Chapter-1: Every Type of Organization From Raw Resource Extraction, Manufacturing To The

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Every type of organization from raw resource extraction, manufacturing to the

service industry can benefit from a quality management system. In other words, any
organization that wants to develop a framework for maintaining consistent quality can
achieve this by identifying the basic quality management principles that an organization
must apply to give its customers confidence in the quality of the goods and services it
This project mainly deals with the identifying of the customers satisfaction level
and based on the level, the models are implemented in the Elmec company. The ISO
represents the essential requirements that every enterprise needs to ensure the consistent
production and ensure timely delivery of its goods and service to the customer. The
measurement of customer satisfaction is a part of this research project and based on the
information collected the standard quality system is framed during ISO implementation
The quality management system is followed in the company for ISO 9001:2008
implementation and certification process and to follow a systematic approach in the
company. The standard and continuous process is implemented in the company by
overcoming the difficulties that is faced by the company in each department. The main
purpose behind this is to enhance the customers. The customers play a key role in this
project. Based on the customers feedback a proper methodology needs to be followed as it
links all the departments staring from top management to export department. The process
approach needs to be implemented in the company.
Based on the observations made starting from top management to customer
satisfaction, the one that is not according to the QMS requirements are corrected and
standard process is implemented. The internal auditing and external auditing is

implemented in the organization. During the internal audit the checking is done to ensure
that the company follows according to the mentioned standards and in case of any defects
the CAPA method is to be followed by the company. Then the external auditing is done
for certification by external auditors.
Regarding the customer satisfaction, both the internal customers and external
customers are considered and the external customer is based on the internal customer
behaviour. The external customer expects good response, good quality product, better
service from the company. Their satisfaction level are measured and corrective steps are


As customer is the main focus in the company, the products are designed and
produced based on the customer requirements. The strong relationship needs to be
maintained with the customers and should be treated with more care. The customer
satisfaction level is measured and based on the problems, during ISO 9001:2008
implementation the difficulties are to be overcome by means of standard method and by
expert’s judgment.
The problem faced by both customers is analyzed and the relationships that exist
between internal and external customers are known and in case of negative relationship
before ISO implementation, the necessary steps need to be taken to overcome the


• To identify the problems faced by the customers in ELMEC Company and based
on the problem the corrective action needs to be implemented.
• The positive relationship needs to be maintained by the company with the
• The internal customers are to be treated properly and training should be provided
to them.

• To understand and do the effective implementation of Quality Management

System in Elmec Heaters and Controllers company.
• To identify the gaps between the process followed in the company and the process
that is mentioned in QMS to be implemented in ELMEC.

• To identify the measures to improve the effectiveness of Quality management


• To improve the productivity and efficiency, often leading to cost reductions.

• To improved consistency of service/product performance and therefore,
higher customer satisfaction levels.
• To improve perception of the organizations image, culture and performance.
• To improve communication, morale and job satisfaction - staff understand what is
expected of them and each other.
• To gain competitive advantage and the potential for increased marketing and sales


• The customer satisfaction level gets increased after implementing ISO standards.
• The ISO when implemented share technological advances and good management
practice and ensure universal level of quality for certification.
• The ISO standards and the QMS requirements can be well known and the
implementation of ISO 9001:2008 is done.
• This project perform gap analysis by measuring the lack of effectiveness of the
quality management system. The narrower the gap, the more effective the QMS.
• By mapping the process sequentially and by ensuring the operation and control of
the processes the systematic approach is followed in implementation process on a
continual basis.
• This project aims to achieve planned result by providing resources and
information necessary to support the effectiveness of these processes.



2.1 ISO

The International Organization for Standardization, widely known as ISO, is an

international-standard-setting body composed of representatives from various national
standards organizations. Founded on 23 February 1947, the organization promulgates
world-wide proprietary industrial and commercial standards. It is headquartered in
Geneva, Switzerland. While ISO defines itself as a non-governmental organization, its
ability to set standards that often become law, either through treaties or national standards,
makes it more powerful than most non-governmental organizations. In practice, ISO acts
as a consortium with strong links to governments.
The organization's logos in its two official languages, English and French, include
the word ISO and it is usually referred to by this short-form name. ISO is not an acronym
or initialism for the organization's full name in either official language. Rather, the
organization adopted ISO based on the Greek word (isos), meaning equal. Recognizing
that the organization’s initials would be different in different languages, the organization's
founders chose ISO as the universal short form of its name. This, in itself, reflects the aim
of the organization: to equalize and standardize across cultures.


ISO has 157 national members, out of the 195 total countries in the world.
ISO has three membership categories:
Member bodies are national bodies that are considered to be the most
representative standards body in each country. These are the only members of ISO that
have voting rights.

Correspondent members are countries that do not have their own standards
organization. These members are informed about ISO's work, but do not participate in
standards promulgation.
Subscriber members are countries with small economies. They pay reduced
membership fees, but can follow the development of standards.
Participating members are called "P" members as opposed to observing members which
are called "O" members.


All strategic decisions are referred to the ISO members, who meet for an annual
General Assembly. The proposals put to the members are developed by the ISO Council,
drawn from the membership as a whole, which resembles the board of directors of a
business organization. Council meets twice a year and its membership is rotated to ensure
that it is representative of ISO's membership. Operations are managed by a Secretary-
General, which is a permanent appointment. The Secretary-General reports to a President
who is a prominent figure in standardization or in business, elected for two years.


Make the development, manufacturing and supply of products and services more
efficient, safer and cleaner.

 Facilitate trade between countries and make it fairer.

 Provide governments with a technical base for health, safety and environmental
legislation, and conformity assessment.
 Share technological advances and good management practice.
 Disseminate innovation.
 Safeguard consumers and users in general, of products and services.
 Make life simpler by providing solutions to common problems.

2.5 ABOUT ISO 9001

ISO 9001 is the internationally recognized standard for the quality management
of businesses.

• It applies to the processes that create and control the products and services an
organization supplies
• It prescribes systematic control of activities to ensure that the needs and
expectations of customers are met
• It is designed and intended to apply to virtually any product or service, made by
any process anywhere in the world. ISO 9001 is one of the standards in the ISO
9000 family.


Implementing a Quality Management System will motivate staff by defining their

key roles and responsibilities. Cost savings can be made through improved efficiency and
productivity, as product or service deficiencies will be highlighted. From this,
improvements can be developed, resulting in less waste, inappropriate or rejected work
and fewer complaints. Customers will notice that orders are met consistently, on time and
to the correct specification. This can open up the market place to increased opportunities.


During World War II, there were quality problems in many British high-tech
industries such as munitions, where bombs were going off in factories. The adopted
solution was to require factories to document their manufacturing procedures and to prove
by record-keeping that the procedures were being followed. The name of the standard was
BS 5750, and it was known as a management standard because it did not specify what to
manufacture, but how to manage the manufacturing process. According to Seddon , "In
1987, the British Government persuaded the International Organization for
Standardization to adopt BS 5750 as an international standard. BS 5750 became ISO

ISO 9000:1987 was also influenced by existing U .S and other Defense

Standards ("MIL SPECS"), and so was well-suited to manufacturing. The emphasis
tended to be placed on conformance with procedures rather than the overall process of
management which was likely the actual intent. Since then there have been 2 versions to
replace the 1987 version, one in 1994, and the 2000 version.

ISO 9000:1994 emphasized quality assurance via preventative actions, instead of

just checking final product, and continued to require evidence of compliance with
documented procedures. As with the first edition, the downside was that companies
tended to implement its requirements by creating shelf-loads of procedure manuals, and
becoming burdened with an ISO bureaucracy. In some companies, adapting and
improving processes could actually be impeded by the system.

ISO 9001:2000 combines the three standards 9001, 9002, and 9003 into one,
now called 9001. Design and development procedures are required only if a company
does in fact engage in the creation of new products. The 2000 version sought to make a
radical change in thinking by actually placing the concept of process management front
and center . ("Process management" was the monitoring and optimizing of a company's
tasks and activities, instead of just inspecting the final product.) The 2000 version also
demands involvement by upper executives, in order to integrate quality into the business
system and avoid delegation of quality functions to junior administrators. Another goal is
to improve effectiveness via process performance metrics — numerical measurement of
the effectiveness of tasks and activities. Expectations of continual process improvement
and tracking customer satisfaction were made explicit.

ISO 9001:2008 standard, was released in February 2008. As with the release of
previous versions, organizations registered to ISO 9001 will be given a substantial period
to transition to the new version of the standard.

The applying organization is assessed based on an extensive sample of its sites,

functions, products, services and processes; a list of problems ("action requests" or "non-

compliance’s ") is made known to the management. If there are no major problems on this
list, the certification body will issue an ISO 9001 certificate for each geographical site it
has visited, once it receives a satisfactory improvement plan from the management
showing how any problems will be resolved.


Any organisation can benefit from implementing ISO 9001:2008 as its

requirements are underpinned by eight management principles:

The ISO 9001 model is based on the Eight Quality Management Principles. From
these principles, tangible benefits are derived. These principles are known as the Eight
Quality Management Principles. It is crucial that the QMS that you establish and
implement demonstrate these principles in action. One key to better understanding of the
requirements of ISO 9001 is to understand these underlying principles, and inn the
operation of the quality management system, these principles must be adhered to, without
• Customer focus - Organizations depend on their customers and therefore should
understand current and future customer needs, should meet customer requirements and
strive to exceed customer expectations.
• Leadership- Leaders establish unity of purpose and direction of the organization.
They should create and maintain the internal environment in which people can become
fully involved in achieving the organization's objectives.
• Involvement of people- People at all levels are the essence of an organization
and their full involvement enables their abilities to be used for the organization's benefit.
• Process approach- A desired result is achieved more efficiently when activities
and related resources are managed as a process.
• Systems approach to management- Identifying, understanding and managing
interrelated processes as a system contributes to the organization's effectiveness and
efficiency in achieving its objectives.
• Continual improvement- Continual improvement of the organization's overall
performance should be a permanent objective of the organization.

• Factual approach to decision making- Effective decisions is based on the

analysis of data and information.
• Mutually beneficial supplier relationships- An organization and its suppliers
are interdependent and a mutually beneficial relationship enhances the ability of both to
create value.


