
• Voice Dynamics (with voice CD) -- Self presentation --- Body language
• Listening skills
• Preparing and Making Presentations
• Meetings and GD skills
• Interview skills
• Dialogue skills (negotiation)

Telephone, Tele-conferencing

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Semester III
1. Business Statistics

Introduction to Statistics
Business Statistics
Descriptive Statistics
Measures of Central Tendency
Measures of Dispersion (Variance)
Correlation Analysis
Regression Analysis (Limited to 2 Variable Regression Model)
Theory of Probability
Probability Distribution
Use of Excel Software for Statistical Analysis

2. International Business

Introduction to Assessment pattern, globalization,

Globalization, & environment, world trade data, Assessing political risks,
Free trade vs protectionism, Barriers to International Trade
International Trade barriers, GATT, WTO, Cultural barriers
Global Strategy – Entry
Global Strategy – Marketing and Sales
Global Strategy – Procurement Operation of a Transnational
Global Strategic Alliances

3. Organizational Theory Structure & Design


Concept of Organisation
Earlier Approaches to Organisation
Fundamental Elements of and Organisation

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Organisational Structure: Concept
Managing Complex Structures
Systems Approach to Organisation
Relationship Implications of Structure
Organisational Design: Introduction
Problems in organizational Design
Organisational Design & Flexibility
Environmental & Resource Context in Organisation
Organisational Life Cycle
Virtual Organisation
Post‐Industrial & Post‐Bureaucratic Organisation

4. Financial Institutions & Markets


International Financial System versus Indian Financial System

Impact of Liberalization of Financial Institutions and Markets
Institutions, Role, Types (Regulatory and Funding), Regulatory Theory, State Intervention
Functions of important regulators in India – RBI, SEBI, IRDA, FMC
Detailed Discussion on Institutions: Banks, Non Banking Financial Companies, Development
Financial institutions, Mutual Funds, Insurance Companies, Venture Funds etc. – Fund‐based
and Fee based services offered by banks
Markets: Capital and Money, Debt and Equity, Commodity Exchanges, Currency Markets
Primary and Secondary markets, Role of Markets, Anomalies, Bubbles, Petersberg Paradox,
Information Economics.
Monetary Policy, and Interest Rate and Exchange Rate Dynamics,
Risk Management in Financial Institutions‐Basle Norms‐Instruments: Plain Vanilla to exotic,
riskhedging instruments. – Derivatives

5. Consumer Behavior

Understanding Consumer Behavior – definition, applications, modeling & research.

Individual determinants of Consumer Behavior 1 – Consumer motivation, involvement,
personality & self‐image.
Self‐image V/s Brand Image

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Individual determinants of Consumer Behavior 2 – Consumer perception, Use of perceptions.
Information processing & learning.
Individual determinants of Consumer Behavior 3 – Attitude formation &Change
Environmental influences 1
1. Culture, subcultural, cross culture.
2. Culture/Sub‐cultural impact on 7Ps of product/service.
3. Rural vs. Urban Consumer Behavior
Cross‐cultural analysis.
Environmental influences 2 – Social Class, social groups, family
Social Class differences, family influences.
Environmental influences 3 – Opinion leadership
Diffusion of innovations, Diffusion of innovation for product/service.
Using Consumer Behavior in designing product/ad.
Consumer Decision Process
Consumer Protection. Consumer Protection laws

6. Financial Analysis & Management


Corporate Accounts Horizontal and Vertical Form of Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account
Analysis of Financial Statements – Trend Analysis
Interpretation of Financial Statements – Ratio Analysis and Dupont Analysis
Working Capital Management – Assessment and Control
Working Capital Management – Planning and Budgeting
Cash Management and Budgeting
Cash Flow Statements and its Importance in Cash Management
Receivables Management
Inventory Management
Sources of Working Capital Finance – Banking norms on MPBF

