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In situ (passive) bioremediation * Biodegradation of contaminant on the contaminated site. + Advantages: Avoid of excavation and removal of soil and also reducing the risk of sp * ling contamination to the work: * This method available time for the latively cheap and also used treatment is not restri tricted, te officials * Cost effective, minimum exposure to the public « remediation remains minimally disrupt. * Limitation: This method is relatively slow, requirement of extensive or stringent monitoring and investigation of site, Demanding high level of resources, Conditions are not readily controlled and unoptimized where true end point may be difficult to determine. In situ Bioremediation In situ (passive) bioremediation: * Inherent metabolic activities of microorganism at the polluted site. * In-situ bioremediation has been successful in ediating groundwater as well as_ sur! soils and sub soils with petroleum hydrocarbons. e Intrinsic bioremediation: Using inherent m lic acti le microorganism. Usually indigenous microorganisms are used. q * Microorganism or the site of which pollutant are to be removi t manipulated. * Accelerated or engineered: Nutrient and substrate (O,, N>, phosphate) are added to the site to increase the rate of contaminant degradation microbes. * Microbes may be indigenous and genetically modified. , In situ Bioremediation * Bioventing: Supply air and nutrients to via wells ¢ Biostimu tidal stimulation of populations in soil by the addition of n *Bioaugmentation: Addition of indigenous or ex: microorganisms. contaminated soil * Biosparging: Injection of air below the water table increases groundwater oxygen concentrations and mixing in saturated zone. Bioventing * It is a technique used to remediate contamination above the water table. * Indigenous microbes are used to degrade contaminant in soil. * Well are mac the site of contamination above the water level through which air and nutrient are injected for the growth of microbes for the degradation of contaminant. Degraded contaminant is extracted by extraction well and safely vented. * Injection of air is done by compressor pump to oxygenate the contaminated soil. Whereas moisture maintenance is essential. * Air flow is driven by vacuum pump. * Volatile compound easily extracted or treated by this method. * This method is used for the degradation of petroleum contaminant. * Requirement: O,, moisture and nutrient are required. Injection of Air/Oxy en Vacuum Withdrawal A Contaminated Zone Unsaturated Zone Aerobie Biodegradation of Contaminants by Indigenous Microorganisms Saturated Zone Bioventing * It is a technique used to remediate contamination above the water table. * Indigenous microbes are used to degrade contaminant in soil. * Well are made at the site of contamination abo which air and jutrient are injected for the gr degradation of taminant. Degraded contaminar well and safely vented. e the water level through jth of microbes for the is extracted by extraction * Injection of air is done by compressor pump to oxygens the ited soil. Whereas moisture maintenance is essential. + Air flow is driven by vacuum pump. * Volatile compound easily extracted or treated by this method. * This method is used for the degradation of petroleum contaminant. * Requirement: O,, moisture and nutrient are required. + Design parameter: zone of influence, depth of air injection, air injection pressure and flow rate. * Biosparger: control the pressure and filter the partic les from intake. * Bioventing req d extensive and comprehensive site investigation * Proper positioning of necessary pipeline system is essential for per functioning of this techniques. Biostimulation * Microbes cannot use pollutants as a sole source of energy. Hence they need to be provided with other essential nutrients. * Biostimulatio. is the stimulation of indigen: microbial growth by providing the th necessary nutrients bs Bioaugmentation Biostimulation Bioaugmentation * Addition of microbes to a contaminated medium where native microbes are not eros. oo > able to degrade contaminants. It ye increases the rate of degradation. Contaminant Indigenous — * Activated soil ning various "<=: bacteria have bee Pentachloropheno! benzoate * Polychlorobiphenyl, TriNitro Toluene (TNT), polyaromatic hydrocarbon and pesticide are required for the See =f e MM by panbioaugmentation technique. These pollutant are complex farts degradation. Atrazine, Chloro CContaminartree Biosparging Injection of air below the water table increases groundwater oxygen concentrations and mixing in saturated zone Biosparging * Injection of air below the water table increases groundwater oxygen