Certifying your quality management system means having an accredited

Certification Body or Registrar verify that your quality management system is in
conformance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2008. Proof of this independent
verification is presented in a form of a certificate, thus an "ISO 9001 Certificate".
However, there is a bit of confusion with regards to the related terms. In the context of
ISO 9001:2008, “certification” refers to the issuing of written assurance (the certificate)
by an independent external body that it has audited a management system and verified
that it conforms to the requirements specified in the standard, while “registration” means
that the auditing body then records the certification in its client register. So, the
organization’s management system has been both certified and registered. Therefore, the
difference between the two terms is not significant and both are acceptable for general
use. “Certification” is the term most widely used worldwide, although registration is
often preferred in North America, and the two are used interchangeably. On the contrary,
using “accreditation” as an interchangeable alternative for certification or registration is a
mistake, because it means something different. Accreditation refers to the formal
recognition by a specialized body – an accreditation body – that a certification body is
competent to carry out ISO 9001 certification in specified business sectors.

In any audit, your organization must provide evidence of the effective

implementation of the QMS. Clause 3.8.1 of ISO 9000:2005 defines “objective
evidence” as “data supporting the existence or variety of something” and notes that
“objective evidence may be obtained through observation, measurement, test, or other
means.” Objective evidence does not necessarily depend on the existence of

documented procedures, records or other documents, except where specifically

mentioned in ISO 9001:2008. In some cases, (for example, in clause 7.1(d) Planning of
product realization, and clause 8.2.4 Monitoring and measurement of product), it is up to
the organization to determine what records are necessary in order to provide this
objective evidence.

• By implementing ISO the improvements can be developed, resulting in less waste,

inappropriate or rejected work and fewer complaints thereby contributing to the
future success and profitability of the company.
• The non-conformities in the process or product is identified by auditing and the
corrective action can be implemented to meet the QMS requirements..
• This project helps to perform analysis of data providing information related to
customer satisfaction, conformity to product requirement, characteristics and
trends of product and process including opportunities for preventive action, and
• This project helps to improve the operational efficiency and can have access to
new markets by doing external auditing.



BMQR Certifications Pvt. Ltd is one of the fastest growing certification body
consisting of highly experienced professionals offering the latest systems certification and
promoting quality concepts. The auditors are highly experienced and trained to carry out
assessments. Our clients are assured with the competency and integrity of auditors. They
are qualified and meet all the requirements of the International Register of Certified
Auditors (IRCA). It understands the importance of impartiality in carrying out its
management system certification activities, manages conflict of interest and ensures the
objectivity of its management system certification activities.

3.1.1 Mission Statement

BMQR is to provide registration services for building confidence in products and

services and for improving the competitiveness of industries and service organization in

3.1.2 Services
The management system certification provided in BMQR is
• ISO 9001:2008
• ISO 14001:2004
• OHSAS 18001:2007
• ISO 20000-1:2005
• ISO/TS 16949:2009

• ISO 27001:2005
• ISO 22000:2005
• ISO 13485:2003

3.1.3 Their clients

Standard Location Status

Business Name
A.D.K Victory Educational
ISO 9001:2008 Thiruvallur Certified
Charitable Trust

A.N.N Hospital ISO 9001:2000 Chennai Certified

A.R. College of
ISO 9001:2008 Tirunelveli Certified
Engineering & Technology

Aachi Masala Foods (P)

ISO 9001:2008 Chennai Certified

Aascar Promoters
ISO 9001:2008 Vellore Certified
PVt Ltd

ABC Environ Solutions

ISO 9001:2008 Chennai Certified
Pvt. Ltd.

ABC Environ Solutions OHSAS

Chennai Certified
Pvt. Ltd. 18001:2007

ABC Environ Solutions ISO

Chennai Certified
Pvt. Ltd. 14001:2004

Abhay Associates ISO 9001:2008 Chennai Certified

ADHAVAN Madurai,
ISO 9001:2008 Certified

Adhere Polymer ISO 9001:2000 Chennai Certified

Adhi Parashakthi Industries ISO 9001:2008 Chennai Certified


Aditya Industries ISO 9001:2008 Chennai Certified

Aegis Automation India

ISO 9001:2008 Andhra Pradesh Certified
Pvt. Ltd.

Agarwal Detergents ISO 9001:2008 Certified
r, AP

Ahmed Enterprises ISO 9001:2008 Hyderabad Certified


ISO 9001: 2008 Certified

Akshay Industries ISO 9001:2008 Certified

Akshaya Induction Services

ISO 9001:2008 Chennai Certified
Pvt Ltd

Alpha Labs and

ISO 9001:2000 Coimbatore Suspended

Altron Security
ISO 9001:2008 Chennai Certified
Engineering Pvt Ltd

Amar Institute ISO 9001:2008 Chennai Certified

Amma Education and

ISO 9001:2008 Coimbatore Certified
Service Center

Amruth Agro Farms (P)

ISO 9001:2008 Andhra Pradesh Certified

Angappa College of Arts

ISO 9001:2008 Coimbatore Certified
and Science

Anglo ISO 9001:2008 Chennai Certified

Anishaa Lab ISO 9001:2008 Chennai Certified

Aqua Power Engineering ISO 9000:2008 Chennai Certified



Elmec Heaters and Controllers designs, manufacturers and exports all types of Industrial
Electric Heaters, Heating Elements, Band Heater, MICA Band Heaters, Ceramic Band Heaters,
Strip Heaters, Tubular Heaters, Cartridge Heater, Hot Runner Heater & Bushes, Manifold Heaters,
Infrared Heaters, Cast-in Heaters, Roller Heaters, Temperature Controllers, Thermocouples , Hot
Runner Controllers, Heating Equipments, Hopper Dryers, Ovens, Insulation Jackets,Mould
Temperature Controllers and Control Panels.
Elmec Heaters is one of the most sought after brands in INDIA and it is now positioning
itself well in the global markets. Elmec offers the most complete product line in the industry. With
more than a million designs on file, we have the heaters, sensors and controls to meet your
needs. We also represent OPKON, Shimax range of automation products.

Established in the year 1975 Elmec Heaters & Controllers pioneering itself
as the manufacturer of products that meet the most challenging applications. Elmec
can provide a single-source responsibility for the components of the entire thermal

Production of electrical heating elements for various applications has been our specialty
for more than 25 years. Elmec offers customized heaters using the most up to date technologies.
With its rich experience Elmec is very much adaptive to the customers requirements to offer the
best technical solution at the most cost effective price.

3.2.1 Their Products


• Band Heaters

• Strip Heaters

• Tubular Heaters

• Catridge Heaters

• Hot Runner Heaters

• Roller Heaters


• Temperature controllers

• Thermo couples

• Hot runner controllers

3.2.2 International Opportunities

Elmec Heaters and Controllers is looking for qualified dealers to market our products
in all regions throughout the world. If your company is interested to market our products, we
request you to provide the following informations

1) Background information consisting of, but not limited to the following:-

a. Years in business
b. Number of offices and their locations
c. Numer of employees
d. Number of salespeople
2) Furnish list of all other companies and their respective product lines that you
currently distribute, represent, or market and sell products.

3) Business Plan consisting of, but not limited to the following:

a. Identify target markets
b. Sales/marketing/technical expertise
c. Potential market size
d. Initial plan for marketing our products
4) Identify industries using our range of products.
5) Any other pertinent information about the target market or your company that will assist
us in evaluating your potential as a dealer of Elmec Heaters and Controllers.

3.2.3 Quality Policy

Elmec Heaters and Controllers is committed to ensure customers satisfaction by
meeting their specified requirements, so as to provide quality products and service at
reasonable price and on time delivery ensuring the concept of continual improvement of
quality management systems.
The above policy is achieved by the following objectives
• Using state of the art technologies, upgraded from time to time.
• Using appropriate raw materials of specified quality.
• Adopting measure to improve skills and knowledge of personnel with
effective participation of all employees.
• Periodical management reviews of quality management system to confirm its
effectiveness, keeping in mind the concept of continual improvement.



• Step 1 Understanding of ISO 9001:2008

• Step 2 Quality Manual, Quality Policy and Procedures
• Step 3 Implementation, Training and Work Instructions

Step 1: Get an Understanding of ISO 9001:2008

ISO 9001:2008 is a world-wide accepted standard for quality management
requirements. As such, ISO 9001:2008 focuses on a large variety of business activities – not
merely on quality testing! Implementing ISO 9001:2008 will affect virtually all business

• Appoint the Management Representative

First, appoint the ISO 9000 “Management Representative”. This is typically a quality
manager or senior manager of your company; it needs to be somebody who has sufficient
authority to change the way that the company works. This person is responsible for the ISO
9000 implementation.

Larger companies may appoint a Management Representative for each physical

location or for each business unit; a corporate Management Representative would then
coordinate among all local Management Representatives.

• Training
Next, the Management Representative needs to get some training. Further, you
should ensure that the company executives completely support the ISO 9000 effort. You may
need to explain to them the advantages, requirements and costs. Also, studying a good ISO
9000 documentation is an excellent training tool.

Step 2: Quality Manual, Quality Policy and Procedures

Developing the various documents required by ISO 9001:2008 is for most companies
the most difficult part of the ISO 9001:2008 implementation. The main reasons are that these
documents have to meet the rather hard-to-understand requirements of the ISO 9001:2008
standard, and that writing these documents is at the beginning of the ISO 9001:2008
implementation thus presenting a big initial hurdle.

• Quality Manual
The sample Quality Manual is given below, each attribute given here has to be
described by the company, but it is not essential that it is same for every company. Some
addition or deductions are very much possible in Quality Manual from the given table.

1. Scope
2. Normative References
3. Terms and Definitions
4. Quality Management System
4.1 General Requirements
4.2 Documentation Requirements
5. Management Responsibility
5.1 Management Commitment
5.2 Customer Focus

5.3 Quality Policy

5.4 Planning
5.5 Responsibility, Authority and Communication
5.6 Management Review
6. Resource Management
6.1 Provision of Resources
6.2 Human Resources
6.3 Infrastructure
6.4 Work Environment
7. Product Realization
7.1 Planning of Product Realization
7.2 Customer Related Processes
7.3 Design and Development
7.4 Purchasing
7.5 Production and Service Provision
7.6 Control of Monitoring and Measuring Equipment
8. Measurement, Analysis & Improvement
8.1 General
8.2 Monitoring and Measurement
8.3 Control of Non-conforming Product
8.4 Analysis of Data
8.5 Improvement




1.2 Applications
The purpose of this Quality manual is
- To define the Quality policy of ELMEC.
- To adequately describe the quality system adopted by ELMEC.
- To implement quality policy
- To implement quality system.