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Semester IV

1. Project Management

Introduction: Concept of Project Management – Its Role, Scope and Coverage; Relationship
with other Department/Functional Areas; Organizing for Project Management; Matrix
Organisation; Project Manager is an entrepreneur; Role of Consultants in Project Management;
Success Factors in Project Management.
Nature of Project Decisions: The Project Development Cycle; Project Identification, Ideas and
promoters; Opportunity studies; Project Selection; Pre‐feasibility and Feasibility Studies;
Identification of Investment opportunities; Technical Analysis; Basis of Government regulatory
framework, Various acts and Laws affecting project – Identification.
Selection of Location & Site of the Project: Location Decisions objectives; Factors affecting
location; Policiesof central Government lowards Location; Legalaspectsofproject
management; Concept of industrially Backward areas. Incentives available for appropriate
Project Appraisal: Market Appraisal; Demand Estimation and Forecasting; Technical Appraisal;
Technology, Product‐mix, Plant Capacity, Distribution Channel; Financial Analysis; Profitability
Analysis; Cost‐benefit Analysis; Preparation of Budget and Cash Flows; Assessing Tax Burdens;
Appraisal Criteria use by Lending Institution.
Risk Analysis of Project – Measures of risk: Use of Subjective Probabilities; Mathematical
Analysis; Sensitivity Analysis; Simulation Analysis; Decision Tree Analysis.
Quantitative Aspects of Project: Project Planning, Monitoring & Control; Network Analysis
Techniques Critical Path Method, Programme Evaluation & Review Technique, Grantt Charts;
Crashing of Projects; Probability considerations in Network Analysis – Optimistic Time, Most
likely Time and Pessimistic Time; β(Beta) Distribution curve; Resources Allocation & Scheduling;
Resources Leveling; Progress Report; Updating; Management Information System for Projects.
Use of Computer in Network Analysis: Computer Softwares; Project Management packages –
their Selection & Use.
Case Studies

2. Services Marketing

Introduction to Services
Consumer behavior in Service

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Customer Expectations of Service
Customer Perceptions of Service
Understanding Customer Expectations and Perceptions through Marketing Research
Building Customer Relationships
Service Recovery
Service Development and Design
Customer – Defined Service Standards
Physical evidence and The Servicescape
Employees’ Roles in Service Delivery
Customers’ Roles in Service Delivery
Delivering Service through Intermediaries and Electronic Channels
Managing Demand and Capacity
Integrated Service Marketing Communication
Pricing of Services
The Financialand Economic Effect of Services
The Integrated Gaps Model of Service Quality

3. Corporate Finance

Fundamental valuation concepts: Time value of money – Importance; Discounting,

Compounding; Future value, Present value, annuity
Capital Budgeting: The Capital budgeting process; Investment Decision criteria – Traditional
techniques – ARR, Pay back – Discounted Cash Flow techniques – NPV, IRR, Profitability index –
Popularity and usage of capital budgeting techniques – Ranking conflict, Multiple IRRs, Mutually
exclusive projects, Capital rationing, Sensitivity analysis
Working Capital Management: Working capital – overview – Determinants of working capital,
Need of adequate working capital, operating cycle; Cash Management; Receivables
management; inventory management
Capital Structure and Leverage: Leverage – Business risk‐operating leverage, Financial
leverage, Total leverage, Break‐even point; Cost of Capital – Equity, Debt, Overall cost
of capital‐weighted average cost, marginal cost; The capital structure decision – Theoriesof
capital structure – Net Income, Net operating income, MM approach
Dividend Policy: Forms of rewarding shareholders – dividend, rights, bonus shares; Factors
affecting Dividend payout policy; Dividend Policies – residual dividend approach, stable
dividend policy, target payout ratio, share repurchase; Relevance of Dividends – Walter’s

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model, Gordon’s model, MM Hypothesis
Long‐term Sources of Finance: Equity – Public issue, rights, private placement – Primary market
– mechanics; Debt – Debentures, Bonds– Public issue – mechanics, rating– Loansfrom
Financial institutions; Venture capital finance, mezannine debt, Lease finance, Overseas