concentrations and mixing in saturated zone. * Super-aeratior of groundwater and stimulating accelerated contaminant degradation. * Air is introduced via a pipe sunk down into contaminated area * Oxygen dissolved in water, also increases the aeration in the overlay stimulating the microbial growth which lead the speed up biodegradation of contaminant. > soil, of the * It is easy to install biosparging system in contaminated site. * It has sparger control system which contained pressure guage and reli Ex Situ Bioremediation * Contaminated soil are taken out from the con taminated area and or the nae extracted for the cleaning | the organisms. treat time, ¢ Advantage: y process optimization, so safe introduction of potential microorgani * Limitation: Increased transport costs, additional land reqi it and higher levels of engineering. ° Ex situ bioremediation is only used when necessary because it is expensive method and damaging to the area, since the contaminated land is physically removed. Contaminated soll is excavated and treated in a number of ways. Solids ae bioremediation a ell Peete Ps, Usa Se ie os ero comnts Soil and hay or other ieee bulking agonts mixed together Ex situ bloremediation Contaminated sol is excavated and treated in a number of ways Solid-phase bioremediation ‘Composting Land farming Bloplle ret Vez Sal Fluid Soil and hay or other leachate bulking agents mixed together Landfarming * Landfarming is a simple technique in which contaminated soil is excavated(dig up) and spread over a prepared bed and periodically tilled until pollutants are degraded. * Remediation is c physical processe * It can reduce mo by indigenous microorganisms, as well as chemical and toring and maintenance costs. * Construction of earthwork banking (as a bioreactor) from the suri an impermeable clay or high density polyethylene linear. microorganism is used for bioremediation but specialist bacteria and fungi can be added if required. * Soil is laid on the sand layer (on isolated clay polyethylene or linear) which a series of drainage pipes is laid. Earthworks construction Soil for treatment QO Gravel Drainage pipes |mpermeable liner (clay or hdpe) Landfarming _ * Landfarming is a simple technique in which contaminated soil is excavated(dig up) and spread over a prepared bed and periodically tilled until pollutants are degraded. * Remediation is b by indigenous microorganisn s, as well as chemical and physical process« * It can reduce rv g and maintenance costs. ! * Construction of earthwork banking (as a bioreactor) from the surrounding an impermeab! ay or high density polyethylene be added if required. * Soil is laid on the sand layer (on isolated clay polyethylene or linear] which a series of drainage pipes is laid. Biocomposting */t is a technique that involves combining contaminated soil with non-hazardous organic compounds such as agricultural wastes and manure. * It is a thermc reaction, done by indigen ©The presence o/ these organic materials supp of a rich microbial population (indigenous bi can be add and elevated temperat composting. * It improves the soil texture, aeration, water holding organic content which is helpful in the biodegradation, microorganism. —= *\t encourages biodegradable waste to breakdown to produce stable, nutrient rich compost for the use in pots for planting of trees or can be used for agriculture also. * Covering of 1post is done by straw or synthetic bl materials to serve the heat and to reduce the wash out. *It is better to colder and wetter envi lent. This method is faster than land farming. 2 fe * It is a hybrid of land farming and composting. Soil is excavated and mixed with bulking agent and organic substances (agricultural waste). * To boost the speed and efficiency of the biodegradation, a more sophisticated engineered cells are used in biopiling. Leachate is collected in a reservoir and recirculated through the pile to |» the soil moist for indigenous microbial growth. * The aeration, + and temperature are closely monitored to achieve higher degradation efficien * It contains a series of pipes for water and air. Air flow manages the vola compounds level. impermeable membrane is used to prevent the leaching and the area. to linear * Typically used for the treatment of surface contamination of petroleum hydro rE they are a refined version of land that end to control physical losses of the contaminants and volatilization. * Aerobic thermophilic composting has been successfully used to reduce the concert of Trinitrotoluene, RDX 1, 3, 5-trinitro-1, 3, 5-hexahydrotriazine (RDX)and HMX. Air input Nutrient input Soil =7 solids Separated solids for disposal

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