ISO 9000 : 2005, Quality management systems - Fundamentals and vocabulary.


The term “product” also means “service”


41 General Requirements
ELMEC has established, documented, implemented and maintains a quality
management system. ELMEC is striving to improve the effectiveness of QMS in
accordance with ISO 9000: 2008 standards.

In order to ensure above objective, ELMEC has,

a) Determined the processes needed for the quality management systems and
their application throughout ELMEC
b) Determined the sequence and interaction of these processes as depicted in

Macro process map and various processes described in process manual.

c) Determined criteria and methods needed to ensure that both the operation and
control of these processes are effective and on a continual basis
d) Provide resources and information necessary to support the operation and
monitor the effectiveness of these processes.
e) Monitor, measure where applicable and analyze these processes.
f) Implement actions necessary to achieve planned results and improvement of
these processes.
g) Manage various QMS processes in according with ISO 9001: 2008.

ELMEC ‘s outsource activities are

Consultancy service for Internal Audit and Calibration


This Macro Process Map shows an overview of interaction between the processes
of QMS.

Figure 3: Macro Process Map


QMS Management Measurement

Planning Review and Analysis

Feed back
Quality on
Objectives Customer


4.2 Documentation Requirements

4.2.1 General
The QMS documentation established in ELMEC includes but not limited to the following

1. Documented statements of Quality policy and objectives included in Quality

manual and displayed within ELMEC
2. Quality manual that includes Quality policy, organization structure,
responsibilities, authorities and overview of requirements of ISO 9001: 2008 as
applied in ELMEC
3. Documented procedures and records required by ISO 9001: 2008 complied in
process manual.
4. Documents including records determined by ELMEC to be necessary to ensure
effective planning, operation and control of processes.

4.2.2 Quality Manual

ELMEC has established and maintains a Quality manual that includes
1. The scope of QMS, including details of and justification for exclusion
2. List of documented procedure established for QMS.
3. A description of the interaction between various processes of the quality
management system through a macro process map.

4.2.3 Control of Documents

All levels of documents under the ‘QMS’ shall be controlled to ensure
satisfactory performance and operation. All level 4 documents generated during the
course of the operation of the QMS shall be written legibly and shall be properly filed.
All these files shall be numbered.

Issue and Approval

The MR shall ensure that only approved documents are issued to the user as
“control Copies” as per the ‘Distribution List’. This formal issue to the specified
individuals or location shall be done to ensure availability of relevant documents at the

respective places of use. All issues shall be recorded in the document issue record and
acknowledgement taken. The ‘QMS’ manual shall be issued in full to all personnel listed
in the distribution list, but ht procedures and instructions shall be issued, based on
whether the particular procedures or instructions are applicable to the concerned
personnel’s area of work. All approved formats shall be available for use but shall not be
The manual, procedures, work instructions, inspection instructions, maintenance
instruction, calibration instructions, specifications and lists issued in separate files shall
have “Contents pages” at the beginning, listing all the documents of the type available and
shall also indicate which of documents have been issued to the control copy holder and
hence available in the control copy file issued.

Review, Update & Re approval

The first three levels of documents shall bear signatures for ‘Prepared by’ and
‘Approved by’ on all control copies but in the fourth level documents, only master copies
shall be signed for ‘Prepared by’ and ‘Approve by’. After any updation, the documents
shall once again be reviewed and reapproved by the same authority, which had reviewed
and approved the earlier document. All four levels of ‘QMS’ documents shall be
reviewed and approved by MP at ELMEC.

Changes and revision status identification

Any person at ELMEC can initiate change in any level of document. By
requesting the change, the change suggested its justification. This shall be forwarded to
the MR through the concerned area head or process owner. The MR will discuss the
change suggested and if found appropriate, shall modify the document incorporating the
change. After this the changed document shall be reapproved by the same authority,
which had reviewed and approved the earlier documents. The changes could be initiated
based on difficulties encountered, possibility of better or improved practices, internal
audits, external audits, etc.

Revision status
Only those pages, which are amended or revised, shall be replaced and
corresponding obsolete pages withdrawn. The nature of change shall be recorded in the
amendment data record. The modified document shall be issued and recorded in the
document issue record.

After changes have been made, obsolete document and if the changes have been
initiated by an observation / Non Conformance Report NCR then this also, shall be
marked with a common number at the top right corner to inter-relate the documents.

Documents of external origin

ELMEC ensures that documents of external origin determined to be necessary for
the planning and operation of the Quality Management System are identified and their
distribution controlled. The documents of external origin taken under control are entered
in the list of external origin documents, which include ‘National & International
Standards’, ‘Customer Drawings’ and ‘Operation & Maintenance Manuals of Equipment’
(retained for reference only). The national & international standards shall be verified for
amendments or revision at-least once every year for ensuring availability of latest
amendments and revisions.

Whenever revised documents are formally issued to users, the corresponding
obsolete documents shall be withdrawn and destroyed. The formal handling over of the
current issue shall be recorded in the same format as for document issue. One copy of all
withdrawn documents shall be retained for knowledge purpose. For this purpose the
‘Master Copy’ of the documents that became obsolete shall be extracted from the master
file and after striking off with pen across the master copy stamp, and stamping them
‘Obsolete Copy’, shall be shifted to the obsolete documents file.

4.2.4 Control of Records

Records established to provide evidence of conformity to requirements and of the
effective operation of the Quality Management systems are controlled. Records remain

legible, readily identifiable and retrievable. The procedure to define the controls needed
for the identification, storage, protection, retrieval, retention and disposition of records are
as follows:
1) Records at ELMEC shall be filled with the required data collected at the place of
use. All data entered, shall be ‘as generated and as observed’ to ensure it is
factual. These records shall be maintained by the respective stage/location of use,
stated in the master list of documents.
2) When bound registers are used and a register gets filled, it shall be stored in the
records room and a fresh register taken. In case loose sheets are used, they shall
be properly filed in the relevant file.
3) All records shall be countersigned by the personnel authorized to do so, in the
relevant manual document / procedure / work instruction. Whenever data is
entered into records the persons filling the data shall ensure that the entries are
neat, legible and readable. In case corrections are to be made due to wrong entry,
it is to be ensured that, it is unambiguous and does not lead to doubts or confusion.
4) The records generated during the course of implementation of QMS shall be
referred in the relevant higher-level document. All such records / files shall be
identified by a unique codification system as per ‘Procedure for Control of
5) The records after filling in the data shall be indexed chronologically and stored in
the form of files / registers. Whenever required the records shall be retrieved and
made available.
6) At the end of every financial year, all latest running records shall be closed and
fresh records started. All obsolete records shall be sequentially numbered and
stored / retained in the records room. The master list of documents shall state the
retention period of every record. On completion of the retention period, the
particular record shall be destroyed.
7) The formats of all controlled records shall have their specimen-controlled copies
available in master list as approved Level 4 documents.


5.1 Management Commitment

The top management of ELMEC is committed for development and
implementation of QMS and continually improving the effectiveness of QMS. In order to
demonstrate such commitment the top management of ELMEC,
• Communicated within ELMEC the importance of meeting customer as
well as statutory and regulatory requirements as defined in macro process
• Established, documented and communicated quality policy
• Ensured that quality objectives are established
• Conducts management review to ensure the continuing suitability,
adequacy and effectiveness of QMS.
• Ensures availability of resources.

5.2 Customer Focus

The top management of ELMEC has ensured that customer requirements
(customer needs and expectations – stated, implied and obligatory) are determined as
outlined in section 7.2.1 to 7.2.2 of this manual and ensures that these requirements are
met with the aim of enhancing customer satisfaction as outlined in section 7.2.1 and 8.2.1.

5.3 Quality Policy

Top management of ELMEC ensured that the Quality policy

a) is appropriate to the purpose of the organization,

b) includes a commitment to comply with requirements and continually
improve the effectiveness of the Quality Management System,
c) provides a framework for establishing and reviewing Quality objectives
d) Is reviewed for continuing suitability.




5.4 Planning

5.4.1 Quality Objectives

The top management of ELMEC has ensured that quality objectives, including
those needed to meet requirements for product (See 7.1 a) are established at relevant
functions and levels within the organization. The quality objectives are measurable and
consistent with quality policy. The quality objectives, targets to be achieved are decided
in management review and are formally communicated to various functions. The
realization status is reviewed at management review by the top management.


1. Increasing the numbers of customers every year by 10%

2. Increasing turnover every year by 25%
3. Conversion rate of Enquiries to conformed Order by 100%
4. Starting our own Production Unit for special type M.I.Thermo couples by
5. Starting a separate production unit for export orders by Aug’2010.
6. Starting a factory at Kenya, Srilanka by Nov’2010.

5.4.2 QMS Planning

The top management of ELMEC has ensured that planning of QMS is carried
out in order to meet the requirements as outlined section 4.1. As well as quality objectives
as above and ensures on a continual basis the integrity of QMS is maintained when
changes to QMS are planned and implemented.


Managing Partner

Manager / MR

Marketing Production Quality

Store In charge
Executives Supervisors Controller

Sales Engineer Operators Store keeper



5.5 Responsibility, Authority and Communication

5.5.1 Responsibility and Authority
Top management of MR ensured that responsibilities and authorities are defined
and communicated within the organization.

5.5.2 Management Representative

Mr. S. SURESH BABU is the management representative, who is a member of

the organization’s management, whose responsibility and authority in addition to his
regular responsibility & authority has been defined.

The responsibility and authority of Management representative covers

1. Ensuring that processes needed for the Quality Management System are
established, implemented and maintained.
2. Reporting to top management on the performance of the quality management
system and any need for improvement in management review meeting and
3. Ensuring the promotion of awareness of customer requirements throughout the
4. The responsibility of management representative includes liaison with external
parties on matters relating to the quality management system.