4. Marketing Research

Introduction to MR
Need and Scope of MR
Application of MR to Manufacturing industry and service industry
Structure of MR studies
Types of Research Primary and Secondary
Quantitative and Qualitative analysis during various decision phases, scaling
Opportunity Analysis: Attitude and motivation research; focus groups and depth interviews;
concept tests and CUT
Test marketing and market segmentation
Advertising Research concepts of copy testing, Ad, recall, Ad. Comprehension, Opening and
Punch/Base line Research
Case study on Advertising and applications
Designing of sample campaign
Stages involved in Advertising research
Typesofadvertisingresearch –Print, Out‐door, TV/Cinema, Mobile outdoor media,
effectiveness of each medium and how to determine it, suitability of each medium to our
products and industry, NRS/IRS – how to read and use them for decision making
Brand Equity Research
Positioning Research
Brand Valuation Research
Corporate Image Measurement Research
Sales Promotion Research
Campaign Tracking Research
Research for Advertising planning; advertising objectives and media experiments
Advertising Research for monitoring and control: pre/post testing of ads; DARs and Tracking
studies; Consumer panels
Analysis of Data: basic techniques: X2 test, t‐test and large sample tests regression, ANOVA,

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non‐parametric tests
Introduction to advanced techniques; Factor analysis, Cluster and Discriminate Analysis;
Conjoint Analysis. MDS
Research Report Preparation and Presentation

5. Business Law

The Indian Contract Act, 1872: Evolution of Contract Act its meaning, essentials of a valid
contract; nature of contract distinction between contractual obligation and legal obligation,
agreement, to sell, requisite of a valid contract, offer and invitation to offer, modes of
acceptance, communication of offer, express and implied terms, standard forms of contract,
exclusion clauses, kinds of agreement, valid, void and voidable agreement; unilateral, bilateral
and international contracts; Validity‐kinds of mistake, mistake of law and fact‐and the remedies
thereof available, Misrepresentation of material fact, fraudulent and innocent
misrepresentation and the remedies available, coercion and undue influence the effects and
the remedies available to the aggrieved. Undue influence the effects and the remedies available
to the aggrieved person; Consideration‐ Past, Present and Future, essential of valid
consideration, sufficiency of Consideration, consideration and promissory estoppels, Privity of
Contracts and of Consideration; Capacity to contract‐Minor, Lunatic and enemy; unlawful and
illegal agreement, Agreement void under the Statue. Quasi Contracts; Termination and
discharge of contract: Performance of contract, Different modes of discharge of contract,
Performance as to place, time, joint performance of promises, apportionment of payments.
Discharge by agreement, Novation and assignment, remission of performance, discharge by
frustration‐when plea of frustration is admission and the rights and liabilities of the parties
when frustration operates; Breach of Contract‐breach and anticipatory breach of contracts,
damages and specific relief, types of damages and their remedies available to the aggrieved
person; Indemnity and guarantee‐ Parties to contract of indemnity and guarantee; Difference
between indemnity and guarantee, surely and indemnifier, specific guarantee and continuing
guarantee; Rights of the indemnified, surety right against principal debtor and Co‐surety;
Bailment, Pledge and Finder of Goods‐ Nature and essential features of bailment and pledge,
bailment for reward gratuitous bailment, bailee’s duty, pledge as a special kind of bailment.
Pawnee’s right against the pawner and Pawners right against the Pawnee. Finder of goods as
quasi as quasi bailee, duties of finder of goods and his rights and liabilities for reward, sale; Law
of agency‐Agency and other forms of Contract, Types of Agencies like by holding out, operation
of law, estoppels, express, implied, Sub‐agent, substituted agent and ratified, Relationship of
principal and agent, Rights and liabilities of the Agent against third party, Rights and liabilities of