5.5.3 Internal Communication

Top management of ELMEC ensured that appropriate communication processes
are established within the organization and that communication takes place regarding the
effectiveness of the Quality Management System. The following internal communication
media between its various levels and functions regarding the processes and the quality
management system and their effectiveness.
1. Notice board
2. Meetings
3. Management reviews
4. phones

5.6 Management Review

5.6.1 General
Top management reviews the Organization’s Quality Management System at
every six months, to ensure the continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness.
Management review of Quality management system is conducted to a formal agenda as
defined in PM-01. MR chaired by MP and participated by HODs convenes this review.
Records of management review are maintained and communicated by MR. This review
includes assessing opportunities for improvement and the need for changes to the Quality
Management System, including Quality Policy and Quality Objectives. The Management
Review of the Quality System is done by the Management Review Committee. The
composition of the Review committee is as follows:

1. Improvement of the effectiveness of QMS and its processes

2. Improvement of products of as outlined in the scope of QMS related to
customer requirements and
3. Resource needs.

5.6.2 Review Input

The management review at ELMEC considers the following information
1. Results of audits
2. Customer feedback summary
3. Process performance analysis and product conformity,
4. Status of corrective actions and preventive actions
5. Review and follow up action from previous management review meeting.
6. Changes that could affect the QMS
7. Recommendations for improvement

5.6.3 Review Output

MP reviews points arising out of the agenda and gives instruction as necessary.
Time bound action plans for improvement of effectiveness of quality management system
and its processes are drawn at the review meeting. The output from management review
includes decision and action related to

1. Improvement of the effectiveness of QMS and its processes

2. Improvement of products of ELMEC as outlined in the scope of QMS related to
customer requirements and
3. Resource needs.
After the Review Meeting, MR. follows and monitors the implementation of the
corrective and preventive actions as per the decisions taken in the Review Meeting.


6.1 Provision of Resource

ELMEC determines and provides adequate resources on a continual basis for

1. Implementation and maintenance of Quality management system

2. Continually improving the effectiveness of Quality management system
3. Enhancing customer satisfaction by consistently meeting customer requirements.

6.2 Human Resources

6.2.1 General
Personnel of ELMEC performing work affecting conformity to product
requirements are competent on the basis of their appropriate education training,
skill and experience. Conformity to product requirements can be affected directly
or indirectly by personnel performing any task within the Quality Management

6.2.2 Competence, Training and Awareness

a) ELMEC has determined necessary competency for personnel performing work
affecting conformity to product requirement.
b) Training department provides training (or) take other action on a continual basis to
enhance the skill of staff of ELMEC. In addition to this ELMEC also provides
required training to staff and workmen to achieve the necessary competence.
c) MR evaluate the effectiveness of training and skill development activities

d) ELMEC ensures that all personnel are aware of the relevance and importance of
their activities and how they contribute to the achievement of Quality objectives.
e) ELMEC maintains appropriate records of education, training, skill and

6.3 Infrastructure
The MP determines, provides and maintains on a continual basis the infrastructure
needed to achieve conformity to product requirements. These infrastructures include
building, workspace, computer hardware, software and communication equipment,
information access, Internet access, process equipments, supporting products and other
capital resources and associated utilities.

6.4 Work Environment

The MP determines and manages the work environment in office and shop floor
that are essential to achieve conformity to product requirement. Good housekeeping
practices are followed throughout the organization.


7.1 Planning of Product and Service Realization

The ELMEC plans and develops the processes needed for product realization,
which describes the sequence of processes and sub-processes required to achieve product
requirements. ELMEC ensures that these planning are consistent with the requirement of
other processes of QMS.

The manager considers the following aspects while taking part in planning the processes
for realization of product,

a) Quality objectives and requirements of product.& service

b) The need to establish processes and documents and to provide resources specific
to the product &service
c) Required verification, validation, monitoring, measurement, inspection and test
activities specific to the product and the criteria for product & service acceptance.

d) Records needed to provide evidence that the realization processes and resulting
product meet requirements.
The output of this planning is in a form suitable for the organization’s method of

7.2 Customer-Related Processes

7.2.1 Determination of Requirements Related to Product and Service
The ELMEC determines the following
a) Requirements specified by the customer including the requirements for
delivery and post delivery activities;
b) Requirements not specified by the customer but necessary for specified
intended use, where known.
c) Statutory and regulatory requirements applicable to the products, and
d) Any additional requirements considered necessary by the organization.

7.2.2 Review of Requirements Related to Product and Service

ELMEC has established documented procedures for reviewing the product
requirements. ELMEC reviews the requirements related to the product. This reviews are
conducted prior to the Organization’s commitment to supply a product the customer.
ELMEC ensures that:
1. Product / service requirements are defined;
2. Where the customer provides no documented statement of requirement,
the customer requirements are confirmed before acceptance.
3. order requirements differing from those previously expressed are
4. The organization has the ability to meet defined requirements.
5. The results of the review and subsequent follow-up actions are recorded.
6. Where product/service requirements are changed, the organization shall
ensure that relevant documentation is amended.
7. The relevant personnel are made aware of the changed requirements.

7.2.3 Customer Communication

ELMEC has determined and implemented effective arrangements for

communication of information related to products to its customers. These include
the information related to product information, enquires, contracts or order handling
including amendments.

ELMEC has established procedures (PM -06) for obtaining, analyzing customer
feedback, including customer complaints.

7.3 Design and Development

ELMEC has no design and development activities Hence design and
development is not applicable..

7.4 Purchasing

A) Purchasing Control

ELMEC controls its purchasing process to ensure purchased products items

conform to requirements.

B) Evaluation of Vendors

Vendors are evaluated on the basis of their ability to meet customer requirements.
Documented procedures include criteria for inclusion and deletion. Continued vendor
performance is monitored periodically and feedback given to vendors as per the
documented procedures. The extent of control is exercised on vendor is dependent upon
the type and other factors documented in procedures. Directory of approved vendors is
prepared based on rationalization of existing vendor base and in conformance with laid
down procedures.

7.4.2 Purchasing Information

Purchasing documents contain information describing the items to be purchased,

including where appropriate:

a) Requirements for approval or qualification of

- Product
- Procedures
- Processes
b) Quality management system requirements.

All purchase documents are reviewed and approved by authorized persons before
forwarding them to vendor in accordance with criteria specified in documented

7.4.1 Procedure for Purchase Vendor and Subcontractor Selection, Approval and Assessment.
The vendors / sub-contractors who are regularly supplying materials / products to
ELMEC for the past several years were automatically taken into approved vendors / sub-
contractors list without a review. The Vendors. Who have been certified for ISO 9001,
and Government undertakings are automatically included. The list of approved vendors
and sub-contractors are available with MR for development of new vendor and sub-
contractors the following procedure is adopted. New Vendor

MR locates new vendors. MR collects all the required information and data about
the sub-contractor in vendor technical evaluation form. MR deputes a representative to
visit the new vendor, if he prefers for further investigation. Based on investigation MR
recommends the vendor. VENDOR RATING / ASSESSMENT

Vendors are classified and rated as shown below:
A 91-100% Excellent
B 81-90% Very Good
C 71-80% Good
D 61-70% Satisfactory

E Below 60% Poor

Percentage rating is done once in six months by purchase department. Both Quality
and delivery aspects are taken into consideration for computing the rating percentages.
The weight age for Quality is 85% and delivery is 15%.
ELMEC updates the vendor list as follows:

Acceptance rate >60% To be retained.

>50% but <60% To be retained but advised better

perform and increase the rate of

acceptance to more than 60% in

future supplies.

<50% Deleted from the list. Review of Approval

a) The vendors / sub-contractors performance reports are prepared once in six
months by all departments separately.
b) Any vendor or sub-contractor whose three consecutive supplies have been
rejected, MR will send a report to vendor / sub-contractor for corrective action.
c) In the absence of satisfactory evidence of quality improvement by the vendor /
sub-contractor, the MR will remove vendor / subcontractor from the approved
list. Purchase from Vendors not Appearing in the List of Approved Vendors
a) MR can make purchase to meet low volume, urgent requirements as well as
specified customer preference. This purchase will be subject to 100%
inspection at the receipt state.
b) MR can continue to procure from the same temporary approved vendors / sub-
contractors after first lot approval, till the final approval is done.
38 Release of Purchase Order

a) MR ensures that the purchase orders are prepared with necessary specification
by the store keeper.
b) MR operates through rate contracts for some selected vendor items, which are
regularly required and used.
c) The purchase order contains the following information’s, where applicable.
1. The details of the product to be purchased.
2. Requirement for approval of product, procedures, processes and
3. Quality management system requirements.
4. Inspection arrangements and method of product release if ELMEC/
The purchase orders are verified for the information, before sending to
the supplier.
a) MR follows up orders placed.
b) In case, if there is a variation in quantity, value from the original
purchase order an amendment letter shall be issued by MR to the
c) The customer or their authorised Inspection Agency will be permitted
to verify at source or upon receipt that the purchased products
conforms to specified requirement.
ELMEC will also permit the customer or their authorised inspection agency to verify the
purchased product at sub-contractor’s premises for conformance.

7.4.3 Verification of Purchased Items

Verification requirements/ arrangements of purchased items by ELMEC (or) by
customers are specified in PO documents. Where client intends to perform verification at
supplier’s premises, ELMEC states the requirements in the PO documents. Various
documented procedures that are supporting above described system are referred in clause
No-7.7 of this manual.

7.5 Product Realization

7.5.1 Operations Control
ELMEC plans and carries out production and product provision under controlled
conditions. Controlled conditions includes, as applicable,
a) The availability of information that describes the characteristics of
the product,
b) The availability of work instructions, as necessary,
c) The use of suitable equipment,.
d) The availability and use of monitoring and measuring equipment,
e) Implementation of monitoring and measurement, and.
f) The implementation of product release, delivery and post-delivery

7.5.2 Validation of Process for Product/ Service Provision

ELMEC has special process ( WELDING) activities. Hence 7.5.2 is
At ELMEC , any of the processes of and service where the resulting output
cannot be verified by subsequent monitoring of measurement and, as a consequence,
deficiencies become apparent only after the Service is in use or the service has been
delivered, are validated. MANAGER has decided that all such processes shall be
designated ‘Special Processes’

Validation demonstrates the ability of these processes to achieve planned results.

ELMEC established arrangements for these processes including, as applicable,

a) defined criteria for review and approval of the processes,
b) approval of equipment and qualification of personnel,
c) use of specific methods and procedures,
d) requirements for records and revalidation.

7.5.3 Identification & Traceability

Where appropriate, ELMEC identifies the product by suitable means throughout
product realization. ELMEC identifies the product status with respect to monitoring and
measurement requirements throughout product realization. Where traceability is a
requirement, ELMEC control the unique identification of the product and maintain

7.5.4 Customer Property

ELMEC exercise care with customer properties ( Spec and Drawings), while it is
under the organization’s control or being used by the company. ELMEC identifies,
verifies, protects and safeguards customer property provided for use or incorporation into
the product. If any customer property is lost, damaged or otherwise found to be unsuitable
for use, ELMEC reports this to the customer and maintain ( master list of Drawings)

7.5.5 Preservation of Product

ELMEC preserves the product during internal processing and delivery to the
intended destination in order to maintain conformity to requirements. As applicable,
preservation includes identification, handling, packaging, storage and protection.
Preservation applies to the constituent parts of a product.

7.6 Control of Monitoring and Measurement Equipments

ELMEC determines the monitoring and measurement to be undertaken and the

monitoring and measuring equipment needed to provide evidence of conformity to
product to determined requirement. ELMEC established processes to ensure that
monitoring and measurement can be carried out and are carried out in a manner that is
consistent with the monitoring and measuring requirements.
Where necessary to ensure valid results, measuring equipment,

In addition, ELMEC assesses and records the validity of the previous measuring
results when the equipment is found not to conform to requirements. The organization
takes appropriate action on the equipment and any product affected. Records of the results
of calibration and verification are maintained. When used in the monitoring and
measurement of specified requirement, the ability of computer software to satisfy the
intended application is confirmed. This is undertaken prior to initial use and reconfirmed
as necessary.


8.1 General
ELMEC has established and maintained documented procedures to plan and
implement the measurement, analysis and improvement processes within the QMS as per
the requirements of the standard to ensure that the product meets the specified
requirements. This process of planning and implementation is carried out on a regular
basis to ensure the following:

a. Conformity to product requirements

Incoming Product

The procedure for inspection and testing of the incoming product (receiving
inspection), details the methodology and sampling to be carried out on the incoming
products and the extent of control to be exercised, which depends on the control exercised
at the supplier’s end. At ELMEC no product is released for use unless, receiving-
inspection has been done. Hence, no system of positive recall exists. However, the
procedure clearly mentions that in the event of such situations arising in future positive
recall shall essentially be practiced.

In-Process Product

The procedure for inspection and testing of in process product at , gives in detail
the inspection and testing to be conducted at the relevant stages of inspection, as per the
control plan. In-process products are released to the next stage only after necessary
inspection and tests are completed, and hence no system for positive recall exists.

Finished Product

The procedure for inspection and testing of the finished product, at ELMEC
ensures that all tests as per the quality plan are completed and evidenced accordingly in
the inspection and test records. No product is dispatched until all inspection and test
activities are completed and the related data and documentation are available and

b. To ensure conformity of the QMS

ELMEC plans and implements procedures, to ensure conformity of QMS to
stated requirements, in line with its quality policy and quality objectives.

c. Continual Improvement of the effectiveness QMS

The plan and procedures implemented at ELMEC facilitate continual
improvement of the effectiveness of the QMS, to ensure dynamism and achievement of
the quality objectives, which require not only to improve in steps but also to upgrade the
quality objectives themselves.

This planning and implementation shall include methods for measuring,

analyzing and improving the products, processes and system for which ELMEC has
identified the use of appropriated statistical techniques. The procedure for statistical
techniques, which is applied to as many areas of work as possible, specifies the extent of
their use.

8.2 Measurements and Monitoring

8.2.1 Customer Satisfaction

As one of the measurements of the performance of the QMS, ELMEC monitors
information relating to customer perception as to whether ELMEC has met customer
requirements. MR initiates the process of obtaining customer feedback by sending a
questionnaire every six months. MR shall collect, analyze and summarize the feedback
and submit to management review. The overall customer satisfaction index is calculated
by giving a score of 5 for A; 4 for B; 3 for C; 2 for D and 1 for E. The average marks
scored are calculated. The issue arising out of the customer feed back and actions
proposed / taken are reviewed periodically in management reviews.

Customer Complaints
a) All Customer complaints received by the MP are initially recorded in the
Customer Compliant Register.
b) MP completely examines the complaint
c) MP where required consults all staff and suggests corrective action required to be
taken immediately.
d) The necessary corrective actions are carried out.
e) On receipt of the satisfactory confirmation from the customer, the complaint is
closed. In case, the customer has not confirmed that the complaint has been
attended satisfactorily, the complaint will be closed after one month from the date
of complaint. Also preventive action plan will be taken to avoid the recurrence of
the compliant in the management review meeting.

8.2.2 Internal Audit

ELMEC conduct internal audits at planned intervals to determine whether the
a) Conforms to the planned arrangement, to the requirements of this
International Standard and to the QMS requirements established by
b) is effectively implemented and maintained.
An audit program is planned, taking into consideration the status and importance
of the processes and areas to be audited, as well as the results of previous audits. The
audit criteria, scope, frequency and methods are defined. The selection of auditors and
conduct of audits are ensured objectively and impartiality of the audit process. Auditors
shall not audit their own work. Records of the audits and their results are maintained by
MR. The management responsible for the area being audited ensure that any necessary
corrections and corrective actions are taken without undue delay to eliminate detected
non-conformities and their causes. Follow up activities include the verification of the
actions taken and the reporting of verification results.

a) All the departments covered by the quality system are audited once in three
months as per the internal quality audit plan prepared by MR.
b) Detailed schedule for internal quality audit is released about one week in advance
by MR to the respective departments.
c) It is ensured that the internal quality auditor is not responsible or has any direct
control on the department under audit.
d) The scope of the audit is defined clearly on the schedule prepared by MR.
e) A reference number is provided to each NCR. The numbering system is indicated
f) Internal audit, previous audit report, Quality policy, quality manual, process
manual, ISO 9001:2000 standard and work instruction forms the basis of audits.

Execution of Audit
a) Evidence is collected through interviews, examination of documents,
records, observation of activities and conditions in the audit area by the
internal quality auditors.
b) Clues of non-conformities are noted by the internal auditors even if they
are not covered by the check list.
c) Audit observations are documented in the form of NCR and consolidated
in the internal quality audit report.
d) Exact date and scope of audit will be informed to auditee.

Audit Reports
a) Signature of the auditee is obtained in the audit report and the NCR.
b) Corrective actions against nonconformance are recommended and discussed
with the auditee and the corrective action agreed by the auditee with the target date
for implementation of corrective action is recorded in the NCR.
c) The original NCR is handed over to MR for further action.

Follow Up
a) The auditee department implements corrective action as agreed and recorded
in NCR and the status is informed to MR and auditors.

b) Implementation of corrective action is followed up and verified by the

auditors. After checking the evidence of corrective action taken, NCR is
closed by MR with the remarks “Corrective action found to be satisfactory”.
c) Based on the analysis of audit, the status and importance of activities, the
future audits are rescheduled by MR.
d) The decisions and supports where MR will provide necessary for effective

8.2.3 Monitoring & Measurement of Processes

ELMEC applies methods for Monitoring and Management of QMS processes.
Being a proactive product provider, ELMEC has established parameters for monitoring
various product processes. These are identified and included as an integral part of
documented procedures. When determining suitable methods, ELMEC consider the type
and extent of monitoring or measurement appropriate to each of its processes in relation
to their impact on the conformity to product requirements and on the effectiveness of the
Quality management System.

8.2.4 Monitoring & Measurement of Product

ELMEC monitor and measure the characteristics of the product to verify that
product requirements have been met. This is carried out at appropriate stages of the
product realization process in accordance with the planned arrangements. Evidence of
conformity with the acceptance criteria is maintained. Records indicate the person(s)
authorizing release of product for delivery to the customer. The release of product and
delivery of product to the customer do not proceed until the planned arrangements have
been satisfactorily completed, unless otherwise approved by relevant authority and, where
applicable, by the customer.

8.3 Control of Non-Conforming Product

ELMEC ensure that product which does not conform to product requirements is
identified and controlled to prevent its unintended use or delivery. Where applicable,
ELMEC deal with non-conforming product by one or more of the following ways:
a) by taking action to eliminate the detected on conformity:

b) by authorizing its use, release or acceptance under concession by a relevant

authority and, where applicable, by the customer;
c) by taking action to preclude its original intended use or application;
d) by taking action appropriate to the effects, or potential effects, of the
nonconformity when nonconforming product is detected after delivery or
use has started.

When nonconforming product is corrected it is subject to re verification to

demonstrate conformity to the requirements. Records of the nature of nonconformities
and any subsequent actions taken, including concession obtained is maintained.
Incoming Products
All incoming products found non-conforming shall be identified, rejected and
returned to the supplier except for those items which when found non-conforming can be
downgraded and used for alternative applications, where the downgraded material is
acceptable. The decision to degrade and accept for alternative use shall be the authority
of the Work Manager.

In-process Products
The various possible in-process non-conformities in the product, at different stages
of production shall be provided in the form of a list within the respective inspection
instructions. Non-conformity whenever identified shall be marked on the non-conforming
product as per instructions for test status marking and the NCP shifted to the area
designated for such NCP. All rework able NCP shall be reworked as per the instructions
for rework.

Finished Products:
In case of non-conformity observed in finished products in relation to the specified
standards, appropriate action to review shall be taken by the Works Manager to rework /
reject. All NCs in the product detected and reported after delivery has been affected or if
its use has commenced shall be treated as complaints and dealt with as per the procedure
for handling complaints.

In case of non-conformities identified other than the possible NCs listed in the
various inspection instructions provided, the Head Q.C. along with the Head of the
relevant section shall review the non-conformity and take a decision. All non-conforming
products that can neither be reworked nor downgraded and used for alternative use shall
be disposed off as per the instructions for disposal of NCR.

All non-conformities shall be reported as feedback for corrective and preventive

actions, if the percentage of non-conforming product increases beyond the limits specified
in the table of acceptable limits of NCR. Such NCs shall be taken up for discussion
during the management review meetings. For materials that undergo rework and re
inspection, the same record as for the original inspection shall be used to record their
inspection status.