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the Agent against Principal, undisclosed Principal and the rights and liabilities to the parties.
Termination of agency and its modes.
The Indian Sale of Goods Act, 1930: Essentials of a contract of sale; sale distinguished from
agreement to sell; Bailment; contract for work and labour and hire‐purchase; Consitions and
warranties; Transfer of title by non‐owners; doctrine of caveat emptor; performance of the
contract of sale; Unpaid seller‐his rights against the goods and the buyer.
Partnership Act, 1932: What constitutes a partnership deed and types of partnership, legal
position of a minor partner and his rights and liabilities; Distinction between partnership firm,
Co‐ownership joint Hindu family and joint stock companies, legality of the partnership firm,
types of partners; Express and implied authority, scope of implied authority, Rights and
liabilities of a partner against third party and other partners; Rights of newly admitted partners,
retiring and deceased partners, registration of and dissolution of partnership forms; Overview
of the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008.
Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881: Features of promissory notes, bills of exchange, hundis,
cheques, bank drafts, traveler’s cheque and the rights and duties of various parties to these
instruments; Law of presentment of these instruments, honor and dishonor of negotiable
instruments, material alteration, noting and protesting. Law relating to foreign bills their noting
and protesting etc; Law relating to payment of customer’s cheques of paying banker‐rights and
duties, overdraft agreements, wrongful dishonor of cheques, stale cheques, forgery of cheques,
liability due to negligence of parties and material alteration, payment in due course; Law
relating to the collecting banker‐statutory protection, effects of negligence, role as a agent or
holder in due course, precautions to be taken in collection of bills, cheques for the customers
and third parties.
Law of Carriage of Goods: The Carriers Act, 1865(1972)‐ Definition of contract of carriage of
goods, classification of carrier‐common carrier, private carrier, gratuitous carrier, responsibility
of common carrier and Bailee, rights of a common carrier, duties of a common carrier, liabilities
of a common carrier, distinction between a common carrier and private carrier; Carriage of
goods by Rail‐Railway Act, 1989‐ Maintenance of rate books for carriage of goods, Provision of
rate risks, railway receipt, liability of railway administration from wrong delivery, responsibility
of railway administration as career‐of goods, of animals, of luggage, exoneration from liability in
certain cases, delay or retention in transit, railway risk rate, liability for damages to goods in
defective condition or defectively packed and liability after termination of transit; Carriage by
Sea‐The Carriage of Goods by Sea Act, 1925 (amended in 1993), and the (Indian) Bill of Lading
Act, 1856‐contract of affreightment, express and implied terms in a contractor of carriage by
sea‐implied warranty of seaworthiness, implied warranty of commencement of voyage,
Nondeviation of voyage, Shipper not to ship dangerous goods, bill of lading.
Consumer Protection Act, 1986: Objective of consumer protection act 1986, definition
complaint, consumer, contract of service and contract of service, consumer dispute, restrictive

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trade practice, defect, deficiency; Consumer protection council‐central consumer protection
council, state consumer protection council, district consumer protection council; Redressal
machinery, jurisdiction, complaint before them, district forum, sate commission, national
commission, limitation period, administrative control, power of redressal agencies; Nature and
scope of remedies under the act‐ appeals penalties proceeding before consumer forums and
applicability of arbitration act.
Competition Commission act, 2002: Definition‐acquisition, agreement, cartel, chairperson,
commission, consumer, Director General, Enterprises, goods, member, etc., Anti Competitive
Agreement, Prohibition of abuse of dominant position, Combination; Competition Commission
of India‐Establishment, powers of them member, inquiry into certain agreement and dominate
position of enterprises, Inquiry into combination by commission, procedure for enquiry of the
complaints, Procedure for investigation of combination, appearance before commission, Power
of the commission, ratification of orders, Execution of orders by the commission, Compensation
in case of contravention, Competition appellate tribunal procedure and powers, execution of
orders, and ability on contravention of orders, appeal to Supreme Court, power of the Central
Government, MRTP (Monopolistic Trade Practice, unfair Trade Practice) & Restrictive Trade
Right to Information Act, 2005: Salient features of the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2005;
Objective, Public Authorities & their Obligations; Designation of Public Information, Officers
(PIO) and their Duties; Request for obtaining Information, Exemption from disclosure; Who is
excluded; Information Commissions (Central & State) and their powers; appellate authorities;
penalties, jurisdiction of Courts; Role of Central/State Governments.
Other Laws: Workmen Compensation Act, 1923; Object, scope and major provisions including
proceedings before the Commissioner, appeals, compliances, penalties, special provisions;
Payment of Bonus Act, 1965; Object, application and major provisions; Exemption;
compliances, offences and penalties; Employees Provident Funds Act, 1952; Application, major
provisions, Exemption and compliances; Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972; Application, major
provisions, Controlling Authority and the Appellate Authority, obligations and rights of
employees and compliances; Minimum wages Act, 1948; Object and its scope, fixation,
payment of wages, Advisory Board, Central Advisory Board; Authority and claims, compliances,
offences and penalties.

6. Project

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