8.4 Analysis of Data

ELMEC determine, collect and analyzes appropriate data to demonstrate the
suitability and effectiveness of the Quality Management System and to evaluate where
continual improvement of the effectiveness of the Quality Management System can be
made. This includes data generated as a result of monitoring and measurement and from
other relevant sources.
The analysis of data provides information relating to
a. Customer satisfaction.
b. Conformity to product requirement.
c. characteristics and trends of product and process including opportunities
for preventive action, and
d. Suppliers.

8.5 Improvements
8.5.1 Continual Improvement
ELMEC strives to continually improve the effectiveness of QMS as driven by the
key commitments made in quality policy, Quality objectives and its deployment
throughout ELMEC In addition results (Internal as well as external audit results) analysis

of data, corrective and preventive actions and management review, which are integral
elements of QMS of ELMEC as depicted in Macro Process Map Figure of 4.1

8.5.2 Corrective Action

ELMEC has established, implemented and maintained documented procedures to
affect corrective actions. The purpose of this procedure is to ensure the following:
1 Dynamism in the QMS with continual improvement
2 Elimination of the root causes of non-conformities
3 Prevention of the recurrence of problems
a) In case of non-conformities in the testing and process observed at any specific
stage, undergo complete investigation. The investigation of the cause of non-
conformity is carried out by statistical techniques such as cause and effect
analysis, pareto analysis, why-why analysis etc.
b) Application of control to ensure that corrective actions are taken and that they are
effective. A detailed action plan is prepared with target date and responsibility to
ensure that non-conformities do not recur.
c) Corrective Action are taken and recorded.
d) In case of non-conformities observed in the system by Internal
Auditors during the Internal Quality Audit, they are recorded in NCR.
e) The NCR raised by the auditor contains details of observations
recorded and also corrective actions agreed by the auditee for implementation
along with the target date of implementation of corrective action.
f) The respective department implements the necessary corrective
action as suggested in the NCR within the due date and offer to the auditors for
verification of implementation corrective action.
g) The auditor verifies the implementation of corrective action and if it is found
satisfactory, recommends the NCR for closure, to the MR.
h) The MR closes the NCR after verifying the effective implementation of corrective
i) The Corrective actions taken are reviewed in management review

8.5.3 Preventive Action

The procedure for preventive action at ELMEC the methodology of determining
and using appropriate sources of information to eliminate potential non-conformities. The
procedure helps in the following ways:
a. Determining the non-conformities and their probable root causes
b. Evaluating the need for actions to prevent occurrence of non-conformities
c. Determining and initiating actions needed
d. Recording results of actions taken
e. Reviewing the effectiveness of the preventive action taken
The procedure us as follows:
a) For foreseeing and eliminating potential causes of non-conformity, following
sources of information are analyzed during management review meeting.
1. Non conformance report – IQA
2. Customer feedback analysis
3. Register of customer complaint
b) The non-conformities so identified are taken for in-depth study in consultation
with concerned department heads using statistical techniques such as cause and
effect analysis, pareto analysis, why-why analysis etc.,
c) Preventive action is proposed for implementation with target date and
d) The preventive actions proposed are implemented and MR reifies the preventive
action upon implementation.
e) MR monitors implementation progress of corrective and preventive actions
f) The preventive actions taken are recorded.
g) The effectiveness of the implementation of preventive actions taken are
reviewed in the management reviews.


Now it’s time to implement your ISO 9001 system. During this phase you
introduce the new requirements of your Quality Manual, you train employees, and you get

them to adjust their way of working to any new requirements. This step will be much
easier if you did a good job in step 1.

One Step at a Time

Take one step at a time in your implementation process. You may want to start
with the section on Document Control. Explain the requirements in a meeting or memo,
or have the appropriate department managers explain to their staff.

Training and Work Instructions go Hand in Hand

As you implement ISO 9001:2008, virtually all employees have to change to some
extent the way they work. At the same time, ISO 9001:2008 calls for standardization and
for work instructions. Our Quality Manuals point out where work instructions are
required. We recommend that you assign the writing of work instructions to those who
actually do the work. Instruct them to write up the best way of doing the work. If your
Quality Manual calls for a change in their work, introduce those new requirements and
make the employees incorporate them into their work instructions. Review the work
instructions to make sure that they meet the requirements of your Quality Manual.


Whilst the common aim of all audits is to establish that an organization’s documented
policies, procedures. When implemented are fit for their purpose and satisfy the needs of
those, who require them, the actual type of audit depend on whether it is a first party
audit, second party audit, third party audit.

1. First Party Audit

Audits of an organization, or parts of an organization, by personnel employed by
that organization. These audits are usually referred to as Internal Audits where members
of a business look inwards at their own processes. This is the least effective form of
auditing, as generally the auditors will find it difficult to criticize their own work.

2. Second Party Audit

Audits carried out by customers upon their suppliers and are completed by an
organization independent of the organization being audited. These audits are usually
referred to as External Audits or Vendor Audits.

3. Third Party Audits

Audits carried out by personnel that are employees of neither the customer nor the
supplier. They are usually employees of certification bodies or registrars such as BSI,
TUV and Yardley, etc. These are also External Audits and are sometimes referred to as
Certification Audits, Compliance Audits or Quality System Assessments.

Auditee and its Responsibility

Auditee is an individual unit or an organization or department that needs to be
audited for certification. The responsibilities of auditee are
Inform the employees about the objectives and scope of audit.
• Appoint responsible members of staff to meet with members of the audit team
• Provide all resources needed for the audit team in order to ensure an effective and
efficient audit process.
• Provide access to the facilities and evidential material as requested by the auditors.
• Co-operate with the auditors to permit the audit objectives to be achieved.
• Determine and initiate corrective actions based on the audit report.

Auditor and his Responsibility

Auditor is an individual outside of the organization that objectively assesses the
effectiveness of the organization's quality system. The responsibility of auditor is
Comply with applicable audit requirements.
Communicate and clarify audit requirements.
Plan the audit and carry out assigned responsibilities effectively and efficiently.
Document the observations.
Report the audit results.
Verify the effectiveness of corrective actions taken as a result of the audit.

Retain and safeguard documents pertaining to the audit.

The Auditor
In most cases the ISO 9000 Management Representative is also responsible for
internal audits. In this case, the Management Representative audits the entire company
except his/her own work, and another employee audits the work of the Management
Representative. Our ISO 9000 Forms Collection contains an invaluable Audit Checklist.

Larger companies often appoint and train several internal auditors. This is an
excellent opportunity for cross-training and for staff of different departments to learn
what other departments are doing.


Internal audits are performed by somebody within your company (or by a

subcontractor). The job of the auditor is to verify that your company meets the
requirements of ISO 9001:2008 as they are described in your customized ISO 9000
Implementation Manual or ISO 9000 Streamlining Manual.

The Purpose of an Internal Audit

The purpose of internal audit is to
1. Identify potential danger spots.
2. Eliminate wastage.
3. Provide a comparison between what a QMS or quality plan stipulates should be
done and is actually being done.
4. Identify non-compliance with previously issued instructions.
5. Identify deficiencies within the QMS.
6. Recommend any corrective actions that can be achieved to improve the system.



Step 1: Audit Execution

An initial meeting between the auditor(s), auditee(s), and the Quality Manager is
held during which
1. A brief summary of the methods and procedures that will be used to conduct the code is
2. The method of comparison between auditor(s) and auditee(s) is agreed and
3. The audit programme is confirmed.
In accordance with ISO 9001:2008 all organizations are required to have a
documented procedure for conducting internal quality audits. Normally this procedure
will distinguish between two kinds of internal audits namely Standards Audit and
Procedures Audit.
Using the standards audit the auditor will begin collecting evidence of compliance
by interviewing auditee personnel, reading documents, reviewing manuals, checking
records, examining data, observing activities and studying working conditions. On the
basis of evidence collected, the auditor will record his observation as
Yes means that this activity is in compliance
No means that this activity is not in compliance

Step 2: Summarize Audit Results

Auditors will then meet to discuss all of their observations with the Quality
Manager. A closing meeting of auditor(s), auditee(s) and Quality Manger is held during
1. Audit observations will be clarified.
2. The critical significance of observations will be presented.
3. Conclusions drawn about compliance will be presented.
4. System effectiveness in achieving the quality objectives will be presented.
5. Corrective actions will be agreed.
6. The date for completion of the audit report will be agreed.

Step 3: Prepare Audit Report


The lead auditor now needs to prepare an audit report using an Audit Report
form. The report must be signed by all members of the audit team, plus the Quality
Manager and copies sent to auditee(s) and company management as required.The audit
report will list all non-conformities discovered, observations made and discuss any
conclusions drawn and also the recommendations that should be implemented in order to
correct or prevent non-conformities occurring and to make improvements.

Step 4: Corrective Action

After the closing meeting, the lead auditor will prepare a Corrective Action
Request for each agreed corrective action. The corrective action request should always
state who is responsible for carrying out the corrective action and the timescale for its


Now it’s time to select the registrar! There are many companies offering
certification services. Before certification, the external auditing is done by third party
auditors. Provides an assessment of the accuracy and reliability of a companys financial
statements. The external auditor is an individual outside of the organization that
objectively assesses the effectiveness of the organization's quality system.


Step1: Preparation and Facilities
Part of the initial contract between a supplier and a purchaser will stipulate that
the supplier provides access, accommodation and facilities to the purchaser’s inspectors.
These facilities will depend upon the level of surveillance, but could require the supplier
to provide
1. Suitable office and administrative facilities.
2. Adequate work space for product verification.
3. Access to those areas where work is in work progress or to those which affect the work.
4. Help in documenting, inspecting and releasing products and services.

5. The use of inspection and test devices and availability of personnel to operate them are

Step2: Assemble evaluation team

The evaluation of team will normally consist of a Lead Auditor assisted by two
or more inspectors from the purchaser’s organization. These inspectors must be
thoroughly skilled in the requirements of quality assurance and are normally drawn from
the purchaser’s own quality control section.

Step3: Pre-evaluation meeting

Before the evaluation team meets the supplier’s premises, they must be first
given the chance to
1. Meet the supplier’s staff to discuss the procedures being used.
2. Identify the areas that will be tested.
3. Decide which representative(s) of the supplier’s organization will be required to
accompany the evaluation team during their inspection.
4. Agree dates and outline timetables, etc.

Step4: Study of the Quality Manual

Prior to commencing an evaluation, the Lead Auditor must be give a copy of the
supplier’s Quality Manual which he will scrutinize not only for its accuracy and clarity
but also for its position compared to national and international standard and to see that it
conforms to the relevant sections of ISO 9001:2008.

Step 5: Audit Execution

Having completed the pre-evaluation, the evaluation team will now go to the
supplier’s premises to fully scrutinize every aspect of the supplier’s QMS. If the supplier
is a manufacturer, then the evaluation team will pay particular attention to the supplier’s
design office, purchasing department, storekeeping, manufacturing, assembly and test
facilities to see that the work carried out complies with the procedures and promises made
in their Quality Manual.

Preparation for the on-site audit activities

The three main actions that must be complete prior to actually starting the audit are
1. To thoroughly plan and agree all on-site audit activities.
2. To allocate audit team work assignments.
3. To prepare work documents like audit report forms.

On-site audit activities

There are six separate activities to an on-site audit
1. The opening meeting
2. Collecting and verifying information.
3. Identifying audit findings.
4. Communication during the audit.
5. Preparation for closing meeting.
6. The closing meeting.
According to the focus of an ISO 9001:2008 audit, the emphasis will be very
much on “walking the walk” to see if the stated objectives have been achieved. Did the
system improve? Is the organization’s stated policy being achieved? In particular, auditors
will now have to ensure that exclusions are identified during the initial audit stage and
that justification of any exclusion is appropriate.

Step6: Prepare and Present Report

The lead auditor now needs to prepare an audit report using an Audit Report
Form. The report must be signed by all members of the audit team, plus the Quality
Manager, and copies sent to auditee(s) and company management as required.
At the end of this evaluation, a meeting will be arranged between the evaluation
team and the organization’s management to discuss their findings and to be sure that there
are any other misunderstandings, etc. The eventual evaluation report will then be formally
present at a meeting with the management and the result of this meeting could be one of
the following

1. Acceptable System Control- This means that the evaluation has shown that the
supplier has a satisfactory QMS, there are no deficiencies and the supplier has been able
to give an assurance of quality.
2.Weak System Control- This covers the situation where the evaluation team find
several significant weakness in the supplier’s system.
3.Unacceptable System Control- This is when the evaluation team find that the number
of deficiencies or the lack of quality discipline at the supplier’s premises mean that the
supplier will have to make radical changes to improve their overall QMS.

Step8: Record Proceedings

Have been inspected, it is important that the records of this inspection are safely
filed away in case they may be required to reinforce some point at a later time.

Reaping the Marketing Benefits

Once you successfully passed the certification audit, you should leverage your
certification in marketing. You may want to prepare a press release, send notification
cards to your customers, print your certification mark on business cards and letterhead,
add the certification to your advertisement, display a banner outside your office building
and last but not least, recognize your employees for the hard work they put into this effort.
Our Important Startup Documents (which come with the ISO 9000 Starter Package and
the Complete ISO 9000 Package) include valuable ISO 9000 Marketing Tips.


Research is a logical and systematic gathering and analysis of information,

pertaining an issue or problem for the purpose of arriving at a certain conclusion.


The research design is an arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis

of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy
in procedure. The operational design method is followed in which the procedures
specified in the sampling, statistical and observational design are carried out.


The data is collected by two methods namely primary method and secondary
method. Information is obtained through survey. Survey is systematic gathering of data
from respondents through questionnaire. In this research data is collected by personal
interview and through mail.

Primary Data
The data is collected through distribution of questionnaires and knowing the
response from the customers.

Secondary Data
The data is collected from company’s website, records, literature work, books
and magazines.


The data collected were tabulated in the frequency table. The data was then analyzed and
chi square test and descriptive statistics is implemented.

Development of the questionnaire

The questionnaire is mainly designed to identify the satisfaction level of the
customers and it consists of two parts, the first part is concentrated on the external
customers and second part for the internal customers. The 5 point likert scale and open
ended questions are included in the questionnaire.


One of the very important areas of any project work is the analysis and
interpretation. They form the base for the whole study for formulating the problem
and hypothesis that help in giving suitable suggestions and conclusion.

Analysis involve estimating the values of unknown parameters of the

population and the testing of hypothesis for drawing inferences. Interpretation refers
to the task of drawing inferences from the collected facts from an analytical
study. Analysis and interpretation becomes integral in any study as the usefulness
and utility of the research findings lie in them. This chapter analyses and interprets
the collected data using percentage analysis .


Percentage refers to a special kind of ratio in making comparison between

two or more data and to describe relationships. Percentage can be used to
compare the relative terms, the distribution of two or more series of data.

Percentage = No. of respondents X 100

Total respondents

The questionnaire is prepared and distributed to the customers and based on the
responses made by the customers the table is drawn showing the number of responses
made by the customers and the bar graph is shown to represent the responses for each

Table 6.1.1
The response for ISO 9001:2008 implementation
Yes No
ISO Implementation 56 24

Chart 6.1.1
The response For ISO 9001:2008 Implementation

The responses indicate that majority of the members need to implement ISO in Elmec
company. By implementing ISO all the drawbacks are tracked and the standard process
are implemented.

Table 6.1.2
Is Quality policy implemented in Elmec company
Yes No Don’t Know
Quality policy & 19 24 7

Chart 6.1.2
Is Quality policy implemented in Elmec company

The table shows that the majority of the response says that the quality policy and
procedures are not implemented in the company. This shows that no proper awareness
about quality policy and quality objectives are not there in the company.

Table 6.1.3
The response for ISO 9001:2008 implementation to meet customers demand
ISO to meet customers No. of Respondents Percentage (%)
Strongly Disagree 10 12.5%
Disagree 13 16.25%
Neutral 10 12.5%
Agree 25 31.25%
Strongly Agree 22 27.5%
Total 80 100%

Chart 6.1.3
The response for ISO 9001:2008 implementation to meet customers demand

The table shows that the majority of the respondents agree that ISO 9001:2008 needs to
be implemented in the company. There is 31.25% agreement regarding implementation
and 16.25% for disagreement in implementation.

Internal Customers
Table 6.1.4

The respondents sufficiency rating regarding the resources

Resource Sufficiency No. of Respondents Percentage (%)
More insufficient 10 20%
Insufficient 11 22%
Neutra l 04 8%
Sufficient 12 24%
More sufficient 13 26%

Chart 6.1.4
The respondents sufficiency rating regarding the resources

The table and chart shows that the majority of the respondents rate that the resources are
available during work time. The percentage for strongly satisfied is 26% and the least is

Table 6.1.5
The respondents regarding the management committee involvement in meeting,
planning and customer focus

Management Committee No. Of Respondents Percentage (%)

Very Rarely 10 20%
Rarely 8 16%
Neutral 5 10%
Often 15 30%
More Often 12 24%

Chart 6.1.5
The respondents regarding the management committee involvement in meeting,
planning and customer focus

The table and chart shows that there is positive result regarding the top management
committment before the implementation itself.There is totally 54% regarding the positive
side and 36% of respondents giving the negative suggestion regarding top management

Table 6.1.6
The respondents opinion regarding the training provided to the employees regarding
policy, procedures and work instructions.
Training to employees No. Of Respondents Percentage (%)
Yes 20 40%

No 25 50%
Sometimes 5 10%

Chart 6.1.6
The respondents opinion regarding the training provided to the employees regarding
policy, procedures and work instructions.

This shows that the training is not provided to the employees often. This shows a negative
result of 50& and positive result of 40%.So proper training needs to be given to the
employees regarding the employee awareness.

Table 6.1.7
The respondents opinion regarding the job provided to them matches with their skill
Right Job No. Of Respondents Percentage(%)
Yes 19 38%
No 31 62%

Chart 6.1.7
The respondents opinion regarding the job provided to them matches with their skill

The table and the chart shows that 62% of the emplyees that is the internal customers are
not satisfied with the job they do and that doesn’t match with their requirements.

Table 6.1.8
The respondents satisfaction towards the reward and recognition provided in Elmec
Reward & Recognition No. Of Respondents Percentage (%)
Stronly Disagree 10 20%
Disagree 15 30%
Neutral 5 10%

Agree 10 20%
Strongly Agree 10 20%

Chart 6.1.8
The respondents satisfaction towards the reward and recognition provided in Elmec

The chart and table shows that the reward and recognition are not provided to the
employees on regular basis and 30% of internal customers are not satisfied with the
reward and recognition provided.

Table 6.1.9
Satisfaction towards proper sales representative
Sales Representative No. Of Respondents Percentage (%)
Yes 30 60%
No 20 40%

Chart 6.1.9

Satisfaction towards proper sales representative

The above table shows that 60% of the respondents is not satisfied with the sales
representative and 40% of them are satisfied with the sales representative.

Table 6.1.10
On time delivery to the customers
On Time Delivery No. Of Respondents Percentage (%)
Yes 18 36%
No 25 50%
Sometimes 7 14%

Chart 6.1.10

On time delivery to the customers

The table and chart indicates that the on time delivery is not provided to the customers at
right time. 50% of the respondents say that on time delivery is not provided. 14% of the
respondents say that sometimes the on time delivery to the employyees are done.

Table 6.1.11
The proper communication between customers and suppliers
Communication No. Of Respondents Percentage (%)
Strongly Disagree 13 26%
Disagree 10 20%
Neutral 6 12%
Agree 10 20%
Strongly Disagree 11 22%

Chart 6.1.11
The proper communication between customers and suppliers

The table and chart indicates that there is no proper communication between the
customers and suppliers. 26% of the respondents strongly disagree for the communication
and 22% of respondents strongly agree withthe point.

External Customer
Table 6.1.12
Sales Representative behaviour
Sales Rep. Behaviour No. Of Respondents Percentage (%)
Yes 13 43.3%
No 17 56.7%

Chart 6.1.12
Sales Representative Behaviour

The table and chart above indicates that the external customers are not satisfied with the
sales representative behaviour by 56.7% based on the respondents. Only 43.3% of
respondents that is customers say they are satisfied.

Table 6.1.13
Satisfaction with sales procedure
Sales Procedure No. Of Respondents Percentage (%)
Yes 12 40%
No 18 60%

Chart 6.1.13
Satisfaction with sales procedure

The table above shows that most of the customers are not satisfied by the sales procedure
followed in Elmec Company.60% of the respondents are not satisfied satisf and 40% of
the respondents are satisfied with the sales procedure.

Table 6.1.14
The response rate
Satisfaction with Response No. Of Respondents Percentage (%)
Yes 13 43.3%
No 14 46.7%
Sometimes 3 10%

Chart 6.1.14
The response rate

The above table and chart shows that 46.7% of the respondents are not satisfied with the
response made by the person in the company. But the respondents are satisfied with the
response made by 43.3% and the remaining is 10%.

Table 6.1.15
Proper solution for enquiry made
Proper Solution No. Of Respondents Percentage (%)
Strongly Disagree 8 26.7%
Disagree 5 16.6%
Neutral 3 10%
Agree 6 20%
Strongly Agree 8 26.7%

Chart 6.1.15
Proper solution for enquiry made

The table and chart shows that 26.7% of the respondents are satisfied with the proper
solutiongiven by the company to the customers problem .And also the respondents are
also not satisfied equally with 26.7%.

Table 6.1.16
Purchase Order matches with placed order
Purchase order match No. of Respondents Percentage (%)
Strongly Disagree 8 26.7%
Disagree 4 13.3%
Neutral 4 13.3%
Agreed 6 20%
Strongly Agreed 8 26.7%

Chart 6.1.16
Purchase Order matches with Placed Order

The table and chart shows that the respondents says that the purchase order doesn’t meert
the placed order by 26.7% and equally 26.7% of the respondents are satisfied with the
purchase order.

Table 6.1.17
The satisfaction of customers with delivery terms
Delivery Terms No. Of Respondents Percentage (%)
Yes 12 40%
No 13 43.3%
Sometimes 5 16.7%

Chart 6.1.17
The satisfaction of customers with delivery terms

The table and chart shows that the customers are not satisfied with the delivery terms by
43.3% and the remaining customers are satisfied by 40% and 16.7%.

Table 6.1.18
The customers satisfaction towards payment condition
Payment terms No. Of Respondents Percentage (%)
Yes 11 36.7%
No 13 43.3%
Sometimes 6 20%

Chart 6.1.18
The customers satisfaction towards payment condition

The table and chart shows that the customers are not satisfied with the payment
conditions and the percentage is 43.3% and for satisfied level is 36.7% and 20% for rare

Table 6.1.19
The customers satisfaction towards the product
Product Satisfaction No. O Respondents Percentage (%)
Yes 11 36.7%
No 13 43.3%
Sometimes 6 20%

Chart 6.1.19
The customers satisfaction towards the product

The table and chart shows that the customer is not satisfied with the product and the
respondents percentage is 43.3% .The customers who are satisfied with the product
contributes 36.7% and the remaining 20%.

6.2 Chi square test

Detailed Calculation
H0=If well trained sales person is employed the satisfaction of the customers will
Table of Observed Frequencies
Trained sales person Satisfied Not satisfied Total
Loyal customers 12 6 18
Normal customers 7 5 12
Total 19 11 30

Table of expected frequencies


Trained sales person Satisfied Not satisfied Total

Loyal customers 11.4 6.6 18.0
Normal customers 7.6 4.4 12.0
Total 19.0 11.0 30

Chi square test= ε(o-e)^2/e

Table of chi square test
cell O e o-e (o-e)^2/e
22 12 11.4 0.6 0.032
23 6 6.6 0.6 0.054
32 7 7.6 0.6 0.047
33 5 4.4 0.6 0.082
Total 0.215
Calculated value=0.215

Degrees of freedom = (2-1)(2-1)

Table value of chi square= 3.84
If the calculate value is greater than tabulated value than we reject the H0(null
Since, 3.84>0.215
The tabulated value is greater than the calculated value so we do not reject the null
This means Elmec need to train the sales representative, so that the customer satisfaction
will increase.



• From the analysis it is observed that 70% of the respondents like to implement
ISO 9001:2008 in the company.
• From the analysis it is observed that only 48% of the respondents know about
quality policy.
• From the analysis it is observed that 58.75% of the respondents are not satisfied
with meeting customers demand.
• From the analysis it is observed that 50% of the respondents feel that they are not
satisfied with the available resources.

• From the analysis it is observed that 54% of the respondents are satisfied and 36%
is not satisfied with the Management Committees involvement.
• From the analysis it is observed that 40% of the respondents are satisfied with
providing training to the employees.
• From the analysis it is observed that 62% of the respondents feel that the job
doesn’t satisfy with their skill set.
• From the analysis it is observed that 50% of the respondents are not satisfied with
the reward and recognition provided to them.
• From the analysis it is observed that 60% of the respondents are satisfied with the
sales representative.
• From the analysis it is observed that 56% of the respondents that is customers are
not satisfied with the on time delivery to the customers.
• From the analysis it is observed that 56.7% of the respondents are not satisfied
with sales representative behavior.
• From the analysis it is observed that 60% of the respondents are not satisfied with
sales procedure.
• From the analysis it is observed that 46.7% of the respondents feel that no proper
response rate is provided to them.
• From the analysis it is observed that 46.7% of the respondents are satisfied with
the response provided to them regarding the enquiries made.
• From the analysis it is observed that 46% of the respondents are satisfied with
purchase order made that matches with the placed order.
• From the analysis it is observed that 43.3% of the respondents are not satisfied
with the delivery terms.
• From the analysis it is observed that 43.3% of the respondents are not satisfied
with the payment conditions.
• From the analysis it is observed that if well trained sales representatives are
appointed, the external customers gets satisfied.


• The ELMEC company has one main office and one branch office and for both the
same website is maintained and only one mail id is created for any enquiry to be
made by customer. Therefore sometimes proper response is given to the
customers. So it is recommended to maintain separate mail for each office.
• The work instructions need to be typed and should be pasted in the notice board of
ELMEC so that the awareness is created for new employees and for auditors.

• To increase the productivity and profit of ELMEC company, more employees

need to be recruited so that work can be completed in time and less work burden
on employees thereby it increases customer satisfaction.

• The documents related to export needs to be maintained properly and in case of

any enquiry made by the customer related to the product, the person is responded
properly after payment. This leads to customer turn over. So the customer needs to
be maintained properly.

• The customers are considered to be important aspect in the company and based on
the research done they should be properly tracked and necessary steps need to be
taken for maintain the quality. This is achieved by implementing ISO 9001:2008


• International standard like ISO 9000:2008 when implemented in ELMEC

company, the quality policy and objectives ,work instructions are framed and the
awareness about quality policy is created among the employees in the company.
• By performing gap analysis, the non conformities are identified in the customers
needs and corrected. Thus the quality management system is maintained in all the
departments and effective control methods and the facts are recorded in the report.
• The process to be followed are identified and done sequentially for an effective
implementation of ISO thereby the QMS requirements are met.

• The quality management system of ELMEC will bring continuous improvement in

the productivity of the company. Now, all the records are maintained at ELMEC,
which facilitates its day to day working, operations like daily expenses, employees
details etc.
• By the internal auditing, any non conformity identified is corrected so that the
company is ready for external auditing.
• The external auditing is done by certifying body and verifies that the ELMEC
company is according to QMS requirements.
• Thus finally, obtained the ISO 9001:2008 certification for ELMEC HEATERS
AND CONTROLLERS. This was made possible by maintaining a Quality
Management System and proving it at a time of audit.


Reference Sites


Reference Books

1. Charles A, Cianfrani Joseph, J.Tsiak & John E. Jack West, ISO 9001:2008
Explained, Third Edition, American Society for Quality, Quality Press,2009

2. Lorri hunt, Denise Robitaille & Craig Williams, The insiders guide to ISO
9001:2008, Second Edition, Paton Professional Press, 2008

3. Paul C. Palmes, Process Driven Comprehensive Auditing, Second Edition,

American Society for Quality, Quality Press,2009

4. Eric Hystemaldemar Myhrberg, ISO practical field guide for 9001:2008, Fourth
Edition, 2006



1. Is it necessary to implement ISO in the organization?

1.Yes 2. No

2. Are the quality policy, objectives and procedures formulated in Elmec Company?

1. Yes 2. No 3.Dont know

3. The ISO is implemented in the organization mainly to meet customers demand.

1. Strongly disagree 2. Disagree 3. Neutral 4.Agree 5. Strongly agree

4. Does the PDCA cycle implemented in the organisation for process improvement and
1. Yes 2.No 3.Dont Know

5. What is the Quality policy implemented in Elmec?

Internal customers

6. Are resources sufficient during work time?

1. more insufficient 2.insufficient 3.neutal 4. Sufficient 5.more sufficient

7. Does the management commitment involves meeting, planning and c

customer focus?
1.Very rarely 2.Rarely 3.Neutral 4.Often 5.More Often

8. Is the training provided to the employees regarding policy, procedures and work
1. Yes 2.No 3.Dont Know

9. The job matches with your requirements.

1. Strongly disagree 2.Disagree 3.Neutral 4.Agree 5.Strongly agree

10. The proper reward and recognition is provided by Elmec to the employees?
1.Stronly disagree 2. Disagree 3. Neutral 4.Agree 5. Strongly agree

11.Are the proper sales representative appointed in the company?

1.Yes 2.No

12. Are on time delivery provided to the customers?

1.Yes 2.No 3.sometimes

13. The proper communication and cooperation exist inside and outside the Elmec
1. Stronly disagree 2.Disagree 3.Neutral 4.Agree 5.Strongly agree

External customers

14. Are you satisfied with the sales representatives behaviour diring your visit to Elmec
1. Yes 2. No

15.Are you satisfied with the sales procedure in Elmec company?

1. Yes 2.No

16. Did the sales representative responded to you properly for your enquiry?
1.Yes 2.No 3.Sometimes

17. The sales representative presents you with the proper solution for your demand
1. Strongly disagree 2. Disagree 3. Neutral 4.Agree 5. Strongly agree

18. The product or service matched your orders

1. Strongly disagree 2. Disagree 3. Neutral 4.Agree 5. Strongly agree

19. Are you satisfied with the delivery terms like packing?
1.Yes 2.No 3.Sometimes

20. Are you satisfied with payment conditions?

1.Yes 2.No 3.Sometimes

21. Are you satisfied with the product?

1.more satisfied 2.Not satisfied 3.Medium

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